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I'm going to be honest, I have no idea what I'm doing with this chapter. I may have had to big of a goal here. A group shot excited me, then the thoughts of a Hasaul story got me hooked, then it became a mixture. I contemplated doing only some members but I might as well go all out and try everyone else

In terms of my fairness I think it went Haseul > Hyunjin > Vivi > LipSoul > Hyejoo = Chuu/Yves > Heejin > Choerry/Yeojin

The younger girls definitely made me struggle as I fight against my morals and the decision that it's only fanfic. So my guilt eased up a bit more, until I realized I'm older than the maknae line 💀

No need for smut warnings because they're literally almost everywhere in this chapter. Some are more subtle and some are fully fleshed out.

12 Wishes
A few clangs rang out in the kitchen as someone was currently attempting to make themselves a fresh cup of coffee. It was far too early in the morning to be able to think straight, but going back to sleep wasn't an option either when one was literally kicked off the bed. The aroma of caffeine began to fill the kitchen with its scent as the maker finally took in a breather and relaxed knowing their utopia was only a few minutes away. A sudden noise made its introduction as the main door was heard to being messed with. "Dammit" could be heard from the outside as the person approached the door, unlocking it. It swung open revealing a woman with her keys stuck in the door.

"(Y/n)...?" She spoke his name out loud. It wasn't even a second until he engulfed her into a hug. She didn't hesitate to hug him back, having missed the feeling of his warmth.

(Y/n) brought them inside to avoid the morning breeze as he poured them both a cup of coffee. He came and took a seat beside her and handed her the drink. Together they both blew the heat off before taking a satisfying sip. Her eyes lingered and finally met his eyes, knowing he wanted nothing more than her right now. She reached over and grabbed his hand, gripping it tightly. He responded with his hand cupping the side of her face, showing her his soft smile.

"I've missed you Haseul... so much." (Y/n) said, seeing her melt in return. It had been a year since she had left on a temporary leave due to personal issues and to take care of her own health.

"I missed you too (Y/n)." She answered. "Why are you up so early? Who were you with last night?" Haseul asked.

"Take a wild guess. I got knocked off the bed like usual and I figured I might as well stay awake. I'm glad I did, I got to see your beautiful face again." She laughed a little, kissing him softly on the lips. It was all that was needed to ignite their old embers, pulling each other in their arms immediately.

(Y/n) lifted her up onto the table, spreading her legs apart and bringing himself even closer to her. "Do you want to?" He asked, revealing his never disappearing trait of being caring. Haseul nodded, kissing his lips once again. His arms wrapped underneath her again and lifted her up, carrying her to a bedroom. Rather than do such things on a table where they eat food, he'd rather pleasure her in a soft comfy bed.

(Y/n) brought her to an empty bedroom reserved for him, aka his room. He hadn't slept in here in ages having been so busy with being pulled apart by the other members. He gently placed her down onto the bed before helping her pull her clothing off. She raised her hands as he lifted her shirt off, then helping with her pants, tugging them off slowly knowing this was one of his favorite parts. Haseul just took it all in, feeling his touch for the first time in forever.

(Y/n)'s hands traced up her body, feeling it's smoothness as he moved in on her creamy thighs placing love kisses alongside both legs. Haseul couldn't help but giggle at the tickling feeling it was giving off. It quickly turned to pleasure as he reached her entrance and ran his tongue against her remaining piece of clothing. Haseul shuddered at the feeling of his tongue, even if her panties prevented it from touching skin, it was enough to make her feel good.

(Y/n) hooked his hands around the bands of her panties and dragged them off, revealing her clearly to him. He gave her another soft and slow lick before moving up and giving her a kiss. "Top or bottom?" (Y/n) asked, triggering her natural instincts. Haseul climbed onto his lap and pushed him down, whispering into his ear. "Remind me, who's in charge here?" She had to hold in her laughter since it had been so long since she had to act bossy in front of him.

"You mommy." (Y/n) replied with a smirk, knowing she loved that bit.

Haseul pulled his shirt off, having a feel of his body and quickly unbuckling his pants shortly after. She climbed over his body before hovering above his head, lowering her lower half onto his face. He didn't need any time to prepare for this, going straight to work as he let his mouth and tongue taste and explore all of her insides.

Haseul tried keeping quiet for the sake of the sleeping people in the house. She finally pulled his final piece of clothing down, letting his compressed friend out and loose. She repaid the favor, running her tongue along his shaft feeling him gasp and shudder at the sudden wetness. (Y/n) didn't let up for long as he kept swirling his tongue inside of Haseul, relentlessly tasting her flavors. Though she liked being on top, she never quite seemed to win the battles. It didn't bother her that much since (Y/n) always ended up letting her have her way.

His licking stopped as he sucked on her lips hard, feeling her let go of his shaft as she held her own mouth to prevent a scream from coming out. (Y/n) didn't stop until he felt a rush of juices pour against his mouth, taking it all without spilling a drop. A few light taps on his leg signaled him to stop since she couldn't bear it anymore. Haseul flipped back around, leaning down and kissing him intensely. "You never let me win, you suck." His hands gave her butt a tight squeeze earning a soft moan.

