Bae Joo-hyun (Irene) & Son Seung-wan (Wendy)

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Honestly, I haven't had an idea that I wanted to write so badly in a while. I really hope this one turns out to be how I originally thought it would. This was originally planned for just one character but I saw another possibility. The characters ages will be changed for my story.

Warning I guess? Somewhat of a borderline incest chapter awaits you. If you don't like this type of stuff then don't read. And if you didn't see my warning then you're at fault to blame. Please begin to read author notes.

Irene (36)
(Y/n) (32)
Wendy (18)

Kingdom Come
Today was the day, her big eighteenth birthday. She had a small celebration at school with her friends but had no intentions of making a big party. As special as this was, she'd rather spend it alone with just them and someone else. As her final class ended, she made her way out with her friends. Her plans of walking home were cancelled when she saw her ride home. There he stood, phone in hand while leaning up against his car.

Before she could make it to him, she was swarmed by a small group of boys who held their own flowers and wishing her a happy birthday. She politely rejected all of their gifts and shifted to the car as they followed her. Words were spreading among the boys as they saw who she was walking towards.

"Who's that? Her boyfriend? She's taken?!" These phrases were asked out loudly, enough for the man to hear. He laughed a little before pulling out his own flowers from the car and handing it to her.

"Happy birthday Wendy." He said, as the boys got more and more rowdy. It got even worse when she accepted his flowers.

"I didn't know you were this popular. Who's the lucky boy who'll get your heart I wonder?" He told her.

"What about yours? Can I have it?" Her friend said from the side.

"Yeri?! That's gross, come on." Another girl scolded her.

"Come on Joy, you can't lie about it. He's hot, even if he's a bit older than us." Yeri said.

"I'm twice your age Yeri, that's a no from me." He said as Wendy's friends began to hop in the car. He pulled the passenger door open and let Wendy in before shutting the door. He quickly turned around to the group of boys who were still there.

"As for all of you boys, my name is Son (Y/n). From today on, stop swarming my daughter or else you'll regret it." He said as the shock shot through their faces and erupted like a volcano around them.

"Father-in-law!" They all cheered but he ignored at their cringe.

(Y/n) got into his seat before buckling in. Wendy pulled out a neatly folded piece of paper before unfolding it. It was quite a long list, reaching to the number 18. He couldn't help but smile at the sight of her wishlist. This was something they had began doing since she was 10. (Y/n) would grant her the amount of wishes according to her own age. As the years went by, her limit increased.

"Starting already? What's your first one then?" He asked as they began to drive off.

"I'll skip down a little, this one's for Yeri. Give her a kiss." Wendy read off.

"And I would rather crash this car right now." He joked.

"Come on! I begged her for weeks, just one?" Yeri whined.

"Go and get a boyfriend then, not me. What do you even find attractive about me? I'm 32 years old, this should be illegal."

"There's a few more kisses lined up too." Wendy joked.

"Nope, kisses are now officially banned from your list. I'm not going to be doing anything that involves skin to skin contact." He informed the group of four.

"Wendy, I thought you said he'd do anything?" Seulgi asked.

"You guys are the weirdos that want to kiss my dad. I don't even know why I'm still sane talking about this with you guys."

"Well he is single, if your mom—" Yeri stopped herself before saying anything she'd regret. She gave a small apology before going silent.

"Okay, give me your actual first wish. We're wasting time here." (Y/n) told her.

Wendy began reading off the simple ones as (Y/n) drove them to the places that she had designated. They made stops for clothing, food, and the most expensive part was a fine piece of jewelry. She popped a few wishes along the way, just simple things and a few embarrassing ones. Yeri got a selfie with him, along with Joy and Seolgi having their share of action. It ended with them coming back home for the main event. (Y/n) had picked up the cake earlier this morning and now it was time to give the girls room to celebrate on their own. And while he himself didn't participate much into the games and conversations they had, (Y/n) still provided the essentials such as food, drinks, and activities.

