Jeon Heejin & Kim Hyunjin

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Just as I got into the groove for the story, I ended up changing the idols. This was originally meant for Youha but it just didn't sit right with me since I was basically shooting for a bad ending, but with these two I can write to my heart's content. Besides, Hyunjin's been killing me recently and Heejin is just Heejin.

A doorbell rang throughout the house, bouncing off the walls and into someone's head. A groan escapes their lips as they awaken from the mess created from the previous night. As they stumbled around, hungover from their obsessive drinking hobby. The sound coming from the door came closer and closer as they finally went to end the pounding. The blast of sunlight coming from both the sun and the very person who meant everything in their life.

"You promised to stop doing this." A heavy sigh escaped the visitor's mouth. The door shut behind them as they both went inside. "Why are you here...?" A single flash of a phone screen gave it all away. A drunk dial, something that had happened too far many times.

"You can't keep doing this Hyunjin. To yourself, and to Heejin. Ever since she found out about your secret, it's never been the same between us three." She knew very well what secret that was. It was the reason why she would drink herself to death for the past few months.

"You'll always be my best friend." Those words cut her deeply, making her wince at the unbearable pain inside her heart. "And I'll always love you, no matter what." But not the way she wants him to.

"But I promised Heejin all of me, my vows, my life is for her. She's my wife... and I don't want to hurt her any more than I might have already done." Tears threatened to fall from her face, not that this was the first time it happened. In an instant Hyunjin was pulled into an embrace, being comforted to his fullest potential. She let it all go within his arms, wanting nothing more than him to stay at her side.

"I'm sorry (Y/n)... I won't do it again." Hyunjin cried out, not being able to promise him anything. After having already broken so many promises, she didn't want to lie to him again. But it was just so hard, watching him be happy without her.

It should have been her, the one who he had married. If only she had stopped playing around with him and his feelings back then. (Y/n) once felt something for her, feelings of love at a young age. Yet, Hyunjin always played it off and rejected him. Then he finally moved on in an instant, after chasing her for so long. From the moment he met Heejin in their years in college, it was already declared that she had lost.

"Come on, go wash up first while I try to decontaminate your whole house." (Y/n) said, pushing her into the bathroom.

Hyunjin always thought of ways to win him back, but she could never do it. To him or to Heejin who she still valued as a friend. Thoughts of seducing him, enticing him to pick her over Heejin once plagued her mind when she was down low. It was bad enough (Y/n) gave her so much of his attention, and once Heejin found out that she had been harboring feelings for (Y/n) for so long, it almost tore them apart. Thankfully he had managed to damage control it all along with help for their other friends. Sometimes having a group of 13 had its benefits.

As Hyunjin finished washing up, (Y/n) also emptied out her house of the mess she created. Just as she came back out to meet him, (Y/n) immediately pushed her away again. This time he steered her into her own room that he had just finished cleaning. He pushed her into the bed and tucked her in, wanting her to get some proper rest.

"Stay there until I finish cooking, you haven't been eating anything at all. You should've paid more attention to me when I was teaching everyone else. You'll end up eating bread for the rest of your life at this point." She paused for a second, thinking of a rebuttal, only to let out, "But, I like bread."

(Y/n) laughed a bit, knowing it was her favorite. "That only increases your drinking capacity. You have to eat actual food." He flicked her on the forehead softly and ran out as she whined about the pain.

It didn't take very long until he brought back his first dish. A simple hangover soup for her to start with. Despite her consistent complaints about how much she dislikes it, she ended up eating it. The smell of eggs followed as he made the iconic kimchi fried rice. (Y/n) dropped off the food before heading back to the kitchen. The sound of the sink came on as (Y/n) began washing his mess immediately.

A few minutes went by while they both were separated for a bit. Hyunjin's head looked up as she heard the doorbell go off. She could hear the voice from the mother of the group as they entered the apartment. Immediately she shrunk in her place, knowing the wrongs she's done. No matter how many times this has already happened, she couldn't imagine what the girls would think of her.

"She stayed at my place, if you were wondering. And you're here of all places." Haseul said, trying to contain the headache she was receiving from this.

