Hana (RainbowWings777)

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Hey there! You're Hana right?" Hana's looked up and there was Cara. Hana also knew Cara, she wasn't quite as popular as Yuna but a very close second. They talked for a little bit then Cara invited her to sit at her table for the last five minutes of lunch. Hana accepted. Maybe this isn't going to be so bad she thought maybe these people can be my friends. Their table was jam packed but Hana managed to squeeze onto the end. It was loud. At that table alone there was about 20 people. 

Hana felt herself lose her calm. She hated loud noises. "I'm sorry I have to go." She said to the others. Then she sprinted into the hallway. She found a dark corner and started to cry. She would never be like the other girls. Then Hana pulled herself together and walked to her class, once again 15 minutes early. It was Alchemy and she didn't recognize anyone. The teacher Sir Calwen partnered everyone up and Hana got Stella. She had seen her around but had never learned her name. Even thought Hana was still 11 and Stella was 12 Hana was very good at alchemy. Stella was not. At first Stella looked annoyed that she'd been partnered with her but then her eyes turned calculating and she smiled.

"So, are you doing anything after school today?" Stella asked. Hana was surprised. "No why?" Turns out that Stella wanted her to come over after school! "I don't have a date to the formal," She explained. "I'm going with a group of friends and we're getting ready after school." Hana excitedly said yes. Maybe these girls could be her friends! After school she went over to Stella's house. Hana's parents were thrilled when she told them that she was going to the formal and even got her a dress. She rang the doorbell. Her aunt Maruca opened the door and her eyes widened.

"Wow, aunt Maruca I didn't know Stella was your daughter!" She exclaimed. Maruca smiles and invited her inside and to Stella's room. There was a group of girls there all getting ready. Stella and her friends helped her and acted very friendly. "Hana do you have an ability?" One of them asked. Hana said yes and snapped her fingers. Strangely, instead of the light that normally came from being a Flasher there was a dome of white light surrounding Hana! She flailed and screamed and caused such a ruckus that Maruca and Jensi came up to investigate. 

Everybody but Maruca looked confused. "I'll help you get out." She said, snapping her fingers as well. The dome disappeared. "Well, Maruca said. "Apparently you're a Psionipath now too." Hana blushed. It was weird enough to have manifested at 6. She didn't need or want another ability. "Well, lets go to the formal!" Stella said snapping out of her shock. Hana nodded and they left.

Ty RainbowWings777!!!

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