Jang Gyuri

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This will be an AU of my previous chapter. Instead of Miyu coming into the story, I'd like to take another route with Gyuri. This is something else that came to mind while writing that story and teasing with Gyuri. I really gotta stop myself from straying from the original idol and falling for another one in the process of writing their story.

Also, look at her. If this wasn't Gyuri's chapter I would've just gone straight to making another story for Eunbi.

Be With You
Eunbi sprinted through the halls, running with all her might to reach her brother. She had just heard the news of what happened to him and his girlfriend. People moved and stepped aside as they saw her pushing past anyone who wouldn't dare move. She finally reached his class only to see that he was missing from his usual seat. This only made her worry more as she bolted off into another sprint to check another spot. She checked spots after spots before accepting that he wasn't at the school any longer. Eunbi's final stop brought her to the spot where he had parked his bike that morning. It was missing, which only worsened the situation.

Her legs were already burning from the nonstop running but that wasn't going to hold her back one second. Taking in a breath she began another search, knowing multiple locations he could end up being at. Her heart weakened with every second that passed, every thought that came to her mind shattered her hope.

Eunbi's search went on for the rest of the day before she even caught a glimpse of her brother. She ended up coming across a bridge only to see him sitting on the edge, staring into the water below. No matter how exhausted she was, all of her strength shot out and grabbed him from behind. She held onto him tightly not loosening up one bit. She managed to pull him off the railings and threw him onto the ground harshly. Immediately Eunbi delivered a slap right into his face.

"If you ever do something like this ever again, I swear I will break both your legs so that you won't run away ever again." She cried.

"I know it hurts, she meant everything to you. I thought she was nice too but neither of us could have seen that coming. You loved her, but that doesn't mean you should kill yourself just because she was a bitch and left." His silence began to worry her. This was a new take on her brother. Usually he'd talk to her about his feelings, but this was new.

She grabbed his face and made him look at her. "We came into this world together, we stay together. You don't get to die and leave me all alone." Her words began to finally move him, as he was filled with whatever life that remained in him.

"You're my brother, if you were to die... I wouldn't know what to do. Who am I supposed to wake up every morning? Who will be the idiot I get to tease and mess around with at home? You're the light in my life, I love you and I can't let you go, not like this." His arms comforted her as her cries began to slow down. Even though his own eyes were covered in tears, he managed to help her up. Eunbi's grip wouldn't loosen one bit even when they got off his motorcycle. As the two were about to reach the front doors of their house two voices called out to them.

Eunbi got off just as the two reached them. One slap was delivered and it was followed by a punch that knocked (Y/n) onto his rear. One of the girls grabbed his shirt and lifted it, bringing him closer to her face.

"I swear to god if you ever make me worry that hard for you ever again, I'm going to kill you." The other girl tried her best to pull the said girl off and calm her down.

"I thought you were just going to slap him! That's a bit too much Gyuri!" She scolded her as Gyuri tried to break out of her hold and land another hit on him.

"Let me go Sakura! You were crying because you imagined the worst. I'm going to make sure he never does this again." Eunbi flicked her forehead finally making her stop.

"Yah, I'm the only one who gets to kill him. Let's just get inside before people think it's a lovers quarrel between you two." They all went inside as (Y/n) went straight into his room while the girls discussed amongst themselves. One thing was unanimous between the trio, and it was to kill that girl at first sight. And also making sure (Y/n) wouldn't do anything dumb ever again. Eunbi told them the details of where she went and found them. Gyuri and Sakura were also searching for him in the school but they couldn't just leave class as much as they wanted to.

The two decided to stay a little longer and took time to do their classwork here instead. While Eunbi and Gyuri made some snacks, Sakura walked downstairs to go check on (Y/n). They wanted to give him some time but she was just too uneasy about leaving him to sulk alone. She knocked before entering his room, once inside she saw him just sitting there, doing nothing. His eyes were dull, unlike anything she had ever seen. From the moment they met as kids and to earlier today, his eyes were always so bright.

Sakura walked over to him before pulling him into her arms. She held him tightly, knowing he was feeling something she couldn't feel. People always try to sympathize with you when you're sad, but they really don't know how it feels. Their embrace lasted for what felt like seconds as Sakura grabbed ahold of his face.

"Remember that we're always here for you. You mean the world to the three of us and if you were to die... then you would be condemning the rest of us to misery as well. I'm sorry that you had to go through that, but please don't do anything stupid (Y/n). You're better than that." Her hand moved down and grabbed his hand, locking them together.

