A New Adventure Awaits

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Cold...that's all I felt I can't remember what happen the next thing I know I open my eyes and see that I'm in a dark room with lots of space as I look over to my left I see someone around my age.

???: Hey

(Y/n): Ummm Hi you know where we are?

???: I think the afterlife?

(Y/n): Really? How do you know?

???: Well I remember pushing a girl from being hit by a speeding truck what about you?

(Y/n): Last I remember was.

(Y/n): The ocean.

???: Damn that doesn't sound good.

???: Satou Kazuma and (Y/n) (L/n) welcome to the after life.

(Y/n): I saw a blue hair girl walking towards us and sitting down on a chair across from us the thing I noticed immediately was that she was wearing no panties.  

Aqua: My name is Aqua goddess of water and it is my job to guide the young souls of Japan to the their next life.

(Y/n): Hold up hold up! Now just wait a second.

Aqua: What's wrong?

(Y/n): First I'm from America born in (Country of America) secondly! If this guy here is from japan how come I can understand him?!

Aqua: Well due to...difficulties the gods decided to spread out.

(Y/n): (My bullshit meter is going off the charts for that).

Aqua: And secondly this void translates the language.

(Y/n): Oh that makes sense.

Kazuma: Huh okay, but wait you said we died correct?

Aqua: Yes.

Kazuma: Is that girl I saved alright?

Aqua: She's fine.

Kazuma: Thank goodness my death wasn't in vain.

Aqua: Though I doubt a tractor going that fast would run someone over much less hurt them.

Kazuma: Wait what?

(Y/n): I thought you said it was truck? 

Kazuma: It was!

Aqua: *starts laughing* This is hilarious you're the first human I've ever met that  has died in a funny way when the doctors took you in and your parents arrived they laughed at you! You even wetted yourself!.

(Y/n): *snickers* What a way to go.

Kazuma: Shut up shut up how did I even die in the first place if it was a tractor?

Aqua: *calms down* Oh that's simple you died from shock.

Kazuma: Nooo!

Kazuma then fell off his chair and was on all fours looking at the ground.

Kazuma: Wait! *looks up* How did he die?

(Y/n): I'm wondering that myself last thing I remember was the ocean then everything felt cold.

Aqua: Well to put it simply (Y/n) here drowned after using the last of his strength to make sure his little brother was saved after the search party found him a couple hours your body wasn't recovered as it was lost to the sea.

(Y/n): *looks down* I see at least my little bro is alive.

Aqua: *ahem* Okay with that out of the way the two of you have three choices. Number 1 I can reincarnate you back in your worlds, but you'll lose your memories.

(Y/n): Doesn't sound too bad.

Aqua: Number 2 you can pass on and go to heaven, but I wouldn't recommend it.

Kazuma: Why not?

Aqua: Heaven isn't what you humans think you just become old men and bathe in the sun for all eternity there's no T.V, manga, games and no physical body so you can't even have sex.

(Y/n): Welp wonder what the Christians will think if they ever hear of this.

Aqua gets up and walks to the both of us leaning her face close to me.

(Y/n): *faint blush* ummm

Aqua: You two like games right?

We both nod.

Aqua: Great you see option 3 you can reincarnate into another world and become heroes to stop the devil king terror from conquering the land what do you say?

Kazuma: Hell yes!

(Y/n): Why not this should be fun.

Kazuma: Wait hold up how will he learn the language of that world?

Aqua: Don't worry all the information will go to your brain as long as it doesn't go poof.

(Y/n): You mean we can explode?

Aqua: *innocent look* I never said that

(Y/n): Well whatever let's do this!

Aqua: Great and because of this your allowed to bring one item with you.

Kazuma: Hey mind if I go first?

(Y/n): Sure.


(Y/n): Oh my god if I had known you would take this long I would've gone first.

Aqua: Hurry up and pick something I have more souls to guide no matter what you pick you'll still be a shut in neet.

Kazuma: (Damn that woman just because she's hot and sexy doesn't give her the right to pick on me unless) *smirks* you said I can whatever I want right?

Aqua: Yes why?

(Y/n): (This can't be good he's scheming something)

Kazuma: Very well then I choose you.

Aqua: Okay then just stand in the circle and I'll- wait what?!

???: Your request has been heard Kazuma.

Just then another goddess appears floating down. 

Aqua: hang on this can't be right it has to be illegal is has to be!

Kazuma: How does it feel to be picked by me now your stuck with me and your gonna use your godly powers to help me! *starts laughing*

Aqua: No I don't want to be stuck with him (Y/n) please help me!

(Y/n): I don't know what to do in this situation.

???: Now go forth hero and save this world from the demon king if you do the gods will grant one request of your choosing.

Kazuma: Woah seriously?!

Aqua: Hey that's my line!

