Welcome to Republic City PT 2

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Kevin pov:

I was sleeping shirtless because I was sleeping with two girls from my school, then my phone ring and one of the girls picked it up.

Teen girl 1: hello.

Chief beifong: Can I please talk to Mr Stark.

Teen girl 1 shakes Kevin to wake me up.

Teen girl 1: Kevin.

I woke up.

Kevin: Yeah?

Teen girl 1: It's for you.

Kevin: Who is it?

Teen girl 1: someone named, Beifong.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned while the girl gave him my phone, while she went back to sleep.

Kevin: Hi, Lin.

Lin: We need your help.

Kevin: with what exactly?

Lin: We have a girl running from us.

Kevin: Why can't you just ask your men to get her?

Lin: She's running down my man, plus she can bend.

Kevin: (Signs) I'll be right there.

I looked down at the two girls.

Kevin: Sorry girls, I'm gonna take off. But make ourselves at home there's food in the fridge and you can have any drink you want.

I go to the garage to put on my mark one suit on and the machine arms puts it on for me.


(A/N: playing at 1:10 pretend This is The Mark 1 suit)

They put it all together and now I have the mark one suit.

I open up a portal and I fly towards it and I was in Republic City not my first time being here, but I come here from time to time to help the chief and her men out sometimes. But this is different I was going to go stop a girl with bending powers. This is going to be interesting or lame, probably both.

Korra POV

I was still running from the metal benders police and I couldn't go away but they tied Naga, then there were 10 officers around me.

Officers: Stand down or we'll make you!

Korra: but I didn't do anything wrong!

The 10 officers came at me and I did everything I could to defend myself I even used my three bendings. And now I was doing a 1v1 with an officer, he was good but he was not as good as me and then right after I beat him I heard some music in the sky, music I never heard of.


(A/N: play it for 1:28. Pretend Korra as Loki)

I was looking around to where the music was coming from and then I had nowhere to blast me away, and then I saw red, yellow and silver armor suits, and he pointed so many weapons at me.

Kevin: Make a move, Smurfette.

The original officer who would try to arrest me walked next to him. Then I think of no choice but to surrender.

Korra: OK, okay! I give up.

I put my hands up showing them that I surrendered then the man in metal put away all of his weapons.

Kevin: Good move.

Officer: Mr Stark.

Kevin: Officer.

Lin POV:

I was in that navigation room with the girl explaining what she did.

Lin: let's see. Multiple counts of destruction of private and city property, not to mention evading arrest.

I slammed the board down on the table and she shook a little.

Lin: You're in a whole mess of trouble, Young lady.

Korra: but there were some thugs threatening a helpless shopkeeper and I--

I cut her off.

Lin: Can it. You should have called the police and stayed out of the way.

Korra: but I couldn't just sit by and do nothing. It's my duty to help people. See, I'm the avatar.

Which I already knew about her.

Lin: Oh, I am well aware of who you are, and your avatar title may press some people, but not me.

Korra: All right. Fine. Then I want to talk to whoever's in charge.

Lin: You're talking to her. I'm Chief beifong.

Korra: Wait. Beifong? Lin Beifong. Your Toph's daughter.

Lin: What of it?

Korra: Well, then, why are you treating me like a criminal? Avatar Aang and your mother were friends. They see the world together.

Lin: That's ancient history. And it's got diddly squat to the mess you're in right now. You can't just waltz in here and dole I was vigilante justice like you own the place.

Then one of my officers came to me to tell me something.

Officer: Chief, councilman Tenzin is here.

Tenzin is a councilman and used to then my boyfriend.

Lin: let him in.

The doors open and he walked in looking at Korra in a disappointing look.

Korra: Tenzin. Sorry. I got a little sidetracked on my way to see you.

Tenzin:[inhales] Lin, you are looking radiant as usual.

Lin: Cut the garbage, Tenzin. Why is the Avatar in Republic City? I thought you were supposed to move down to the South Pole to train her.

Tenzin: My relocation has been delayed. The avatar, on the other hand, will be heading back to the South Pole immediately, where she was stay put.

Korra: But--

Tenzin: if you can be so kind as to drop the charges against Korra, I will take full responsibility for today's regrettable events and cover all the damages.

I looked back at the avatar and then looked back to Tenzin.

Lin: Fine.

I uncuffed her on the table.

Lin: Get her out of my city.

Tenzin: Always a pleasure, Lin.

A couple minutes later.

Korra P.O.V

Me and Tenzin were walking down the hallway, and then I saw the guy in the metal suit that looked the same age as me. And I can't help it he is kind of cute.

Korra: Tenzin, can you wait up for me?

Tenzin: fine, but hurry up.

I walked to the teenage person.

Korra: Something tells me that you're not from these parts.

Kevin: And why would you care.

Korra: Nothing. I mean--it's just that I've never seen a person who wears a metal outfit?

Kevin: Well you seem a little questionable for an avatar.

I was so confused about what he was implying.

Kevin: So did they find you the same way as the original.

Korra: What?

Kevin: You know, the original Avatar. Did you miss a couple things if you know. Doing times as a popsicle.

Korra: Beifong didn't tell me that she knew someone like you.

Kevin: Yeah, it's a lot of things the chief doesn't tell you.

I walked away knowing that this iron guy was a complete jerk. But a cute jerk, but then once tension realized that the world needs the Avatar again he made me stay so I can teach air bending and my new home will be public city.

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