"I know I've said this already, but I still like you. And I know you won't ever see me more than just a friend, but I just really want you to remember that I'm still here. I'll say yes within a second if you want me to. I'll give everything to you if you wanted me to." She gave him a smile to finish it off even if it was painful.

Sakura pressed her lips against his forehead, sealing away anymore of her feelings. "Don't do anything dumb. Please, I really mean it." She said as she left him.

Timeskip - 2 months
Time went by as (Y/n)'s condition got a little better, with the girl's help he was able to finally push out a few smiles and laughs. Though it would take some more time before he would fully recover, this was enough for the girls for now. They were grateful enough that he obeyed their warnings and didn't harm himself in any sort of way. It might be a bad thing to say, but this tragedy may have been more in their favor. It brought them closer and forced them to help one another. This was his first time being so exposed to them and it felt nice for things to be the other way for once. It was always him helping them, being selfless and giving them all his efforts and now that it was their turn to repay the favor, it made all of them feel better.

(Y/n) got up and tended to his morning routine before going upstairs to cook himself some breakfast. Soon enough Eunbi came out of her room to join him. They chatted about random things until Eunbi finished her plate. She quickly went back to her room to grab her things before coming back out. (Y/n) was already washing the dishes while Eunbi slipped her shoes on.

"You sure you don't want me to drive you?" He called from the kitchen.

Eunbi came around the counter and hugged him from behind. "Nope, Sakura's mom is taking us already. Besides, it's your day off, relax a little." She said, finishing with a small peck on his cheek.

Eunbi's phone dinged as she saw the message and said farewell to her brother. The door opened for a few seconds before shutting close. (Y/n) continued to wash the remaining dishes. His phone was still playing some music as he zoned out. It didn't last long however as he immediately jumped when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind. He spun around and came face to face with his clinger.

"I got you good didn't I?" Gyuri joked.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were going with them?" She shrugged before answering.

"I'm broke. Besides, I didn't have anything I wanted to go buy."

"You do realize that Eunbi's rich right? She could buy you things if you wanted." He added.

"Eh, I still owe her money too. Besides, she said I could pay off that debt if I did something for her instead." Gyuri said

She pulled out her phone and faced it towards them, smiling a little before calling his name. "(Y/n)?" She quickly said as he turned and she snapped a photo of them. He let out a tsk making her laugh. "Delete that, you know I hate taking photos." He said.

"Too late, see?" She showed him her phone, their photo already set as her lock screen.

"What is your boyfriend going to say when he sees us like that?" (Y/n) asked.

"I don't have a boyfriend." She said.

"Exactly, go get one and stop bothering me." He told her only to get a punch on the shoulder, as she stuck out her tongue after words to tease him even more.

"I'd rather bother you. You're stuck with me for the whole day so get used to it." Gyuri said.

(Y/n) dried his hands off before taking off downstairs to his room. Gyuri followed behind like a puppy to its owner and snuck in before he managed to shut the door on her. He let out a sigh knowing he wasn't going to be spending any time alone today. Gyuri was already on his bed, laying down and her legs kicked up to the side. (Y/n) took a seat on his chair while Gyuri continued to browse on her phone. He pulled out a notebook from his desk and started scribbling away. If he was going to waste time he might as well manage to come up with something meaningful in the process. This went on for a bit until he heard some rustling from his bed. The sounds of pages turning finally made him turn around and seeing Gyuri holding a very important book.

Immediately he shot out of his chair causing Gyuri to panic. "Give that to me." He said, his voice all serious to let her know that he wasn't playing around. Unfortunately it didn't work on her.

"Wait, I want to see what this is all about. I saw my name on one of the pages." He moved over to try to tug on the book but her grip wasn't loosening.

"Stop, that's not for you to read. I swear Gyuri I'm going to—" She began laughing cutting him off.

"You wrote me a song? That's so sweet. I have to finish reading the rest of the lyrics now. Come on, it's meant for me isn't it?" Her face was lighting up and turning red but she kept on reading, while (Y/n) on the other hand already stopped on trying to stop her. It was too far gone and he wasn't going to get through to her. Besides, she found out what it was anyways, no point in hiding it now.

(Y/n) sat back down in his chair as he spun around a little waiting for her to finish. It had been a while since he felt this feeling, he was embarrassed. Over the past two months, he had remained a empty shell unless he talked with any of the girls. However, when it came to Gyuri she managed to bring out his inner emotions. She knew how to push his buttons, whether it made him upset or happy she was able to do that. That was what made him write that song in the first place.