3 wishes remained...

He had just refilled their stock of drinks before heading back into his room. (Y/n) went over to his drawer, pulling out a framed photo of their family. His smile bursted out as he saw how young they all were back then. Wendy was only 4 at the time when they had taken this family photo. He was only 18 and Wendy's mother was 22.

"If you were here now, you'd be able to see how much our precious daughter has grown. The woman she has become still amazes me, I wish you would be here for her. She still thinks of you every year, even if she can barely remember your voice. Why'd you have to leave us alone... Joo-hyun?" (Y/n) said to himself while holding the photo.

"Dad?" He turned around, seeing Wendy standing at the door.

"The girls were wondering... if we could drink a little. You know, just for fun and a few games?" She asked while staring at the photo in his hand.

"You girls are still underaged, I can get into trouble for sending your friends home drunk. Next year, you girls can start drinking and I can't stop you." He told her, noticing that she was eyeing his photo. (Y/n) handed her the photo as she happily took it.

It wasn't like she hadn't seen it before, it was just that when it came to the topic of her mother, her father would get depressed over it. He already told her their story already and what happened between all of them. She left not long after Wendy's 4th birthday, running off to go chase her so called "dreams" leaving them behind. (Y/n) raised Wendy all on his own after that, at the age 18 with a child.

"I was waiting until you found the right boy so I could give this to him. But from what I've seen, you don't need a boy to control your life." He handed her a small black box.

"This one was your mother's, this one was mine." He said pointing the corresponding rings.

"It's yours now Seung-wan. I've watched you grow up into this beautiful woman, now I'm putting my trust into you hoping that you'll live a better life than me. I'm getting old, and my time will eventually run out. But I will always be here for you. Happy birthday, my beautiful daughter."

"I really wish mom was here right now. She should be here to take care of you... instead she ran away and left you with me. Thank you for everything dad." Wendy said, hugging her father.

(Y/n) took time to place the photo back where he grabbed it from while Wendy returned to her friends with an answer to their request. While walking back, Wendy slipped on one of the rings from the box and hiding the other one. She smiled at the look of it on her finger before going back to partying with her friends.

2 wishes remaining...

The night went on as the clock struck 11. By now the girls were worn out and were calling for their rides. (Y/n) had offered but they refused, saying he'd already done so much for the three of them. One by one they all began to leave as (Y/n) and Wendy began to clean up their house. He picked up and tossed all the garbage and mess they had created while Wendy vacuumed any remains. After finally finishing, she went to prep herself for bed while her dad continued to clean the few spots they missed.

"I got you, you got me I got you, you got me. I love you, till kingdom come."

(Legendary B-side track, change my mind)

(Y/n) smiled at the sound of her singing, echoing out into their home. She was taking a shower, and this was a habit she developed, following after her mother. (Y/n) suddenly received a phone call from an unknown number. Normally he'd just ignore them but this one had no numbers, all it said was unknown as the ID.

"Hello?" He said answering the phone.

"Is this (Y/n)...?" He heard a woman's voice ask. It was feint, almost sounded like the voice was hesitating to speak out.

"Yes, who is this?" He asked.

"(Y/n)... it's me." He heard come through the phone making him clench his jaw tightly.

"What do you want? Why would you call now? It's been more than 10 years since I've heard from you." He spat out coldly.

"Please... just tell me where you live. I want to see you again. I need to see my little girl again." She begged him but he didn't break.

"Stay away from us. We don't need you to come and ruin what we've built without you. Just leave us alone." (Y/n) said before ending the call on her. It was mere seconds before she started calling again, but he just simply put it into silent mode. By now Wendy has already finished her shower, giving him his chance to go take one.

He took a quick one before heading into his room and getting dressed. He shut the door and flicked on the lights. While getting dressed he hadn't noticed the person behind him in his room. It wasn't until he dropped his towel that he heard something moving behind him.

