Kim Taeha

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I didn't think I'd come back to Taeha in general. Hope I don't come off as rude but she didn't catch my eye as much, to be fair it was the same for almost all of Momoland. However I feel like she definitely has potential, I just want to see what comes next for her.

Second Chance
"Are you sure you really want to do this?" Jane asked, whilst leaning against the wall. The boy in front of her was currently writing out his love confession to his long time crush and one of their close friends. She had agreed to help him plan things out to finally convey his feelings. "Are you actually asking me that? After suggesting I ask her on stage and in front of a whole crowd." He said whilst still focusing all his energy into his confession.

"I'm just a bit concerned. I've never known her to be into anyone, so I don't even know her type. I just hope Taeha feels the same way towards you." She didn't mean to discourage him, even if it did work without it being intentional. His mood died off and suddenly he went quiet. Jane knew she messed up a bit, leaning over and comforting him.

"Sorry (Y/n), I didn't mean to say that in a bad way. I just want you to end up happy." The two had always been close within their group of four. It also helped that they knew each other from a young age. "I'll be here to support you, same as Ahin. Don't let her teasing get to you, you know she cares about you too. Even if you two are always fighting."

"Thanks eomma." Her head twitched, not even a split second went by before she flicked his head. No matter the situation, he always managed to stay lighthearted. "Noona fits better, I wouldn't mind being called that, you know?" Jane said while hovering over him.

"I'm older though, shouldn't—" One swift gaze into her eyes and he retracted his statement.

"Fine, noona." She smiled brightly, hugging him from behind.

Next Week
His deadline was rapidly approaching, their school dance was less than a few days away. All of his preparations were finished by now, it was only a matter of initiating the proposal. It wasn't any easier that he had to ask her on a stage, where most people always hang around. Jane thought it would add a sweet factor to his confession, and she had managed to convince him to do so. Ahin helped with her best efforts, distracting Taeha for them to enact their plan. Their idea was to lead her onto the stage for (Y/n) to make a sudden appearance, and even if it was a stretch and out of character for him, he still tried it.

Nervous wasn't exactly all he was feeling, it was more of a dreading feeling. (Y/n) never took the time to talk to any of the two about his foresight of this day. Prior to this day, a week back he suddenly had a dream. It was scene by scene of how things were going to go down. Ultimately, he received his answer, and it wasn't the answer he would've liked.

Jane stood by his side holding his decorated poster. It was aligned to her likings of artists, and it was even referencing a small quote from a song. In his hands, (Y/n) held onto the bouquet of flowers he bought yesterday. Every moment that passed by before his moment made him more and more afraid. And sure enough his downtime came to end, in the corner of his eye he spotted Taeha being dragged along by Ahin.

Despite his fears, and all the signs that told him he should've just ran away, (Y/n) stepped forward onto the stage. A small crowd had already gathered, pulling out their phones to record while some just watched.

From the moment his eyes met hers, he knew it, he knew what his answer was. Despite that, he still poured his feelings out.

"I just can't forget that Beautiful Feeling of watching you smile. It's Killing Me, being stuck in this Maze, with no way out. Maybe it was a Love Spell that hit me, but I just know that It's You. It's Always You, even when I want to run away, it's hard, when all I'm doing is Thinkin' About You. There's no Easy way to say this, but I Like You."

Like a prophecy coming true, like a deja vu playing out in front of his eyes, (Y/n) watched as Taeha shook her head from side to side.

"I don't feel the same... sorry (Y/n)." A few gasps were heard from the crowd, even the shuffling sound of Jane beside him was picked up. He clamped down his teeth, holding back any reactions from leaking out. The least he did was mutter out for her to hear, "Thank You."

Taeha walked off the stage as (Y/n) faced towards the camera's for the first time. His arms formed an X, asking them to not upload the video anywhere. (Y/n) himself walked off backstage, or wanting to be seen any longer. Jane slugged behind while trying to come up with the right words to say to him. Ahin had stormed off after Taeha while bombarding her with questions.

"(Y/n)... are... you okay?" She knew he wasn't, but it was common courtesy to ask. He looked up at her, initiating her to hug him. A loud sigh escaped his mouth, making Jane even more worried. (Y/n) wasn't the type to hold back his emotions. Whether it was happiness from nailing an exam or being sad over a certain character death from a show, he would let it out then and there.

