Tiny! Kokichi x Fem! Reader (Special REQUEST)

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Requested by BritishGayBean. Check them out!

This is a Tiny! Kokichi x Female! Reader
They are a year younger than Kokichi and similar to him, except they don't lie so much. And they're basically friends with everyone.

This is the fourth special request.
(Your POV)

You giggled at the sight. Himiko was claiming she could make Kokichi only a foot tall, but of course Kokichi didn't believe her.

"With my magic... I turn you into a midget!" Himiko exclaimed, pointing her magic wand at Kokichi.

It sparked a little bit, and then shot an electric beam at Kokichi. Suddenly, he was really small! Actually, he was smaller than a foot! You carefully picked him up and held him in the palm of your hand.

"This isn't faaaair!" Kokichi whined.

"You asked to be a test subject!" Himiko reminded, "Nyeh... and I have (Y/N) as a witness!"

Kokichi suddenly climbed up your arm, and you wanted to fling him off so badly but that would probably kill him so you stiffened up.

"Ah! K-Kokichi! That tickles!" You complained as he climbed further and further up your arm until he reached your shoulder, and then he used your ear as a stepping stone to get in your hair.

"Hey! Stop messing with my hair!" You complained, but you knew he was wrapping himself in your hair. You felt him sit down and use your hair like a seatbelt so he wouldn't fall.

"Driiiiiive!" Kokichi commanded, hitting your head.

"Ow! Not if you do that!" You growled, but he just hit you again, "Ugh! Fine!"

You began walking and Kokichi cheered and told you to keep 'driving,' while Himiko looked for a way to reverse spell.

"Oh! Oh! Give me some Panta!" Kokichi demanded.

"We're gonna have to find a tiny glass," You rolled your eyes, heading to the dining hall. You ended up taking the smallest glass which was supposed to be for decoration and filled it with Panta from a new bottle in the fridge.

"No drinks in my hair. Come on, on my hand," You commanded.

"Aw maaaan!" Kokichi grumbled, getting up and getting on your hand.

Like an elevator, you transported him to the counter with the glass. It was about half his size and he had to use both hands to pick it up, and he tilted the glass towards him and drank from it. He only drank a little bit before he was refreshed, and since it was only a few drops of Panta you didn't even bother to clean up the mess.

"I'm tired," Kokichi complained, jumping into your waiting hand. He then shivered, "And I'm cold!"

"Okay, I'll take you to your dorm," You sighed, beginning to take him there.

Once you arrived, you didn't know what to use as a pillow or a blanket. "Just cut a piece from my spare scarves!" Kokichi shrugged.

You took a pair of scissors, and found one of his spare scarves. You carefully cut out a pillow and blanket, feeling bad for ruining his stuff before you reminded yourself that Kirumi could fix it later.

You brought the items to Kokichi, who was on an end table. He made himself at home and quickly fell asleep. You turned off the lights and were about to leave until..

"(Y/N)! The table isn't very comfortable... can I sleep on your hand?" Kokichi whined.

Oh, right. You didn't think about padding. "No funny business!" You warned, letting the male climb into your hand with his makeshift pillow and blanket. You walked to a nearby couch and laid down yourself, making sure to keep your hand an open platform. Suddenly he jumped off of your hand with his stuff, and you were about to question it until he parked himself on your breasts.

"Gah!" You gasped, blushing, "Get off of there!"

"Hmm? I'm just looking for a place to sleep~!" Kokichi sang, putting his things on your breast and actually falling asleep.

You covered your face in embarrassment, his light body actually feeling... kinda good on your breast. You quickly banished those thoughts, and ended up falling asleep.


"Oof!" You awoke with a start, feeling a heavy weight on you.

Kokichi was wide awake and back to full size. Worst of all, he was right on top of you.

"Heeey~! Since I'm back to normal, I can do this~!" Kokichi smirked and kissed you on the lips. You kissed him back, embarrassed.

He's better at full size.
(wiNK wOnK)

Word count: 753

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