Cara (@cherrycherry1027)

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This was it. 1st year at Foxfire. Cara had styled her hair perfectly unlike her older sister Noctem. She beautiful hair, like her dad ( Keefe.. this is weird to imagine.. but moving on,) and ice blue eyes flecked with gold. She couldn't wait for Foxfire and today was the day. She had spent all night talking to Daffy, her best friend. Sadly her parents were unknown so Cara was like a sister to her. She had a checker red and white shoulder less shirt and a white jean skirt to go along with it. " NOCTEM! DID YOU STEAL MY RED HEADBAND?" Cara yelled from her room. " NO! I DON'T EVEN LIKE IT!" She yelled back. Cara sighed. Her sister was doing a great job at being the annoying sister job.( sorry to whoever is playing Noctem.) She finally found it underneath the couch.." KIDS! BREAKFAST!" Her mom yelled. Cara hopped down the stairs eager to see what her mom had cooked. Chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries, and blueberries with maple syrup. Yum. Cara digged into the food, amazed how good her mom cooked. She preferred sugarknots but this was fine too. " Ooh yum, thanks mom!" Ari, her older brother exclaimed. " NOCTEM! BREAKFAST!" Her dad yelled. Noctem yelled a 'coming' and sat down on the stool. " Who helped you style that?" Cara asked eyeing her teal shirt which oddly looked familiar. " What?" Noctem asked again. " Your outfit?" Cara said picking up the maple syrup and pouring it over her pancakes. " Uh me." Noctem said rearranging her pancake. Her dad raised an eyebrow. " What?!" Noctem asked. Ari stood up and placed his empty dish in the sink. " I have nothing to do with this." He said as he walked out. Cara wanted to do that. " You sure you did that?" Her dad asked. Her mom nudged him. Cara pretend not to notice. The kitchen finally quieted down as Noctem huffed as she went back to her room slamming her door shut. " How's my little waffle doing?" Keefe asked Cara. Cara rolled her eyes. " Mom, can you mentally kill dad?" She asked. Keefe's eyes widened. She could sense her dad was a bit terrified. You couldn't lie to an Empath after all. " I'm leaving, I promised to meet Daffy at her apartment." Cara added as she sat up to leave. " good idea honey." Her mom said nodding in approval before yelling to her older sibling to go to school. Cara ran to her apartment and found Daffy was already out. " DAFFY!" Cara exclaimed before quickly hugging her. " Hey Cara! How's your morning?" Daffy asked. " Annoying. I couldn't find my headband and figured Noctem took it. But she was really telling the truth that she didn't. After all you can't lie to an Empath. And then Mom made these delicious pancakes and dad asked Noctem how she looked so good cus she isn't that good at fashion as I am. But that went down as Dad called me 'waffle' and I asked Mom to mentally kill him and he got terrified but I knew he could sense that I was kidding. Daffy you are SO lucky to not have siblings ya know? So hard to have a Telepath, Enhancer and a Teleporter.. but lucky me I'm exactly like lord daddyio. Daffy nodded walking along listening to Cara's words. This is what Cara liked about her. She was a listener while Cara was a more talkative one. " Come on let's crush this 1st year!"

Thanks so much for writing this amazing chapter @cherrycherry1027!!! 

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