Chapter 1

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Y/n:haha glorious I have been gifted the power of the well that came out of nowhere...

Y/n then looked around wondering where to go to find some info or a quest only to see the village looked like one in a game or show there was stands that sell food barn animals and some people in weird clothes

Y/n:better ask them...

Y/n walked over to the group while they were talking

Armor girl:like I was saying-


The group looked over to y/n to see he had a intimidating like aura around him as he walk closer and finally stopped in front of the girl while the others in the back had worried or on edge faces

Armor girl:u-um yes?...

Y/n:do you know anywhere I can find a quest or get some information about this place?.

Armor girl:y-yes the a-adventurer's guild j-just g-go straight and t-take a right and you'll see it straight ahead!.

Then all of a sudden this intimidating aura disappeared


Y/n:cool thanks for the help hope to talk to ya guys again later!.

As y/n was walking away the group had shocked faces

Robe girl:how could someone be so scary and yet adorable at the same time?...


Y/n finally made it to the adventures guild and to he honest he probably could of found it himself if he knew it would be this big

Y/n then opened the door had was greeted by a waitress

Waitress:hello welcome if you wanna eat take a seat but you want work head over to the counter!.

Y/n:*nods*thank you miss.

Y/n was about to walk further in until he heard a guy call to him


Y/n:hm? What do you want?.

Guy:haven't seen you around here either let me guess your here to beat the devil king with those weird clothes like the other two?.

Y/n:first of all yes I'm here to beat the devil king second of all I know you ain't disrespecting my drip and thirdly what other two?.

Guy:calm down man I was just messing with ya and two other people came in here too talking bout beating the devil king one with blue hair the other with brown gulilder mission desk is over there by the way.

Y/n was about to walk to the mission desk but something made him talk to the guy again

Y/n:by the way if you ever talk to a god about his clothes like that again I'll have your head...

Y/n:we clear?.

This guy wouldn't take that from anyone but y/n had a intimidating aura like feeling to him

Guy:y-ya...we clear...

Y/n:*thoughts*what the heck was that?.

Y/n was making his way the the desk until something blue caught his eye he looks to his right to see that girl he saw in the after life

Y/n:*thoughts*oh it's that blue haired chick wonder what she's crying about...

He then looked in front of her to see that kazuma kid but as he looked at him kazuma noticed y/n


Kazuma:what y/n is that you!?.

Y/n:*thoughts*well no hiding it now...

This made the blue haired girl turn around and look at y/n

???:wait your that guy who died saving a child!.

Kazuma:wait that's how you died!?.

Y/n walked closer to the two

Y/n:ya mother wasn't even watching the kid...and some people called me not responsible how did you die?.

???:*snickers*you won't believe how he died!.

Kazuma:don't tell him!.

???:he tried to save a girl who he thought was about to be run over by a car but it was actually a truck then he died of shock and the doctors and his family started laughing at the way he died!.


Kazuma:finally someone who didn't-


Kazuma:aw come on!.

Soon aqua started laughing with y/n then the duo's laughter died down as y/n wipes a tear from his eye

Y/n:aw that's the best laugh I had in awhile!


Y/n:so what's your name blue haired girl?.

???:what you haven't heard of me!?.


???:well then I am aqua a beautiful goddess!.


Aqua:*thoughts* he's....not impressed...

Y/n:so what are you guys doing?.

Kazuma:we were about to pay the registration fee for the paper work.


Kazuma:the lady at the desk said that's what we have to do...

Aqua: hey wait a minute why don't you join us y/n!.

Kazuma:hey ya that's sounds like a good idea!.

Y/n:ehhh nah...

Kazuma:what why not!?.

Y/n:not really into a group thing-

Before he could finish aqua grabbed him by the shoulders and started shaking him


If he was being honest he didn't know half what she saying

Y/n:wait did you just-

Aqua:are you joining or not!?.

Y/n:*thoughts*hmm I don't wanna be in a group I had trouble talking with people back home already...wait she said she was a goddess maybe she could be useful for stuff like maybe summoning stuff we need...hmm alright.

Y/n:alright fine.

Kazuma:awesome now let's pay this registration fee...

All three of them walked to the counter to see a blonde women cleaning the counter with a rag


Kazuma:so uh we have the registration fee...

???:oh ok...

Kazuma:wait I don't think we have enough for you y/n...

Y/n:oh no sweat I got it

He pulled out a bag of money which shocked kazuma and aqua

Kazuma:you had that on you this whole time!?.

Y/n:ya the angle gave me it when I ask?.

Kazuma shot a glare at aqua who looked away whistling innocently y/n the gave the lady the money after asking who he now knows name is Luna

Luna:allow me to explain how all this works adventurer is a generic class and your skills are important which brings us to your registration card.

Luna:it keeps track of your level based on all the monsters you've killed when your level increases you'll earn points you can trade in to learn new skills work hard and you'll raise your level in no time on to the next step would you please hold your hand over the crystal sir.

