Chapter 3: Getting ready for skull island

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Team RWBY were walking in the boat seeing all of the helicopters and bullships on the boat.

Ruby: Sheesh you think with the military being here he wouldn't need us.

Blake: At the same time having a group of huntsman and the military can up your chances for survival.

Yang: I still have a bad feeling about this. We're going to an island called skull island. Has nobody ever watch a horror movie?

Weiss: What usually happens in those movies?

Yang: Well what happens is that they go to a island don't think anything is wrong then most of the characters are killed by a killer or monster.

Blake then walks off without the group.

Weiss: Hey where are you going?

Blake: I'm just walking around the boat. I won't be long.

Blake then walks off leaving the rest of her team.

Ruby: Well I guess with that being said. I'm going to explore too.

Yang: Right back atcha.

They then look at Weiss.

Weiss: Oh I'll be fine.

Ruby: Are you sure.

Yang: You can always come with one of us.

Weiss: It's fine really. We'll be back together anyway.

Yang and Ruby where unsure but eventually they went there separate ways Weiss then begins to walk off when she bumps into Jimmy.

Weiss: Oh I'm sorry about that are you ok?

Jimmy stares at her a bit he has of shock and confusion faced there was an awkward silence between the two and Weiss was getting uncomfortable.

Ben: Jimmy!

They both look to the side and see Ben Hayes.

Ben: It's impolite to just stare at a woman like that.

Jimmy: Oh right... Sorry miss Schnee.

Jimmy then walks off.

Ben: Jimmy!

Jimmy then stops and looks at Ben.

Ben: Give it back.

Jimmy: Give what back?

Ben: Give. It. Back.

Jimmy sighs as he walks up to her and puts out his hand revealing a small bottle of fire dust. Weiss eyes widened and she puts her hand over it but then closes Jimmy's hand surprising him.

Weiss: Keep it.

Jimmy: Gosh. Thank you.

Jimmy then runs off Ben walks towards Weiss.

Ben: Sorry about him.

Weiss: Don't be. It's not that big of a deal.

Ben: I'm still surprised you let Jimmy keep it.

Weiss: His name is Jimmy?

Ben: Yeah. I found him on the back of a military truck when he was a little boy. He had a broken arm in two places and huge gash in his left side of his body. He hasn't told me where he lived at. But all I know is it wasn't good.

Weiss: Oh I'm sorry to hear that.

Ben: I'll go talk to him.

Weiss: I never got your name.

Ben: Ben Hayes.

He then walks off Weiss smiles as she continues walking.

Jimmy was looking at the bottle of dust when he hears a pair of foot steps. Jimmy looks behind him and sees Ben.

Ben: You got to straighten up. Jimmy... You don't want to be on a boat like this for the rest of your life.

Jimmy: Yes I do.

Ben: No you don't Jimmy. You got to be smart get yourself educated. Give yourself some options. Take this seriously!

Jimmy: I do Mr Heyes. I do look.

Jimmy walks towards Ben and shows him a book.

Jimmy: I've been reading.

Ben: Where did you get this?

Jimmy: I borrowed it.

Ben opened the book and saw it was from mistral he then looked at Jimmy.

Jimmy: Long term.

Back with Weiss. Weiss was sitting on one of the benches looking at photos but was then interrupted by a voice she didn't want to hear.

Whitley: Hello sister.

Weiss: What do you want?

Whitley: Can't we just talk?

Weiss: No.

Whitley: Why not?

Weiss: Whitley don't act like you want to start a friendly conversation. You were never supportive of me. Or Winter. You hated us and you wanted nothing to do with us. So please don't waste your breath.

Whitley: *Sighs* Fine. What ever you demand princess. But you better get ready there's a huge meeting you'll need to be at.

Meanwhile with Blake she was inside the ship hoping to find where Jacques might keep his stuff is she then sees a room with the door open she goes in and sees a bunch of files as walks around she accidentally kicks a box she looks in it and sees all types of stuff like the pictures of the island that were taken about it and reports of them getting strong radiant energetic dust but what disturbed her the most was the notes Jacques took her eyes winded then turned to anger as the notes said they would use Faunus to get the dust and how much he would pay them and if there is a death it was just a casualty. As always Jacques never puts safety first. And what makes it worse is that all sorts of Grimm could be on this island.

Mini time skip everyone was sitting on some chairs and were looking up at the screen and in front of them was Whitley. Team RWBY were sitting all the way in the back.

Whitley: Hello and welcome everyone as you can already tell you have been called down here for a reason. Weather it be to protect us or collect dust we have five days to be in the island. You all have an important role in this mission. Our expedition take us to a island that no one has ever step foot on. Scientists were able to locate this island by the radiant dust energy from this island and we are here to get it. We will be using explosives to shake the earth and create vibrations to locate the dust.

Weiss eyes widened as she looked at her teammates.

Weiss: *Whispers* There dropping explosives.

Yang: *Whispers* That's what it sounds like to me.

Ben: Your dropping bombs?

Whitley: Mmm scientistific instruments.

Soldier 1: You hear that boys? We're scientists now.

All the soldiers begin to laugh.

Weiss was still baffled by that there dropping explosives in the island. Weiss thought it was a little much just to find dust and her family has done enough damage as it is.

After the meeting was over Weiss immediately went to her father to discuss what he was doing.

Jacques was looking at the view of the ocean as he heard the clicking of Weiss shoes he turns around and sees Weiss.

Jacques: Ahhh Weiss how nice of you to—

Weiss: Why are you dropping bombs on the island!

Jacques: Excuse me.

Weiss: Don't you think you've done enough damage!

Jacques: Weiss it's just to locate the dust.

Weiss: There's other ways to do it! And you plan on endangering people by sending them to that island!

Jacques: Why are you so worried about these... low lives going to this island.

Weiss: Because you are sending them to unknown territory! All sorts of Grimm could be out there. You already have enough blood in your hands.

Jacques: Your very naive my daughter. One day you'll learn.

Weiss: *Scoffs* Then we're leaving.

Jacques: Pardon me?

Weiss: Me and my teammates are leaving. We don't want to be part of this.

Weiss then walks towards the door but then Jacques says something that stops her in her tracks.

Jacques: I know where Y/N is.

Weiss then turns to look at her father.

Weiss: If this is some type of joke then.

Jacques: I'm serious. I know for awhile you've been trying to find him for while.

He then shows his scroll to Weiss.

Jacques: Is that him?

Weiss then sees someone walk out the store they look at the camera and to her surprise she sees Y/N face. She then covers her mouth.

Jacques: And I can tell you where he is. But I'll only you tell you if you finish this mission. If you do then I'll happily tell you where he is.

Weiss stood there in silence for a couple of minutes and she had a choice to make then she finally gives him an answer.

Weiss: Fine. I'll stay.

Jacques: That's my girl.

Weiss then walks out the door Jacques then smiles as he looks at the scroll again and plays the video.

Jacques: *Chuckles* With the right amount lien it can solve any problem.

The video then shows Y/N waving at the camera but then It's revealed that it was just Neo who shapeshifted into Y/N.

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