KOTLC Reacts To Everblaze

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Me: *appears out of thin air* Okay I'm back.

Sophie: How did you do that? We know you are a conjurer, are you a vanisher?

Me: Nope! So here are the next books to read. *Conjures books* Now read your books. *Disappears*

*Everyone except Sophie proceeds to grab books*

Biana: I wonder what part exactly will we get to learn about Sophie.

Linh: Me too! This is amazing!

Dex: *Mumbles* Oh no! Is this when I used the circlet? I hope not.

Keefe: What was that Dex?

Dex: Let's start reading now.

Everyone except Fitz: What is wrong with the Council? Why would they want you to heal Fintan? He is evil so he deserves to be broken!

Sophie: The Council does make extremely stupid decisions. I don't know what is on their mind sometimes.

Tam: Honestly, I could see that while being interrogated, he'd try to hurt you. I don't get why you were all surprised.

Fitz: Well you did have problems trusting anyone. Though with parents like yours, I would feel the same.

Keefe: Just letting you know that my parents are even worse.

Tam: Oh, is little Keefe jealous that I'm getting attention? *Says in a mocking tone)

Keefe: You want a fight Bangs Boy? I could easily take you on like I took on Ki-

Linh: Okay that's enough. *Splashes water in both of their faces*

Everyone except Tam and Keefe: *starts laughing* That was hilarious to watch.

Linh and Tam: So Fintan was in Eternalia and burnt down a place and killed Councillor Kenric? Wow that's sad.

Tam: And how many friends do you even have?

Dex: Ohnonononono *tries to find a hiding place*

Linh: Dex! How could you do this to Sophie?

Dex: I didn't know it was for Sophie. If I knew I would have never made it.

Everyone except Tam and Linh: That was a really bad time.

Everyone except Sophie: Woah. Finding out that Brant was the hidden pyrokinetic seemed tough to handle. And poor Grady, he trusted him a lot.

Tam: Oh no. That was dangerous on Mount Everest. You go to a dangerous mountain and have a fight with the Neverseen and you almost let Biana die. *Emphasizes the words Biana die by accident*

Fitz: What? You have a crush on my sister now?

Tam: *starts blushing a little bit* Noooooo. Of course not. *Slowly gets away from Keefe*

Keefe: What's wrong Bangs Boy? Don't want me confirm that crush for you?

Linh: I mean he does like brunettes more than others. *Smiles mischievously to Tam*

Keefe: I'm going to remember that for sure. *Smirks*

Me: So how did you like it?

Dex: Second book was better? Did not have me being a total jerk.

Sophie: Can you not refer my life as a book?

Linh and Biana: This was more sad. Councillor Kenric *starts crying*

Keefe: Second is better. It has more of me in it.

Tam and Fitz: I actually like this book better.

Me: Well that's good. Others are loving this series now. *Starts smiling really big* And now I need to go. See you soon. Bye!

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