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"Thanks, Jacob... you know, from saving me from death," I said as I winked. Jacob and I were in front of the Leapmaster soon after I woke up, and also after Elwin did several check-ups on me. "Crystalline!" I called to the Leapmaster. A single crystal from it, lighting a path home. But before I stepped into the light way, I turned around and walked up to Jacob, feeling bold enough to step onto my tiptoes and lightly peck him on the cheek, then turned back around and disappeared into the light. --- I kissed Jacob. And I have to go on a date today with Neil. So technically I cheated on him. 


 My thoughts were at war inside my aching head, which was starting to hurt more and more. I barely made it to my room and fell to the floor, hands shaking, feeling my head burn hotter and hotter. What's happening to me? Although I usually had enough energy to unleash a scream loud enough to be heard for miles (a plus side of being a Vociferator), all of that energy had been drained from me. "Mom... dad... Molly, Hydra, Will... anyone.. please," I coughed, my arms having no strength anymore. "Em, where are- oh my gosh, Emmie!" The last thing I saw was Hydra's petrified face before I passed out. --- "...and it's a clear problem now and there might be only one possible solution..." Loud voices rang in my ears, and I desperately wanted to cover them, although my arms had absolutely no strength. "...if this keeps on-" "Elwin! Em's awake!" I opened my eyes slightly, overwhelmingly bright lights obscuring my vision. Once the blurriness faded away, I could make out the faces of Elwin, mom, dad, Hydra, Molly, Will, and Sir Edward, my brother helping me sit up. "What... what happened?" I whispered, my voice having no strength. The adults exchanged looks. "You... you passed out," Molly managed. Elwin sighed and nodded to Sir Edward. "Let's just get this over with."

My pyrokinesis teacher, Sir Edward, cleared his throat. "You see, Emmie... your ability has grown too strong and it's become a problem." "My... my pyrokinesis?" "Yes. Do you see what you did at study hall with no easy thing? I've never seen purple flames before. Never. And a few days ago when you made that wall of fire that surrounded Annabel, those flames were almost white. That's something new too." 

 "And as you can see," Elwin added, "your pyrokinesis Is showing negative side effects. You've had extremely high fevers, and the one that cause you to pass out today nearly killed you. Thank goodness Jacob was there." "Jacob?" Molly and Hydra asked at once, raising their right eyebrows identically and staring at me suspiciously. "That's off-topic. So, what's the solution?" I could see Elwin was avoiding my eyes and my parents and mentor looked extremely uncomfortable and anxious. I braced myself for bad news. "Well... the only solution here is to install an ability restrictor for your pyro-" "What?!" I shouted, my head throbbing with both pain and anger. "An ability restrictor?! Did you seriously consider-" Before I could finish, my cot erupted into violent red-orange flames, making everyone step back as my sisters screamed. It took 15 waves each from Mom and Hydra to make the flames fully disappear. I coughed, shivering as Hydra pulled the water out of my hair, clothes, and cot. "Hm... interesting." Sir Edward mumbled. 

"It seems that now, your ability is following your emotions." I looked down, ashamed for almost hurting my family. I wasn't the only one that my pyrokinesis affected. It affected all of my family and friends as well. I had to stop being selfish, for their sake. "I'll do it," I said softly, Half hoping they wouldn't hear. "The restrictor." Everyone in the room seem to exhale, as if they were glad I had accepted. It hurt to know that, but I couldn't blame them, really.

I held back my tears are they climbed out of the cot, Will steadying me as dad created a beam of light to Crystalline. --- Will announced that he would be sleeping on the couch downstairs that night. Probably because he's afraid I'll burn the house down, I thought sadly as I watched my twin brother take a pillow and blanket downstairs. My head still hurt, but a bit less than it did at the healing center. My imparter rang and I saw that it was Neil. The blood drained out of my face as I realized that I missed our scheduled date. "Neil, I'm so so sorry-" "It's fine, really," his voice was a mix of frustration and sadness. "I mean, obviously a girl like you wouldn't actually like me." "What? Neil, just let me explain, it wasn't anything like that at all-" "You know what?" he whispered, "Just Forget it. All of it. Forget I ever asked you out. Forget I ever liked you, forget we ever even met." 

 "What? No! Neil, I-" The screen went blank. Thud. My knees weak, I fell to the floor next to my fallen imparter, the floodgates open. I cried until I felt two arms wrap around me. I didn't even care who it was. I just sat there and sobbed into someone's arm. "It's going to be okay." "H-how?" I demanded. "How is it going to be okay w-when Neil just b-broke up with m-me and-" "Neil broke up with you?" I looked up through my tears to see Will. "He broke up with you?" my twin repeated. I nodded sadly, a new round of tears forming in my eyes. "He'll regret it," Will mumbled. "I'm s-sorry," I stuttered, I wiping my tears away. "I know I should be stronger than this-" "Emmie, you're already strong enough. You've gone through so much, yet here you are, persevering through it all. It's okay to cry. And it takes strength to cry, too." I smiled. Under all that bitterness, Will was truly as sweet as mallowmelt. "Thanks, Willy." "No prob, Emelyn."

We grinned at our old nicknames for each other. Then I collapsed onto my bed and fell asleep as soon

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