"I'm fine... thanks for all your help. I kinda saw this coming, I guess I should've listened to you. I should've never asked her." She shushed him, still holding on tightly to him. Their eyes linked up at the sight of a certain blonde appearing in front of them. Ahin slowly came over to them, giving (Y/n) an embrace immediately.

"I'm sorry (Y/n), I really don't know why she would say no to you. I tried to get her to talk but she just walked away." She also picked up his stable emotions, unsure if he was fine or broken.

"Are you going to be okay?" They asked him once again. (Y/n) just nodded, not emitting any emotions with his words.

"Are you really sure you're going to be okay?" Ahin asked again. He mustered up a smile and let out a laugh filled with pain.

"If you keep asking me... I'm going to cry." Both of the girls kept silent, trying their best to help him without words.

After consoling him for a while, the three finally departed. As much as they didn't want to leave his side, they were all still students. Tomorrow would return to normal like nothing ever happened for their school lives. All that would change now is the mood of their group for a while. That all was dependent on (Y/n) and Taeha.

It was a dreadful walk home for (Y/n), for the first time in his life, this was his real first confession to someone he genuinely liked. It was also his first rejection, so the pain just flowed freely without any obstructions to soothe his pain.

(Y/n) stirred awake later that night, checking his phone instantly for the time. It was midnight, which explained the darkness of his room. Amongst looking at the time, he had also noticed the few messages that Jane and Ahin had sent him. They were small comforting messages, filled with worries and words of encouragement. The sound of his phone clicking off shifted his mind onto the events from earlier. If there was one thing that he couldn't get off of his mind, it was the look on her face when she saw him. The dissatisfaction that he could see that she was feeling gave his heart a hard hit. Regardless, he mustered up every ounce of courage in his body to confess his feelings.

It starts with one, then another follows. Even though it was dark, his vision was being blurred up by his running tears. No matter what he tried, it just wouldn't stop. So... time began to go by as he laid awake in bed, releasing his heart's sadness.

Timeskip - 1 month
The dance came and went, with all four of them still attending. (Y/n) hung out with Jane and Ahin for a short while only, mainly to avoid being around Taeha for as long as possible. He never held a shred of hate for her, but his heart just aches too much for him to be around her for now. While hanging out with some other friends/acquaintances he managed to speed away the night. It was fun... somewhat. His heart wasn't whole, but he was happy he went through it all despite the outcome. At the very least, in the very end, his feelings were known to her.

Their lives went back to normal for the most part aside from the tension between the two. (Y/n) had his moment to clear up any lingering awkwardness for them both. All he wished for was for them to move on, and to forget about what he did. Even though he knew he would be remembering this event for a while longer than she will.

Present Day
Who would've thought they would have to do a group project this close to the end of the school year. Seniors were already planning their parties and celebrations for graduation. (Y/n) and his group were still planning something to do but nothing had been decided just yet. As if the group project wasn't enough, this teacher had decided to pick partners for the students instead. (Y/n) prayed with every ounce of his heart that he wouldn't be paired up with Taeha of all people in this class. And somehow that prayer was answered.

Instead, he was paired up with a total stranger he never even knew existed. She was quiet, according to Jane and Ahin. And again, somehow she seemed to do quite the opposite of that. "Jungahn?" His first words to her, and "call me Daisy" were her first words to him. Even just hearing her voice shocked students nearby.

(Y/n) was able to pick up the gazes from other students and even his own friends. "Do you want to work on this project after school as well?" He asked, watching he slowly nod in response.

With the amount of time they had left in class was spent on their work. As soon as the bell rang most students were on their way out instantly. (Y/n) agreed on meeting Daisy in the library after school. He just needed to talk with his friends briefly.

"You two must be happy to end up being paired together." (Y/n) joked about Ahin and Jane, seeing them struggle to agree on their topic and even start on their project.

"Why couldn't I just get paired up with you? I could've gotten an easy A." Ahin whined.

"You seem to be happy. I've never seen that girl talk to anyone for that long before, I think she likes you." Jane teased back at him. He tried to shrug it off, although that small thought lingered in his mind.

"She hardly knows me, same goes for me. And she likes being called Daisy by the way." The thought of him being happy again made Jane quite content.

"And what if she is interested? What would be your answer?" Jane asked, testing his heart.

"I don't know, she's cute that's all. I'm not up for dating at the moment." (Y/n) muttered that last bit, hoping the girl beside him wouldn't hear it. Even if she did pick up a hint of it, her mind was already being swirled with the fact that he was starting to take an interest in someone else.