"Wendy?! What are you doing in here?!" He shouted covering himself with the fallen towel.

She was covering her lower face with a blanket, her face was turning red at the sight she just witnessed. (Y/n) quickly grabbed a spare shirt and tossed it at Wendy and covering her eyes. He got dressed as fast as possible while making sure she wasn't weirdly sneaking any peaks at him.

"Did you girls actually sneak alcohol behind my back? What are you doing in my room?" He asked her.

"I was going to use another wish... I didn't mean to see you--"

"Okay forget it ever happened. What's your next wish?" He asked, ruffling his hair dry.

She stood up and started pacing around him. She didn't know if it was alright to ask, but she really wanted this. It was wrong to say, but she agreed with what Yeri said about her dad. Even if he was her dad, he still looked pretty attractive. The last thing she could imagine happening was being in a relationship with her own father. That's a big no from both him and her together. If only she wasn't his daughter, and she were born a few years earlier.

"I... want a birthday kiss. I will officially take them off my list after this year." He didn't hesitate grabbing her face and planting a small kiss on her forehead.

"Happy? Don't go telling your friends or they'll never let you get away with this." He said sitting back down onto the bed.

"No..." His head shot up at the sound of her response.

"I wanted to be the one... you know, who starts the kiss. And not on the forehead, I... wanted it on the lips." She told him.

"And which one of the girls dared you to do this? You girls have been reading too many fanfics, it's creeping me out a little now." He said, referring to her habit of reading erotic novels.

"This is just me, I wanted this." Wendy said.

"Promise me this is a one time thing. You won't ever tell anyone else about this." He said, as she nodded and promised him.

He gave her the go ahead, as weird as it was to be kissing his own daughter, this was one of her birthday wishes. He vowed to never turn them down, so long as it was feasible. This for one shall be removed so that this would never happen again. It wasn't right for either of them to be doing this.

Wendy moves closer, placing both hands on his face and cupping it before leaning in forward. Their lips came into contact and it felt like electricity shot through both of their bodies. She fully melted into the kiss while (Y/n) did nothing but sit there and let it happen. He refused to kiss back, it was bad enough as it is. It lasted ages as Wendy herself got all the kinds of feelings this brought. Finally the lack of air forced her to stop otherwise she would've never stopped.

One wish remains...

"Is that enough? You're starting to scare me a little Seung-wan." He asked, as she nodded and thanked him.

"If we weren't related, and I were a bit older. Do you think we could've been together...?" She suddenly asked.

"You are my daughter, the babygirl I held in my arms when you were born. I love you this way, and I wouldn't have it any other way." He told her, pulling her into a warm hug.

"You're just confused, don't ever think that way again alright? I'm your dad, so please don't look at me that way. I want you to find the perfect person who'll treat you like you're their entire world." He said, as they rocked in each other's arms.

"I'm sorry dad... if I was never born... then maybe mom would still be here..." She muttered out as tears began falling down her face.

"No, no, no. You stop it right there. You were the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Without you I wouldn't be where I am now. It's because of you that I have everything, I finished my studies and found a job. I have a wonderful daughter because you were born. Don't you ever dare think that way again. You have given me the best life I could've ever asked for." (Y/n) said, emphasizing every single word.

He wiped off any remaining tears on her face before lifting her up into his arms and carrying her out of the room. Wendy let out a giggle as he carried her while holding on tightly. (Y/n) brought her into her room and slowly dropped her down onto her own bed. He tucked her in, planting one final kiss onto her forehead. (Y/n) was about to leave but Wendy grabbed his shirt, tugging on it.

"I still have one more wish left, it's the last one." Wendy said, making him turn around.

"Can you sleep here with me?" She asked, making him laugh as he came around the other side and laying down beside her.

"Don't waste a wish like this. This one's free." He said, as Wendy snuggled against him and began to close her eyes and drifting off into slumber.

"I love you daddy." She whispered.