Kazuma:ok here goes...

Kazuma holds his hand over the crystal which makes it shoot a laser at the paper writing

Luna:once it's finish the evaluation process you'll get your current stats based on those well know which class suits you best.

Kazuma seemed to be getting excited to see what his stats are going to be Luna then picked up the paper and began to read kazuma's stats

Luna:alright let's see your stats kazuma sato interesting name...ah here we are...hmm average across the board your intelligence is high that's good oh wow your luck is way above average.

Y/n:*thoughts*thats not the only thing above average in here am I right readers?.

Luna:but unfortunately that's not a essential stat for the adventurer class with this much luck I'd recommend you'd be a Merchant instead.

In the background aqua was trying to hold in her laugh while y/n has a smile and leans towards kazuma

Y/n:*whispers*thats sweet she's trying so hard not to sound rude.

Kazuma:*whispers*shes tryna squash my dreams of being a adventurer screw that.

Kazuma:no offense but I'd still like to be a adventurer please...

Luna:don't look so sad once you start leveling up you could pick something better.


Luna was able to hear what y/n said causing her to blush a little

Kazuma:ya I sure hope so *takes card*

Y/n:hey don't feel bad dude like she said I the future if you work hard you can be a adventurer

Kazuma:*sighs*hopefully...thanks y/n

Then aqua walks up and places her hand over the crystal making it do the same thing as it did to kazuma



Luna:your intelligence is below average and your luck is the lowest I've ever seen but even so all the rest of your stats are unbelievably high!.

Aqua:does that mean I'm unbelievably amazing?.

Luna:amazing would be an understatement the The mage class requires intelligence so that's out of the question but other then that you can be anything thing you want crusader sword master archpriest they're all advanced classes and you can pick anyone of them

Aqua:well it's a shame there's no goddess class but what can you do.

Y/n:truly a shame there's no gods class either...

Aqua:I shall settle for being and archpriest who heals her allies.

Luna:I think that's a wonderful choice it's a very versatile class with all types of healing and support spells on thats strong enough to stand fearlessly on the front line.

Then y/n walked up to the crystal he put his hand over it as it did what it did

Luna:alright y/n l/n let's see...OH MY GOODNESS!.

Y/n:something wrong?.

Luna:these stats they're...they're...

Everyone's eyes were on Luna waiting for what she was going to say

Luna:even more impressive!.

Kazuma:come on...

Y/n:*thoughts*heh knew it without a doubt.

Luna:these are the highest stats I've ever seen you could also be whatever you want heck you could even name your own class!.

Y/n:heh you don't say alright I'll name this class gods.

Aqua:hey no fair!.

Everyone then began cheering for y/n and aqua as Luna turned to them

Luna:I welcome you to our adventurers guild lady aqua and sir y/n.

Y/n:it's an honor from such a pretty woman like yourself~.

Luna:*blushes*t-thank you and best of luck to you we look forward to your exploits!.

Then the crowd began cheering again giving them both compliments and the girls wondering if y/n is seeing anyone

Kazuma:this is such bs they stole my thunder...

Aqua:kazuma today we start a life of adventuring!.

Kazuma:I thought you hated the hole idea of it?...

Aqua:I like this part of it though.

Y/n:you don't say...


After yesterday events the trio got a job as construction workers kazuma was using a pick to dig into the ground while all aqua did was give the other workers water as for y/n he shocked the workers for he already made a giant hole in the ground as he was leaning on the pick whistling
Kazuma was helping a guy carry rocks until he fell from being exhausted he looked up to see one of the guys standing over him with a mad look he immediately stood up and salute but his look turn to shock with the rest of the workers for y/n was walking past them with rock stacked on rock and he wasn't even breaking a sweat as he looked at them with a smirk
It was now night and the trio had to sleep in the same place they kept the horses as kazuma and aqua slept inside with a hay y/n refused to sleep there so he slept on the roof it was relaxing for him anyways
Then they did the same thing again only this time aqua was painting the wall as the two mined but they were able to make some money and were able to eat and drink that night and get they're own room and for the past days they've been working eating drinking with the crew and doing it all over again until one night



Kazuma:GODDAMMIT oh man oh crap...

Y/n:*sighs*what now...

Aqua:what's wrong do you need to go to the bathroom again I'll go with you if your scared of the dark.

Y/n:your scared of the dark?.

Kazuma:i am not I just realized we've been-


Kazuma/Aqua:sorry we'll keep it down!...

Y/n:that guy is getting on my nerves...


It was now day as y/n kazuma and aqua were stacking bricks

Kazuma:man we didn't come here to be day laborers.

Aqua:hey your right no we didn't hurry up and defeat the devil king already so I can go back home! And y/n- just keep being you heh heh...
And that's where I'm gonna leave it off I'm going to bed have a good day or night stay safe peace

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