"I want you." (Y/n) said, feeling his member twitch from being pressed against her body. Haseul sat up and repositioned herself at his waist. She aligned them and allowed him to enter, both of them groaning and letting out sounds of pleasure at the same time. It had been too long, far too long.

"Fuck... you're so tight Haseul." (Y/n) muttered, feeling her walls clench even tighter bringing him into a state of euphoria.

"That's what happens when you don't get to fuck me for over a year. How many times have you done it with the others? You've already forgotten how tight I am." Haseul said, nipping his earlobes and placing more love bites along his neck. "Remember that you're mine at the end of the day, you belong to me, and this is also mine." She said, motioning to the part of him that was buried inside of her. Haseul followed that up by lifting herself up until he was almost out of her before slamming back down onto him, allowing the both of them to enjoy it.

"I love you." She let out, being met with a correspondent answer of the same magnitude.

Before they knew it, an hour had already passed from their session. Haseul ended up falling asleep atop of him, a perfect ending to their love making. It wasn't just sex to them, Haseul made it known long ago that she had feelings for him. They dated for a while until she decided to open up their relationship a little, and that so being was opened up to her fellow group mates. It started with a few girls and eventually (Y/n) had experienced almost every girl in the dorms. He was against it at the start, thinking it was a test of his loyalty. It took more than a few times before she finally convinced him to have a go with another girl aside from her.

2 Hours later
"(Y/n)? Haseul?!" A voice woke them both up. The door was opened up to reveal a few of the other girls, presumably looking for (Y/n). As much as they wanted to greet their leader and welcome her back, it wasn't hard for them to assess the situation. They let the two get cleaned up and waited outside while informing everyone else.

(Y/n) and Haseul went for his bathroom and washed up, holding back from another round and casually cleaned each other. Haseul snatched one of his shirts and shorts to prevent from having to head back into her own room. Just as he finished slipping on his clothes, he felt a tug from his sides. (Y/n) turned and faced Haseul, her face completely filled with seriousness.

"I wanted to ask you something, I would've asked earlier but we got too distracted." Haseul said, smiling a bit when mentioning their love making. "If I asked... for you to return to me, will you do it? For you to only be with me from now on and no longer have these sorts of interactions with the girls?" She saw that his eyes widened, feeling a bit uneasy as to what it could mean for her.

"I promised you didn't I? I said if you ever want me to stop, all you had to do was tell me so." He said, reminding her of their initial agreement after he finally said yes to a threesome.

She pulled him close and embraced him tightly, pressing her head against his chest and holding them there for a good while. "I just wanted to check if you were ready. Soon (Y/n), but I'll allow you to have some more fun until then. You'll be only mine soon, so until then just remember that I'll be ready for you soon." She knew without a doubt that he would drop it all and return to her, it was just a fact that the girls could be attached to him now. He was soft for her and any of them, submissive to all their commands, and doing his job as their manager.

She led him out of the room and came out into a small crowd of her other members. "Unnie! You're really back!" Their energetic Chuu came over doing her infamous apple heart.

One by one the girls embraced their leader into a group hug. As their manager he felt proud at their never dying love for one another. As their friend, he wanted nothing else but their happiness to last forever. The tension of their reunion began to die down and they were settling back into their day off. (Y/n) went over and did his duties of preparing and cooking breakfast while Haseul finished off their reunions.

It didn't take long for him to be met with his first contact of the day, aside from Haseul who already had him earlier. While he chopped away at some ingredients, someone walked up beside him grabbing his face and turning him to face them, sealing their lips for a kiss immediately. While the thought of ending these sort of actions in the near future crossed his mind, it didn't help that he melted into the kiss.

"I want you after this." Yves said, one hand brushing over his pants. She let him go, only to feel her close her arms around him from behind. (Y/n) looked to Haseul who was currently in the kitchen with them, seeing her nod at him to put his uneasiness to rest.

That didn't mean her jealousy wouldn't show as she came over to them, grabbing a handful of Yves's rear making her let out a surprised squeal. "Enjoy him while you can. I'm taking (Y/n) back soon, I'll let him have fun for a little longer. Don't waste time with him." She said, placing a kiss on Yves's cheek before following it up with a kiss on (Y/n)'s cheek as well.

"So you two are going to be a thing again?" Haseul nodded to her question. "I guess it's good to let the others know too. I hope none of you caught feelings, our deal was that he was mine in the end. I love you girls, but I love him too."

"Wow, I didn't think you'd take him back so soon. I figured you two would get together after a few more years, you know, especially once our group is more settled in." Yves let go of (Y/n)'s body, freeing his movement up. "I guess it's good to not hold back, gosh... I even got used to (Y/n)'a services." She laughed a little, giving them her best wishes for their upcoming relationship.

"I'll always be here for you as a manager. Please don't kill me Haseul, but it was fun... the moments I had with you Yves and the others. It wasn't just about the sex, it was that I was able to help relieve your stress or even help out on certain things I couldn't do as just a manager." The two nodded at his words, understanding the sincerity.

Haseul softly tugged on his cheek, "Don't say that when we're dating though. Undo your ties slowly, and carefully. I don't want you breaking any hearts." He nodded, going back to preparing their food.