Gyuri closed the book shut as she giggled a little at his reaction. She stood up and came over to him and stopping him from spinning anymore, leaning down and closer to his face. His heart jumped, it melted, and it was slowly being pieced and forged into a new one as he felt her lips press up against his cheek.

"I loved it. Thanks for saying all those nice things about me. You're still the same (Y/n) as before, I'm happy you're doing better now. I hope the others get to read their own songs too. And I really hope you'll sing it for me one day." Her face was burning hot, trying not to scream from doing what she just did and saying what she just said.

Silence hit the room hard as they tried to recover from what just happened. Gyuri backed away a little as she sat back onto his bed while (Y/n) kept turning side to side in his chair. It took a bit until Gyuri finally stood back up and decided to do something. She grabbed his hand, gaining his attention.

"Let's go watch a movie." She dragged him upstairs and proceeded to do what she suggested. While Gyuri was choosing a movie, (Y/n) was back in the kitchen prepping some snacks for them. His head was still clouded with Gyuri kissing him. Even if it was on the cheek, it was enough to stir up his thoughts. She enjoyed teasing him, but not in this flirtatious way. Usually it would just be to tick him off and annoy him for her enjoyment.

He returned with snacks as Gyuri had already loaded up the first movie. She was thinking a few movies would be enough to stall out the time until the other two get back. So they began their movie marathon, starting with a romcom then moving onto a horror movie, and ending it with an angst filled romance movie.

Each movie brought out different interactions between them. The romcom made Gyuri squeal and fawn at the fluff scenes while (Y/n)'s heart simply melted hearing her reactions. The horror movie made (Y/n) get physiological and deep into the meanings while Gyuri would get scared at the slightest sound and cling onto his arms to shield her eyes. This made their presence with each other awkward again. And finally it comes to their last movie, breaking both of their hearts.

"So they don't end up together after all..." (Y/n) said.

"I hate it. Why did they have to be so frustrating? It's simple when someone loves you, just accept it if you want to, not play around and test their limits. Unrequited love hurts but when the two clearly have feelings for each other, it's worse because they're too dense to see it." She ranted.

He turned to her, meeting her eyes. The whole world froze as they looked at each other. Their hearts jumped together in unison, their bodies unmoving one bit. And suddenly... she leaned in, pressing her lips against his. She brought her hand up and cupped his cheek, deepening the kiss. It went on and on until she finally felt something that made her stop. She felt his lips move, he started kissing back. Gyuri pulled away, shoving him back a little, showing signs of regret that he could see. She stood up only for him to grab her hand and stopping her.

"(Y/n)... let go. I-I didn't mean to do that. It was a mistake..." She tried loosening his grip and slowly he began to let go.

She turned to him, seeing the confusion in his eyes. Within in span of seconds his heart was fixed and broken again. All his pain was washed away and returned as a larger wave. He didn't say a word as Gyuri slowly backed away and leaving his house. And he sat there, for an amount of time that he didn't even know.

Eunbi came home to what seemed like an empty house. All the lights were off which worried her immediately. She asked Gyuri to stay with (Y/n) for today until she got back, and signs of neither of them being there wasn't right. She flicked on some lights as she ran down into his room only to see no one in there. She checked everywhere else but again nothing. Lastly Eunbi ran out into the garage and saw that his bike was still there. She pulled out her phone and called but he didn't answer, making her call Gyuri, and just like with her brother, she didn't pick up.

She couldn't believe what was happening again. Something must've happened for things to go this badly. Eunbi ran into his room again to search for any sort of sign that could help. And there on his desk was an open book of songs, Gyuri's page was there. Eunbi examined his words, his feelings in the song. It broke her heart when she saw the small wet stains on the page.

Eunbi closed it shut as she was going to get the truth out of Gyuri. She went to the front door and opened it only to see her brother standing there, unharmed just a little pale. She slapped him before pulling him into a hug. "Where the hell did you go?! I thought I said to never do this again! Do you know much you worry me?!" She screamed, tightening her embrace.

"I went for a walk..." His voice came out, lifeless. It scared her even more, she finally thought he was getting better but now he's back to how he used to be.

"What happened to you? Where is Gyuri? Why isn't she here with you?" A mistake, as he broke down right in front of her. No answers came out as he just let silence become his answer.

"(Y/n), tell me what happened." It was hopeless at this point. He wasn't budging one bit and Gyuri wasn't answering her phone. She could only assume things, Gyuri's sudden leave, her brother's silence, and his songs for Gyuri. Their night ended with Eunbi comforting (Y/n) to bed. She needed answers, but that wasn't happening tonight.

