Kratos vs Wonder Woman

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ShadowNathan777: Greek Mythology hosts a number of awe inspiring gods and demigods. But out of all of them, few can compare to the children of the gods themselves.

Sonicandbrian: Like Kratos, the new God of War,

WhiteBloodAria: and Wonder Woman, the co-founder of the Justice League.

FrostWing: Now to be clear, Kratos has appeared multiple times in KO Match, but he's only been granted access to his God of War 3 equipment, so to make things more interesting and leave no question in this match, he will be granted access to his full arsenal of weapons and magic. And yes, this is plausible since in his fighting game appearances, Kratos has been given access to the weapons and magic he supposedly lost in previous adventures. And naturally, to keep things fair, the same will be done for Wonder Woman. I'm FrostWing, he's ShadowNathan777, she's WhiteBloodAria, and he's Sonicandbrian, and we've decided to compare their abilities, experiences, and feats to determine who would win a KO Match!


ShadowNathan777: Pure rage and unstoppable fury. For most people, letting this emotion control you would make you a sloppy fighter and leave you vulnerable… unless you're Kratos.

Sonicandbrian: Here we go again. We've gone over this backstory so many times already. *sigh* Well, to sum it up, Kratos was a badass Spartan warrior pretty much since he and his brother Deimos popped out of their mom. Being the half god son of freakin Zeus, Kratos was already an absurdly skilled and capable warrior. But he wanted more, so he sold his soul to the god of war, Ares, for ultimate power. The only catch, which Ares neglected to mention, was that the god of war soon tricked Kratos into murdering his wife and kid. Naturally ticked, Kratos set out to kill Ares right back. Then the other gods started being dicks to him so he set out to kill them too. Does that cover all of it?

FrostWing: Well… Uh… Yeah, actually that was a good summary.

Sonicandbrian: Good. I'm sick of talking about this guy's story every other match. Can we just move on to the part about killing people?

WhiteBloodAria: Uh, sure… well, you'll be happy to hear that Kratos is a master of just about every fighting style out there. He can expertly wield swords, maces, spears, bows, scythes, and so on with total mastery. But of course, he has his favorites, most of them taken from the very gods he's killed. His signature weapons are magical short swords bound to his wrists by chains, which he has access to three different types. But undoubtedly his best are the Blades of Exile, which he uses for mid-range combat and he can use magic to enhance the blades with fire.

FrostWing: Not just fire. Kratos has also shown he can magically enhance his attacks with other elements like lightning and ice. But like a real man, he clearly prefers fire.

Sonicandbrian: Speaking of magic, Kratos has a shit ton of it. Poseidon’s Rage is an electric murder circle around him that fries anyone in it with lightning, Cronos’ Rage creates balls of light that zap everything around them, and he can even throw lightning bolts like his old man, or create and control fire in a bunch of different ways.

ShadowNathan777: One of Kratos’ most common abilities however, is his ability to control souls. He can summon a small army of ghost warriors to assault his enemies, or even take it further and summon the ghosts of ferocious monsters to maul his opponents.

WhiteBloodAria: Magic alone isn't enough for Kratos though. He's a walking armory with an enormous arsenal of magic weapons. He has the Blade of Artemis, a giant single edged sword that can cut enemies down to size in the blink of an eye. But he's also got some blunt weapons for physically stronger attacks. Such weapons include a single gauntlet made to tame titans and a barbarian war hammer with even more soul controlling powers.

Sonicandbrian: But when Kratos wants real power with his blunt weapons, he busts out his Nemean Cestus. These ancient Grecian Sock ‘Em Boppers once belonged to Kratos’ half brother, Hercules… Until Kratos took them as his own and used them to bash Herc’s face in. Yep, way more fun than a pillow fight. Oh, he's also got the Claws of Hades, which he uses to rip people's souls out, and the Spear of Destiny causes its victims to explode. Speaking of spears, Kratos also has the spear and shield from his days before being a god slayer, but no one really cares about that weapon.