Yves and Haseul let him loose and went back to their activities. Just like that he was open to any other member, and it didn't take long. "Oppa." Chuu said, coming over and jumping at his sides. "Can I have you later?" Haseul saw him laugh softly, looking over to them both. "Yves called dibs already, you can ask her to share if you want." (Y/n) said, as Chuu did just that. However Yves refused, saying it was going to be a lone session with just her and (Y/n). Haseul also followed it up with her news again, realizing she would have to do this one by one so calling everyone for breakfast would be easier. 11 of 12 members showed up, making (Y/n)'s question the last member's whereabouts but they told him to let her sleep in.

So even though the food wasn't exactly ready, the girls were called in and took their seats around the table. "Everyone, I wanted to announce that (Y/n) and I are going to be dating again." The girls cheered, giving their congratulations. "So that means that I can't let him sleep around anymore." The mood changed, a few faces dropped their smiles.

"I know he's committed to our relationship, but I want him to myself alone. I'm sorry for being greedy girls, I know how big of a change it might be. If I had known I was going to pull him out so soon, I would've never suggested the idea." They comforted their leader, thanking her for sharing (Y/n) with them. He went from being a friendly manager to a full blown close friend to almost all of them.

"I won't take him away just yet. So have at him until then. Just be prepared and aware that I'm taking him away. Please remember my terms for being with (Y/n), don't catch feelings. And... if you did, then please let me know. So that we can end things peacefully, I really don't want anyone getting hurt." Everyone nodded, and no one confessed their feelings, yet.

A text message ringed through someone's phone. "Gowon, can you finish this off? Haseul can you help her out?" (Y/n) called from over at his spot in the kitchen. They asked what was wrong and he flashed his phone at them. Vivi's name popped up on his screen.

"I thought she overslept, but she's not feeling well. I'm gonna go check on her." (Y/n) said, drying his hands on a towel.

(Oh yeah, I'm pulling this card. Enjoy.)

He walked up the stairs and headed straight for Vivi's room. (Y/n) knocked before entering, eyeing that Vivi was still in bed. He made his way over to her side, immediately reaching down and checking her temperature. He was in full out manager mode, not even acknowledging the greeting she gave him. Vivi grabbed a hold of his hand, placing it against her face.

It was odd, she didn't have a fever yet she informed him she was sick. (Y/n) knelt down to her level, seeing her smile grow warmer. It was always a playful "I love you" she would say to him, but he wasn't dense enough to see that she meant it. Of all the other girls he was afraid of hurting, it was Vivi. Both him and Haseul were special to her. They were her sources of communication when she first joined, due to her Korean not being fluent.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" (Y/n) let out, watching her place a kiss on the back of his hand.

"I wanted to see you, alone." Vivi said, her voice trembling a little.

"And for what reason? We should eat first if you want to do such things so early. Also Yves beat you to it, and Chuu is after her. Oh, and I guess Haseul beat everyone else." He filled her in on Haseul returning early that morning.

"I didn't want you here for that. I need to talk with you about something..." Vivi sat up, signaling that it was serious. She asked him to sit down before she would tell him, making him sit beside her. (Y/n) clasped his hands over hers, hoping to make things easier for her with his comfort.

"I-I... I think I'm pregnant (Y/n)." She watched his face turn pale, his eyes trembled and lingered away from her's which he was locked with just seconds ago.

"Y-You think? So you haven't checked yet right?" She knew he meant no harm, no sort of any aggression or anger was found in his words. He was just shocked and being careful.

Vivi shook her head in response to his question. "I was too scared to check. I've been feeling sick these past few days, and... I was late this month." (Y/n) nodded, taking her other hand into his.

"I'm sorry." She immediately followed his apology up with a kiss to shut him up. "It's not your fault, we both knew what we were doing." Vivi said.

"If you are pregnant, with my child. What are we going to do?" It was her turn to be shocked. She knew with every ounce of his heart, he truly cared for her and every other girl in this house. (Y/n) was already taking enough responsibility by not running away from her the moment she told him. "I won't be able to live with myself if I just leave you to deal with our child alone." The words "our child" sounded like an unimaginable dream come true.

"Haseul wants me back, but now that this happened. I don't even know anymore... I can't be with her without being guilty, and I can't leave her either. I should have never agreed to any of this. I should have stayed in my place as a manager and never got involved with your lives." Her heart ached at the sight of him being in true despair. She knew he loved each of them equally, not so much as in the terms of marriage, but he cared for them. The times when he hesitated during their first few sessions with any of the girls.

"It's okay (Y/n)... it's okay. You and Haseul are going to be just fine. You... don't have to worry about me." She held him with a tender embrace. "I'm happy... if there was anyone I would've wanted, it was you. If it's you then I'm glad you're this baby's father."

"How could you say such a thing? It's not okay, I don't want you to bear the responsibility of being a parent because of me. How could I not worry when you're possibly carrying my child? How can I live, to even breathe knowing that you're going through all this because of me?" Amidst the quiet apologies he muttered out, she could feel teardrops falling from his eyes. Then suddenly the gates to her hearts opened, rushing out her feelings to match his.

"I'll get you a test later... and if it's positive, I'll be here for you, every step of the way. Haseul can scream, hate, and hit me all she wants. I can't leave you." Neither of them had the right to smile, but she did. Vivi couldn't help but feel safe, knowing he was doing everything she loved about him. Caring and making sure their every need was taken care of before even being able to relax.

