Vergil vs Adam

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ShadowNathan777: The quest for power. Many men have gone on this journey for numerous reasons. But these two do it to prove their superiority over the entire human species.

WhiteBloodAria: Vergil, the Son of Sparda,

Sonicandbrian: and Adam Taurus, the leader of the White Fang.

ShadowNathan777: I'm ShadowNathan777, she's WhiteBloodAria, and he's Sonicandbrian, and we've decided to compare their abilities, experiences, and feats to determine who would win a KO Match!


ShadowNathan777: Demonkind, the residents of the underworld. Almost every religion in the world has their own version of Demons, and every belief understands that demons are pure evil.

Sonicandbrian: All except Sparda, a heroic demon that single handedly sealed away all demons in Hell and took down their king, Mundus. Feeling pretty damn good about life, Sparda then banged a chick named Eva, had a couple kids, and died. Now that's what I call a life! No child support, no bullshit, just murdering monsters and having sex. Yeah~!

WhiteBloodAria: Raised mostly by their mother, Sparda's twin sons, Vergil and Dante, were rivals from the beginning. Then one fateful day, Mundus' minions attacked. By the end of the day, Eva had been slaughtered and Vergil was supposedly dead too. But in truth, he left in search of power, most likely out of revenge on the demons that killed his loved ones.

ShadowNathan777: Lucky for him, Vergil is arguably the more dangerous brother, since unlike Dante, Vergil loves being a devil.

Sonicandbrian: And why wouldn't he? As a half demon, Vergil is naturally much faster, stronger, tougher and just better than ordinary people in every way. He can move faster than the eye can see, easily putting him at over 9,000 miles per hour. And he can even one shot high level demons that  usually take Dante some time to beat. But a man is only as good as his weapons, and Vergil has some damn good weapons. First up is Yamato, a sword that can apparently cut through anything. Fun fact, this is also the very sword Papa Sparda used to seal away the demons and Mundus. And with it, Vergil can effortlessly slaughter entire hordes of high level demons. It's also got some sweet range. Vergil can unsheathe his sword, swipe at the air, and sheath his sword in less than a second, and a second later, the poor bastard several feet in front of him is sliced in half.

WhiteBloodAria: Vergil's also a master of hand to hand combat, and can enhance his already impressive strength by equipping the Beowulf gauntlets, which he gained after slaughtering an elephant sized demon of the same name. And although he, unlike Dante, refuses to use guns and firearms, Vergil can summon an endless supply of magic swords to shoot at his opponent. To match this, he has pinpoint accuracy... most of the time. And when moving at ridiculous speeds isn't fast enough, Vergil can teleport instantly to avoid attacks or close in on enemies.

ShadowNathan777: But possibly Vergil's best asset is his healing factor, which allows him to survive just about any wound and recover from it almost instantly. And that's if you can manage to wound him at all.

Sonicandbrian: On the rare occasion Vergil needs to get even more powerful, he can always tap into his inner anime and activate his super form, the  Devil Trigger, which lets him tap into his demonic heritage to temporarily access his true Devil Form.

ShadowNathan777: While in Devil Trigger, Vergil is faster, stronger, tougher, and his healing factor is boosted to near insane levels. It's not often that Vergil resorts to his Devil Trigger, but when he does, he's nearly unstoppable.

WhiteBloodAria: As you can expect, Vergil's accomplished some really impressive things, like killing a horde of elite demons without even getting scratched, matching his demon hunting brother multiple times, and when a human gained the powers of Sparda, he teamed up with Dante to massacre the freak.

Sonicandbrian: Wow, it sounds like this guy would never lose at anything.

WhiteBloodAria: Well, that's far from true. Vergil may be able to heal from any single wound, but he still has a limit to how much punishment he can take. And his stubborn overconfidence in his own strength can cause him to make mistakes, like when he made the mistake of trusting a twisted man named Arkham, who turned out to be manipulating Vergil in order to steal the powers of Sparda. It's also worth noting that Vergil struggles against those on his level, like Dante.

Sonicandbrian: But even so, when Vergil gets pissed off, even the devil isn't safe.


*Vergil stabs Dante*

Vergil: Foolishness, Dante, foolishness. Might controls everything, and without strength, you cannot protect anything. Let alone yourself.


ShadowNathan777: For countless years, the race of human-animal hybrids known as the Faunus have faced severe racism and hatred from the human race. Used as slave labor and treated like inferior beings, tensions between humans and Faunus grew thick.