FrostWing: He's also a master of Archery, and has two types of magical bows. The first is Typhon’s bane, which shoots wind arrows and lets Kratos have some control over the wind. Second is the Bow of Apollo, which can shoot fire arrows. But every now and then, two heads are better than one, and in that case, Kratos busts out the head of Medusa, which causes anyone in its line of sight to turn to stone.

ShadowNathan777: His arsenal is not only for offense however. The Sun Shield can protect him from many attacks, the Boots of Hermes increase his speed, the Wings of Icarus grant him the power of flight, and the Golden Fleece can protect Kratos from any attack and deflect projectiles back at the sender.

Sonicandbrian: But the best part of his arsenal is easily the Blade of Olympus. Forged by Zeus himself to slaughter an entire army of Titans, this sword comes with some immense magical powers. With it, he can shoot energy blasts from the blade, create a devastating tornado on the fly, and even one-shot gargantuan Titans like it's nothing. I know what's going on the top of my Christmas list~!

WhiteBloodAria: But a weapon is only as good as its wielder. Luckily, these weapons couldn't ask for a better wielder. Kratos is quick enough to keep up with Hermes, the fastest god who, according to Greek mythology, can move at speeds of up to 186,000 Miles Per Second, just under light speed. And after killing Hermes and taking his boots, Kratos can move at these speeds as well. He's also unbelievably strong, easily the strongest in his world. Aside from beating the strength of Hercules, Kratos regularly matches and beats the strength of Titans hundreds of times larger than himself. This includes Atlas, the Titan that literally holds up the entire world.

FrostWing: And even if you manage to somehow get a few lucky punches in, he would barely even react. This guy's so tough, he's been smashed through entire buildings, tanked a lightning bolt point blank, had his soul ripped out, got caught in a nuke-like explosion, and was even at the center of a Cronos-sized clap, and he just got back up like it's nothing! He even managed to not die from this...

(Kratos impaling himself with the Blade of Olympus)

Sonicandbrian: Holy shit! Getting impaled by a blade that big looks like it snapped his spine and destroyed most of his important organs, but he's somehow still up and about, kicking all kinds of ass. There's being tough, then there's being Kratos.

ShadowNathan777: *Sigh* Somehow there's even more, since when all else fails, Kratos can access a super mode called Rage of the Gods.

WhiteBloodAria: In this mode, Kratos is even faster, stronger, and has unlimited access to his magic powers. Oh, he's also… kinda... COMPLETELY INVULNERABLE!

FrostWing: At first glance, you'd think Kratos is nothing but brute force, but actually he's surprisingly smart. He's solved multiple labyrinths and puzzles so complicated, other adventurers died trying to figure it out. And when faced with craftier opponents, Kratos uses his keen observation skills to predict their movements and beat them. This is how he was able to kill Perseus, who could turn invisible.

ShadowNathan777: On his quest for vengeance, Kratos has achieved countless impressive victories. He's killed the Furies, the Sisters of Fate, several Titans, and the majority of gods and goddesses upon and below Olympus. He blocked an attack from the Blade of Olympus itself with his bare hands, endured weeks of fighting and puzzle solving without any rest whatsoever, shrugged off falling thousands of feet, and avenged his family by killing Ares, replacing him as the new god of war.

FrostWing: He's certainly deadly, but he's hardly perfect. His magic is limited, and being powerful as he is, Kratos is extremely cocky and tends to underestimate his opponent. He can also be fairly gullible, as he's been tricked and double crossed several times. These factors have led to him dying more than a couple times.

Sonicandbrian: But that leads to the best part, even the gates of Hell can't contain this badass for long. By the time Kratos had murdered the entire Olympian Pantheon, he had caused the apocalypse, drowning the world in chaos and death… And then he moved on to the Norse gods from the looks of it.


Kratos: Heed my words mortals. Tread lightly on the Earth. Beware the Ghost of Sparta!