"We should tell the others, and I'll inform the company later. Whatever happens next, I'll take responsibility for it all." (Y/n) wiped his face clear and hers as well, going on to helping Vivi out of bed. The chatter of the girls could be heard downstairs, knowing he could die in these next few moments.

The girls turned their attention to them as he helped Vivi over the table. He let her sit and he stood by her side, only to fall to his knees. They questioned if he was okay and (Y/n) nodded.

"Vivi... might be pregnant." As expected, everyone else screamed out in shock.

His eyes lingered on Haseul who was just in complete shock as everyone else. It took a bit until she recovered, only to immediately leave the room making (Y/n) follow behind.

"I guess this was bound to happen..." Yves mentioned.

"You two did fool around the most." Chuu added.

"At least it didn't happen to the younger ones." Vivi said., still looking down in embarrassment.

"Hey that's not fair, you're just saying that cause you're happy it was you." Yerim complained. A few others also agreed with that statement, showing that it wasn't just Vivi who had certain feelings towards (Y/n).

"It's not your fault!" They flinched hearing their leader shout from the living room. Then again, they processed it and realized what she actually said.

"I knew the risks (Y/n). I asked you to do all this, so don't take all the blame. Even if you two were being risky and unsafe. It all falls down on me in the end. I wanted you, but I felt like we needed a break. That's why I suggested the others and why I took some time off. It was to see if we really were meant for each other." Haseul said.

"I'm not mad (Y/n), I just hope you don't plan on leaving Vivi alone if she is pregnant. I know I said I wanted you to myself... but if she's going to have your child then I don't mind sharing you with her. Only her though, don't you dare push it." Vivi's heart jumped, she got off her chair and walked over to them. She crashed into Haseul's arms, making the other two jump a bit, hearing her thank them.

"It's going to be okay, we'll get through this together. First and foremost, we need to see if you really are pregnant. Then we can decide what to do next." Haseul said, asking (Y/n) to help bring her back to the kitchen.

(Y/n) helped Vivi settle in before taking his own seat and plating up some food for himself. Although it proved to be pointless as he didn't make much of a dent into the food. One, he was still held up by what was happening to him at the moment. Two, there was someone who was in his lap who wouldn't let him loose.

"Oppa, I think someone is mad at you." Heejin said, whilst poking the side of his cheek. (Y/n) caught that person's gaze across the table as they turned their head away in annoyance.

(Y/n) asked Heejin to get off but not before having to forfeit payment in the form of a kiss. He walked around the table and came to that girl, wrapping his arms around her from behind. "Remind me, who kicked me off the bed shortie?" Yeojin tossed and turned within his tight embrace which made the others laugh and smile at the sight of them.

"You should've just held me tighter then." (Y/n) apologized and said he'd make it up to her next time. "If I didn't get up then I wouldn't have been able to let Haseul in." Another objection came out, "You're only saying that since you two did it this morning."

"And how long has it been since we've seen her? I missed her a lot, I'm sure it's the same for all of you." (Y/n) said, this time his defense was impenetrable. She said her apologies and gave him a peck on the cheek and continued to eat as he cleared up his plate, not having the motivation to eat.

1 hour later
Breakfast ended shortly as they dispersed into their own rooms and relaxed with their day off. (Y/n) was out at the store getting a pregnancy test and more after pills. If this was just a close call, he wasn't planning on having another one. Sometimes he was glad no one really knew who he was. Even if he'd been on camera with the girls sometimes, it wasn't enough for people to recognize him. If they did it'd be the end for all of them, seeing how he was buying such products. He spent as little as much time purchasing things and returning home to the girls.

(Y/n) made his way to Vivi's room first, handing her the pregnancy test. She administered the test while he waited outside the bathroom. Haseul made sure to also be there with support when the results were revealed.

"Haseul..." She heard his voice come from behind her, making her turn and face him. It made her heart ache at the sight of his expression. He was still feeling guilty and obviously blaming himself. She wanted to stop him because she knew what exact words were going to come out of his mouth next, but she was too late.

"I'm sorry." She struck his chest lightly, shaking her head from side to side. Haseul hated seeing him this way.

"I shouldn't have fooled around with the others. I should have stopped the second you left. It's my—" Haseul covered his mouth, holding back any more regrets of his.

"I told you to stop. It's not your fault. We're in this together, and I don't blame you. Yes I'm jealous, but I'm not leaving you over this. Nor are you leaving me or Vivi." He nodded as Haseul finally unclamped his mouth.

"I love you." Her heart tingled at the sound of his sudden words. She leaned in and gave him a short kiss, saying the same. "I love you too."

The door opened up as they turned to face Vivi, seeing her immediately jump into (Y/n)'s arms. "So? Is it positive?" (Y/n) asked. Vivi pulled away from the embrace slowly, and she shook her head to the sides. A sigh of relief flowed through all three of them in unison.

"So... is the deal still good? Will you share him with me?" Vivi asked.

"I mean... it was because you were possibly pregnant with (Y/n)'s kid, that's why I allowed it." She didn't want to, but Vivi slowly shook her head in acceptance.

"Treat him well Haseul." Vivi's voice leaked with anguish and it didn't go unnoticed by Haseul. As Vivi began to leave, both (Y/n) and Haseul tugged on her arms, one holding the other side. The two laughed a little seeing how they had the same idea.