"Love you too babygirl." He said, also falling alseep within her grasps.

(Y/n) jolted awake start the sound of the doorbell ringing. A loud knock was also heard coming from their main door. He slipped out of Wendy's arms, slightly waking her. He hushed her back to sleep before leaving and went into his own room and pulled out a sealed case. He pulled out his firearm and loaded a magazine into it, leaving the safety on still. Though he never wanted to actually use it, he wouldn't dare risk his daughter's safety. It was 2 in the morning and there was someone at his door, this wasn't normal. (Y/n) walked over and inspected the peephole, seeing a hooded figure. The only thing he could make out was the long hair.

He saw that they were about to knock again, but he interrupted them.

"Who is it? What do you want?" He called out, seeing the figure stumble back a little.

The figure then got closer and pulled down their hood. And there he dropped his guard and his walls, as he placed his gun onto a nearby stand. He shakily opened the door as the person walked in immediately. The moment he saw her face again, the feelings he once felt reminded him of what they used to be. She tried to reach up and touch his face but he stopped her, and stopping her again when she went for a hug.

"What are you doing here? How did you even find us?" He asked.

"I tracked your phone down. I just really needed to see you again. Where's my little girl? I want to see her too." She began saying but he blocked her path when she tried to walk in further.

"She's asleep, so don't bother. Please just leave us alone. You've caused her enough pain." He told her harshly.

"She is still my daughter! I still have that right to see her. Why are you so against me seeing her?!" She screamed at him.

Unknown to both of them, their shouting had awakened Wendy. She was currently listening through her door and even looked out the hallway to see both of them. She knew immediately who it was upon seeing the woman. Even if it had been years since she'd seen her mother in person, the pictures and videos were enough for Wendy to recognize her.

"You left us alone, you abandoned her! You have no right to even call her your daughter. Do you know how much it affected her? Every time she came home, she would cry alone. She would always wondered why her own mother left. All the other kids had a mom, all those school projects that asked for a mother's help and perspective, where were you to help her with that?! I want you to stay away from her because you would just remind her of the memories."

She slapped him across the face, before unloading the final shot. A sentence came out that changed everything. Wendy's tears fell as she heard her world fall apart.

"She isn't even yours! She will never be yours. You have no right to stop me from seeing her." The door slammed open as they both directed their attention to their daughter.

"Wendy..." She began saying as she saw the girl run over. Instead of a hug, she received a harsh push that pulled her away from (Y/n).

"Leave! Never touch my dad again or else you'll regret it! I never want to see you again!" She shrieked at her mother.

"She doesn't know does she? You've never even told her the truth. You have lied to her this whole time and you said I was the one who was hurting her." She began saying.

"Joohyun, I swear to god I will—" He jumped in but she ignored him.

"You aren't even her real father." She blurted out, taking a look at Wendy's reaction.

"Leave, now! I will call the authorities if you don't." He said, pulling out his cellphone.

"Dad..." He heard, making him stop his current actions.

"Tell me... tell me it's not true." She asked, tears flowing down her face.

"I'll tell you about this another time, please just go back into your room." He reached out for her but she smacked his hand away.

"My final wish, tell me the truth. Tell me everything you've kept from me." She played her card, hitting him critically.

0 wishes remaining...

"Wendy... I am not your real father. Your mother got pregnant when she was 18 by another boyfriend of her's. I was there, picking up her pieces after he left her alone. Your mother wanted to keep you no matter what, so I supported her. I helped raise you and eventually she left us when you turned 4. I have been with you, from the moment of your birth to this very moment right now. I may not be your real father, but I have treated you as my daughter all these years." He said, as she felt the betrayal.

"Were you ever going to tell me any of this?!" Wendy asked.

"No, I didn't plan on telling you this, because I had no reason to. It wouldn't change a single thing that you were my still daughter." He confessed.

