Foxfire, Sophie's schedule, and Sophie's alchemy skillz

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**I just want to say that these are not really theories, and they can be explained. Actually, I would love it if you could try to explain them, because I know explanations do exist:) these are just little details I noticed while rereading.

Foxfire and other schools:

Soo, this is kinda an iffy thing because this is not really a plot hole, there are explanations for this. I'm just posting for fun because I thought it was a little strange.

In the first book when Fitz finds Sophie, he's proud to go to Foxfire or whatever and Alden is like ahhh don't worry it's such an achievement to go to Foxfire he should be proud blah blah blah.

But isn't Foxfire the only noble elvin school for those ages? It's just Exillium or Foxfire, that's it.

Sophie's alchemy skills lol:

This isn't a theory, I just found this a little weird. As we all know, Sophie is notoriously bad at alchemy. But in her first class she actually said she did it all perfectly other than miss-reading whip from whap. It's a mistake anyone in her situation could've made because she had only been in the elvin world for what- a week? She obviously learned her lesson after that, but then why was she so terrible at alchemy for the next five years of her life? 

She actually did really well her first time, she just makes a lot of tiny mistakes that lead to uhm... large explosions. 

Sophie's schedule:

In one of her years at Foxfire (sorry, I forget which book), Sophie has inflicting in the Silver Tower on either Tuesdays or Thursdays and has linguistics in the Silver Tower on the other one (the day she doesn't have Inflicting, so either a Tuesday or Thursday as well). 

But the tracker on Silveny's butt came to lady cadence's attention from Sophie DURING her class. 

And that same day, it also says it's a Monday.

like uhm.... huh??????

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