"Am I wrong for checking up on her?" (Y/n) asked.

"You know that's not what I meant. It's just... this is the last place you should be, especially after what just happened between you and Heejin." Haseul corrected him, staying in between the lines.

"How bad is it?" His voice asked.

"She's upset at you for sure, as well as at herself. She mentioned slapping you, that's the first I've heard of it. It was eating away at her all night." That said slap played through his head again, not that he took it to heart. It put all his words to rest that night, as he could do nothing but watch as she left.

"Just go see her, she's in my car. I'll take care of Hyunjin for you." Haseul said, pushing him out of the door after catching him off guard with the fact that his wife was outside.

(Y/n) made his way down the stairs and scoured the parking lot for Haseul's car. Luckily enough, she had parked right beside his car. The sight of Heejin just sitting there, staring back at him pulled away at his heart strings. He made his way over to the passenger side, unlocking the door. Heejin let herself out, standing to match his height.

She didn't give him a second to even say anything, instead she instantly lunged out at him. Not a single word came out between them, only the tight embrace to keep them inseparable. They slowly moved over to a nearby bench to settle down for their much needed talk.

Eventually it was his voice to break their blissful silence. "I'm sorry, I know it makes me look even worse when you find me here. You know I just can't ignore her. She's my friend, I need to be there for her when she needs me." (Y/n) began saying, already apologizing whether he was right or wrong.

"You'll always be my top priority, but I can't do anything if you run away from me." She nodded, knowing that running away doesn't solve anything. Yet, it's the only answer she's found to be helpful in these times.

"I wish I never found out, at least then I could be oblivious to it all." Heejin whispered out, still clutching onto his side. "Every time I hear her voice confess her love for you, it scares me that it'll work eventually. That you'll leave me for her."

"I've told you before, you don't have to worry about that. My heart only belongs to you." He said, caressing the ring on her finger.

"She was your first love... people always go on and on about how they can't forget their first love." Heejin rambled on, earning a laugh from him in return. (Y/n) couldn't help but cup her face with both hands before bringing her in for a tender kiss.

"You watch too many dramas, it's not always like that. Do you really think I would go through the lengths of ruining our relationship, getting a divorce, and going to Hyunjin instead?" (Y/n) cooed in her face, earning her adorable laugh.

"Yes, I once liked her, but it's not like anything ever happened between Hyunjin and I. And then you came along, asking me out for a date right away. Rather than having to chase after you, you jumped into my arms instead." The living memory plays throughout their minds simultaneously.

"Dates after dates, nights after nights, all those moments in bed together. I will never regret them, and I only want to have more of them together with you." How she wished they weren't in public at the moment. Immediately she grabbed his hands and gave him a look only he had seen.

"Let's go say goodbye to the other two first. And to make amends with Hyunjin. I'll make it up to you as well." (Y/n) said.

A spark flashed in her eyes, adding a smirk on her lips. "Anything right?" Heejin leaned in closer, whispering those words into his ear. She could feel him shutter from the little trick she pulled.

"Don't push it, you still slapped me last night." She immediately planted a kiss over the spot she had hit. Then again and again, she began pampering his face with kisses while laughing doing so.

"I'm really sorry. I was wrong for hitting you." Heejin began apologizing. (Y/n) brushed it away, dragging her up to Hyunjin's apartment to fix their mess.

Months later
The drunken late night calls from Hyunjin had stopped. It was a blessing and a curse, as one thing always comes after another. Rather than calling (Y/n) up in the middle of the night, their unwanted interactions turned into coincidental meetups in public. It happened far more than the three of them would have liked. Whether it was going to the grocery store or out to eat, they just happened to always be there together. (Y/n) did his best to embrace it, rather than act weird and cold to Hyunjin. Heejin also tried her best, even if Hyunjin would always get the better of her jealousy. Hyunjin really did try her best to avoid them, but it just wasn't possible, as if this was happening for a reason.

It only led to being another obstacle in the road. Hyunjin eventually embraced it, no longer shying away from just simply spending time with her friend. She put her emotions behind her, knowing it was for the best for them all. The sight of him smiling for Heejin no longer pained her, rather she began to cheer for it alongside their other friends.

