Forkle Time 1

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Speaker: "Welcome back to Forkle time."

*the theme song plays*

Speaker: And here is your host, Mr. Forkle.

Forkle: Fitz!!!! You kids always get my introductions wrong!!

Forkle: Anyway, today we have the juicy stuff. I know in the books, I never seem like a character with any sense of humor or acknowledgment of jokes. In fact, I am the complete opposite.

Forkle: Just so you know. I love me some good drama.

Forkle: Today's edition includes; embarrassing Fitz, love decagon, and the JUICY FACTS!!!!!

Forkle: Starting with embarrassing Fitz, we have some memories of his.

Fitz: Wait, what???

Forkle *totally ignores Fitzipoo*: Let's play some of those clips shall we!!

*plays Fitz side of the story when Sophie totally rejects him*

*laughter plays (Keefe)*

Forkle: Well, there you have it.

Fitz: NO!!!

Forkle: He was totally hurt and confused. It was hilarious!!!

*laughter plays*

Sorry Fitzphie fans

Forkle: He even thinks cute.

Forkle: Here is some of his thoughts

Fitz: What? I just confessed and this is what I get?? I should have known Keefe would brainwash her!!! GRRRRRRR

Forkle: It is so cute when he growls, isn't it

*Clapping plays*

Forkle: Now, here is the love decagon, maybe even bigger!!! I will play it so only special people can view it. Special as in fans who are not Sophie and her friends. They can keep playing their oblivious games

*screen plays (below)*

Sophie lovers: Dex (not anymore, or so he says!!!), Fitz *gag* Sorry,  Keefe

Fitz lovers: Linh?, weird girls at school

Keefe Lovers: Sophie, Biana (past), some girls at school

Dex lovers: Biana

Tam lovers: Biana, Marella

Linh lovers: Fitz *gag*, Dex?, Wylie???

Biana lovers: Tam

Marella lovers: ???

Wylie lovers: Linh???

Stina: ???

Maruca: ???

all others are either married or i just forgot

if i forgot please tell me

Forkle: Now, time for Juicy Facts!!

Forkle: Oh sorry. We ran out of time. Tune in next time for FORKLE TIME!!!

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