WhiteBloodAria: But some of these Faunus weren't gonna take this laying down, and decided to fight back. And perhaps the deadliest of these rebels is a lone man garbed in black named Adam Taurus.

Sonicandbrian: Question. So, if all the Faunus have animal parts, what about Adam?

ShadowNathan777: Isn't it obvious? He has bull horns.

Sonicandbrian: Those are horns?! I thought that was just part of his hair or some kinda animal ears or something.

ShadowNathan777: It's more obvious when you consider that Adam's last name, Taurus, is Latin for Bull. But that's beside the point.

WhiteBloodAria: When it comes to his past, Adam is a mystery and almost nothing is known about his early life. But judging by his sheer skill, it's reasonable to assume he was still young when he joined the White Fang, an organization of Faunus fighting for equality. For the most part, the White Fang lead peaceful protests. But when a new leader named Sienna Khan took over, she turned the White Fang into a group of terrorists.

Sonicandbrian: That... doesn't sound good. Well, at least this allowed Adam to get plenty of fighting experience. He prefers swordplay, fighting with his signature weapon(s), Wilt and Blush, a badass katana with a stupid name. I'm also pretty sure he stole it from Jetstream Sam from Metal Gear Rising.

ShadowNathan777: Like his opponent, Adam fights  very similarly to the Iado style of sword fighting, a technique that consists of quickly unsheathing the sword, striking, and sheathing the blade. And Adam can do so in rapid succession.

WhiteBloodAria: He's incredibly fast and accurate on the quick draw, capable of striking faster than the eye can see. And oh look, he can also apparently slice people who're out of his sword's range. And because this is RWBY, Adam's sheath is also a rifle. Of course. And if he needs an extra power boost, he can use his Semblance.

ShadowNathan777: Most fighters in the RWBY universe have a Semblance, a special power unique to each of them.

Sonicandbrian: Adam's Semblance lets him absorb  the energy of attacks by blocking them, adding their power to his own. And since this guy's fast enough to block close range automatic fire, all his opponents can do is make him stronger. After absorbing a giant laser blast from a robot, Adam had so much power he went all Avatar state and glowed, then used the power boost to obliterate the giant death bot with one epic sword swipe.

WhiteBloodAria: With these powers and skills, Adam worked alongside Blake Belladonna, who he had feelings for. But when Blake turned her back on the White Fang, Adam kind of went crazy, and swore to destroy everything Blake loves. Which lead to perhaps Adam's most infamous feat, defeating Yang Xiao Long with one strike.

ShadowNathan777: Not just defeat. This attack dismembered her, and this probably caused Adam to get tons of haters. We've discussed before that Yang is tough enough to take hits as strong as 1400 tons, and Adam crippled her with a single blow.

Sonicandbrian: What an asshole!

Sonicandbrian: I just said that. Anyway, that's still not the end of Adam's abilities. Like other fighters in the RWBY world, Adam can manifest his soul as an aura, basically a force field coating his body. And oh look at that, Aura gives Adam a healing factor too.

WhiteBloodAria: Though Adam has never really taken any serious attacks to show his aura's durability, it's likely that his aura is at least as tough as Yang's, since stronger people tend to have tougher auras and Adam is clearly stronger than Yang.

ShadowNathan777: In his career, Adam has accomplished several impressive feats. He's taken down numerous robots at once, beat Blake and Yang back to back, helped lead an attack that destroyed the Beacon Academy school for Huntsmen, and after gaining a huge following in the White Fang, he effortlessly killed Sienna, taking her place as High Leader of the White Fang. But perhaps most importantly, Adam has never lost a fight.

Sonicandbrian: Talk about overpowered!

WhiteBloodAria: It's true that Adam doesn't have any major weaknesses, but he has shown himself to be extremely cocky, believing himself to be far beyond humans and that humans should serve him. And as tough as it may be, his aura does have a limit to how much punishment it can take. He also tends to be spiteful and impulsive, especially when it comes to Blake.

Sonicandbrian: But still, the last thing you wanna do around Adam Taurus is piss him off. If he reaches for his sword, you're already dead.


*Adam slaps Blake*

Adam: What you want is impossible! But I understand because all I want is you, Blake. And as I set out upon this world and deliver the justice mankind so greatly deserves, I will make it my mission to destroy everything you love. *notices Yang* ... Starting with her.


ShadowNathan777: Alright, the fighters are ready, let's end this argument here and now.

Sonicandbrian: Let's see who wins a KO Match!


Vergil was walking away from a mess of demon corpses scattered along an alleyway in a bloody mess.