"Wendy, I want you to come live with me now. Leave him and come stay with me. I'll make up for the years I wasn't here." He heard Joohyun ask her as she grabbed a hold of her daughter.

"Why must you hurt me Irene? I devoted my life to you and this is what I get in return. I was there, every step of the way to help you, even when your own family cast you out. I took care of you when no one else did. I have raised your own daughter for you, and this is what you do to me in return. You shatter everything I have built for her."

"Wendy... if you want to leave then just go. Your mother is here for you now, and I can see that you hate me now. I'm sorry for everything..." (Y/n) said, grabbing his gun and heading back into his own room. He shut the door and locked it before unloading the gun and placing it back into it's case.

"Come on Wendy, lets go." Irene said, trying to lead her daughter out.

"No... I'm not leaving." She said.

"I am your mother, I'm your only family. He isn't and will never be your father, he's just someone who picked up the scraps." Hearing those words come out of her own mother's mouth made her question if they really were related.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying here, this is where I belong." Wendy stood her ground.

"I wanted to do this the nice way, but if you don't come with me then I will bring both of you to court. I will just fight for custody of you then."

"I have only one parent, and it isn't you. Dad has been here with me through everything, he stayed by my side while you ran away. There were no calls, no messages, nothing. I haven't heard from you for 14 years and now you want me to come stay with you?! I am 18 now! I have my own right to stay where I want, and I'm staying here with my dad." Wendy exploded at her mother.

"Go ahead and bring us to court, you will never take me back with you. I'm going to stay with dad for the rest of my life. Don't ever come near us again. I can treat him better than you ever could." Wendy shoved her own mother away before shutting the door and locking her out.

Irene made no attempts to retaliate, she couldn't even bring herself to knock on the door again. After final shaking off all the guilt that her daughter just threw at her, she finally left. Wendy made her way over to (Y/n)'s room, knocking and trying to get inside. She even began pounding on the door but he refused to open.

"Dad, please open the door. I'm sorry, please open the door. I want to see you... please." She cried out.

She didn't hate him, it was merely the shock that she felt upon hearing the secret he'd kept from her. If he would've told her then maybe she would have gotten past it a long time ago. It wouldn't have changed the feelings she felt about it, but it would've been in the past.

She waited for what seemed like an eternity until she finally gave up. Despite her pleads for him to open the door, he triumphed against her attempts. Wendy crawled back into her bed alone, sleeping her tragedy away.

Next Day
Wendy woke up later that morning due to the loss of their sleep. She made her way into the kitchen where food had already been prepped. The only thing missing was her dad, who's door was still shut. Wendy ate quickly before freshening herself up for the rest of the day. Not that there was much to do anyways. They originally were going to spend the weekend together, like how they usually do. This weekend was supposed to be more special due to her birthday, but seeing how it's been completely torn apart, she was at a loss for things to do. She even attempted again at trying to open his door but he gave her no answer. Seeing as how he wouldn't answer any of her questions or requests, she called her friends over.

They arrived after a while settling in before noticing the atmosphere. (Y/n) was nowhere to be found and Wendy had pulled out his stash of alcohol. Though he didn't drink heavily, he still enjoyed one from time to time. He himself had become quite the father figure for them as well, so they were quite concerned for Wendy who was acting out of her character.

"Where's your dad? I thought he wouldn't let us drink?" Seulgi asked.

"He's busy, and plus he doesn't need to know about this. It's fine, you won't get in trouble. He's not going to care anyways." Wendy told them before drinking.

The girls carried on but the other three were limiting their amount while Wendy was chugging down hers. It began to worry them, so much that they were going to call (Y/n) for help.

"Wendy that's enough, you're going to make your dad worry." Joy advised her.

"He won't, he's been locked up in his room all day." She blurted out.

"What?! He's home?!" The three of them asked.

Wendy didn't give them an answer and tried to take another sip but the girls pulled it away from her. They quickly cleaned up their mess before trying to get a hold of her dad. Sharing the same luck as her, no one could get him to open the door. They were beginning to worry that something may have happened last night. It wasn't like them to be apart from each other.