???: Goodbye Aqua-Sama I'll take care of this place while your gone and I'll send someone down to bring you back after the devil kings defeat.


And just like that Aqua and Kazuma are gone leaving just me the goddess.

(Y/n): Okay...so that just happen.

???: It's your turn now (Y/n) please choose what item to bring.

(Y/n): I already made up my mind I want the fusion sword from final fantasy seven advent children.

???: I see normally your only allowed to take one thing, but seeing how they're fused together it doesn't break the rules.

(Y/n): Even though it's made up of six swords?

???: *Nods* Yes.

(Y/n): Sweet.

???: Now go forth hero and save this world the gods will grant your request of your choosing after the demon kings defeat.

(Y/n): Thanks.

Just then I was engulfed by a light and teleported somewhere after adjusting to the view I saw I really was in some fantasy land and I felt weight on my back so I grabbed whatever it was and saw it was the fusion sword complete.

(Y/n): I wonder if I can take it apart?

(Y/n): *chuckles* Oh this is gonna be good.

I then reattached the blades together and put the fusion sword on my back I then heard a sound of crying and ran over to see Aqua and Kazuma there Aqua was crying and jerking Kazuma back and forth.

Aqua: You stupid Neet why did you do that? 

Kazuma: Look it's not my fault you made fun of me! Besides if you don't want to be here then leave I can deal with this on my own.

Aqua: That's just the thing I can't go back until the devil king is defeated.

Kazuma: Well-Oh look it's (Y/n).

Aqua: (Y/n)?

Aqua turns around and immediately hugs me.

Aqua: Wahhh Kazuma is being so mean to me he brought me to this world and now I can't leave.

Kazuma: This is unbelievable.

(Y/n): Kazuma why did you force her to come with you?

Kazuma: Cause she was mocking me besides it's her fault.

(Y/n): No the fault is yours because you can't force a woman to be with you that's just wrong.

Aqua: See he agrees.

Kazuma: Fine whatever anyways where do we go from here.

(Y/n): *facepalms* did you really play rpg games or mmorpg?

Kazuma: Of course I have.

Aqua and (Y/n): *Stare*

Kazuma: Okay so I'm a little rusty.

(Y/n): Okay let me run the basics first we have to treat this like some sort of tutorial, secondly we need to find a guild.

Kazuma: Wait what happen to the tutorial part did we just skip it?

(Y/n): No you idiot Aqua was our tutorial she was helping us pick something to help on our Adventure.

Aqua: I see someone has common sense.

Kazuma: Alright fine shall we go and find the guild in this town oh goddess?

(Y/n): Yeah let's go.

Aqua: Hey before we go I don't mind if you two call me goddess, but I'm afraid it'll cause a commotion so please call me Aqua.

Kazuma: fine whatever hey wait a second I just noticed what the hell is up with that huge sword on your back?!

(Y/n): Oh you mean my fusion sword? 

Kazuma: Fusion sword?

(Y/n): Yep don't let the look fool you this sword is made up from six swords all together.

Kazuma: That's cheating! I thought you were only allowed to bring on thing.

(Y/n): I did I just find a little loophole since this sword technically counts as one, but when I take it apart it becomes six weapons. (ooh I wonder if I'll have the same abilities as Cloud that would be awesome and lets hope there isn't an idiot that decided to summon "him" I'd rather avoid that fight)

Kazuma: Okay let's go now I'm tired of waiting.

We then entered the town and saw the streets were busy, merchants selling merchandise, Blacksmith selling armor and weapons and finally people talking and being happy.

(Y/n): Huh it's pretty busy here.

Kazuma: Hey use your goddess abilities and help us.

Aqua: You idiot I never looked here so how am I supposed to know where it's at?

Kazuma: Your a goddess your supposed to know this stuff and yet your useless.

(Y/n): Hold on I have an idea.

I then walked up to a merchant and explained the situation meanwhile Kazuma and Aqua were just standing there.

Kazuma: How come he can go and just walk up to him.

Aqua: Duh he isn't a neet like you!

Kazuma: Shut up and stop calling me that.

(Y/n): Hey guys.

Kazuma: Oh your back so how'd it go?

(Y/n): Well the merchant there told me the guild hall is located in the main part of town so we just need to make a couple turns this way and we'll be there follow me.


Kazuma: So this is the place?

(Y/n): Looks like it come on.

We then entered the guild and saw adventures drinking, eating, chatting all having a good time.

Ruffian: I never seen you before. Ya'll got some weird ass clothing.

Kazuma: Allow me. *walks up to the ruffian* Yo I heard you guys were fighting the devil king and I heard you could use my help to defeat him.

Ruffian: HAHAHAHAHA if dying is what you want then dying you can get welcome to the gates of hell you can sign up over there at the admission desk.

Aqua: How'd you do that?