The four finally dispersed for the day, except for Jane who caught up with Taeha. She immediately dragged the girl over to a more secluded area of the school. As much as she wanted to pull away, Jane's grasp was too righting for her to shake off.

"What do you want?" She whined as Jane's eyes pierced through her as always.

"Do you... really feel nothing for him? Not in the slightest? Your heart didn't jump at all when he asked you?" Jane's voice came out softly, trying to see if there were any secrets in Taeha.

"I-I said no for a reason... (Y/n) is nice and all, but I just don't see him that way." Taeha could see the disappointment on Jane's face. "Are we done now? You've already lectured me on this before." Reminding them of the talk they had the day after (Y/n)'s confession.

"You've always been such a terrible liar." Taeha looked down, trying to keep her mouth closed and composure together. "I can't believe you. How can you like him and still say no?" Jane rubbed her forehead before adding another factor. "Also, you didn't look too happy when he called another girl cute. You can't be jealous of him after rejecting him."

Both of them sighed heavily before Jane spoke again, "I'm serious about what I meant last time. If you choose to let him go... then don't regret it when he moves on. All I want for him is to be happy, as do I for all of us. But I don't want him to linger on you if it'll only keep him from loving someone else."

"I love you nevertheless, but I love (Y/n) too and I want him to be happy."

Timeskip - 1 month
A few weeks went by since Jane confronted Taeha about her feelings again. Ever since then Taeha has been quieter than ever. Sometimes she would break into silence during conversations, not adding anything to the fire. Luckily it went unnoticed by Ahin and mainly (Y/n). Although sometimes she wished he would actually look at her, now that she knew he had feelings for her. She knows it's wrong, and Jane was nothing more than 100% right about her true feelings. It was so wrong... for her to feel sad when he smiled at another girl. Even when it was only friends, and even at times when it was Ahin or Jane. It pained her that he no longer had his eyes on her.

Instead, they were on someone else. Daisy had been a new addition to (Y/n)'s life that none of them saw coming. After their group project, something must've clicked inside of her because since then she's been coming to talk to (Y/n). Even without a reason other than wanting to see him for him. She was still quiet in front of the crowds, but according to him she spoke her mind out to him.

The way his cheeks flared up with shades of red whenever Jane would tease him about Daisy. It pained her so much as to how it would still be her if she had said yes.

It was another day for the four friends, currently enjoying lunch. (Y/n) had pulled out his specialty and decided to pack them some of his home cooking. Usually he only made enough for him, but he felt like being nice today. As Jane and Ahin fought over the last few pieces, a certain girl caught Taeha's eye as she slowly came over to them. Daisy made her way over to them, stopping behind (Y/n). Within her hands was an envelope containing only what Taeha could imagine. (Y/n) spun around at the feeling of his back being tapped.

A ray of sunshine matched her background as she offered up the latter in her hand. He slowly accepted her request, looking into the contents in his hands. Without giving him a second to respond she ran off before he was even able to finish reading. (Y/n) read her letter immediately, trying to perceive what she wanted to say to him in words.

"What's it say? Jane asked.

"It's a love letter, what do you expect?" Ahin answered for the speechless (Y/n).

"No way, I can't believe she mustered up the strength to ask you like that." Jane said, baffled by the quiet girl.

"They've been hanging out nonstop for the past few weeks. I'm not surprised she fell for him, considering she tried to get along with me just to get to know more about (Y/n)." Ahin said.

A laugh escaped his mouth, followed by a bright smile, perhaps the brightest they've even seen. (Y/n) quickly picked up his belongings and stormed off after Daisy. Taeha was still shaken up, so much that her voice couldn't leave her body. She wanted to reach out for him, to tell him to stop, for him to turn around and look at her once again.

Instead she took in a deep breath, and let him go. Her teeth clamped against each other tightly, trying her best to suppress her own feelings. Jane had a point... she doesn't have a right to be upset. Her silent cries didn't go unnoticed as Jane embraced her tightly.

"See... I told you." She said softly, seeing the first of many tears that began to fall. "He liked you a lot, and I'm sure you felt the same. But please let him go now..." Jane comforted her to the best of her capabilities. Ahin joined them both, slowly realizing what the somber girl was feeling all along.

