Chapter 16: Battle for Skull Island

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Kong growls as he sits up the Skullcrawler then roars as he charges at Kong and Jumps towards him and pins him to the boat Kong try's to push the Skullcrawler off but the Skullcrawler pins Kong's arm and head down and uses it's tail to grab Kong's arm.

Qrow: We need get the Skullcrawler away from here.

They watched as all the soldiers were shooting at the Skullcrawler but to no avail the Skullcrawler destroyed many helicopters and and bullships the Skullcrawler then ate a few soldiers. Ironwood gets on the radio.

Ironwood: Everyone get the creature out of the boats area!

Soldier 7: Where do we go?

Weiss: The island. Go into the island.

Ironwood: Go to the island.

Soldier 7: Alright everyone get the creatures attention and fly towards the island.

They all start to shoot at the SkullCrawler it looks up at the ships and helicopters and roars as it charges at them.

Weiss: Ironwood do you have a ship you can take us on?

Ironwood: Yeah Why?

Weiss: Where going to join the fight.

The airships got the Skullcrawler as far as possible from the boats as it was running towards a helicopter then jumps towards it and raps it's tail around the helicopters tail and breaks it in half then jumps off as it begins to crash and explodes it then sees a bunch of soldiers shooting at him with a swift tail swipe it hit all of them and sent them flying the Skullcrawler then shot it's tongue out and flings the soldier towards the blade of the helicopter and the helicopter crash the survivors try to get up but the skullcrawler jumps towards it and crushes every survivor and roars.

Soldier 8: Fire your missiles!

All of the ships shot there missiles at the Skullcrawler but the skullcrawler was able to move out the way by running and clinging on the valleys.

Soldier 9: We can't hit it! It's too fast!

The Skullcrawler then jumps on one of the ships bites into it and rips off a wire and jumps on a helicopter and eats a soldier that's on a mounted gun then jumps offs and roars a ship doors opens to reveal Team RWBY & Qrow they jump down ready for battle Ruby shoots at the Skullcrawler multiple times the Skullcrawler looks up and roars but then Blake throws her gamble shroud and swings on and slicing it's neck Yang blast through the air and punches it on it's back multiple times putting bombs on it then falling down as she sticks the middle finger at the skullcrawler as it explodes then Qrow get on it's back and jabs the sword into the Skullcrawlers back and started running down it's back slicing it the Skullcrawler roars then slams it's body to a mountain Qrow jumps off and turns into his bird form and flys off the Skullcrawler then gets it by a fire ball by Weiss it roars and tries to attack Weiss but then she uses her glyphs to move out the way.

Meanwhile with Whitley. Whitley eyes begins to open as he sits up and sees the bullet wound.

Doctor: Whitley your up. Good to see ya.

Whitley: Where's. Where's everyone.

Doctor: Oh they went off to go fight that creature.

Whitley: Creature? As in Kong?

Doctor: No something else.

Whitley eyes widened as he stands up.

Whitley: I need to help them.

Whitley begins to run off.

Doctor: Whitley wait!

Whitley didn't listen as he begins to run off he looks for some type of weapon he then sees a flare he takes it and continues to run he looks for a way down and sees some stares and runs down then he jumps off but as he was about to run to where the fighting was Jacques comes out of nowhere and punches Whitley's bullet wound making him fall to the ground.

Whitley: Father!

Jacques: You and those brats are ruining everything! But I'll can still work around it they listen to me so I'll kill you and leave the rest behind. I'm taking Kong no matter wha—

Then Kong's balled up hand crush's Jacques making Whitley go flying a bit Whitley looks up and sees Kong is up and he saved him from his father.

Whitley: Thank you.

Kong nods.

Whitley: Hey take me with you to the fight.

Kong shacks his head no and runs pass Whitley.

Whitley: Oh come on!

Whitley then fallows Kong.

Jimmy Jason and James where shooting at the Skullcrawler but to no avail team RWBY was trying to do as much damage as possible but to no avail.

Qrow: We need to retreat back to the boat where losing more men the more we fight this thing.

Ruby: But what about Kong.

Qrow: Let's hope he's awake to fight this thing.

They start to run but the Skullcrawler starts to walk towards them after them they started to run as Qrow was giving directions but then James stopped running and dropped his gun everyone turned around.

Jason: James what are you doing? Come on.

James: Go live your life kid. Get out of here

James smiles then grabs two grenades and flicks the striker lever and turned around.

Jason: James! James no!

