Fruit react???

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Keeper crew teleports into room with walls that are colors like red, orange, and yellow. 

Sophie: This one's a bit too colorful for my taste. 

Biana: Not enough pink either. 

Linh: Or enough blue.

All the boys: *nod*

Me: Hello!

Everyone: AHHH

Sophie: Do you have to surprise us like that?

Me: Yes!

Biana: So what are we reacting to today?

Me: Fruit!

Keefe: Like Elvin fruit?

Me: Nope! Like human fruit! Keefe, this is reacting. Were only going to react to human stuff. Unless...

Keefe: Unless what?

Me: Never mind. Just gave me an idea for another react. Anyways, on with the fruit!

Me: *pulls out a mango* Do any of you know what this is? Not you, Sophie.

Dex: I saw that in one of my mom's human movies. I think its a tangot? 

Me: Nope. It's a mango!

Sophie: I've had those before! I always used to eat the skins.

Dex: Wait, you eat skins?

Sophie: Mango skins. They're healthy and good for you.

Me: And tasty. Anyway, I brought enough mangoes for everyone to try!

Fitz: yay.

Sophie: Nice! I used to eat mangoes all the time when I lived in the forbidden cities!

Me: *conjures more mangoes*

Keefe: *cautiously takes mango* hmm... looks fine.

Me: Just eat it Keefe!

Keefe: Fine. *Takes a bite* I like it!

Biana: *takes a mango and picks off the skin* *takes a small bite* Kinda slimy, but I like the sweetness.

Sophie: *Takes a mango and takes a big bite* I forgot how good they were!

I wrote this a while ago, and since then i've kinda fallen out of kotlc and so i think im going to end this book here. ty for reading!

286 words

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