"Only you, I'll allow it. You can be with us." Haseul said, seeing the older girl's emotions change. From heartbroken to hopeful in a matter of seconds. (Y/n) stepped aside and watched as they hugged each other. It was nice knowing that these two adults were able to make up and agree to terms of their own making.

Suddenly (Y/n) was pulled into the embrace and pressed in between the two of them. "I was always scared to say this in front of you while Haseul was around, but now I want to say it forever. I love you (Y/n)." Vivi said, hearing the same from him.

"Easy, he was mine first. Don't make me compete with you, we both know who's going to win." Haseul said in a joking manner to which Vivi accepted immediately.

The two set him free due to his scheduled appointments. (Y/n) was definitely put into a hard situation now that he was set in a future relationship with two girls rather than just one. It was Haseul's choice, and he wasn't exactly against it. He just hopes that it is never revealed to the public for a long time to come.

(Y/n) gave a few knocks until the door opened and he was pulled inside. Yves was inside already half dressed as if she knew he was on his way. She wasted no time, pulling his clothes off along with her own. Yves pushed him back onto the bed and climbed atop of him.

"If this is our last time, then let's make it memorable oppa. I'm going to miss feeling your body against mine. How gentle you always are when you touch me. I love you and all the times we did this." She made sure to explain it, making it mean that it was only in terms of friends.

"Vivi and Haseul already have you, I don't want to add to the equation. Besides, I'm sure there'll be others you have to deal with. I'll just stay as your friend (Y/n)." Ironically she finished that line with a kiss to the lips.

Yves's entire body shook from pleasure as she came crashing down onto his chest. The two had just reached their climax together and unlike how she'd usually let him finish elsewhere, this time they were connected until the end. "If I had known that's how it felt, I would've had you finish inside of me more." Yves said while still panting and taking back her breaths. She rested her head against his chest and allowed her heartbeat to resonate with his. "I'm definitely going to miss this." One of the last things she managed to say before falling asleep in his arms.

(Y/n) himself was out of steam, succumbing to sleep just like Yves. There was no use fighting it as it was all too perfect to move as well. This final session with Sooyoung was what they both wanted and it couldn't have been better.

2 hours later
(Y/n) was stirred awake by the feeling of wet kisses alongside his face. His eyes fluttered open to meet Yves's eyes. A soft smile spread across her lips at the sight of him waking up. Yves nuzzled herself in between the crook of his neck, enjoying the things they've done together. These were going to be memories to cherish for her, at least until she finds the one for herself. (Y/n)'s eyes shut again, letting out a deep breath before letting himself rest again. However she wasn't going to let him.

"I'm sure Chuu is waiting for you. Don't keep her waiting, I've had you for long enough." She said, tapping his chest to get him up.

(Y/n) got up and dressed himself and prepared to leave, but not before tucking Yves back into bed. He realigned her with the pillows and covered her up with the blanket. With a soft goodbye she pulled him down towards her for a last kiss. He also reminded her of taking a pill before tomorrow.

(Y/n) left the room and went towards the living room. He could hear Chuu talking with some others which led him here. Upon seeing him she jumped off the coach where Jinsoul and Hyunjin were also sitting. She dragged him away from the room and took him back to her's. Only for (Y/n) to deny it since Yves was probably asleep by now. So instead he lifted her up into his arms and carried her into his bedroom, pulling her clothes off and taking her into the bathroom. He needed a shower anyway, not that Chuu was against the idea of them doing it with the water on.

The heat from the water was warm enough but feeling Jiwoo was even better. Her smaller frame hooked onto him tightly while he held her in the air still. Her voice bounced off the walls and ringed like a melody into his ears. Chuu never held back on speaking her mind, always telling him what she felt or wanted.

"S-Slow down oppa, you're too rough. It feels really good, but I want this to last longer." She said before ramming herself against his lips.

(Y/n) obliged and set her down and faced her towards the wall of the showers. She looked back at him, seeing that he was on his knees knowing what was next. Her body shuddered from feeling his tongue press against her folds, getting her wish of making this last.

She spun around and let her back feel the wall. This way she could see him clearly while he pleasures her. Her hands held his face tightly while he continued on making her squirm under  his hold. Chuu felt herself nearing her limit knowing all he had to do was just push it a little bit more and she'd give it all to him. (Y/n) pulled away just as she was about to let out a scream of pleasure.

"I said I wanted it to last, not for you to tease me." His teasing didn't stop as he stood up to her level. Running his hands up her leg and lifting it, easing himself access to her core. Just as Chuu braced herself for him to insert himself back into her, he pulled away at the last second. She let out another complaint and even smacked his chest, "Oppa stop—" He finally stopped and plunged back into her. Her legs began to give way after feeling the effects of her climax. (Y/n) had to catch her and hold her up against him to prevent her from falling down. He let out a small laugh as he watched her face express her feelings. Their lips met for a kiss while everything around them began to slow down.

Later that evening
After spending an eventful day with the girls, he ended that night with a celebratory dinner for Haseul's return. A few drinks were passed around for the special occasion but (Y/n) made sure nothing would get out of hand for them. For example, wrangling a bottle out of Yeojin's hands to prevent that child from drinking and getting drunk. She did end up receiving just one shot glass courtesy of Haseul. Other than that, the food was amazing due to Vivi's help with (Y/n)'s cooking alongside the orders they sent out.