Next Day
(Y/n)'s condition improved a little, enough for Eunbi to have a ride to school. Though he was lifeless, he still had a sense of duty as her brother. They arrived to school as Eunbi still tried to contact Gyuri. She finally got a reply, saying she'd explain things once they met again. Eunbi finally got to relax and take a breather as they waited at the gates for the other two. Eunbi stood and paced around while (Y/n) sat on his bike, scribbling into his notebook. He continued writing until he felt someone's presence right beside him making him turn to see his sister looking at his writing.

"You've been writing a lot of songs. Can you tell me why it's about Gyuri?" He shrugged as an answer.

"It's just some thoughts." He muttered, another sign of that she was getting through to her brother.

"Do you perhaps... like Gyuri?" She hesitated, but still asked.

He paused for a bit, giving it some thought. "Yes." Her heart jumped at the sound of him saying yes. It made her happy that he finally moved on, however it doesn't help that something bad still happened yesterday.

It didn't take much longer until Eunbi caught sight of the other two. Sakura ran up dragging Gyuri behind her, seeming oblivious and just a bystander in this certain predicament. Eunbi stepped up and grabbed Gyuri and dragging her away to talk, leaving Sakura a bit confused. She pushed it off before hopping on with (Y/n) as he drove them off to a parking spot.

Eunbi and Gyuri were in a more secluded area, even though it didn't really matter if there were people or not. This was personal but not something other people would bat their ears to even listen to.

"Tell me everything. Why did you suddenly leave my brother alone yesterday?" Eunbi asked.

Gyuri stayed silent for a little while until finally confessing. "Please don't be mad at me Eunbi... I really messed up ok?" She started saying.

"We were hanging out, nothing much was going on until I felt a book under his pillows. I went through it and I saw that it was his songs, I flipped through it and I found my name in one. I read it and I... I don't know I felt something inside me flutter. Then we watched a movie and when it ended... I kissed him."

"Why did you leave...?" Gyuri was relieved that the twin wasn't exactly fuming with rage.

"I said I messed up. I didn't mean to do it, I just ended up doing so. When (Y/n) started to kiss back... I realized what we were doing was wrong. We both know Sakura is in love with him, that's exactly why I can't get in their way. " Eunbi rubbed her temple as she let out a sigh.

"If we weren't friends, I would've hit you, a dozen times over. I get what you felt, but you have no idea what kind of problems you've just stirred and brewed up." Eunbi said.

"His song, those words he etched into paper, they weren't just simple lyrics or any of the sort. I asked him before you two showed up... and (Y/n)... he, well he likes you." Gyuri's face dropped as she slowly backed against the wall and slid down.

"Look, as his sister I only see two ways this ends. I don't see either one working out without someone being hurt in the end but I need to know something first." Eunbi said after kneeling down to Gyuri's level and sitting beside her.

"Do you like (Y/n)?" Her words said differently but her face showed it all making Eunbi note her true answer.

"N-No... I don't. I swear I don't." She added that last part after seeing Eunbi's eyes.

"Then you're going to have to pick the choice I hate the most. Either you be true to your feelings with him and be with (Y/n), or you're going to have to let him down, slowly. And I mean it, I'm scared of the possibilities that can happen now. I'm going to have at to keep my eyes on him 24/7."

"I... Eunbi I can't..." Gyuri said while tears started forming in the corners of her eyes.

"If I stay with him then Sakura... and I can't tell him no. His eyes... the way he looked at me when I told him it was wrong, it hurt me to see him that distraught."

"Eunbi can't you help me out? Please there must be something else we can do. Can't you just tell him? He'll listen to you..." Eunbi paused.

"What do you suggest then?" Gyuri's mind was at war, tearing between the decisions that were possible.

"Let's just set him and Sakura up together. It'll be nice for her to finally have him and maybe he can forget about what happened between us." It wasn't impossible of a task but it was going to be difficult.

"I don't like the fact that you're going to pretend like it never happened. It would be nice if he could be happy with someone else, however with the way you're planning on doing so, it's going to leave you all alone to deal with it by yourself."

"You care so much about those two you're forgetting about yourself. How are you going to cope with it, seeing (Y/n) and Sakura together? The hugs they'll give each other, the kisses they'll share. Are you ready for all of that?" Gyuri's world froze as reality hit her, her mind finally crashed and burned.

"I trust both you and Sakura, but there can only be one that he gives his heart to. So make your decision, and do it carefully. Don't regret it later in your life, because there won't be another chance like this Gyuri." Eunbi said, wrapping her arms around Gyuri and hugging her.