(Y/n)'s POV
His back was against the very girl who had given him the letter. Her face was buried into her hands, keeping quiet beside him. (Y/n) read over the letter again and again, finally letting out one final scoff that turned into a giggle. He turned around to face her, kneeling down to her level. His hands pulled her shields away and showed her true self to him. Daisy's face was a shade of red, still unable to recover from what she did. (Y/n) couldn't deny that she was cute even while embarrassed, but he knew she tried her very best.

"You were so close to asking her yourself. Why'd you have to back out?" He said, making her even more embarrassed than before.

"What if she says no...? How am I supposed to be around her after that? I've only just started to get close to her, what if I'm going too fast? I really like her (Y/n)..." Daisy let out in front of him.

"Ahin is a very nice person, she wouldn't push you away like that. I can't control how she feels, but I'm sure she would at least give you a chance." Her face brightened up in front of his eyes, making him somewhat more relieved that she was feeling better.

"Thanks (Y/n), and I'm sorry for using you as an excuse to talk with her." He only shrugged at her revelation. "Be honest with her from now on though, she'll focus on you more that way." She smiled before nodding.

"So, do you want to give it another go?" Her eyes widened at his suggestion of a redo. She instantly shook her head sideways, refusing it.

"Can you... help me?" She received a tender smile in return, granting her request. "I'm not going to ask her out for you. But I'll help with anything else."

"Can you stop me from running away?" She laughed at herself a bit, trying to push the nerves off by finding humor in the moment.

"Let's go then, I'll hold you until it's over." (Y/n) said, awaiting for her hands. He led her back to the cafeteria, appearing in front of the three girls again. All of them looked shocked at the sight of them, hand in hand. Taeha was on her last straw, she wanted to leave so badly, just so that she wouldn't have to see the two.

With a small push from (Y/n), Daisy stopped once she reached Ahin. She quickly unfolded the note that was originally meant for the blonde and gave it to her. Just as she spun around, (Y/n)'s arms caught her as she panicked a bit before being seated down. Ahin's eyes went from left to right as she slowly read every word that was meant for her. Her jaw began dropping lower and lower as (Y/n) couldn't help but laugh at the sight of her being flustered. For someone like Ahin who he messed around with nonstop to show a different side of her like this was too much for him to handle.

Jane finally caught on after catching a glimpse of Daisy's words, joining in on (Y/n)'s enjoyment. "Did you set this up?" She mouthed to him, seeing him nod in return.

"I... I thought you were into (Y/n)? I never expected you to actually be after me this whole time." Ahin was baffled, finally setting aside the letter to get a clear view on Daisy. She had covered herself up within her palms, while having (Y/n)'s comforting touch beside her.

"Give her an answer please." (Y/n) whispered to Ahin who was still turning redder every second.

"I-I... I don't know. I wasn't expecting this, what am I supposed to do..." She began rambling on.

"That doesn't sound like a yes or a no to me. So, what's it going to be?" (Y/n) pushed, feeling Daisy tense up under him. Ahin remained silent for a few more seconds, giving (Y/n) a quick look. Maybe it was for approval, but (Y/n) shrugged and smiled only. Slowly, she reached over and uncovered Daisy's hands and came face to face with one another.

"Idlovetogoutwithyou." She muttered out quickly, setting off a firework within both of their hearts. (Y/n) let go of Daisy, watching the two awkwardly embrace each other for the first time. He moved around to his spot, finally relaxing a bit.

However, that time wasn't long before he felt a hand clasp over his own. The whole world froze for him at that moment, it was as if numbers were flying through his head, his mind ran like crazy trying to understand why it was happening. (Y/n) slowly turned his head to the side, seeing Taeha holding his hand tightly with both of hers. Jane herself couldn't be more proud of all her friends at the moment.

"Can we talk...?" Taeha asked, shaking from her imagination becoming a reality. (Y/n) stood up first, allowing her to follow as she led him elsewhere.

She sat beside him on a bench, still holding on so tightly to his hand. It helped that he returned the grasp, feeling their resonating warmth. A quick puff of wind courtesy of (Y/n)'s lips snapped her back to reality.

"You wanted to talk, let's hear it then. Why are you holding onto my hand so tightly? This isn't like you at all." Her breaths were shaking harder than before. At times she thought she felt how he did, every time he engaged in a conversation with her, or whenever they would have moments with one another, but none of them matched this one. She truly felt how he did when they stood on that stage together.

"Do you still like me?" She asked, unable to read an answer from his face. Only his real words could give her the truth.

"Yes. I still do, a lot." He confessed, making her let out all the stress of her worries.

"Do you still want me?" A fire began to blaze within her, feeling stronger and braver than before.

