Youtube:Exposing Cube Ent

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Warning:nearly rape,abuse
Yeji pov:
"Hello everyone"i said waving at my camera and Taeyeon noona did the same"as you can tell by the title I'll tell you all about how cube treated us"i said as i took a deep breath as Noona kept rubbing my back.

"in 2015 I was watching a street peformance and after i left,i ran into an employee of cube entertainment and they said that their amazed by my beauty and would love it if i auditioned,so i thought why not and auditioned then i got selected and flew to South Korea".

"Everytime i was practising in my dance room at the company,my manager would often come and we would chat then after a while he changed".

"He would 'accidentaly'place his hand on my boobs and apologise at first i thought maybe he didn't mean to and when i was in the bathroom at my dorm with Unnies keep in mind that they went out to buy groceries".

"So he came and opened the door with a key but they didnt tell us that he have an extra key,then he walked to my shared room with Mei hui and he opened the bathroom and took a picture of me then quietly went out,i didn't notice cuz music was playing and i was singing".

"After we debuted and were having a celebration party and we were sitting down and eating with our manager".

"He kept touching me sexually under the table and after the dinner when i confronted him about it,he showed me the pictures that he took of me naked and threatened to show it to the public"Noona gasped as i said that.

"I pleaded that he doesn't do it as i dont wanna ruin our career and he said i must keep quiet and let him do what he wants".

"Then When we were getting our first award when my noona's stood infront of me and i was behind Kiki Xiao and the manager stood behind me and kept rubbing his"i started crying and noona kept hugging me then when i was okay i continued.

"he kept rubbing his ****** on me and lifted my skirt from the back a little and took his ****** out and kept rubbing it on my butt through my underwear as Weihui gave a speech after he was done he quickly put his ****** back inside his pants and acted like nothing happened".

"Another time that he sexually harassed me was when"tears came down my face as Noona hugged me and whispered reasuring things.

"When i went to the bathroom to wash my face and he came in and locked the door then he took off my clothes as i screamed for help and he took off his clothes as well then began to squeeze my boobs and rub my female hood"i cried.

"He then turned me around to face the mirror and put his man hood between my thighs and rub it across my female hood"i broke down as Taeyeon noona said that i can stop if i want to but i shook my head and whiped my tears.

"After a while white substances came out of his man hood and down my thigh he then turned me around and i heard the door being kicked as someone heard my pleads for help".

"Kiki Xiao kicked the door down and punched our manager and wrapped her jacket around me and took me home to change and get cleaned up".

"I told my gege's everything and Mimi hacked into his phone and deleted my picture,we told the CEO but he just said so deal with it if you want to be famous"after i told everything.

"But dont worry know I'm fine and with my noona's always protecting me and helping me i was able to be okay,im just glad that we all left that horrible company"i said and Taeyeon noona started to talk about funny things to lighten the mood.

"Well goodbye everyone and thank you to Landy'a for always being there for us"i said and ended the video then edited and censored some words then uploaded it.

The next day i saw what was trending on twitter.
#JusticeforYeji with 100M #
#We'rehereforyeji with 90M #

i also saw that idols sent their support to me and my video got more than 1billion views.

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