"What a waste of time." Vergil hissed, walking away. His attention was drawn to the sound of blades clashing, shots being fired, and even a nearby explosion. "Huh..." Vergil began, "This may be interesting." he then began walking to the scene.

A few White Fang guards watched as Adam Taurus effortlessly knocked Blake back.

"Is that really all?" Adam began, "I'm disappointed, 'my love'. I thought you'd have grown stronger by now."

"Stop, Adam..." Blake groaned, "You don't have to do this...!"

Adam placed his foot on Blake's back, pinning her down as he slowly unsheathed his sword.

"Apparently, I do." he hissed. He then stopped as slashing sounds could be heard directly behind him. Adam glanced back to see his guards knocked out as Vergil pointed his sword at Adam.

"You must be Adam Taurus..." Vergil began, "I've heard of you."

"A huntsman...?" Adam questioned.

"Your organization has grown much too cocky." Vergil continued, "You and your kind need to be reminded of your own weakness..."

Suddenly, Adam was right behind Vergil with a slash. Vergil blocked and aimed a counter slash. Adam jumped back, dodging as the two sheathed their swords.

"You'll regret those words, human." Adam remarked as he and Vergil prepared themselves.


The two quickly clashed blades, exchanging blows at absurd speed. Adam shot several blasts from his sheath, which Vergil blocked. Adam then landed several slashes and knocked Vergil back. Blood sprayed, but Vergil's wounds healed quickly as he equipped the Beowulf Gauntlets, then teleported behind Adam. Vergil landed a few punches, then knocked Adam up into the air, teleported up to him and slashed him several times with Yamato, then kicked him down to the ground.

"Pathetic." Vergil taunted, running up and aiming several strikes. Adam blocked everything, then slashed Vergil. Vergil aimed another attack, but again, Adam blocked and countered, slashing Vergil several times before Vergil teleported back, spitting blood as his wounds healed.

"That's an interesting trick..." Adam began. Adam and Vergil then clashed blades, the ground around them cracking. The two clashed several times. Suddenly, Vergil shot a dozen magic swords at Adam. Adam blocked each sword, absorbing more and more power. Adam then sheathed his blade, the red details on his body glowing crimson as Vergil charged at him with a slash. Adam countered with a semblance powered slash. Vergil paused, then blood exploded from his chest. Vergil fell on one knee as Adam smirked, walking up to his downed foe.

"I'll admit..." Adam began, "You weren't bad, for a human." suddenly Vergil chuckled, his voice turning demonic.

"You think I'm human?" Vergil asked with a demented grin, "Don't flatter yourself!" Vergil then went into Devil Trigger mode.

"Wha...?!" Adam gasped.

"Don't think you and I are on similar levels!" Vergil yelled, teleporting around Adam and slashing him rapidly, "Because I assure you..." Vergil then slowly sheathed his sword as dozens of magic swords appeared above Adam, "Fighting a devil was your worst mistake!" Vergil finished sheathing his sword as all the magic swords hit Adam at once. Adam collapsed, passing out as Vergil went back to human form. Vergil then walked away.


Sonicandbrian: That was fun to watch!

ShadowNathan777: Adam was tougher thanks to his aura... But that's really all he had on Vergil.

WhiteBloodAria: Yeah, Vergil edged out everywhere else. He was faster, stronger, more versatile, and more experienced. Plus Vergil had better weapons and his healing factor was leagues better than Adam's.

Sonicandbrian: To be fair, Adam did have a better win-loss record, but it's obvious he's not the strongest badguy out there. When he was threatened by Cinder Fall, who was clearly more powerful than him, he had no choice but to go along with her plan. And Vergil's killed demons that make Cinder look like nothing. Example, Arkham with Sparda's power.

WhiteBloodAria: Adam was able to gain some ground in the fight by using his semblance to turn Vergil's power against him, but truthfully, he didn't have anything that could kill Vergil. Vergil was once cut in half, but healed so quickly you couldn't tell he'd been hit at all. Adam really wasn't properly prepared for that kind of freakish healing.

ShadowNathan777: And keep in mind, for many of Adam's abilities, we had to make assumptions by scaling him to other characters like Yang. This is because Adam isn't seen fighting very often and if we didn't make these assumptions, his chances of winning would be even slimmer. There's a  decent chance we overestimated him during this comparison. But either way, Adam wasn't anything Vergil wasn't prepared for. And when Vergil went into Devil Trigger, Adam simply couldn't defend himself any longer.

Sonicandbrian: In the end, Adam lost any Semblance of victory.

ShadowNathan777: The winner is Vergil.

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