However, all good things come to an end. The thoughts of him coming back to her plagued her mind once again. One phone call at night caused the whole world around them to shift.

"(Y/n)... answer your phone." Heejin said, pushing against him in the shared bed. A groan escaped his mouth as he rubbed his eyes swiftly before blindly reaching over for his phone. A quick slide over the screen and he answered the call.

"Hello?" Every instinct in his body spiked to a hundred upon hearing the distressed voice on the other side. A rustling of clothes bought Heejin's attention as she joined him in scrambling onto whatever pieces of clothing they could get a hold of.

They drove out into the night, rushing to the designated hospital. A quick ramble to the nurses brought him to the right room where Hyunjin rested within. A few hours went by until he was finally allowed into the room. There were cuts over her arms, bruises over her skin, and her eyes were closed. She had been involved in a car accident, a late night accident after a drunken driver had sacked her in the side of the intersection.

Heejin did her best to comfort (Y/n), wiping away the tears that wouldn't stop flowing out of his eyes.

With the flash of those lights colliding into her, all she could do was brace for impact. Only the hit never came, instead she startled awake in bed. Her shout of despair still played out in her head, as well as it did for the person who stood in the doorway. Her eyes lingered over to (Y/n), watching his panicked state rush over to her. She didn't quite know what was happening, aside from feeling safe in his arms. Hyunjin pulled him in closer as she cried into his arms, feeling his warmth overtake her.

"It's alright Hyunjin, it was just a nightmare. I'm here now." His voice said to her, hushing away the tears.

Once her heart began to relax, she slowly pulled away from his grasps. A closer look on his face was finally attainable, and he looked different. A little younger, as if they weren't young enough already.

Hyunjin felt his hand cup her face before closing the dreadful gap in between them, connecting their lips together. Her eyes went wide open as she pushed him away, something she never imagined doing to him.

"Yah! What do you think you're doing?!" She shouted at him, scaring him enough to jump a bit.

(Y/n) recovered his posture as he chuckled a little to himself. "What? I can't kiss my own wife? You've never complained before, why now?" Her mind began to race, spinning in circles over and over again on what he just said.

"What are you talking about? Heejin is your wife, this isn't right. We shouldn't be doing—" (Y/n) caught her arm that was trying to push him away.

"What sort of nightmare did you have to think I would marry someone else? I clearly remember slipping a ring onto your finger. How do you plan on explaining our wedding photos?" (Y/n) said whilst scratching his head in confusion.

Hyunjin spun around at the photos he was referring to, taking in the sight of the wedding dress she had no memories of wearing. The most special day in their life that she couldn't recall. A small tour from him to shake her delusional thinking still wasn't enough for her to accept the reality of her current situation. Hyunjin still kept him at a distance, not trusting this ploy to be the thing that ruins her stable friendship with Heejin.

"Hyunjin, are sure you're feeling well? You're starting to scare me with your words. If this is a prank then you win, you really got me. Just stop worrying me." (Y/n) said, his undeniable caring voice poured into her mind.

"I-I... please tell me I'm dreaming. Let me wake up if I am. This isn't what I wanted..." Her final line got caught up in her mouth, wasn't this what she wanted?

"Hyunjin, you're not dreaming. I'm really here with you, until the end." (Y/n) said, slowly closing the gap between them again.

"No, this isn't right. We're not supposed to be like this... we never got together." Hyunjin cried out, pushing him away again. (Y/n) engaged another hold onto her, connecting this time as he held on tightly.

"I don't know what sort of bad dreams you've been having, but this is real. It's just you and I." (Y/n) said, holding onto her crumbling figure. Hyunjin's eyes slowly closed, accepting the lie she was living in. Even if it's only for a little while longer, for the time being, she could be selfish for being happy with this.

3 Days later
A few days had passed since Hyunjin had gotten into her accident. She was put into a stabilized condition but she had still yet to awake. All her friends and family could do was wait while she fought her own battles. The 72 hours that had passed were some of the worst moments in (Y/n)'s life. He was the complete opposite of her, unable to sleep or rest for even a moment during the past few days. The second his shift was over he'd rush over to the hospital, never wanting to leave her side again. Heejin was there every moment with him as well. Her emotions were exactly the same as his, their undying love for their dear friend. She controlled him better than no one else could, taking care of him and making sure they could make it to work the next day, and the days after.