****(Wonder Woman)****

ShadowNathen777: In 1200 BC, the Greek Goddesses gathered the souls of all women who had been killed by men and placed them in new bodies on the mysterious island of Themyscira, this group of women would become known as the Amazons and would train on the island to become great warriors.

Sonicandbrian: But the Amazon queen, Hippolyta, longed for a child. But instead of making a baby the old fashioned and fun way, the Gods told her to go to on a trip to the beach to gather some clay and mold it into a child. The Gods then came together to give life to the mold and Hippolyta named the child Diana.

WhiteBloodAria: Upon birth, the Gods of Olympus gave Diana incredible godly powers, including superhuman strength and endurance by Demeter, great speed and flight by Hermes, wisdom and courage by Athena, the ability to wield fire by Hestia, a hunter’s heart and the ability to communicate with animals by Artemis and great beauty and a loving heart by Aphrodite.

Sonicandbrain: The point about great beauty couldn’t be more accurate, I mean look at those ti-*Gets slapped by FrostWing and WhiteBloodAria* Aah! What the hell!

FrostWing: ...When Diana reached adulthood, the Gods decided that the Amazons needed to send a great warrior into the world of man. To decide who this warrior would be, a tournament was held, but Hippolyta forbade Diana from participating in it.

Sonicandbrian: Being the devoted young woman that she was, Diana decided to take part in the tournament anyway and disguised herself so that she wouldn’t be caught and easily won the contest. Hah, screw you mom!

ShadowNathan777: After being given special gifts by the Gods, Diana left her island home and set off for America as the Champion of the Gods, Wonder Woman, where centuries later in the present day, she would help found and join the ultimate superhero team, the Justice League, and face off against a variety of powerful foes.

WhiteBloodAria: She’s easily one of the strongest heroes on the planet, capable of destroying Green Lantern Constructs with ease and shattering asteroids with a single punch. She even once helped drag the Earth around, and is Superman’s regular sparring partner.

FrostWing: Speaking of Superman, she’s fast enough to keep up with the Man of Steel, as well as other speedsters like the Flash, who can move many times faster than light. With her speed and reflexes, she can deflect trillions of particles of the Shattered God who is able to travel the universe in a short amount of time, fight on par with Zoom and fended off attacks from The Flash, Martian Manhunter, Plastic Man, Black Canary and Batman while being blindfolded.

Sonicandbrian: She can easily shrug off extreme temperatures, hellfire, the vacuum of space, Superman’s blows and heat vision, take hits from Doomsday, was able to survive attacks from Ares whilst he was practically omnipotent in his realm and took hits from Zoom who once hit her with 3 Infinite Mass Punches.

ShadowNathan777: A single Infinite Mass Punch hits an opponent with the force of a Dwarf Star, so to survive 3 of these punches is no easy feat.

WhiteBloodAria: Diana is one of the Amazons most skilled warriors, having mastered nearly every weapon on the planet and is a master of unarmed fighting styles. Batman himself once said that she was the best melee fighter in the world.

Sonicandbrian: And no one argues with Batman!

ShadowNathan777: She’s also a master tactician, being a highly capable military commander and alongside Batman and Martian Manhunter is one of the Justice League’s best tacticians.

FrostWing: Among the most famous of Wonder Woman’s equipment is her iconic Lasso of Truth, which has Infinite length and forces opponents to tell the truth if they’re tied up by it. It can also heal Diana, destroy an opponent’s soul, allow her to summon the Fires of Hestia and incinerate opponents with it, and can be used as a whip. It also is incredibly tough as beings like Superboy-Prime have struggled to break it and it is able to pull around the Sun without being disintegrated.

Sonicandbrian: She also wields her sword, which is able to cut the electrons off of an atom and damage Kryptonians like Superman and her shield has been able to tank hits from Darkseid and Doomsday, some of the heaviest hitters in the DC Universe.

ShadowNathan777: She can also summon a second shorter blade to aid her in combat, which has all the properties of her normal sword. She can also use her tiara as a boomerang to attack multiple opponents and while it may not look like much, the tiara is capable of cutting Superman’s throat so it packs a real punch. Diana is also able to put on the Gauntlets of Atlas, which increases her strength tenfold.

