Axel (@8gtberry)

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What did he do? He was the ever quiet, ever handsome, ever...running out of words Axel! What ever he had done to anger Ocean certainly wasn't enough to compensate for the fact that she had hit him with a book. A very hard book. She was lucky that he was considering not pressing charges. Whatever, he thought as he pulled his own book out, rubbing his head. Ace sat down next to him, holding a piece of paper. "We've been assigned to show some new student around. Some girl named Elodie is helping. Drendan is the student." He said, looking very bored. "Why?" Asked Axel. "Apparently this student is very special, and they want to make sure that she goes to foxfire." "Why wouldn't she?" Asked Axel. Ace shrugged. After class, Axel walked out, noticing Ocean getting punished by the teacher and smirking. A girl stood by the hallway. She had curly black hair at the top, blending down to lighter brown. Her skin was tan and shiny, and her eye's were shimmering ice crystals. Axel and Ace drew in a breath. She was stunning. 

"Hello boys." She said, smiling. Her voice was like a harmony of angels, and her smile was filled with shiny teeth. Shaking the fuzz out of his head, Axel gave the principal a questioning look. "She special case. She's a mesmer and a beguiler. A powerful one at that." Said the principal at their confusion. Drendan gave a smile that made Axels knee's feel weak. This was going to be interesting. Elodie walked over. She was a small girl, in Ace's level. She looked like a pixie, with delicate lashes and heart shaped lips. "Is this Drendan? My, she's pretty." Said Elodie. Oh boy, this was going to be interesting.  

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