(Y/n) stood to the side as they played some games among each other. Someone suddenly tugged on his sides while he took a bite out of his fried chicken. That flash of blonde hair immediately gave away the identity of whoever was trying to gain his attention.

"I want dibs on you tomorrow." Jungeun said. (Y/n) did nothing but nod before earning a rough kiss from her. She pulled away while still biting on his bottom lip, letting go and giving him an eyeful of lust.

"Is there room for me?" Another voice came and interrupted them.

"One last competition between us three, unless you're scared our last time with oppa will make him remember my body more." Jinsoul said, clashing their friendly and frightening rivalry.

The two returned to the party as he lingered to the sides still. Without even a moment to breathe, another one came by and took their place.

"Can you follow me?" Hyunjin asked, giving him his weakness in the form of her pleading eyes. His nod was enough to drag him away from the girls. She pulled him into the kitchen, hiding in a corner where the girls wouldn't be able to look over and see them.

She pulled him in closer, tip toeing to his level and tasting his lips. The initial taste of soju remained for a few seconds until it turned sweet. She felt his arms wrap around her waist, lifting her up into his arms as it hooked under her thighs. (Y/n) moved them a bit until he placed her onto a chair, allowing her to sit.

"Are you okay? Do you wanna stop?" He asked, making her heart thump in return. Hyunjin connected their lips immediately, not wanting to be apart from him anymore. The kiss remains slow and full of Hyunjin's emotions. It was how she liked it, to be able to enjoy him to her likings.

"I love you." Hyunjin let out, unable to contain her feelings any longer. She pressed herself against his chest and hid her face underneath him. "I know you already have Haseul-Unnie, but I still love you. I know the deal was not to catch feelings but I can't help it. I can't stop myself from loving you." She didn't want to raise her head, to see his denying expression. (Y/n) was someone who had commitments, and it was to Haseul that he vowed to be with and love. While her and the others were only coworkers and friends.

"I love you too, but I'm sorry. I don't think there's a chance for us to be more than just this. Vivi was lucky enough to be accepted by Haseul, I know it's unfair but I doubt she'd allow another girl to join. I'm overstepping my boundaries as we speak, but I wish the both of us can be happy."

"You really are just collecting all of their hearts aren't you?" Haseul's voice came from behind them. Hyunjin looked up and over his shoulder to see her leader leaning against the wall watching them.

"I said yes to Vivi initially because I felt bad, now I feel like a monster. I didn't think they would become so emotionally attached. Do you... really like him that much?" Haseul finished with a confirmation questioning to which Hyunjin nodded to.

"I do, I'm sorry Unnie. I know he's yours but I've fallen for him too. I don't think... I can let him go." Hyunjin said, knowing her place was in the best situation to be making such bold claims.

"That's three, can you really handle three of us?" Haseul asked, Hyunjin's head peaked with hope while (Y/n) was put under the spotlight.

"I will try, and I will do my best to make sure every single one of you is happy and satisfied. But are you sure? Are you really okay with me being with other girls? All you have to do is say no and I will listen." (Y/n) said, earning a tight squeeze from Hyunjin who was displeased with his final lines. She was just given hope, she didn't want it taken away in the blink of an eye.

Haseul took in a deep breath and exhaled, "I'm okay with it." Hyunjin pushed (Y/n) out of the way as she embraced Haseul. Her thanks cried out as the elder comforted one of her younglings.

"How does this even work on paper? And the wedding, our parents are going to freak out." Haseul jokes, seeing actual fear on (Y/n)'s face. He prayed their relationship never is revealed to the world.

"Be safe with him, unlike Vivi. I don't need you getting pregnant first." Haseul said, giving Hyunjin a goodbye kiss on the forehead and returned to the others. Both (Y/n) got the message well enough, especially him since he has all the control in whether a child is made or not.

She crashed into his arms a while after and expressed her now open freed love for him. "Thank you (Y/n)." This earned a laugh out of him, making her question the sudden giggle.

"I didn't do anything. Haseul calls the shots, so she deserves all your thanks. I'm still on the fence if you're wondering. And no, it's not because of you. I... just don't know how I'm going to make all of you happy and not destroy this wonderful group of friends we have."

"You can make me happy right now." She said, pulling one of his hands to the forbidden regions.

"I like eating here without being reminded of sanitary issues. My room or yours?" To which she pointed to his knowing exactly why she chose such, it was across the living room.

The others turned their heads to Hyunjin hanging in his arms while they passed. A few smiles were shown while some eyes of jealousy were revealed. The door shut on the group as silence hit them for a few seconds.

"I'm gonna join them." Vivi said, only to be pulled back by the helm of her shirt.

"No, you're not. After that close call, I think you need a break from (Y/n)." Haseul said, locking Vivi in place with her arms.

The rest managed to laugh at them, letting their minds slowly drift away from (Y/n) and Hyunjin. Only to turn their heads in the sounds of someone's voice leaking with pleasure.

