Daffy, Yuna, Cara and Hydra (@Macyfun) (@cherrycherry1027) (@8gtberry)

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Daffy POV

It was only a few weeks that everyone turned on me. Everyone except Cara, Yuna, and Austin. Everyone was still hanging out in my house everyday. But I wasn;t invited to join. Now I am sitting in my part of the room watching everyone else have fun in Yuna's part of the room. (their room is huge ok?) I heard Annabelle say "awww guys look, it's Daffy! How could I have missed that!?". Everyone that turned on me, laughed with Annabelle. Cara, Yuna, and Austin were awkwardly sitting there. Well looks like they replaced me already. Tomorrow was school. Time to make some new friends.


I was walking toward the front door of Foxfire when all of a sudden people ran to walk beside me. They weren't even talking to me! I was sooo confused. "OMG Daffy hi!" A random student said to me. "Oh um hi" I say. "So I heard that you stood up to Annabelle. How did you do that!?" She asked. "Umm what?" I said distracted. Annabelle and her 'new friends' were in the same hallway as me. "Oh I mean like how did you do that?!. Annabelle is like the Stina of our generation!" She explains. "Oh well I just told the truth. That's all." I say honestly.

After school

I go home and up to my room to start my homework. But instead I see the gang there including Annabelle. They all have a guilty look on their face. They come over to me and say almost the same thing. 'Oh I am so sorry I thought you did something that you didn't!' Something along those lines. "Oh it is fine..." I say. "Your back in the group Daf!" Loli tells me. "Wait really?!" I ask them, I can't believe it's true! "Yep and Annabelle here is not..." Ignis explains. Ace and Axel even shake their head to agree that their sister is not part of the group now. "Wow thanks guys!" I appreciate them. Annabelle comes over and says "you won this time but next time. Not so lucky" She sneered. "Oh well ok! Bye!!" I say to her as she leaps away. That night I slept peacefully.


Apparently me and Annabelle's fight became the talk of the school. Gossip much. I met Cara at our lockers. They are right next to each other. We head to class but my clumsy self bumps into someone. "I am so sorry." I look up and see Austin. Whyyyyy, Well I do always bump into him though.... "Oh hey Daffy." He tells me to blush a little bit. Cara gives me the 'oooo' look. I give Cara the 'not now!' look back. Cara bends down and helps me pick up my books. "Thanks Cara!" I told her. "No problem! That's what Best friends are for!" She responds back. She walks away leaving just me and Austin. "So what class do you have next?" He asks me. "Multispecies Social Studies with Lady Anwen'' I responded back. "Oh cool! I have Alchemy with Lady Galvin." He says. We walk to my class together. "Well see you after school!". "Yep!" We both blush and part our separate ways.

I get to class on time and Lady Anwen starts to talk. "So today we are working on a project. I will assign partners." Lady Anwen says. Normally Cara and I are her favorite students so we always get partnered up together. But this time I was not so lucky. " Here are the partners" (btw i am making people up here) Nova with Leah, Tristan with Lucky, Waves with Melody, Emma and Skylar." Ok I am next. Wait.....that means I am partnered up with Cara! wait.... "Lastly but not least a trio Cara, Daffy and Annabelle." WHAT!?

Cara POV

I got partnered up in a trio.. With Daffy and Annabelle. Oh how awkward. " Let's start!" I try to lighten up the mood. Annabelle nods, grabbing a box of markers and carefully drawing on the paper. I hand Daffy the scissors and she snips away. " I think our project should be.. About sun and earth?" I asked throwing ideas around.

" That could work.." Annabelle said, still drawing. " What about friendship?" Daffy asked.

" Ooh yes!"

Yuna POV

"Maybe we could do our project about Moon." Yuna said, voice quivering. "Who's Moon?" Livvy asked. "My pet Alicorn." Yuna said looking down. "Classic Yuna." Ignis huffed under his breath. "What?!" Yuna said, her voice sharper than intended. "Nothing, you just selfishly have to choose everything revolving around you." "I think I like this guy." Lea smirked. "Incase you've forgotten, Alicorns were almost instinct, it would be an interesting topic. We may even find things that professors from the Nobility haven't found yet. But you know, that's not important enough for you to remember." Yuna shot back. "Oh shut up you two, you sound like a divorced couple." Lea said. Molly laughed and Lea blushed a little bit, smirking even wider.

"Moon it is." Molly said, grinning. "Meet at my place a half an hour after school." Yuna said. They all nodded in agreement and looked away.