"Wendy... did you and your dad fight? You're acting weird and he's not answering us." Joy asked.

"Hey Yeri, you know I got a kiss right? And he didn't give any of you one. It was so nice, my first kiss was with him." Wendy said, shocking the three.

"Uh... what?! You kissed your own dad?!"

"He didn't even say no. He must've liked it too. His lips were so soft... I didn't want to stop." She went on and on with details.

"Wendy... that's a little too much. He's your dad, why did you even kiss him?" Yeri asked.

Wendy couldn't help but hysterically laugh at the word "dad". This only creeped the girls out even more as they grabbed a hold of her, comforting her as they finally noticed the hidden feelings that were spewing out now.

"You know, the funny thing is... he's not even my dad." She revealed, surprising them again.


"My mom came by in the morning, turns out he's not my real dad. He adopted me after my mother left me." She explained.

"You're... not upset at him are you? Wendy, even if he's not your real dad, he has been nothing more than the perfect parent to you. We've seen it ourselves, he cares for you as if you were his own daughter." Seulgi asked.

"I don't hate him, I just wished he would've told me. He told me to never look at him that way... but I can't help but see him more than just my dad now." She said that last part out loud, striking fear into the girls. The way it sounded, Wendy was into her own dad.

"Wendy, are you... in love with him?" Joy asked.

"I know it's wrong... but ever since you girls started pointing out how attractive he looked, I couldn't help but agree. It shouldn't be wrong anymore though, we're not even related! I can have a real chance at this." The girls didn't know what to say about this. It was wrong, but they wanted the best for their friend. She had a point that they weren't blood related, but he was still her dad.

"Wendy, I don't think you should say that. Think about how he'd feel. You're his daughter, it would be wrong for him to even think of you and him being more than that."

"I can treat him better... far better than my own mother ever did for him. I won't ever leave him alone like she did. I'll be here for him always, just like how he's always been there for me."

The front door suddenly opened, startling the girls. (Y/n) came walking in, scaring the girls to death since they thought he was in his room still. Each of them greeted him before attempting to leave but he stopped them. He simply asked them to carry on before heading into the kitchen and pulling out ingredients and started cooking. That was enough for them girls to stay, who would turn down free food? They zipped it about Wendy having feelings for her own father and changed the topic.

Amongst their activities, Wendy slipped away before heading into the kitchen alone. She slowly came up behind him before wrapping her smaller frame around him. His body loosened up as he tried to carry on and cook. She was muttering words he couldn't quite make out, but he knew she was just as afflicted as he was. It wasn't until he heard his actual name come out of her mouth that forced him to turn around.

He spun around, only to have her pull his face down for a kiss. His eye caught a glimpse of the others watching from the corner, before he separated them. Her arms quickly wrapped around him again. (Y/n) took in a deep breath before speaking out to her.

"Pack your things by 8, your mother is coming to pick you up." He said, pushing her off of him.

"No, I'm not going anywhere with her... I'm staying here with you." Wendy said in return.

"You should live with your real parent. She's your biological mother Seung-wan," She rejected every word that came out of his mouth. She mustered the strength to get the words out of her own mouth, as she said those three words.

"I love you." She confessed, one hand clutching over her chest.

"I've felt this way for a long time now. Not because you're my dad. I love you more than that. I wanted to be the one who you holds your heart, I want you to look at me more than just a little girl. Don't look at me like I'm your daughter anymore, because I want to be much more than just that." She told him, but his face gave her his answer before he could even reply.

"We will never be anything like that. I will never be able to look at you that way Seung-wan. You are my daughter forever and always, I will love you that way until I die. What you're asking for, I can never grant." He told her, shattering her hopes.

"I can show you, I can do whatever you want. I'll be all yours. I will treat you better than mom ever did. I will never hurt you or leave your side like she did." She pressed her hand against his cheek, working no charm on him.