(Y/n) was the first to wake from slumber, still feeling the after effects of his love session with Hyunjin. The girl still laid asleep in his arms, letting out a soft snore to which he laughed at. She held nothing back at all last night, screaming to her heart's content even so much that Haseul had to come shut them up. With his hand he brushed some hair out of her face, placing a gentle kiss upon her face. A second later and he felt her hands sync with his, locking together in place. Her body pressed against him anymore than it already was.

It didn't take long for Hyunjin to also awake, meeting his morning gaze. Without needing a reason, she broke into a smile instantly. Just the mere sight of him laying next to her was enough to fill her heart's content.

Her eyes slowly gave away her plan as he saw her slowly climbing atop of him. It didn't help that he was already charged up, whether he was going to comply or not.

"Hyunjin, we just did it last night. It's not fair to the others." She pouted, dropping down onto his body. "I still want you though." Again he refused since he knew he was going to need it for later this day.

"You have me for the rest of time, while the others only have however long Haseul plans on giving them." She finally nodded and only gave him a kiss.

"Help me with breakfast?" She nodded against his body, as he brought both of them out of bed. (Y/n) slipped his own clothes on before having to help Hyunjin who was purposely asking for help. Draping her shirt on and pulling her pants up only to sneak a few touches along her body, exactly what she anticipated on happening.

(Y/n) had to physically steer her out of the room to prevent such things from happening again. A few girls were already awake but managed to keep quiet for the sake of not waking the rest. (Y/n) monitored Hyunjin as he let her cook the main course for them today, hopping in and out to stop food from overcooking.

Some more chattering appeared in the other room as more girls began to wake up. Hyunjin finished up plating the food, earning the praise she wanted from (Y/n). Soon he wouldn't have to be the one who always cooked seeing how fast they were learning and improving. Their lovely moment came to an end as a disturbance came from the living room.


He turned towards the caller only to be met with an arrow to the head. It was a toy of course, but it struck him right in the center of the forehead. A semi loud "Yah!" ran throughout the dorms as the girl who shot him ran for her dear life.

He chased her all the way into her room where the others were slowly awaking. Seeing the situation unfold in front of them they asked him what was going on but all he did was ask for them to leave them room. (Y/n) pulled the bow out of her hands and slowly cornered her onto the bed, watching as she kept laughing and begging him not to punish her.

"I didn't even get a kiss yesterday, that's my payback." She said but he wasn't listening as he came even closer to the point where their faces were touching. (Y/n) slowly pressed her against her bed, climbing atop of her and pinning her hands down.

"S-Sorry..." Gowon finally admitted.

She met his lips for a soft kiss, opposite of the feeling she had been expecting. It got heated quickly, his mouth leading down onto her neck and placing love kisses and bites everywhere. Just as she almost believed she got what she wanted, his weight pried off of her and loosened.

"We can continue later, I already have LipSoul to please already." She nodded, somewhat satisfied with what he'd already given her. Gowon hopped onto his back and forced him to carry her downstairs.

The two returned to the group while more members came to eat breakfast. Heejin took her usual spot upon (Y/n)'s lap as she tried to make him feed her, only to fail miserably when Hyunjin staked her claim today.

"You just had him yesterday, and we still have time to be with (Y/n). Besides, Haseul-Unnie said yes to you." Heejin contested.

Hyunjin finally loosened her hold on (Y/n) and gave him to Heejin. Haseul's head swirled a bit seeing how the situation has changed now that she'd allowed two others to join her relationship with (Y/n). True to her words yesterday, there had to be stragglers in the group that had feelings for (Y/n). Vivi and Hyunjin were the start, could there be even more? How much bigger was this relationship going to get.

"I'm serious, if you have feelings for (Y/n), make it known now. Tell him or us, either way do it before it's too late. I... said yes to Vivi and Hyunjin joining us, but I'm afraid we can't go overboard. There's a limit on how much we can really do this, especially if we're talking about documents and marriage. Not just that but also equality. (Y/n) loves us, but there's only one of him. The pressure falls on him and I hope we can only help and not worsen it." Those who harbored no feelings nodded their heads and scanned to those who may have and those who are already with him.

"I'll do my best, to love you all. I will take one step at a time with each of you, if it's ever too much or rather not enough, let me know." (Y/n) said, their heads turning to him. He couldn't do much but give a sincere smile as he felt hugs from around him.

The meals ended soon after as (Y/n)'s day finally began. With the dishes being out away, two pairs of arms connected and hooked onto his arms. "You've made us wait long enough." Jinsoul said.

"And you even did it with Hyunjin last night, will you even be able to give us anything?" Jungeun said, letting out her dominance.

For once his eyes narrowed, his body tensed up and gone was the polite and submissive guy. Both Jinsoul and Jungeun loved having him in control, knowing this wasn't a common trait of his. (Y/n) picked up Jungeun into his arms and spun them around and placed her onto the counter.

"I think I'll choose Jinsoul." Both of their eyes widened, finally receiving an answer about his preference. "She's got a better rhythm, and she knows how to ride me better." (Y/n) said, teasing Lippie knowing she was going to do anything to change his mind.

Jinsoul who had caught onto this took her cue and grabbed a hold of his face, mashing their lips together while keeping Jungeun locked in place. That didn't stop her from stealing her turn. The second their lips parted, Jungeun took (Y/n)'s next kiss.