FrostWing: And last but not least, she has the Bracelets of Submission, indestructible bracelets which allow her to block almost anything and deflect incoming projectiles. They’ve even been able to reflect Darkseid’s Omega Beams before. She can also use them to channel Zeus’s Aegis Lightning and blast it towards her opponent.

WhiteBloodAria: She has enhanced senses, possessing telescopic vision and super hearing. She can also teleport herself and others around easily, can fly fast enough to keep up with Superman, and has a healing factor, which can heal grievous injuries in a matter of minutes.

ShadowNathan777: Diana is also able to tap into the Godwave, a powerful energy force responsible for the existence of the Greek Gods.

ShadowNathan777: While this greatly increases her power and abilities and gives her a fancy glowing aura, she can only use it for a short amount of time and will go insane if she uses it for too long.

Sonicandbrian: As you can guess, she has accomplished some pretty impressive feats. She's defeated the likes of Achilles and Hercules, tangled with the likes of Orion, Genocide, Mercury, the White Demon and Zeus. And oh look, she killed Ares too, and the immortal god Cottus, held her own against Amazo who has the powers of the entire Justice League and for a time became the Goddess of Truth.

FrostWing: I'd call her the perfect girl... But...She does have her fair share of weaknesses. Despite being tough enough to survive just about any physical attack, she is vulnerable to sharp objects and weapons. She's also primarily a close ranged fighter rather than a long ranged one and while she can wield the Gauntlets of Atlas, they can drive her into a frenzy and make it hard for her to control and increased strength.

WhiteBloodAria: But with her equipment and fighting skill, Wonder Woman will always be willing to defend the world no matter what threat comes her way!


Wonder Woman: I've done more killing in these darkling depths than I ever dreamed possible… and frankly I can stomach no more!!


ShadowNathan777: Alright the fighters are ready, let's end this argument here and now.

Sonicandbrian: let's see who wins the KO Match!


Wonder Woman was flying around. Suddenly she got a distress call from the Justice League and sped off to help.

Meanwhile, Kratos choke slammed the Flash into the ground, then whipped around and slashed Aquaman, knocking him back. Batman threw a punch, but Kratos caught it and broke Batman's arm.

“I grow tired of these games.”  Kratos scoffed at the pile of broken heroes, “Bring me a real challenge!” he pulled out his Bow of Apollo and shot a fire arrow. Suddenly, the arrow was blocked by Wonder Woman.

“Diana…” Batman began, “Be careful. This man is no normal fighter.”

“Neither am I, Bruce.” Wonder Woman replied, pulling out her sword and shield as Kratos readied his Blades of Exile.


Kratos aimed several strikes, which Wonder Woman blocked with her shield, then zoomed at her opponent. Diana aimed a strike, but Kratos blocked with his Golden Fleece, then switched to the Nemean Cestus and threw a punch. Wonder Woman blocked, but her shield shattered upon contact. Kratos then punched her hard in the face, cracking the ground around them. But Wonder Woman didn't flinch. Kratos punched her several more times, but she didn't budge. She sheathed her blade and punched Kratos in the chest, sending him flying. She flew after him and punched him farther.

“You're no match for an Amazon!” Wonder Woman yelled, blasting lightning at Kratos. The Wings of Icarus sprouted from Kratos’ back as he recovered and blocked the lightning with his Golden Fleece, bouncing it back at Wonder Woman. “What?!” she managed before getting shocked. Kratos then flew up and slashed Wonder Woman with the Blade of Artemis. He then slammed the Blade down on Diana and the two flew down to the ground, cratering the earth and scattering dust and dirt everywhere. As the dust settled, it showed Wonder Woman blocking the blade with her bracelets. She pushed Kratos back and pulled out her sword and shorter sword. After a few clashes, the Blade of Artemis suddenly shattered. Kratos groaned as Wonder Woman landed a slash then kicked Kratos back. Wonder Woman wrapped her Lasso of Truth around Kratos, then slammed him into the ground a few times. Kratos grabbed the lasso, pulling hard. Wonder Woman sweat dropped as Kratos pulled her in, then punched her in the face, knocking her back as she let go of the lasso. Kratos took it off and tossed it aside. He then summoned several ghostly warriors, which went after Wonder Woman with blades drawn. She easily blocked all the blows. Kratos pulled out the Claws of Hades and summoned a large Cyclops, which ran up and moved to stomp on Diana. She dodged, then shattered the monster with one punch. Suddenly, she was hit by a blue blast as Kratos held the Blade of Olympus.