The two ended their conversation and returned before class started. Gyuri was going to need more time, definitely. Eunbi felt a little bit relieved now knowing the entire story but of course it wasn't going to be a happy ending for everyone. Sakura loved her brother, yet he only saw her as another sister. Not to mention his confession to liking Gyuri, and her reciprocating those feelings. This love triangle was going to come crashing down.

Timeskip - 2 weeks
They couldn't keep it a secret, it was bound to leak out. Sakura learned about the kiss between (Y/n) and Gyuri when she accidentally eavesdropped on Gyuri and Eunbi discussing about what happened. But, it was going to take more than this to destroy the years they've spent together. Naturally Sakura confronted the other two girls and they talked it through. It wasn't some competition, this wasn't a game to win his heart like those Korean dramas. It was a mutual agreement that the three settled upon.

"You know I would never get in your way. It was just a dumb mistake I made." Gyuri said.

"You still kissed him... what if he really does like you now?" Sakura asked, still upset at that part.

"And you were his first kiss. It doesn't really matter does it? Your first confession might not have gotten through to him, but what about this time?" Eunbi reminded her, dropping new ideas.

"Do you like him?" Sakura asked, looking Gyuri straight in the eyes.

It didn't take long before an answer came out. Even though she tried to look away, Sakura's gaze was too strong to break away from.

"Yes." Gyuri confessed.

"But that doesn't mean anything, it's not like I'm going to steal him from you. I'm not a home wrecker you know that." Gyuri defended her position.

"I know that... I'm just worried that if he likes you now, I don't stand a chance. You like him too, I feel like I'm the one who's getting in the way now..." Sakura said.

"It'll be fine, whatever happens we'll all get through it together. We have to accept whoever he chooses." The twin said.

Timeskip - 7 years
Time flew by while life goes on. The four of them eventually had a breaking point, with (Y/n) deciding to move out and live his life, Eunbi and Sakura both got into the music industry, and for Gyuri, she left for the states to pursue more education. Things ended the best they could for the four of them. Eunbi was the only person (Y/n) still talked to out of the other three, not like he had much choice there either. His relationship with Sakura came to an conclusion when they finally broke up. It was somewhat mutual, both sides were hurt but it was accepted by them both. As for Gyuri, he hasn't seen her over 5 years. They never had any closure, nothing to end upon and no time to ever talk it out.

(Y/n) achieved his dreams of becoming a songwriter, even collaborating with his sister from time to time. He earned himself a bit of fame and fans whenever he appeared in Eunbi's videos. Sakura even asked him for a duet which sold pretty well. It gave them time to reconnect and rekindle their friendship.

Present Day
(Y/n) was coming home after a day at work, his mood was shining with enthusiasm due to him having one of his songs passed and being submitted. Upon arriving to his house, he noticed something immediately. As he walked in there was another pair of shoes, which definitely didn't belong to him. Judging by the type of shoes, it was a girl's. Eunbi wouldn't normally drop by without telling him so, same with Sakura. It's not like he talked to any other women either, so it was quite odd that someone else was here.

He walked in a little further before hearing some noise coming from his room. It didn't sound like he was being robbed, making his way towards the sound. His door was wide open, and inside stood a woman holding onto his notebook. A glimpse of her face was enough to recognize her as he finally let his guard down. His heart warmed up a little, only to begin to ache a bit.

"Isn't it rude to enter someone's room without asking first?" He spoke, startling her and making her nearly drop the book.

She turned towards him before laughing while clutching the book to her chest. Her eyes turned soft at the sight of him as she rushed over and embraced him. Her impact was strong and her hold was even tighter.

"It's been so long... you look so different now. You actually look like an adult now." Her beauty was beginning to entice him, dragging his old hidden feelings out of the crypts of his heart.

"You look amazing as well. Your looks have changed but you're still the same, childish as always. Can you stop reading my things without asking me? It's hidden for a reason. How did you even get in here?" He said trying to yank the book out of her hands but she backed away.

"Your mother helped, I guess she still keeps tabs on you. I also wanted to see if you added anything new yet. Besides, I wanted to read my song again. I never even got to hear you sing it for me." She teased.

"You know why you never got to hear them. Back then... it was a mistake on both our parts. I should've never let you read it." Her heart stopped in place, hearing him say those words. She didn't want to look at his eyes but slowly she met his gaze. Instead of the hurt eyes she once saw, these were simply matured ones.

"It happened, let's not pretend like it didn't. I'm over it, you should as well. We were kids, I was a mess, scrambling onto anything that I could hold and love." He said.

