(Angsty) Pregame!Kokichi

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Warning there's some ANGST and stuff

(Kokichi's POV)

Happiness...? I wish I could fake it. I'm too nervous and shy to even lie about something good... why couldn't I just act somewhat normal? It seemed everybody in Danganronpa didn't worry too much, even those with their own personal struggles. They were always full of hope and could improve and move on... I wasn't like that at all.

(Y/N) is supppsed to be my girlfriend, but I wonder if she hates me or just pity dated me. A weak person can't help but wonder, right...?

"Kokichi?" (Y/N) snapped me to reality with her worried voice.

"I-I'm sorry! What were you saying?" I apologized quickly, playing with my hands as a common nervous tick of mine.

"It's alright. I just asked you if you wanted some candy, I got some in my stocking but there's a ton of extra," (Y/N) held out a bowl full of little candies.

"Oh... I-I can really have one...?" I felt an awkward smile creeping up on my face.


I took a small candy and opened the wrapper, beginning to chew on it. It tasted amazing, and I wished I could have more but I didn't ask for any.

"Thank you (Y/N)..." I mumbled shyly, starting to blush.

"You're welcome~" (Y/N) giggled and wrapped an arm around me, which only made me blush even more.

That was my most recent memory of her. It was something that made me less nervous and cheered me up during my audition.


Something seemed off. It was like my memories weren't aligned properly with my emotions or something, because I had the bottomless feeling that somebody was sad right now. Did somebody miss me at home? I didn't know... it seemed unlikely but I had no way to tell what was actually going on.

I guess that was something I'd have to keep in mind while making plans for this killing game and how we all need to escape... if somebody misses me I should take better caution that I survive.

"Shuichiii!" I called out with a giggle when I noticed the detective.

"Hm?" Shuichi raised his head at my prompt.

"Are you gonna keep playing with your food like that? Kirumommy made it specially for you!! I made sure of that, y'know~" I chirped.

"You... told Kirumi to make this?" Shuichi raised a brow.

"Mhm! Do you like it?" I asked.

"...Yes, it's good. But you didn't cook it," Shuichi reminded me, taking another bite.

"My apologies for the wait. I have prepared more if you are interested," Kirumi appeared with a cart and placed enough food to feed five families a big meal.

"Yayyy! Thank you mom!" I cheered, stuffing my plate with food.

"Please do not compare me to a mother," Kirumi respectfully requested, bowing and then leaving with an empty cart.

I forced a smile on my face as I overate. I didn't like pigging out so much but refusal to eat was a hallmark of problems like depression, so I had to eat.

"Kokichi, slow down! You're gonna choke if you keep eating so fast..." Shuichi warned.

"But it just tastes so good!" I whined, not slowing down my pace. I surprisingly didn't have any choking problems, but I'd definitely regret eating so much. When I was done eating I left my plate on the table despite the rules in the corner of the room saying to clean up, hoping Kirumi wouldn't mind the extra labor. I skipped around the hallways cheerfully as I made my way to a certain bug lover's lab to ask for a favor...


Were my tears fake or real? I couldn't tell anymore. It didn't matter anyways, this was the end for me. I felt sorry for whoever must've been waiting for me, but this was how things turned out. Kaito got the antidote and not me, he'd be a much more noble blackened than me anyways.

Those were my last thoughts as I was crushed under the hydraulic press, crushing me to death.

(Your POV)

Kokichi... the shy boy had once been your boyfriend, but after he was put in the killing game he acted so differently. And at home watching the TV you could hardly believe it once it was revealed that Kaito was the blackened. Kokichi... had sacrificed himself...?

You wished you'd had some way of being there and saying goodbye to him but you knew that was impossible. He wouldn't come back once the game was over... he'd lost. And it costed him his life...

Word count: 765

I've been writing short angst to vent lately, since I know lots of people like angst but I don't so here's my excuse to write some without feeling bad.

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