Fayla and Jackson (@PsychoWolf1010)

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Fayla And Jackson 


 Why do mom and dad want me to meet people? I really don't get it. I walk down the halls and stop at Freya's room. It has been locked down since she disappeared. I decided it was time for me to see inside of it since... since I want to see the only thing I have left of her. I opened the door and saw a little box on the cabinet counter. I took it and inside was a locket that looked exactly like the one Freya used to wear. A note was in the box. Dear Fayla, If you get this, I wanted you to have it as a gift. You are a wonderful sister and just know that I love you. -Freya. I tear up as I reread the note. I clasp on the locket and open it. Inside is a picture of Freya and I eating mallowmelt together. Suddenly, I see cloaked figures. I whip out my daggers, but it was too late. I scream just as one of the cloaked figures puts a cloth on my nose. I inhale the sweet smell and I fall into the darkness.


 My mom looked really nervous and scared. She just got a call from Fayla's mother and told Laminae and I we had to go over to Evershadow. Everyone was already over there with a crying Tilly and a tear stained Alvar. "F-Fayla's gone," Alvar told us. "WHAT?!?" We all shrieked. Sure we didn't like her, but still. My mother and father went to comfort them while Tam, Biana, Linh, and Fitz all had tears in her eyes. A sugar bee came in and started whimpering. I guess that is Fayla's pet. Tilly picked her up and brought her to a bowl of food. "We were in our rooms when we heard a shriek from Freya's room. When we got there, three figures were there with a drugged Fayla. They leaped away before we could do anything," Tilly sobbed. Everyone was shocked, especially Damian. Did he like Fayla? "B-But how? I thought the Neverseen was defeated," Biana whispered. "There is another group that Fintan told us about. All of them are pyrokinetics. They call themselves Everfire."

There was actually a typo where it said, Dear Fayla, If you get this, I wanted you to have it as a gift. You are a wonderful sister and just know that I love you. -Fayla. BWAHAHAHAHAHH I MEAN LOVE LETTER TO YOURSELF AM I RIGHT- 

Enjoy 😉 - 8gtberry

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