"(Y/n)..." He hasn't heard her call his name in years.

"Gyuri... it's fine, I swear." He took off his coat and placing it onto a nearby chair. She handed him his notes as he placed it inside his desk.

"Hungry? Come on, let's go get something to eat." He asked, offering her his hand. She quickly took it and gripped it firmly and following his lead.

The two decided to get some takeout instead of staying inside. They caught up more, discussing their different career paths. Gyuri finished her nursing degree and was now searching for a job. It was hard for her to keep in contact due to her studies being so intense. He was her first stop, aside from her family of course. She couldn't get ahold of the other two yet so she found him instead, getting some info from his mother. (Y/n) had to help her catch up with the other two's lives as well. She also learned about his current relationship with Sakura.

"So... are you and Sakura, still together?" Gyuri asked.

"We broke up 8 months ago. Our schedules got a bit hectic and we hardly had any time to spend with each other. It was mutual, so don't worry about any future fights between the two of us." Gyuri was a bit shocked that the two actually broke it off.

It was hard to watch when he accepted Sakura's confession. Even if it was her plan to set the two of them up to avoid his feelings, Eunbi was right about her regretting it later on. She could've just said yes and be with him.

"I'm glad you two are still friends. Eunbi always said we were stronger than anything in the world. Nothing could tear us apart, not even each other." Gyuri said, smiling at the end.

They grabbed their food as (Y/n) suggested for them to crash at Eunbi's place. She and Sakura moved in together after getting into the same company. Gyuri didn't have any complaints as she was all in with his plan. It excited her, the thought of surprising the other two girls with her return. While (Y/n) carried the food and beer, she rushed to their house and rung the bell. The door swung open as Gyuri was pulled in for a hug by their tiger cub. Their hug was enveloped into another as Eunbi crashed into the duo and turning it into a trio.

(Y/n) smiled at the sight as he snaked passed them and put down all the food and drinks. The others finally joined him at the table when they were done with their reunion. (Y/n) received his hugs from his sister and Sakura shortly after, interrupting him while he tried to set up the food.

"Okay okay, let go before I spill all of our food." His body being released from their grasps.

"You couldn't have picked a better time to come back home. We're going to drink until we drop tonight." Eunbi declared while holding onto Gyuri.

(Y/n) let out a sigh knowing he was going to be cleaning a lot. Everyone plated up their food and headed into the living room to watch a movie together. It was nostalgic for them to finally be reunited again, to spend time like the old days of their teen years. As they ate, drinks began to be passed around, everyone starting to get intoxicated little by little.

"How about a little game?" Eunbi suggested.

The others agreed having their interests peaked while she made (Y/n) grab some fresh bottles. Once he returned and handed everyone a new bottle Eunbi explained their game. "It's simple, we've played this before but we couldn't drink any alcohol. Now let's see what the past 5 years has done to us. We'll go around, one person states something, if you've done it then you drink."

Eunbi took a empty bottle and spun it as it landed on Sakura declaring her as the starter. "Mmm... I have never had a one night stand." A big one to start it off, as they looked around to see if anyone would admit it. Slowly Eunbi lifted her glass and swigged it.

"As your brother I'm a little disappointed." (Y/n) said.

"It was a mistake, don't lecture me about it now. Let's keep going."

"I've never met my favorite idol, yet." (Y/n) said

"I'm not your favorite?!" Both of the artists asked before having to swig as he shook his head. He flashed them a picture of his phone, his wallpaper showing the idol of his dreams.

"In your dreams. I bet I'll get to meet sunbaenim before you do." He smiled a little before playing his hidden card. Flipping through some emails he flashed it to them, showing a potential collaboration.

"I win this one Eunbi, can't beat me to it this time." He teased.

Moving on, it went to Eunbi's turn. "Never have I been to the United States." She finished with a smug smile.

"Come on! That's not fair, that was totally targeted at me." Eunbi stuck out her tongue at Gyuri, watching her having to drink.

"Fine then, let's see if you like this one then. I've never beaten up anyone." The two twins raised their bottles and drank in unison. Gyuri turned to (Y/n) a little shocked, he usually didn't resort to violence.

"Some guy groped me and (Y/n) kinda went crazy on him. That was probably the most angry I've ever seen of (Y/n), it was pretty hot." Sakura said, the alcohol leaking out of her speech. She laughed a little before taking her turn, having thought of one that was good.

"I've never eaten whipped cream off of another person's body." Sakura cheekily stated turning to watch (Y/n) have to drink.

"That's not for you to share." He said trying to flick her forehead but she moved out of the way.