Kazuma: I've played a lot of rpgs so I know what to say now lets go sign up!

We then walked up to the admission desk and saw a woman there.

Luna: Greetings you three my name is Luna I'm the head charge here at admission desk here in Axel how may I help you?

(Y/n): We would like to sign up to be adventures.

Luna: How great we're always looking for new recruits now the you'll just need to pay the registration fee.

Kazuma: Wait we have to pay a fee to be adventures? 

(Y/n): Didn't see that coming.

Kazuma: You two have any money?

Aqua: You dragged me without warning so I didn't grab my bag.

Kazuma: (Useless I can't even rely on her for money) How about you?

(Y/n): Let me check.

I dug around and found a pouch with a little note.

Seeing as you three are gonna be a party here is some eris to get you started E-

(Y/n): Well thank you goddess I'll make sure to repay your kindess.

Kazuma: Wait where did you get that?

Aqua: Who cares hurry up and pay the fee!

(Y/n): Hey this will do right?

Luna: Yes this will be enough now please follow me.

We followed Luna towards a sphere object.

Luna: Allow me to explain. Each character has their own occupations. This is your registration card. It keeps track of how many monsters you've vanquish. As your level increases, you'll earn points that you can use to learn skills, so please work hard to increase your level. Now three of you please hold your hands over this crystal. 

Kazuma: *places hand over it* Like this?

Just then the crystal glows  and after a few seconds it starts filling out the registration card underneath it.

Luna: With this, you will each learn your current status, so please choose your desired occupation based on your stats.

(Y/n): (Like a premade level reminds of dark souls)

Kazuma: (Here it comes! Now my tremendous latent abilities will be made apparent and there'll be an uproar throughout the guild!)

The crystal finishes the card and Luna picks it up.

Luna: Yes, thank you very much. Satou Kazuma, is it? Let me see...Average across the board. With the exception of decently high intelligence...Oh? Your luck is extraordinarily high. Of course luck isn't very essential stat for an adventure...With this much luck. I'd recommend becoming s merchant or something similar.

Kazuma: (She's disapproving of my adventurer's lifestyle right of the bat. What's going on?) Um make my primary job adventurer please.

Luna: W-well you can always change jobs when you level up!

Kazuma: You're right! (weakest job huh this sucks I was hoping to be a fighter or warrior or something).

Luna: Okay who's next?

(Y/n): Ladies first.

Aqua: Your so sweet.

Aqua walks over and places her hand over the crystal.

Luna: HUH aside from your intelligence being below average, and your luck being the lowest possible level, all of your stats are drastically above average!

Aqua: What? Does that mean I'm really amazing?

Luna: A-amazing is an understatement! The mage class, which requires intelligence, is out of the question, but other then that you can be anything you want! A crusader, sword, arch priest. Nearly any advanced class right from the start!

Aqua: A shame there's no goddess occupation, but in my case, maybe I'll be an arch priest who heals her allies.

Luna: An arch priest! An almighty class that commands all recovery and support magic, and that boasts enough strength to stand at the front line!

M. Adventurer 1: did you hear that an arch priest

M. Adventurer 2: yeah but what about that one dude with that huge sword on his back?

F. Adventurer 1: I don't know, but I bet he is tough.

(Y/n): Well here goes.

I placed my hand on the crystal as it started writing on my card.

Luna: A-Amazing your stats are way up high with this you can become any advance class you want!

Everyone was looking at me and after making up my mind I knew what to choice.

(Y/n): Make my class Mystic Knight!

Luna: Splendid Mystic Knights are skilled with both magic of all kinds and swordsman ship!

Everyone started cheering for both me and Aqua.

Luna: Without further ado, welcome to our adventurer's guild, Aqua and (Y/n). All of our staff will be looking forward to your future exploits. 

F. Adventurer 1: Starting off as an arch priest is incredible!

F. Adventurer 2: And the Mystic Knight too!

M. Adventurer 1: With those two together they might actually be able to beat the Devil King!

Kazuma: No event like this is gonna happen for me? 

Aqua: It's the Adventure's life for us starting today, (Y/n) and Kazuma!

Kazuma: When did you suddenly start liking this?

(Y/n): Does it matter it's time to begin our new adventure!

Kazuma: (He's right everything so far up to this point as been a character creation. Now our adventure is finally about to begin.


Hey everyone how're you doing? This story has been on my mind for awhile after reading some other Konosuba stories and seeing their creativity so I decided to join in this too. I decided to go with the fusion sword over the buster sword mainly because the fusion sword has six swords allowing more combat for our protagonist originally I was gonna go with warrior, but I remember how cloud and his friend were able to use magic thanks to the materia so I dug up a little information on the internet and came across the mystic knight that made for a better sense then warrior. With all this out of the way I'll see you guys later peace.

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