"No Seung-wan. Please don't ever bring this up again. I don't ever want to hear you speak about this again. I don't want to hear that the girl I held in my arms from the moment of her birth and until now, wants to be my lover. We may not be related by blood, but it will never change the fact that you are my daughter. I raised you to the best of my abilities, I wanted you to be better than this." She finally let her hold on him go, backing away slowly. Her heart had been broken and she was already crying her eyes out.

The rest of the evening went terribly as dinner was eaten in complete silence amongst the girls. (Y/n) had retreated back into his own room and Wendy was a silent mess. The girls tried to comfort her to their best abilities but their time was running out. As they all began to leave, Wendy also escaped into her own room. She made no attempts to pack her bags still determined to stay.

Wendy came crawling out of her room, heading towards (Y/n)'s room. She knocked a few times but received no answer, it wasn't until she began turning the doorknob that she realized it wasn't even locked. Upon entering his room she noticed the darkness immediately. His lights were off and he was soundly sleeping. Wendy quietly walked over to his bedside before crawling into bed with him. While his own words from earlier were still running through her mind, her body moved on its own.

She wasn't going to fight him anymore. He wouldn't see her anything other than his daughter and she understands that now. She had already chosen another path, a new way for her to win. However she couldn't help but steal one final kiss from him, spending every second of it in bliss as she melted from the kiss. It was enough to stir him awake making her pull away, but she quickly connected her hold on him.

"I told you to never do that again. Why won't you listen to me?!" He scolded her.

"That was the last time, I promise I won't do it ever again." She swore to him.

"Have you packed your things...? What time is it?" He asked before grabbing his phone and checking. (Y/n) also turned on his lamp, shedding some light onto them.

"Dad..." She said, getting his attention.

"I want to stay, I don't want to leave you alone. Please, don't make me go with her. I'm 18 now, let me make my own choices, don't let go of me." He sighed, accepting her fact of making her own choices. Even if she was an adult now, she was nowhere in any position to sustain herself.

"I'm really sorry for not telling you the truth about everything Seung-wan. I never planned to tell you because I was scared. I thought, maybe if you found out then you'd leave as well. The look on your face when I told you, it looked like you were going to." He openly apologized holding his daughter tightly.

"I'm never going to leave you, so please stop telling me to go."

"Can you grant me one extra wish...? I will cancel next year's list if you do this for me." He waited for her to go on, willing to listen to her wish.

"I want you and mom to make up. I want the both of you to get together." She requested, leaving him at a loss for words.

"I... can't just make that happen. Even if I wanted to, your mother would never agree to taking me back." He gave his answer, disappointing her.

The doorbell rung startling the both of them. (Y/n) got out of bed asking for Wendy to stay inside. If she really wishes for that, then he was going to try to make it come true. It was a one in a million shot, but he would do it for his daughter. He left the room and went to go answer the door while Wendy dug through his closet grabbing her winning card.

(Y/n) opened the door allowing Irene to come back inside. While she wanted to cut to the main event and leave with Wendy, (Y/n) asked for her to take a seat. He slowly broke it down for her, staking his claim on Wendy. Things got heated fast, as she was about to go and search for Wendy. (Y/n) grabbed her hand before speaking out Wendy's request.

"She won't leave with you, but instead she wants something else. From the both of us, she wants us to make up and stay together. She wants both of us together with her." (Y/n) told her.

"You really think I would agree to that? If that's your excuse of wanting me still after all these years, then don't bring my daughter into this." Irene responded.

"What happened to you...? Do you hate me that much? Tell me what I did so wrong that made you resent me for over 10 years. I loved you, so much that everyone called me a fool for saving your life." She couldn't give him an answer to that.

They turned to the sounds of something behind them, turning to see their daughter holding them at gunpoint. (Y/n)'s instincts took over, covering Irene with his body. Their minds went crazy, while questioning their daughter.