A sudden phone call on the fourth day brought miraculous news for both (Y/n) and Heejin. It was as they had just arrived home and were beginning to settle down for the night, a call came for them. Hyunjin was awake and well, giving the best news they could've hoped for. However, every action has its consequences, and (Y/n) couldn't rid himself of that curse. Upon arriving at Hyunjin's room, a small warning from Haseul flew over his head as he rushed over to the girl sitting up in the bed.

Heejin didn't waste a moment and followed right behind him, embracing the girl who was now perfectly safe in their eyes. Hyunjin couldn't do anything but hug them back. Amidst the embrace, her eyes had lingered to see the reality she was pulled back into. On his hands was a ring that matched Heejin. She had to accept this reality again, the real world where (Y/n) wasn't her's. It wouldn't be right of her to ruin their relationships again, just because she had a taste of what it could've been if he had chosen her. A well placed dagger was shoved into her heart, slowly letting her feelings for him leak out again.

As they all began to settle down again, Heejin left to get them all some snacks and drinks. Every word that came off his lips dug the dagger deeper into her heart. A grasp from his hands onto hers was the breaking point.

"(Y/n)..." Her voice suddenly cut him off mid sentence. "Please stop talking... I-I... I don't want to talk to you right now." She watched as his gaped mouth slowly closed. He nodded, looking over to Haseul who seemed to know what was going on.

"I just want to be alone for a while. So please just go home with Heejin." She asked him, holding on as long as she could before snapping like a brittle string.

(Y/n) instantly shook his head, refusing to do as she wanted. "I'm not going anywhere, we'll talk it out even if you don't want to."

"I thought we had it, we were finally sailing smoothly again. What made you change your mind?" Haseul said, giving him a little insight on Hyunjin's thoughts.

"When she woke up, she asked me who you married. If it was her or Heejin in this world. I don't know what to think of it, I almost thought she lost her memories for a bit there." Haseul answered.

"Hyunjin, tell us what's wrong." (Y/n) pushed, earning a response filled with tears.

Hyunjin covered her face to save her dignity before telling them the truth. "I was having a nice dream... a part of me didn't want to wake up from it. It was just us together, if I had stopped messing around with you and just accepted your love."

"I was over you... I could finally move on. Then I just had to go and have that stupid dream. Now I can't help but want to have that dream again." Hyunjin's ears picked up the sound of footsteps coming closer to her. As she slowly raised her head, her eyes met with Heejin.

Unlike how they would act months back, the two had grown a better understanding of the other. Heejin reached out and grabbed one of Hyunjin's hands, gripping it tightly. "We'll figure it out again, don't blame yourself for this. Even if we might have to fight for him again." Her small tease finally ached out a small smile from Hyunjin, nodding in response.

They stayed together for a little longer before Heejin and (Y/n) went home. After locking up the door, (Y/n) turned around to see Heejin leaning timidly against the wall in the hallway.

"You're not mad at me are you?" (Y/n) asked, making her let out a small laugh. Heejin only shook her head before wrapping her arms around him, holding him close.

"I'm just confused about Hyunjin. I thought we were doing good, but it seems like she's still into you." (Y/n) scooted them closer to their bedroom, letting them lie down for a moment.

"I know it's not your fault, but I'm still scared to lose you." Her words made him press up a kiss against her cheeks, ensuring his affection. She smiled, digging her face deeper in the crook of his neck. "(Y/n)?" Her muffled voice escaped her lips.

"Hmm?" His eyes slowly reopened as he felt her lift her head off his body. She was now staring at him straight on. Heejin took a bite at her own lips before pressing on forward.

"What if I shared you with Hyunjin?" His eyes widened, raising himself up a little.

"What?! Isn't that the opposite of what you'd want? Why would you want to share me with Hyunjin?" Heejin only shrugged at the questions.