“I am the god of war!” he yelled.  Wonder Woman and Kratos clashed blades several times. Wonder Woman then equipped the Gauntlets of Atlas and landed several punches, then knocked the Blade of Olympus out of Kratos’ hands. Wonder Woman then punched Kratos back. Kratos groaned, then went into his Rage of the Gods mode as Wonder Wonder tapped into her Godwave power. The two clashed a dozen times at high speed, the buildings around them collapsing with each clash. Suddenly Kratos stabbed Wonder Woman in the chest. Her eyes widened as her blood spilled out. Kratos then landed numerous slashes, spraying blood. Both Diana and Kratos went back to normal as Wonder Woman breathed heavily. Kratos grabbed her by the throat, then turned and slammed her head first into the ground. When the dust cleared, you could only see Wonder Woman's legs sticking out of the ground, slowly kicking at the air. “What a waste of my talents.” Kratos insulted, sheathing his weapons.


Sonicandbrian: Hold on angry fanboys! Torches and pitchforks down! Just hear us out.

ShadowNathan777: These two were extremely capable and powerful warriors, but in the end, Kratos was the better of the two gods. When it comes to strength, it seems at first glance that Wonder Woman is stronger. But in truth, Kratos is actually a few times stronger.

WhiteBloodAria: One of Diana's most impressive feats of physical strength was doing a third of the work to move the Earth. However, Kratos has shown twice that he is as strong, if not stronger, than Atlas, who holds up the entire planet. That makes Kratos at least three times stronger than Wonder Woman.

FrostWing: When it comes to weaponry, Wondy did have better quality weapons, but Kratos’ gargantuan arsenal of weapons and magic was able to counter this. Let's talk about their ability to take a hit. Technically speaking, Wonder Woman was tougher, and could tank any blunt attack Kratos threw at her. However, getting impaled by a large magical sword would surely kill her. Kratos on the other hand, didn't just survive this kind of wound, he fully recovered from it. That, mixed with the fact that almost all of Kratos’ weapons are piercing weapons which are Diana's kryptonite, gave Kratos the edge in survivability.

Sonicandbrian: To be fair, Wonder Woman was much faster and way more experienced than Kratos, but Kratos kills gods with those exact same advantages on the regular. Actually when you think about it, Diana isn't too different from the very gods Kratos constantly hunts and kills.

FrostWing: “Meh but Wonder Woman regularly fights Superman who's stronger than Kratos so Wonder Woman should be stronger! Meh!” that was my impression of a raging fanboy by the way.

ShadowNathan777: Well your… impression… Makes a good point, but there's a problem with that argument. Superman’s level of strength varies at many times, as it is dependant on the solar energy he absorbs from the sun. So in his fights with Wonder Woman, odds are his strength at the time isn't much more impressive than Wonder Woman's world-moving feat. And in their super modes, Kratos still had the upper hand, since his Rage of the Gods makes him invincible and gives him infinite magic.

WhiteBloodAria: With better strength, versatility, survivability, and a better Super Mode, it was only a matter of time before even Diana's healing factor couldn't hold Kratos off for long.

Sonicandbrian: In the end, Wonder Woman got grounded.

ShadowNathan777: The Winner is Kratos.


The hero of the Hidden Leaf…

The enormously powerful Soul Reaper…

The captain of the Straw Hat Pirates…

It's time to end this three-way anime rivalry!

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