Suicidal! Reader

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You woke up to the painful day after Kaede's execution. Groaning at the morning announcement, you went to the dining hall, but not to join everybody for breakfast. You snuck off into the kitchen and you grabbed a knife. It was to cut yourself because you couldn't handle it. If only two students survived at the end of the killing game, then you would most likely die anyways, right? Might as well do it on your own terms.

You walked by a few people without them noticing, but out in the hallway you weren't so lucky. Kaito and Shuichi, who were walking and talking, spotted you with the knife.

"Huh?! (Y/N), what are you doing with that knife?" Shuichi demanded, but you had already rounded the corner.

You heard them running after you, so you sprinted to your dorm room, locking it shut. There was ringing of the doorbell and knocking but you never responded. It hurt your ears and you wanted to scream for them to stop but you just covered your ears. Eventually it stopped and you looked at the knife, shaking.

You pressed it to your arm and left a cut. It was shallow and painful, but with each cut you welcomed the pain more until you couldn't feel it anymore. You cut your arms and then your legs, making sure to cut as deep as you could. By now a small pool of blood was forming around you on the floor, and you began to feel numb. You were close to death! This made you smile as you continued cutting in an attempt to bleed out until-

Knock knock knock

"(Y/N), I know you're in there! Shuichi says you ran off with a knife, so who'd you try killing?" Kokichi asked through the door in a cheerful, excited voice.

You didn't respond. His remark made you feel awful about yourself for being suspected as a killer, and you placed the knife to your chest. You applied a little pressure. He would be happier that way, right? At least then he'd be true about you killing somebody because you would kill yourself. You applied a little more pressure, beginning to break the skin slightly.

"If you don't respond I'm gonna break down this door!" Kokichi warned.

"Go away..." You whimpered, applying more pressure. You could feel a small pain now.

"Do you have a corpse you're hiding?! Come on, I wanna seeeeee!!" Kokichi childishly begged from the door, pounding on it a little bit.

You got startled and dropped your knife, making it stab your stomach. You yelped at the pain and pulled the knife out. You heard Kokichi gasp and then the door was broken open.

Kokichi screamed louder than any scream you've ever heard.

"OH MY GOD!!! (Y/N)!!!" Kokichi ran to your side and threw the knife out of your hands.

Many others arrived and also screamed, and Kirumi had to patch your wounds as best as she could because she was apparently the only one who could do that. Everybody was asked to wait outside while she did so, but Kokichi insisted he was able to be inside. After your wounds were patched, Kokichi said something a little strange.

"Hey Kirumi, can I talk to her alone?" Kokichi asked.

She only nodded and walked out of the room. Kokichi turned to you, and you hung your head in shame. You really didn't want to have to talk to him but here you were, being forced to do that anyways. Hopefully it would be short.

"Why would you do that to yourself?" Kokichi demanded, pointing to your now bandaged cuts.

"Because... I have no reason to live..." You darkly stated.

"That's a lie. As a liar myself, I can see a lie. You just don't want to admit you have something to live for," Kokichi moved closer, his expression changing into a grin.

"What are you talking about?" You growled. You didn't like it when people talked to you in riddles or mysteries.

"Well, for instance, you have me..." Kokichi offered, kissing your cheek.

"Liar," You growled, unable to stop yourself from blushing.

"No, I'm not lying!" Kokichi then pressed his lips against yours, and you kissed back. You believed him.

"Hey guys, are you done in there yet? What's going on?" Keebo asked, knocking on the door.

"Whoops! Nishishishi!" Kokichi laughed, "I guess we'd better wrap it up."

From that day on, you had a purpose to live.
Word count: 750

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