"I-I don't know... I've heard stories of couples who open up their relationship to another person. It sounds fun, and if it's Hyunjin then I guess it wouldn't hurt you at all."

"But what about you?" She squinted one eye hearing his serious tone. "Stop thinking about me, even Hyunjin. I want you to think for yourself, I want you to be happy as well." (Y/n) said, whilst holding her firmly. Only for Heejin to let out a smile to reassure him.

"I am happy. If it was going to be anyone else that I'd be okay with seeing you with, it's Hyunjin." (Y/n) still shook his head.

"You're not thinking straight, we can... talk about this another time. Let's get ready for bed, come on." (Y/n) sat up despite having her atop of him. Heejin had no intentions of making it easy for him. Instead she pushed him back into the bed, pinning him down.

"Fine, we can talk about it later. But that's not how we end our nights, mister." She smirked into his lips, claiming victory upon making contact with him.

1 Week Later
Some time had passed since Heejin brought up their potential polyamory relationship with Hyunjin being their plus one. Heejin continued to bring it up, over dinner, their time together, and even when they're just trying to sleep. (Y/n) was still skeptical of it all, especially how much it sounded like a fantasy. However, Heejin was dead set on bringing that bread girl into their relationship. All it was going to take was some convincing for (Y/n), and maybe Hyunjin too.

(Y/n) let out another groan as he tried to cook dinner in peace. Heejin was glued tight to him, not letting go of him.

"Do you want to eat or not? I can't focus if you keep bothering me." (Y/n) said, trying to move around while she held on.

"I want an answer! Come on, it's been a week." Heejin whined, bumping her head into his back. "Heejin, I swear. I told you to think this over." (Y/n) said, while trying not to burn the food in front of them.

"I did, and I'm still okay with it. Maybe I wasn't thinking straight the first time I said it, but now I know for sure. Hyunjin would be a great addition to our relationship." (Y/n) held his silence for a minute, slowly letting her words deep into his mind. He shut the stove off and took a breath.

"Ask Hyunjin first, if she says yes... then I'll agree to it." Even after coming to terms with it in his head, it still sounded absurd to say it out loud. Heejin squealed with happiness before spinning him around for a quick peck to the lips.

"I'll call her over tomorrow then. You won't regret this (Y/n)." Heejin shouted with excitement, and then suddenly something finally clicked inside of (Y/n)'s head. "Wait... now it's sounding like this is more for you. Don't tell me you fell in love with Hyunjin or something."

Heejin's surprised face gave it all away to him. He couldn't believe himself, all the guilt suddenly washed away for a brief period as he could finally have the upper hand in this love triangle.

"Wait, you! You accused me of cheating and falling in love with another person, but you're here head over heels for Hyunjin. You fell in love with that bread girl didn't you?!" Heejin's baffled face sent him through the roof as he couldn't stop laughing.

"Sorry... the more we began to hang out with her the closer I wanted to be with her. I wouldn't go to the extent of cheating though you idiot! But I feel a connection with her, the same I feel for you." Heejin pleaded, taking his hands into hers.

(Y/n) placed a tender kiss upon her head, "I'm not mad, it's just too unreal to me. I can't imagine how she's going to react to this."

"And if she says no?" Heejin asked.

(Y/n) only shrugged his shoulders. "Do your best to convince her I guess? I'm not the one who's asking her to be in our relationship."

"Can I let her test drive you?" (Y/n) immediately spat out the water he was currently drinking.

"Of course not, what kind of offer is that? You really think she would join just so she could get in bed with me?" Heejin nodded to his question.

"That's how this all started. So... do I have your consent for that?" She asked, while poking at his cheeks.

"Heejin, even if she does say yes, it's too soon for her and I to just jump into bed together." He grabbed a hold of her hands firmly. "No matter how much you say you're okay with this, a part of me still hates myself. I made my vows to you, I never intended on breaking them." Heejin smiled at his loyalty, shaking her head from side to side.

"You won't be breaking them, we're just simply bending them a little. You don't have to be afraid of hurting me, because you won't." Heejin planted her lips firmly against his.

