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Date written-25/06/2018

Location written- Home sweet home

Date published-26/6/2018

Date requested- 2/11/2017 (I'm so sorry for the delay!)

Requested by- My homie Fanaticwolf ❤️❤️❤️

Dedicated to- Fanaticwolf , All starlights and anyone who is in love with Lee Hongbin!


Genre- Romance

Setting- A university or high school library

Narration- First person, The girl. (Feel free to imagine your self)

Number of words- 1300 (Approximately! I didn't count this time!)

Main character- Hongbin

Band- VIXX

Fandom- Starlight a.k.a My unbiological family! (Yes I know that's not a word!)


A/N- This one shot was requested ages ago, but as I promised myself, I don't write unless I really feel like it, cuz my writing reflects my emotions. 😊 So I hope you like this one shot! It's not heavily planned or anything, it's just a cute and lovey story!

I sneaked a peak through the rattling book shelf. I made sure to make it seem like I was busy or something. I kept looking and then looking away.

I stepped out of the aisle with all of my books, and my body stopped moving....and there he was.

Our eyes met. And I panicked, managed to move my legs and quickly turned away. I didn't want to keep more eye contact for too long, because I thought I was gonna sink to the floor.

I felt some sort of electricity.... a strong beating of my heart. It was so loud, I felt like people around could here it. I quickly took the books I needed, got my card stamped and left. All the while, trying to muffle the sound of my heart beat with the huge books I was carrying.

I guess you could say it was a "crush"? I've never really been interested in anyone. My priority has always been studying and getting the highest grades possible. Even when my friends had boyfriends and girlfriends, I'd usually just say that I had no time. Because I actually didn't.

But all this recently changed after I saw someone. I don't really know his name. I just know that I see him in the library everyday. And after the first day I saw him, I found my self constantly having to replace my library card. I kept going back for more than just project work.

I can't really describe the feeling of it. It's like seeing him, makes my heart go faster and every time I see him, I feel like I need to confess, just so I can not live with the agony of "what if".

So I went to the library on a day that it's not crowded much and sat at my regular space. I managed to catch a few glimpses of him while I was working on my project.

I don't even know his name! I just know that he looks completely angelic and has the kindest of hearts. He has almost dark chocolate hair which just manages to stay in perfect waves, he's tall and just beautiful and let me tell you, not may people can pull off looking good in glasses...

It's not like me to be into looks that much. But he just looks too good to ignore. And he helps everyone out at the library and he always has a genuine smile on his face. In a word... dreamy.

I didn't like how I was day dreaming about him. I wanted to do something about it. So I moved to a place closer to where he was rearranging some old books.

I placed all my stuff on the table, pulled the chair out and sat down. I looked around to catch another glimpse of him and maybe talk to him about how I felt. He wasn't there. He never suddenly leaves like that.

Out of nowhere, a hand holding a book invaded the space between me and my books.

"You we're looking for this, right?", a deep but smooth voice said.

I looked up, all googly eyed and it was him!

For a moment I didn't know what to do. So I smiled like an idiot, blinked a few times just to make sure I wasn't blind and cleared my throat.

"Ummm... thank you. How did you know that I wanted this book?", I asked suspiciously.

"You saw me last week maybe? Because I've been wanting this book for a while", I smiled to myself and touched the cover of it.

"Well you looked kinda disappointed when someone else borrowed it last week. So I kept it with me for a couple of days to give it to you.", he said, embarrassed.

I was kinda impressed with that...

"I like that your old school...", he said.

"Excuse me?", I scoffed.

"Oh no... I didn't mean it in a bad way! It's just that, I admire a person who works hard and just doesn't copy off the internet", he smiled.

"Nice recovery", I thought.

"You come here pretty often huh? I notice because all the other kids don't come here for the right reasons... if you know what I mean! You're probably the only one who actually uses this library. It's not everyday you see someone appreciate the written word.", he said matter-of-factly.

"Oh my gawd, have you been watching me?!", I thought.

"You are probably thinking about how I remember about the book right?", he guessed,"Well.....", he made his way to the chair right in front of me, "I've been meaning to tell you something."

"What is happening?",I thought again.

"Don't worry. It's nothing to be worried about or anything", he shuffled some of his hair and said boyishly.

" name is Y/N", I introduced myself, randomly.

He chuckled. "That's a beautiful name. Suits you well", he smiles while looking straight into my eyes.

"Tell me your name, you beautiful human! I've been wanting to know it for a long time now!",I really don't know why I can't say anything right now. I felt like my lips were shut, and my heart was screaming out at him.

"I'm Lee HongBin", he said while extending a friendly hand to shake, "Hi", he greeted shyly.

I shook his hand and I felt like one of those characters in cliche movies. There was an instant spark within me, the moment I touched his skin. "Hi...", I said, while blushing. And when I blush, I really blush.

"I have to tell him how I feel before I die of this waiting.", I made up my mind to tell him. I get that it is straight forward. But I don't like having regrets.

"Uhhh", I began.

"Listen...", he cut me off.

I looked at him and our eyes met again. I could stare at those eyes forever....

"Oh no... i think I have actually started liking you and if the feeling is not mutual... I don't know what I would do", I thought to myself.

"I need to tell you..."



"please, please let it be what I think it is!"

" .....the library is open today for an extra 2 hours. Just wanted to let you know, because it looks like you could use the extra hours for your work.", he got up slowly and left.

I sighed a breath of disappointment, "I knew it... he was too good to be true and too good to be with someone like me... what was I thinking..", I tried to put some sense into my head.

And just as I was about to go stuff my face with ice cream and watch a sappy movie, Hongbin walked over and put their hands on my shoulder and whispered in my ear..."The extra opening hours...were my idea, for a date maybe?", he asked.

I was so surprised that I think my face froze and showed the same expression for a good 15 seconds.

"You were thinking of this right? Me liking you?", he asked in doubt.

My heart was going through a million thoughts right now and all I did was slip him a note before I swiftly left that section of the library. I looked behind and whispered loudly.

"Call me...and on", I smugly smiled and left the library.

A few seconds later my phone started vibrating. I took it out of pocket and it happened to be an unknown number.

"Please let it be you. It'll be so cool if you called right now",my mind raced.

"Hello?", I answered the call expectantly.

"You wanted me to call you right now, didn't you?", a familiar deep voice said and it was Hongbin, right behind me on the call, in the hallway! Standing all tall and handsome and like he had accomplished something....

I turned to face him and met with his eyes again and this time my gaze memorized his entire face.

I stepped forward a few steps and came closer to him until we were just a breath away, I said while still on the phone, "It's like you read my heart."


Okayyy another one shot! Hope this one was a good one! It is a bit short, but.... I still kinda feel like it's ok! Tell me what you think... and requests are always open! (But I will only write it wayyy after the request, cuz I don't write when I don't feel like it 😅) Again, Fanaticwolf , sorry for the delay... I hope you still remember what you requested and I hope that this one shot was worth it!

Thanks for taking time out of yo lives to read this! I'm honored! Here's some presents!

Infinite Xs and Os,

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