Chapter 7: King of Skull Island

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The group where traveling by the boat and they were looking around there surroundings seeing the various hills mountains and wild life Ruby then asked the question that her uncle didn't answer.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow you never answered my question. How did you end up in skull island.

Qrow: Oh well remember the times when I told you that I'll be going on a very long missions. Well those missions were me going to skull island. Oz sent me to be here.

Yang: Why?

Qrow: To report on it. What's on the island and all that other stuff.

Qrow then takes a swig of his drink.

Qrow: Didn't expect one of Jacques brats to be here.

Whitley: How dare yo—

Qrow: Yeah yeah shut up. You have no room to talk after the stunt you and your father just pulled off.

Whitley: I won't be talked down by some drunken fool.

Yang growled and was about to walk towards him but Qrow stopped her.

Qrow: Settle down Yang there's no need to waste your energy on him. He'll meet his downfall with his father.

Whitley: What downfall? It seems to me that over the years I'll continue to rise.

Qrow: Yeah that's what they all think. Tell me something kid did you ever stop to think that those bombs could have hurt anybody living in this island or worse get them killed. But of course you don't think of that. Just like how you don't think of the many lives you're father ruined. You profit from the suffering of others. So I may be a drunk old fool. But I at least have my morals and help people. You only care about yourself.

For the first time in his life Whitley was silent. He wanted to talk back but couldn't. The only people who could do that was his father.

Qrow: Looks like we made it.

They then see a wall the bottom part of the wall opens up and let's them in the village.

Qrow: I'm going to take a good guess that you saw a lot of weird things on this island. As long as we stay in here where the people live we'll be all right.

Yang: The wall. Is that supposed to keep that thing out.

Qrow: Oh no. That wall wasn't meant for him.

Meanwhile with Weiss. Weiss was walking around with Kong fallowing behind and she kinda got use to it. He wasn't as aggressive as he was when he was punching helicopters and ships out the air but then again they were dropping bombs down. Weiss couldn't help but think why can't she stop hurting people. Is that the only thing that she could do she then realized how dirty she and her clothes got then turned around and asked Kong.

Weiss: Hey um you.

Kong looks down at her.

Weiss: Do you have any water falls here?

Kong then dropped down on one knee then lowered his hand down Weiss then got in Kong's hand then Kong began to walk Weiss couldn't help but feel relaxed in the creatures hand. He was so calm and gentle. The creature reminded her of Y/N for some reason Kong looked at Weiss and admired her beauty he then used his other hand to slowly touch Weiss's hair this startled Weiss a bit Kong backed his hand away and had a sad look on his face.

Weiss: Oh you can keep touching my hair. Just be careful ok.

Kong gave a soft grunt as he continued to touch it finally they made it to a water fall.

Weiss: Can you lean your hand into the water. But not too much.

Kong did just that and then she began to take off her clothes Kong then immediately looks away and this surprised her. She expected him to keep looking but instead he looked away like a human.

Weiss: Huh I never took you to be a gentleman.

Weiss then cleaned herself with the water she was bathing in then after she was cleaning herself she would clean her clothes and finally she was done and put her clothes on.

Weiss: You can look now.

Kong looked and saw that she had all of her clothes on Kong then put her down into the ground he then leaned into the water fall and took a shower himself he leaned back out and shook off the water some water got on Weiss she playfully screamed but then laughed Kong chuckled a bit but then he heard a roar.

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Kong looked at all of his surroundings trying to find the noise.

Weiss: That doesn't sound good.

Kong then leans his hand down so Weiss can get on and quickly runs to the cave that he sleeps in so she won't be in danger.

Back with RBY and Whitley they were walking through the village and saw how the people lived together in harmony it didn't matter if they were human or Faunus they treated each other as equals.

Qrow: It's pretty peaceful here no one here discriminates against each other. There's no crime no personal property. They're past all that.

Whitley looked around and saw how they all worked together Faunus and human alike he began to question himself. And what he's been doing over the years. Then two people of the village walked up to them there was a few minutes of silence but then they both nodded there heads Qrow then did the same thing.

Qrow: Thank you.

Qrow: Good news. You can shack up here for the night.

Whitley: But they didn't say anything.

Qrow: Well they don't speak to much. You start to understand if you visit this place a lot. But knowing you guys you want to get out of here as fast as possible. It will be a long journey but I'll send a team to pick you up.

Blake: Oh well we have a boat that's waiting for us. We have until five days to get there.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow. That creature that attacked us got Weiss. Will she be ok?

Qrow: Oh Kong. Yeah he'll take good care of her.

Yang: Kong?

Blake: How can you be so sure?

Qrow: Fallow me.

They then fallow Qrow into a destroyed ship that washup.

Qrow: Ok so quick tip if you like keeping your hands don't touch anything this is hollow grounds.

They then see all types of paintings.

Qrow: So for thousands of years. The people in this island have lived in fear. That's a pretty long time. But then one day. From out of nowhere. One of the creatures from this island started to protect them. He was able to help them with all sorts of problems. He helped them build the wall. So they wouldn't have to live in fear anymore. This is where they honor there savior. Kong.

Then it Shows Kong jumping on a mountain and climbing up and looking at a far distance.

Qrow: He's King around here. And I have to say he's pretty good king. Keeps to himself mostly. But he is still willing to help anybody that is in trouble. This is his home. We're just guests here.

Kong then jumps from mountain to mountain then lands on the ground.

Qrow: But you don't go into someone's house and start dropping bombs unless your picking a fight.

Ruby: Yeah. Sorry about that.

Qrow: Don't be. Knowing you. You probably had a reason for being here.

Whitley: Um if I may ask. What is that?

Qrow then sees Whitley point at a painting of a Lizard that has two arms a tail but no back legs.

Qrow: That. Those are Skullcrawlers. Nasty little things. They live under ground. That's why Kong got so mad because those bombs woke up a bunch of them.

Kong then looks down at a hole then looks to his left and sees a body of a Sker buffalo Kong growls as a Skullcrawler starts to climb up from it's body Kong stands up and growls ready to fight he looks behind him a bit as another came crawling behind one of the mountains.

Qrow: I tell you what you lucky he's out there or you wouldn't have made it this far. They're crafty bastards. Mean as hell.

The first Skullcrawler jumps towards him but Kong grabs it and throws it behind him the second one jumps at him to but Kong grabs it's face then slams it into the ground he turns around and back hands the first Skullcrawler and grabs the second one by the face.

Qrow: He can handle small ones with no problem at all.

Kong then slams the second Skullcrawler to the ground and slams the other Skullcrawler on each other's head Kong lifts his foot up and stomps on the skullcrawlers head and roars.

Qrow: But I'm not so sure about the big one.

Soldier 1: How big is it?

Qrow: It's bigger. Kong still growing tho so there's that. But we don't want the big one to come out yet. Well enough about that. Now where's the ship that will take you back home?

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