Next Day
Hyunjin was beyond nervous coming to (Y/n) and Heejin's home again, especially when things have stirred up again between them. It only added more levels of uneasiness because it was Heejin who called her over. She said she felt the same for (Y/n) again but that didn't mean she was going to push for it like she used to. If anything she just needed some time to forget again and to move on. Hyunjin took a deep breath before ringing their doorbell. The door opened up, allowing the cat and the bunny to come face to face.

Heejin was the first to break out a smile before taking Hyunjin by surprise by pulling her in by the hand. She immediately turned into a blubbering mess as Heejin continued to drag her over the living room. Heejin didn't heed a single one of her words as she ran off into the kitchen to join her husband.

Hyunjin's eyes laid upon (Y/n) who was in the kitchen plating up food onto the table. It had been a few days since (Y/n) dropped by to check in on her. Their eyes met briefly as she quickly spun away to stop her heart from leaking out any feelings. (Y/n) could only bite down his laughter as he knew what was going to happen in a few minutes here.

Hyunjin paced around a bit before being caught off guard by a pair of hands gently laying upon her shoulders. The sudden touch made her shrink her neck down as she broke off the hold, spinning around to see (Y/n) softly laughing. He pulled her towards the dining table, seating her so they could get started.

"Okay, let's get to it. There's no better way to do this than just saying it out loud." (Y/n) began saying, while Hyunjin watched him sternly. He turned to Heejin who's mouth was already stuffed with food, nudging her to go ahead.

Hyunjin held herself back from taking a bite, wondering what (Y/n) had meant. She didn't want to end up coughing after choking on her food. Judging by his tone, it wasn't something to joke about.

"So... (Y/n) and I—" She peered over to him seeing a glare shoot from his eyes. "I was thinking, ever since our 'relationship' has stirred up again. To avoid any time consuming distant awkwardness. I came up with a solution for us." Hyunjin's interest climbed with every second, awaiting this brilliant plan.

"I was wondering... if you would like to be with (Y/n) and I." A cough escaped Hyunjin's lips, choking on thin air.

"W-What sort of offer is that?! Isn't this the opposite of what we wanted?" Hyunjin exclaimed, her eyes looking to (Y/n) for help. She only received an uncertain look from him, then both being the ones who were tipping on this boat.

"Isn't this what you wanted?" Heejin asked.

"Well yes... but I didn't think it would actually happen. And I didn't think you would ever be okay with it too." Hyunjin huffed, trying to keep herself from exploding.

"So... do we have an answer from you?" Heejin pushed.

"Do you really want me?" Hyunjin asked, more specifically towards (Y/n). Heejin turned her head to their man, watching him slowly as he nodded, causing a smile to smear across both hers and Hyunjin's lips.

Hyunjin reached over, grasping onto (Y/n)'s hand. Her eyes locked with Heejin, asking for permission. "Are you really okay with this?"

"Holding hands, cuddling, kissing, even sleeping with him. I'm fine with it all, just as long as I get my share." Heejin pronounced.

Just as the thoughts settled in, (Y/n) displayed one more burning image into their heads. "Just in case it's clear, you're also getting Heejin with this deal." Hyunjin's eyes widened, finally catching onto the moment.

"W-Wait, you mean as in h-her and I?" Heejin shyly nodded to her, watching Hyunjin continue down her road of shock.

"I-I don't swing that way..." Hyunjin whispered loud enough for them both to hear. (Y/n) just laughed at the two who suddenly grew silent. "We can take it slow, and you two can figure that out."

A bit of silence passed before (Y/n) snapped the both back to reality, reminding them of the food in front of them.

The two girls had shifted over into the living room, going through a selection of movies for their evening. (Y/n) was left to clean up the mess in the kitchen as the sink ran on for a while. Hyunjin's eyes would periodically leer over to him, still trying to see if this was still a joke in the end. One last glance as she spun around, nearly crossing lips with the girl beside her. Hyunjin let out a yelp as she backed off a bit from Heejin. The other girl only laughed as she teased her even more getting closer to her face, nearly climbing atop of her.

