Fayla (@harper-bxth & @-watermella-)

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"And then there's a ball later this evening" Damian explained while the bell rang. "Cool" But in my head I didn't really care. Balls were for people that are hopelessly in love or something. "Are you going...?" He asks. "Hm? Me? Possibly" I reply, I know my mom was going to make me go to make 'New friends'. "Well cupcake, I will be there possibly too." He grins. I blush, WAIT WHAT? FAYLA VACKER DOES NOT BLUSH!! I REPEAT, DOES NOT BLUSH! "You good?" The boy asks. "Yep, all good. See ya tonight" And I walk away. I can sense him grinning again, I wanted yo wipe that grin off his face so badly.

"MOM! I WAS ALREADY NICE TO A FEW PEOPLE OK? IS THAT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?!" I shout at her. "Fayla Rosa Vacker, do not talk to me with that tone of voice like that ever again." Somethimes I get scared of my mom, this was one of those times. I run up the stairs and go to my room. I slam the door shut and lock it. I grab a pillow and scream in it. Then i go into the bathroom and knock down some of the bottles. When i felt like that was enough i go lay in bed staring up at the celing. This was a habit i made when my sister was gone. I get ready for this up coming party, it was my first party and I was going to make a statement

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