Skip this unless you are fine with some jokes.

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If you are sensitive about the Corona Virus thing then skip this chapter. 

This is a joke about the Corona Virus to lighten up the mood.

Sorry if this offends you...

Fitz and his friends are going to the forbidden cities for "sightseeing."

Forkle dude made them go to get a perspective of humans.

Fitz eyed the blue pathfinder.

Blue for forbidden. Sophie, the ring leader, held it up to the light and leaped us to New York with her freaky enhanced concentration.

They stepped into the dark city. Rain clouds loomed over the skyscrapers, causing a dreary effect.

The normally bustling city, teeming with tourists, was like a ghost town. Nobody was sighted.

They scanned the nearby area just in time to see a woman rushing by with a handful of bags.

She ran past, going for her vehicle. She wore a gas mask, gloves, and clothing that covered her top to bottom. She wore a hat to cover her long swirly hair.

She stumbled with the keys, unlocking the trunk.

Fitz walked up to her.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Do you know where everyone is?" Fitz questioned.

The woman looked at the floor muttering numbers in her head.

Fitz touched her arm. "Are you okay?"

"4 feet! And oh no! You touched me!! I'M CONTAGIOUS!!!" the woman screeched. 

She ran away and rushed into her car. She drove away screaming.

"Well, that was that," Sophie said.


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