~ At Yuna's house ~

Yuna brushed out her long blond ringlets and got changed into a white tunic and purple plaid skirts. "Pass me the good hairbrush!" Daffy hollered. "Here, lazy." Yuna said, rolling her eyes. Daffy came in Yuna's old pale pink tunic dress. "That looks great on you!" Yuna said, smiling at Daffy who looked a little like a reflection. She had the same round face. Her hair was a darker sandy blond but curled in the same ringlets at the end of her hair. "There here." Yuna said quickly, running downstairs and opening the door to see Lea, Ignis, Molly and Livvy. "Daffy is going to work with us." Yuna said, slinging her arm over Daffy's shoulder.

"Free passing your sister into an assignment." Ignis said, rolling his eyes. "What happened to him?" Daffy asked questioningly. "Nevermind, so where's Moon?" Ignis asked. "In the backyard." Yuna said, leading the group to Moons pen. A majestic teenage alicorn (Wow that sounds stoopid) grazed the stalks of wheat. "Woah." Lea said, brushing a strand of curly hair away from her glinting blue eyes.

"So, where do we start?" Molly asked. "Um.. well we have to. We have to identify the past so I guess we have to research the past and history of Alicorns. But since we're here, we might as well examine Moon." Ignis suggested. The group agreed and walked inside the pen. Moon whinied and trotted backwards. "She's afraid." Yuna said. "Now what..?" Lea huffed,

Hydra POV

Hydra was super excited after the mini sleepover. She had never been invited to these kinds of things before, let alone with a bunch of friends and Molly. School quickly sped up the pace and ability sessions were even harder. Of course Molly had telepathy training so Hydra didn't get to see her as often. Ocean, however Hydra was seeing a lot of.

"Hi Hydra!" Said Ocean. Her Sapphire blue uniform was especially neat and her blackish-greyish hair was tied in a sleek ponytail. Her confident stance made the meek level one's look up at her like some kind of goddess. (LOL) Hydra smiled and nodded a hi at her. The two quickly began to work with the water. They went through the perfect form of a water sphere quickly. Hydra quickly rounded her sphere and kept it in the air. Ocean grinned at her. Hydra however noticed a lot of the smiling was directed towards Caden. Hydra took note of this but decided to leave her older cousin alone about it. Hydra noticed that Jolie and Emmie were working well together. Jolie was teaching her how to breath flames out of her mouth and it looked like they were having fun.

After class Ocean dragged Hydra over to Caden, Emmie, Jolie, and Loli. "Hi! Are you Hydra's friends?" Asked Ocean. Loli smirked, placing a hand on her hip and nodded. Caden Grinned and nodded and Emmie wrapped her arm around Hydra's shoulder. "Well y'all probably know this already but I'm Hydra's older sister." "I'm her cousin!" Said Ocean. Ocean smiled politely at Loli but grinned at Caden. She tugged her perfect ponytail and Hydra began to rub her arms, feeling slightly annoyed. A little tugging feeling drove her insane every time Ocean smiled at Caden or the other way around. By the end of the day smiling in general made her peeved.

The next day Hydra carefully made sure her black level one uniform wasn't crinkled at all and her hair was filled with bouncy curls. She greeted Yuna and Loli and sat down at the hallway with them. "Hi! We're just waiting for Cara, Daffy, and Ivy! Said Loli. "Can Molly sit with us too?" Asked Hydra. Loli examined Molly. "Hmmmmmmmmm." Endless seconds passed until Loli shrugged and Molly sat down with them.

Annabelle and Ignis walked past them. Annabelle shot Yuna a little snotty smile as they walked past and Yuna looked upset. "What was that about?" Asked Molly. Yuna looked down at the fancy foxfire carpet. The siblings, Lea and Damian walked past them. Lea wore her curls in a tight bun. Her expression was bored.

When she walked by Hydra noticed her twin's (Molly) cheeks grew warm. Somehow Hydra didn't think it was about Damian but she didn't question Molly. Hydra went through classes like any normal day.

At Lunch

"Hey, what's going on?" Asked Hydra. All of the level 1-3's were sitting together. Hydra pretended not to notice that Ocean had invited Caden and Aiden to their table. Jolie was sitting with them and so was Yuna and Loli. "Hi." Said Ivy. Hydra turned around. "Oh, Will's over there." Said Hydra. Ivy blushed and walked over there. Hydra sat down next to Loli and looked out the window. When would this long day be over. 

Enjoy this 4 person chappie, more coming soon!

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