Spiderman vs Widowmaker

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ShadowNathan777: Arachnophobia, the fear of spiders. To the average person, this phobia is perfectly normal.

Sonicandbrian: But if you fight either of these people, that fear will get cranked up a notch.

ShadowNathan777: Spiderman, New York's web slinging Savior,

WhiteBloodAria: and Widowmaker, Talon’s cold blooded assassin.

ShadowNathan777: I'm ShadowNathan777, she's WhiteBloodAria, and he's Sonicandbrian, and we've decided to compare their abilities, experiences, and feats to determine who would win a KO Match!


ShadowNathan777: New York City, the Big Apple. In a big place like this, one needs to be careful of the assorted gangs and criminals all over the place.

Sonicandbrian: But don't worry, the city is under the constant protection of the friendly neighborhood Spiderman.

WhiteBloodAria: But he wasn't always the hero New York deserved. In reality, his name is Peter Parker, and nothing about him seemed especially spectacular. But that all changed the day he was bitten by a radioactive spider. And somehow that gave him super spider powers. So naturally, he decided to become a crime fighting superhero by the name of Spiderman.

ShadowNathan777: Spiderman has superhuman strength, speed, agility, and durability. He can run at 200 miles per hour and lift over 10 tons. And, as you would expect from a spider themed superhero, he can crawl on walls and ceilings with ease. He's also extremely tough. Tough enough to stop a train with his body and he's even taken a grenade to the face.

Sonicandbrian: Hold it! Where, in the God forsaken Hell, do you find spiders that can do all this shit?!

WhiteBloodAria: Africa maybe? They've got spiders the size of grown men right?

ShadowNathan777: Regardless, there is one other power of his. This is the spider sense. It acts as a sixth sense, giving Spidey awareness of his environment and surroundings. Through this, he can see attacks coming and dodge with ease. Coupled with his speed, Spiderman can dodge almost anything.

Sonicandbrian: And when his powers aren't enough, he also has a couple nifty gadgets.

ShadowNathan777: With his genius intellect, Spiderman created his signature gadgets, the web shooters, which allow him to shoot artificial webbing from his wrists. These webs are even capable of holding the Hulk, one of the strongest characters in the Marvel universe. Combining all of these, Spiderman utilizes his unique martial art, the way of the spider.

Sonicandbrian: It should come as no surprise that being a giant man sized karate spider comes with some impressive feats to go with his abilities. He's dodged automatic fire, knocked a freaking dinosaur out cold with one punch, took down numerous supervillains, and has held his own against some of the greatest combatants out there, blindfolded! Holy crap! This guy is awesome!

WhiteBloodAria: Awesome? Yes. Perfect? Not even close. For one thing, that costume of his doesn't really protect him from knives and bullets, so his ability to take a hit is dependent on his natural durability. And although the spider sense is extremely useful, it's up to Spiderman to react to its warning. And those with speed similar to his own can outmatch the spider sense.

Sonicandbrian: Still, with his insane strength, speed and reflexes, the last thing you wanna do to Spiderman is piss him off.


Spiderman: You've got a black belt in stupid if you think you're gonna beat me!


ShadowNathan777: In the world of Overwatch, there's a huge assortment of lethal fighters. From ninjas like Genji Shimada to walking death machines like Reaper. But among the dangerous bunch, few are as recognizable or as deadly as the emotionless sniper, Widowmaker. But before she was one of the world's deadliest assassins, she was Amelie Lacroix, an accomplished French ballet dancer and loving wife. But that all changed when she was kidnapped by Talon, a terrorist organization that sought to turn her into a super soldier.

Sonicandbrian: They subjected her to numerous tests, breaking her will, suppressing her personality, and slowing her heart rate drastically, literally making her cold blooded and turning her skin blue. Being turned into a killing machine, Amelie then killed her husband and joined Talon under her new name, Widowmaker.

WhiteBloodAria: Talon's experiments caused Widowmaker to lose her emotions, making her the perfect killer.

Sonicandbrian: But enough about that, let's get to the important part, Widowmaker's weaponry. She's excellent at kicking ass and goes into battle with her signature weapon, the widow’s kiss. This baby has two modes, rapid fire assault rifle and sniper. To go with that, her sniper can charge up for more powerful shots. At full power, I don't care what kinda armor you're wearing, one good headshot and you're done. Bad news for Widowmaker’s targets, because her aim is so precise, she can headshot her target from dozens of feet away, while being blasted into the air and with someone else in the way. Holy shit!

ShadowNathan777: She's also armed with venom mines, which explode and shroud the victim with poisonous gas. While the effects are only temporary, it's enough to weaken an enemy for the killing shot.

WhiteBloodAria: But Widowmaker’s arsenal isn't all offensive. She can shoot a grappling hook from her wrist to take her up to new vantage points, swing from one building to the next, or hang upside down like an actual spider.