Jason ran after James to try and get him back but Qrow grabs him and drags him back the Skullcrawler stopped and looked at James for a few minutes and then growled as it tail whipped James making him go flying into a valley causing a huge explosion the Skullcrawler continues to chase Whitley climb a valley to see the skullcrawler chasing them the Skullcrawler was ready to chomp down on the group where it heard a loud roar the Skullcrawler looks up and sees Kong lift up a bolder and slams it into the Skullcrawlers face.

Qrow: Everyone go! Run!

They started to run as Kong roars the Skullcrawler jumps at Kong biting his arm he turns around taking the Skullcrawler with him the Skullcrawler jumps on him as Kong holds it back it then bites his neck Kong roars in pain but then punches it in the chest then Kong grabs both of it's jaws and starts to pry it open as it makes a cracking noise Kong then grabs it's head and slams it into a mountain Kong then slams it's elbow on the mountain but the Skullcrawler moves out the way then bites Kong's arm again then slams him into the ground the Skullcrawler jumps at Kong but Kong punches but the Skullcrawler retaliated by head butting king then jumping to the other side it tries to bite Kong's neck again but Kong's holds it back by using his arm the Skullcrawler then try's to bite the Skullcrawler multiple times Kong then roars Kong swings his arm up hitting the Skullcrawler off the Skullcrawler jumps at Kong but Kong grabs the Skullcrawlers mouth and dose a circle through it jumps towards Kong but Kong hits it with a right hook then slams his fist down it's skull he grabs it and throws it across the area he then sees a tree he grabs and strips all of the branches off of it the Skullcrawler roars and runs towards Kong. Kong dose the same thing both charge at each other but Kong swings the tree at the Skullcrawlers face making the tree break in half the Skullcrawler gets back up shaking it's head and jumps at Kong but Kong grabs it's neck the Skullcrawler hits Kong with it's claw and tries to bit him Kong then uses the end part of the branch and shoves it in it's mouth the Skullcrawler then climbs over Kong and uses it's tail to throw Kong towards a wrecked ship Kong crashes into it the chains rap around him he tries to lift his arms but there stuck the Skullcrawler pins him down and opens it's mouth Kong headbutts it making it stagger back it was about to pounce but then gets shot by a mounted mini gun by Ironwood the Skullcrawler started to walk towards them Whitley then fires a flare at the Skullcrawlers eye it blows up destroying it's eye Weiss looks up to see Whitley and she smiles. Weiss then shoots some Icicles at the Skullcrawler to gets it attention Kong gets up and with all of his strength Kong breaks the the chains off as he was about to move his right arm he realizes that there's still a chain wrapped around his arm but at the end was a boat propeller.

Weiss: Come on you bastard!

Weiss starts to run as the Skullcrawler fallowed Kong then swings arm forward he then swings it back then forward again as he tosses the propeller at the Skullcrawler's back and it stabs right into it Kong then drags the skullcrawler wraps the chains around the Skullcrawlers neck and slams it to the ground then punches it in the head the Skullcrawler tries to bite Kong but he closes it's mouth then grabs the propeller and twist the Skullcrawler and throws it over his shoulder then grabs it's tail and spins in a circle and throws it into a mountain Whitley then goes flying off from the impact of the Skullcrawler hitting the lower part of the mountain.

Weiss: Whitley!

Kong looks in concern as he watches Whitley land in the water the Skullcrawler jumps at Kong making them both tumble on the ground Kong then punches the Skullcrawler in the head Yanks the blade out the Skullcrawler charges at Kong but Kong punches it then slams the propeller over it's head the skullcrawler gets up but then Kong uppercuts the Skullcrawler with the Propeller slicing it's throat Kong grabs it's neck and roars and stabs it in it's neck it falls to the ground as Kong breaths heavily Kong yanks the Propeller out of it's neck ready to fight it again but it didn't move Kong then drops the weapon and walks towards where Whitley was he catches Whitley and lifts up his arm to see Whitley in the palm of his hand he looked at him for a few minutes until the Skullcrawler jumps at Kong biting the arm Whitley is in Kong balls up his hand to protect him the Skullcrawler tries to bite the hand Whitley was in but Kong kept moving away from it then the Skullcrawler wraps it's tongue Kong's Arm and starts to pull his arm into his mouth Kong Struggles but eventually the Skullcrawler pulls Kong's arm into it's mouth Kong struggles to the it's arm out as the a skullcrawler continues to bite down on Kong's arm but with all of his strength he pulls it's tongue and all of it's insides out Kong looks at it as it slides out it's mouth Kong then opens up it's hand to see Whitley is ok he then puts him down and walks off Weiss runs towards him Whitley wakes up and sees Kong walking off he turns around to look at both siblings his smiles and gives a thumbs up and walks away.

Weiss: Thank you so much. Y/N.

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