"That all depends on you. I decided to stop chasing after you, but it doesn't mean I stopped liking you. I'm not taking any more steps towards you, not until you do the same." (Y/n) said in return, brushing a strand of hair off to the side of her head.

"Can I take a leap towards you instead?" She didn't allow him to answer, instead she quickly pressed her lips against his. One of her hands loosened and cupped his face, deepening their first kiss. Taeha's heart pounded against her chest nonstop, excited from being able to fix her mistake from back then. And of course the fact that he was kissing back. Eventually the lack of oxygen pulled them away from one another, giving them the space to talk again.

"What made you change your mind? What happened to not feeling the same way?" (Y/n) genuinely asked, curious to hear her answer.

"You really caught me off guard... I never expected you to feel like that towards me. I didn't realize how I felt until it was too late." He wrapped his arms around her tightly. "And... I figured it would be best to give you the time and space that you needed, rather than me coming to you immediately." He let out a scoff, telling her that she should've just done that. "It would've been a lot easier if you came to me. I would've said yes regardless."

"I didn't like that you began to move on... I know, I'm horrible. Jane kept pushing me to do something about it and I was finally beginning to, then you met Daisy. I didn't want to get in your way if you were going to be happy." She flashed him a warm smile to match his own.

"I really thought she was after you. I didn't think Ahin was going to steal her away like that." Taeha jokes, making (Y/n) laugh along with her.

"I was surprised too, they were the last two people I could've imagined getting together. But she asked for my help, so I couldn't say no. She's a really nice girl, hopefully she can handle Ahin." (Y/n) added.

Their time ran out as the next class was in session, forcing them both to run back. And so they appeared in front of the other girls, hand in hand. Ahin's arms shot up, giving them her best cheer while Daisy gave them a shy thumbs up. Class resumed for the rest of the day before they were all able to finally regroup. (Y/n) was tackled instantly into a hug by Taeha, as the same occurred for Daisy, being embraced by Ahin immediately.

The odd one out joined them on the side. "You've got him now, don't let go this time. You might not get another chance." Jane teased.

"I won't, I promise." Taeha said, looking over to (Y/n).

"Good, because I won't back down next time." Jane added, as the girls yelled out in shock.

"What?! You like (Y/n)?!" Ahin asked out loudly, making Jane shush her.

"I'm his safety wife, and he's my safety husband. We promised each other back in junior high." Jane said, seeing (Y/n)'s unfazed face at her revelation of their secret pact. Taeha turned to (Y/n), jealousy written all over her face.

(Will she get her own chapter in the future? ¯\_()_/¯ Maybe, I think I already set up a plot by accident lol)

"It hasn't even been more than a few hours and you're already jealous over something like this?" (Y/n) teased.

"How can I not?! You promised to marry Jane... what if you break up with me for her." He sighed loudly, looking to Jane for assistance.

"It's a safety for a reason. If you don't keep him then I'll do it myself. Besides, if we wanted to date we would've done it long ago. Am I right (Y/n)?" Maybe it was too much this time, Taeha was even more distraught.

"She's just teasing you. Yes we promised each other, but as long as you don't break up with me then that won't happen." (Y/n) said. "Then make that promise to me instead!" Taeha said while gripping onto his shirt tightly.

"It wouldn't make any sense if we are already dating though. I can make you a different promise instead if it'll make you relax." (Y/n) said, having gained her attention again.

"I'll marry you once we graduate college. How's that? Better? Or are you still mad? What do you want?" She connected their lips in front of everyone else, sealing his promise in their hearts.

"You better keep your promise. I'm not losing you ever." Taeha said, earning a smile with a nod in response.

It's been a while hasn't it? What was meant to be a quick summer hiatus turned into a long break instead. I pretty much worked nonstop for the past few months and caught no breaks in between to really sit down and write a story. Not to mention me bouncing between 3 stories at the same time. I was too indecisive with which one to finish first. So this one came out on top first surprisingly.

Not up to par with my past stories but I think it's a quick and simple story. The stage scene was a quick blast of reality from my own experience so I figured it was about time to throw it into a story. Heavily changed to match a fictional story but quite spot on aside from the happy ending (╥_╥) , that was a long time ago so don't think I'm still heartbroken over it.

Next: TBD
I'm not sure how long it'll take for the next stories to finish and to not make false promises. I'm thinking of a lot of things but who knows how long it'll take, Seulbear with me for a while longer.

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