"I would've been surprised if anyone else drank." (Y/n) said.

He fiddled with his bottle before stating his next line. "I've never confessed to someone through a love song before." He immediately received a complaint from Sakura.

"Don't remind me! I can't believe I even debuted with that song." She whined having to drink.

"You actually sang that to him?" Gyuri teased.

"Zip it! I had to win his heart one way or another. Eunbi go." Sakura said.

"Wait, shouldn't you drink too? After all you did write a few songs for Gyuri. And seeing how she read them, that was a confession in a way." He took a swig satisfying Eunbi's objection.

"I have yet to fall in love." Eunbi said, watching the others drink.

"You're like the overseer for us." Gyuri said as Eunbi shrugged and they turned to Gyuri. She paused a little, deciding to unload a certain secret.

"I've never fantasized about my brother being more than just a—" Eunbi's eyes widened to their extents as she nearly hit Gyuri, instead she grabbed her and shut her mouth.

"Spill it Eunbi, I wanna hear it now." It was shocking to actually see his sister this embarrassed. He got up and went over to the kitchen to grab some more alcohol.

"I can't believe you, I told you that like years ago. You even promised to never tell anyone." Gyuri apologized immediately as they filled Sakura in.

"You know better than any of us why I felt like that. He's perfect husband material. Even if he is my brother, it doesn't mean I haven't wished we weren't related sometimes." Eunbi's confession was a big one, enough to make them finish their current bottles and more. They had to drown this thought out with as much alcohol as possible.

(Y/n) came back to them, kneeling over and planting a kiss onto Eunbi's forehead. "I'd prefer it if we remained siblings for eternity. I wouldn't be able to handle you as a lover." He said before sitting back down. He felt a tug from his sides only to turned to a flushed faced Sakura.

"Where's my kiss? I'm your girlfriend aren't I?!" She was really out of it now. This time she couldn't avoid the soft poke from his fingers.

"You should stop drinking now, I think you've hit your limit." (Y/n) said.

(Y/n) lifted her up and carried her to her room, tucking her to bed. He returned to see that Eunbi was reaching her limit too, carrying her into her own room. And so remained only (Y/n) and Gyuri who seemed to be fine. She was still taking occasional sips until he finally pulled her bottle away.

"That's enough, I don't want you to pass out now. Come on, they have a guest room you can sleep in." He offered his hand, which she grabbed onto. His arms wrapped around her, lifting her up and carrying her to the room. He gently set her into bed and as he turned to leave he felt her grab ahold of his hand.

"Do you... still have feelings for Sakura?" It felt strange to ask, but Gyuri had to know. She needed to know if she could let her heart out or keep it chained up again.

"I love her... but we're just friends now. I think we should stay this way. The couple life doesn't quite suit us." Her chains slowly began to loosen, hearing his thoughts of being in relationships.

"Then what about us?" His face didn't change one bit, unfazed by what she asked him. Gyuri had hoped it would show her some sort of sign that he still held onto those feelings he once held for her.

"What do you want us to be?" She froze with his straightforward answer.

"What... do you want?" Gyuri asked.

His expression still hasn't changed much. "I like the way we are right now." His answer disappointed her, she really hoped he would initiate the long lost feelings they both had.

"Not me." Gyuri's grip tightened on his hand.

"I want to spend countless nights with you. I want to hold your hand, share your bed, and come home to your loving embrace. I want you to hold me, and tell me it's going to be alright." She tore off the chains that once restrained her from opening her heart to him.

"I want to rewind time, so that I could tell you how I felt back then. How I should've pulled you closer when we kissed, and how I should've stayed instead of running away." Tears leaked out at the edges of her eyes.

His hold on her finally increased, his heart reawakening and restoring his forbidden feelings that he'd shut out years ago. (Y/n) sat beside her, his hand wiping away any remaining tears. It was enough to earn her entire embrace. Slowly she pulled back before leveling their faces, inches away from connecting lips. It tempted her so much to just push forward, and finally their lips met. Her eyes widened at the feeling of his lips pressing against her's first, only to to immediately melt into it. It felt exactly the same as it did 7 years ago. How she would've enjoyed this so much more if she had been able to do this every single day back then.

Next Day
Gyuri slowly woke up, rubbing her eyes clear before turning to the side. There he laid, resting with his clothes still on of course. (Y/n) stopped her from going too far due to the other two being under the same roof. Their intimate scene turned into a soft filled cuddling rest. One thing was set by them both though, and that was their new relationship. Today was their first day, for who knows how long they'll last. She hoped it would be forever, but no one truly knows how long it could really last. Gyuri had imagined (Y/n) and Sakura lasting until death did them part, but things really did take an unexpected turn. They broke it off and now Gyuri was back home, sharing a bed with the boy she once had feelings for.