Hyunjin only shrunk down even more, mumbling like crazy and muttering out (Y/n)'s name for help. A hand intervened and pulled Heejin back, separating them both. (Y/n) took a seat in between them to stop anything else from happening.

"Don't be so quick to push her into bed with you. I swear, you're insatiable Heejin." (Y/n) said, also turning to Hyunjin. "I meant it when I said we can take it slow. Just tell us to stop, or at least push Heejin off." Hyunjin laughed at his advice on Heejin.

Heejin peeked over (Y/n)'s shoulder, watching as the flushed face of Hyunjin slowly went away. She just couldn't rub that satisfied smile off her face no matter how long it's been since Hyunjin agreed to their love contract.

"Can you believe she thought I was cheating on her with you?" (Y/n) joked, never unable to make Hyunjin laugh with his quips.

"Hey! That's because... it was your late night calls okay. Why else would you be drunk dialing him all those nights. And (Y/n) always came running to your rescue whenever you got into trouble. How could I not think that you two were doing something behind my back." Heejin huffed and puffed out her excuses.

"Now look at who's in love with her." In response, Heejin poked him on the back and his sides. "Don't act like you're not in love with her as well, she's your first love. The girl you chased throughout your entire life until you met me." She really had to go and play that card just to best him.

"Of course I love her, how could I not. She—" Heejin peeked over as she heard him get cut off, witnessing the connected lips between the two in front of her.

Hyunjin's hands raised up and cupped (Y/n)'s face firmly, taking in every second of their kiss. Years of anticipation and love was poured into this moment. The room had gone silent, nothing but the sounds of their lips separating and reconnecting over and over again. In this everlasting moment, Hyunjin managed to pull away and take a glance up to his eyes. It was everything she always imagined and more.

Heejin's arms slipped over (Y/n)'s shoulder, tilting his head over to her for a turn. "What happened to taking it slow mister?" Heejin teased, keeping her arms around him.

"Let's just start this movie before we get even more carried away." (Y/n) said, grabbing the remote.

"You should just carry us into the bedroom." Heejin muttered, making (Y/n) laugh. "Later."

The credits played on the flat screen, ensuring the end of the movie. Soft snores also played out on one of (Y/n)'s sides. Hyunjin was also on her last toes, nearly falling asleep. He went up and carried Heejin into their bedroom as she asked earlier, only she wasn't awake for the part she wanted. He came out shortly after, also slipping his hands under Hyunjin and lifting her into his arms. He laid them both down onto the same bed, also preparing to crash down for a bit.

Hyunjin spared as much room as she could for him, letting him down right in between them. If this relationship were to continue, they were going to need a bigger bed for the three of them.

"You're going to fall off the bed." (Y/n) said, seeing her cling onto the bed along the edges. Hyunjin took this chance to crawl into his arms, resting her head beside his chest.

"Are you... really okay with this?" Hyunjin asked.

"Yeah, it's crazy. But I don't mind it, if you two can learn to live with it then so can I." Hyunjin scoffed out a laugh. "Of course you'd like it, you get two girls by your side. Will you really love me equally?"

"I'll love you both equally, no matter what we'll face together." He promised, warming her heart with his words.

"Prove it." Hyunjin said, trying to hide the smirk that slowly crept across her lips. A second head laid upon his chest, startling them a little. "Exactly, prove it to us." Heejin's sleepy voice said.

"But I want to sleep." (Y/n) whined, shutting his eyes and pretending to sleep and snore.

From the side he could hear them both start to shift around the bed. "How many times do I have to teach you this lesson (Y/n)? That's not how we end our nights." Heejin said before pouncing atop of him. Hyunjin didn't let this chance pass, also joining Heejin in her actions. Their calm evening was going to turn into a restless night.

That's enough, I don't have it in me for smuts. I just like the cut off points for my story, and imagination can lead you to where you want it to go.

Wow, it's been a while. I just completely left this book untouched and didn't bother to peek in it for a while. I finally came back to this draft and got it over with. Definitely not where I wanted it to go but at least it's over.

Still no promises of constant updates, this was just a one night stand for me for the meantime. Although, there is one draft that's in the works. Maybe it'll come out eventually.

(She's killing me...)

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