Sonicandbrian: But of all her gadgets, few of them are as handy as her recon visor. With this on, she basically has a dozen eyes like a spider. She can see from numerous angles and can spot her targets, even if they're hidden behind a wall. As you can guess, Widowmaker's done some impressive shit. She was able to keep up with and even beat her rival and possible secret girlfriend, Tracer, who's so fast she appears like a blue blur. She's also taken down fellow sniper Ana with a shot to the eye. She even earned the respect of Doomfist, a dude so badass, he goes into gun fights with just his fists.

WhiteBloodAria: she might be impressive, but she's hardly flawless. She's a sniper first and not exactly a huge threat in up close combat. And although she claims to kill her enemies with one shot, some people have survived her assaults like Ana.

Sonicandbrian: Plus, that sexy skin tight suit doesn't provide much protection from shotguns, shurikens, and hulking hammer swinging warriors flattening Widowmaker against a wall. Still, she's one hell of a badass assassin babe that I’d like to take out for dinner.

WhiteBloodAria: Who would shoot you in the face at the drop of a dime.

Sonicandbrian: Nevermind.


Widowmaker: When I was a girl, I had a fear of spiders. I was told they felt no emotion. That their hearts never beat. But I know the truth. At the moment of the kill, they are never more alive.


ShadowNathan777: Alright, the fighters are ready. Let's end this argument here and now.

Sonicandbrian: Let's see who wins a KO Match!


It was a dark night in New York, as Widowmaker stood on a rooftop. About a mile away, a press conference was being held with Captain America giving a speech. She pulled out her sniper and took aim, lining up a shot with Cap’s head. Suddenly, before she could shoot, someone tapped her shoulder. She turned around to see Spiderman hanging upside down looking into her eyes.

“Can I help you?” Spidey asked. Widowmaker whipped around, turning her sniper into assault rifle mode and spraying bullets at the web head. Spiderman dodged each bullet, getting into a pose. “Okay, good talk.” Spiderman said, preparing to fight.


Spiderman lunged at Widowmaker, landing several blows. Widowmaker recovered and countered with a kick to the side. Widowmaker then jumped back, firing dozens of bullets. Spiderman dodged, then shot a web ball at Widowmaker. She rolled out of the way, then jumped off the roof and used her grappling hook to go into an open window. Spiderman went in after her, but Widowmaker was hiding in a distant room.

“You can't hide from my sights.” Widowmaker said as she equipped her recon visor, seeing Spiderman during his search. Widowmaker planted a venom mine in his path and left. As Spiderman approached, his spider sense alerted him about the mine and he stopped before he could activate it.

“Nice try.” Spiderman said.

“I only need one shot.” Widowmaker said behind Spiderman. He turned as she fired a fully charged shot. He managed to dodge, but accidentally went right into the mine, getting poisoned as he coughed heavily. He then took a bullet in the shoulder as Widowmaker landed a few assault rifle shots. Widowmaker then ran up and landed several blows, knocking him to the floor. Widowmaker then put her foot on his throat, aiming her sniper at his head. “Adieu, cherie.” (Farewell darling) Widowmaker said in French, pulling the trigger. But before the bullet left the gun barrel, Spiderman shot some webbing into the gun barrel, jamming it.

“Pardon moi!” Spiderman shouted, throwing Widowmaker off him. He then caught her with a web line, then spun her around and threw her out of a window, then jumped after her. Widowmaker hooked her grappling hook to Spiderman and pulled him over to her as she landed several hits. “Ow!” he groaned as Widowmaker put her feet on his back, stomping him into the ground as they landed.

“Pathetic.” Widowmaker remarked, walking off. Suddenly, Spiderman drop kicked her in the back.

“Having fun yet?!” Spiderman yelled, landing a dozen powerful blows. He then hit her with an especially strong punch to the face, knocking Widowmaker out cold as she hit the ground.


Sonicandbrian: No! Not the hot one!

ShadowNathan777: Widowmaker was definitely more crafty and a better shot than the thugs Spiderman usually faces, but ultimately she wasn't anything Spiderman couldn't handle.

WhiteBloodAria: Widowmaker may have pinpoint accuracy, but that didn't matter since Spidey’s spider sense and speed allowed him to dodge everything.

ShadowNathan777: Widowmaker is an excellent assassin, but often relies on stealth, which the spider sense counters. Early on in the fight, Widowmaker had to get crafty just to keep from losing too early.

Sonicandbrian: I'd hate to admit it, but even when she was able to land some decent hits, Spiderman was tough enough to take it and dish it back out, since Spiderman can take a grenade to the face while similar attacks put Widowmaker down almost instantly. In the end, Widowmaker was gonna lose webber or not she was ready for it.

ShadowNathan777: The Winner is Spiderman.

Special Ending:

Widowmaker's eyes slowly opened to find she was in the arms of a man named FrostWing.

"Who... Are you?" she questioned.

"Why don't you find out~" he winked, flying off with her.

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