Gyuri just laid there, staring at his face for what felt like hours. Soon enough, his eyes fluttered open to meet her gaze. She immediately moved closer, anymore that was possible and held him tight. (Y/n) did the same, realigning his arms around her body.

"What do we tell them? Would Sakura even be fine with us...?" A bit of reality finally hit her.

"She'll understand. I did love her, but some things just aren't meant to be. We've had plenty of time to put that behind us, you don't have to worry." He reassured her.

"Then is it really fine for me to hold you, hug you, and kiss you even in front of them?" Gyuri asked.

"Sakura did all of that when we were together, while you watched. We're not kids anymore, everything will be just fine Gyuri."

They laid there for a while until (Y/n) wanted to get out of bed. He figured he would need to clean up some more, hoping neither Eunbi or Sakura threw up in bed. He checked on Eunbi first, only to find that her room was empty. Odd, she wasn't the best at recovering from hangovers. (Y/n) peeked into the living room and kitchen but she wasn't there. Finally he walked into Sakura's room, finding a burning image that he probably would remember for quite a while. Eunbi and Sakura all cuddled up, naked, and in each other's arms. He slowly backed out, shutting the door.

Gyuri came out and questioned where the other two were and he just turned her around and moved her somewhere else. "Let's give them some space." He laughed a little, whispering the details into her ear. She joined his laughter as she never could have imagined those two doing such a thing together.

(Y/n) heated up some leftovers and cleaned up their messes. Gyuri helped out too, still wanting to sneak a peak at EunsSaku, their ship name she made on the spot. They ate and chatted until a scream that resembles Sakura came from the room. The two laughed a little and waited for them to come out to get everything settled out. They watched as the two come out of the room and freeze upon seeing them. It took a bit for those two to settle down so that they could even begin to discuss things.

(Y/n) figured that helping them sort out their relationship would be best first. Was it just a one night stand or was it something more?

"So what are you two going to do about this? Will you just ignore it or are we going to make it something more?" (Y/n) asked.

They stayed silent, not batting an eye at the other. He sighed a little, searching for the right words.

"If you two are going to act like kids then that's fine, deal with it yourselves. You two slept with each other, so what? Just blame the alcohol and move on." He said.

"Are you fine with..." Sakura mumbled.

"The fact that you've slept with both me and my sister? If you think I'd be upset or offended in any way, I'm not. And if you happen to have any feelings for my sister, then that's perfectly fine as well. Same goes for you Eunbi, if you feel anything for Sakura, now would be the best time to let it out." (Y/n) said, taking the role of their overseer.

Eunbi turned towards Sakura, both of them staring at each other for a bit until those words came out. "I like you." Eunbi suddenly admitted.

Gyuri covered her mouth in shock while Sakura sat there motionless. She seemed to be deeply affected be Eunbi's confession. (Y/n) felt relieved that there wouldn't be any uneasy feelings between the three of them. It felt odd for a second, the thought of Eunbi and Sakura being together. Then again, he didn't mind it so much.

Sakura's hand eventually enclasped onto Eunbi's, sending a message of acceptance. They traded their feelings on the spot, while the other pair watched like it was a drama. Gyuri also followed and grabbed (Y/n)'s hand, which didn't go unnoticed by the new pair.

"Are you two..." Sakura began to ask and Gyuri answered with a nod, pressing her lips against his hand.

"Imagine how this could've all went down if you two just got together back then." Eunbi commented.

"Would you still have ended up with Sakura?" Her brother asked.

"Maybe? She was always cute, just didn't think either either of us had it in us to admit it." She said, pecking Sakura on the cheeks.

"I still can't even believe this is really happening." Gyuri chipped in.

"If it wasn't then you can kiss (Y/n) goodbye." Eunbi teased.

Her grasp tightened which made them laugh at her regret. (Y/n) mumbled some words of reassurance that it wasn't a dream. It was concluded with Gyuri pulling him in for a kiss. The other two wowed at this as Eunbi teased Sakura.

"She's even bolder than you were. You would at least ask (Y/n) for a kiss." Sakura ended up shutting the twin up with a kiss as well.

And that's enough. I feel like I dragged this far longer than it needed to be. I felt the need to expand on just more than a simple onshot for Gyuri and flush out the other characters too. Took a while since I just got too bored of writing.

Next: Old Habits (Oh Seunghee)

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