"Wendy, put that down. I don't know what you think you're doing but this isn't it. This is wrong." (Y/n) began saying but her grip didn't loosen on the firearm.

"She doesn't know how to use that—" Irene said, but was proven wrong with their daughter swiftly chambering a round.

"I taught her..." He whispered before gaining a complaint from her.

She gestured for the both of them to sit down before she took her own seat across from them.

"Wendy, put down the gun. We can talk about this, you don't need to do anything rash."

"I'll put it down when my wish is granted by both of you." Their once cute and innocent daughter said, still holding them at gunpoint.

"Irene, I'm willing to do it if you are. I wouldn't tempt her, she hit perfect on all her targets at the range." (Y/n) said, fear obviously showing in his voice.

"What did you do to my daughter?!" Irene asked, smacking (Y/n) on the side.

"Mom, please don't ever hit dad again." She said, displeased with what she just saw.

"I was teaching her to protect herself. I didn't think she'd turn this against me." (Y/n) said.

"Fine! I'll do it, stop pointing that at us!" Wendy didn't drop her guard however.

"Kiss him." (Y/n)'s head hung low as he heard his own daughter make another request.

"Oh for gods sake." Irene said before grabbing ahold of (Y/n) and smashing their lips together.

"Happy now? Will you stop pointing that thing at your own mother?!" Wendy shook her head.

"Apologize for everything, both of you. Whatever happened when I was a kid, I want you two to get over it. Even if I make you two get together, it won't change your feelings for each other. I want the parents that were smiling and loving each other in those videos." Wendy said.

"I hated how I looked. I was the damsel in distress when you married me. People said you were just pitying me, marrying a single mother with a child. I didn't want to be what they said I was, so I chased my dreams, I wanted to prove them wrong. I made music just like I always wanted to." Irene began saying.

"Once people found out about my past, nothing changed. I was still hated for what I did. It was because of you that I had a better life." Wendy saw her magic slowly working as her mother began to break down against her father. Her hands made their way towards his and they intertwined together.

"If you had just spoken to me, if you had told me your problems I would've told you how wrong you were. All you needed to do was tell me. I never for once did it for pity or my own personal gains. Sure, I'm sad that Wendy isn't my biological daughter, but it doesn't change a fact that I love both of you." He told her.

"I loved you both. When you came to me for help, I wanted nothing else but your happiness. When she was born, I saw a side of you I never wanted to forget. You were the perfect mother for those 4 years. When you agreed to marrying me, I thought that was it. My life was complete, I could live happily forever. You should have never left, you could've seen her grow up. Our daughter has become the best of us." (Y/n) said.

"I'm sorry for everything (Y/n), and for trying to take her from you." She whispered before softly leaning in and kissing him again. Wendy was finally satisfied with this result before walking over and hand the gun to (Y/n).

"It wasn't even loaded... every second you spend with Yeri, you're becoming more and more evil." (Y/n) said, as she laughed at his reaction.

"So, are we a happy family now? Or do I really need to get the bullets?" Wendy asked as the two quickly agreed to her terms.

"I love you both, till kingdom come." He said, holding them tightly.

Wendy took this chance to place their rings back onto their fingers. She embraced both of her parents happily. Whatever problems that happened between them in the past, they had to put it aside for their daughter. She was begging for them to stop, so that they could live a life together. They still had to heal their wounds that the two of them had inflicted against the other. Wendy has applaud the first bandaid, now it was time for them to apply the full kit.

Alright, I think that's far enough for this weird fantasy of mine. That final act was completely random and I fit it in at the last moment. I was very against an incest ending so this is the ending I would've preferred. I know Irene didn't get much action in this chapter, so she will be getting a revamp later on. I needed her for the plot and as an important character to bring the story forward.

Next: Chae Seo-Jin
(Another actress I ended up falling for. She's honestly under appreciated)

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