"I'm just kidding." He smiled, breaking out of character. She cupped his cheek before placing a kiss on one side. "I know, I already know I'm your fav—" Jinsoul butted in, urging them to head to a bedroom to finally get started.

(Y/n) carried Jungeun over to their room while Jinsoul followed behind patiently. They locked the door behind them before (Y/n) threw the girl he was carrying onto the bed. Jinsoul hopped into his arms as she pushed onto his back against the bed. They met again for a kiss, her hair creating a curtain over them. Jungeun stripped herself of her own clothing while also undoing the pants of (Y/n), watching as the two paid her no heed. She finally pushed Jinsoul off of (Y/n), pinning her against the bed.

In a swift motion, she pulled the pants of Jinsoul off. Revealing her bare butt to them, signaling for (Y/n) to take over. Instead he pulled Jungeun over to him, holding her down as he asked for Jinsoul to do her thing.

He watched as the older blonde pressed her lips up against Jungeun's folds and made her shake with a simple action. (Y/n) hovered over the trapped girl and watched with a satisfied smile while Jinsoul did all the work. Jungeun's voice bounced off the wall's of the room as she squirmed around under Jinsoul's hold. (Y/n) had long let go of Jungeun's hands, only now did he maneuver over behind Jinsoul. He repaid the favor of the older girl, giving her a taste of her own medicine. Her voice rang out, replacing the one before.

Jinsoul was placed onto her back as his hands hooked both of her legs and pulled her closer to the edge of the bed. His shaft grazed over her core for a second earning a soft moan. (Y/n) repeated the process, teasing her until she grabbed a hold of him and stopped it in front of her entrance.

With enough teasing he pushed inside of her, both of them throwing their heads back in pleasure. Jinsoul's hands clenched onto the bed sheets while her legs wrapped around his waist tightly, keeping them as close as possible.

(Y/n)'s thrusts started slowly, letting the girl adjust to him. He placed comforting kisses along her body, as a  response to hearing her heavy breathing. His face was lifted up from her chest when both of her hands cupped his face, finally signaling him to start. Her mouth gaped open as he gave a harder push, and the momentum picked up.

Jinsoul's voice cried out louder, feeling him even deeper inside of her than before. And it came, his length reached her sweet spot and an actual scream came out. She had to cover her own mouth after to which he only repeated the same thrust, feeling her walls squeeze tighter around him. Jinsoul let out another whimper as to trying to keep her voice down.

(Y/n) pulled out of Jinsoul, letting her feel the sudden emptiness. "Turn around Jinsoul." He asked, as she slowly got up with his help. She propped herself with her knees, urging him to be inside her again. She didn't have to wait very long nor did she have to beg when he pushed back into her. (Y/n) held her hips tightly and thrusted into her. Everything about her was amazing, the way she could just lay there and take it all to her own body being perfect. Jinsoul was one who enjoyed him on a regular basis, yet she could never get used to this.

Her voice leaked more than before as she suddenly spoke. "Oppa, I'm gonna—" He felt her body shake as a rush of wetness happened where he was connected. (Y/n) placed kisses along her back to soothe her orgasm.

After a minute or so he finally turned her to face him. "Do you want me to finish? Or did you have enough?" Her senses came back as she nodded, referring to the first answer.

(Y/n) pulled both legs over his shoulders and began moving again. Her body was still in bliss but she didn't even care. Jinsoul wanted to return the favor and that was to let him do whatever he wanted. (Y/n)'s speed increased as they sped up their session. His eyes had just brushed with Jungeun's, who was still just waiting on the side. She finally came over and kissed (Y/n) on the lips. Then she leaned down and placed a kiss over Jinsoul's lips. Her hands even cupped both of Jinsoul's breasts, firmly squeezing both mounds of flesh.

"Why don't you give her what she wants oppa? I don't think she can take it anymore, neither can I. So release it." Jungeun said.

(Y/n) let out a small groan as he felt that push ignite the start of his high. "In or out? Jinsoul? Where do you—" Her legs locked him in place, having chosen her answer.

"One... last time. I'll be safe, unlike Vivi-Unnie." She managed to joke. Her eyes watched as he nodded and came closer to her, parting her own lips and awaited to feel his lips against her own.

"Jinsoul" His voice fueled her fire as she felt herself matching his pleasure. (Y/n) gave a few more rapid thrusts until he buried himself inside of her, shooting his essence deep into her core. She could feel the heat burning inside of her, as he pulled out.

Jinsoul looked up and met Jungeun's eyes, both of them smiling. Her own hands ran over her lower lips, feeling the liquid that was spilling out of her. She scooped up a bit with her fingers before bringing it to her lips, having a taste of their love mixture. Even though her body disagreed with her, Jinsoul slowly sat up and saw where (Y/n) had gone. He opened up an after pill pack and came back with a glass of water.

Jinsoul took both as she handed back the cup to him. Her hands pulled him in for one more kiss. "Thanks oppa. You were amazing as always. I'm going to miss this... a lot." (Y/n) set aside the cup as he lifted her up into his arms and placed her on a separate bed. He tucked her in as she drifted off to sleep, her body overwhelming with pleasure and satisfaction.

(Y/n) came back over to the remaining girl who was sitting on the bed still, watching him with eyes that screamed both love and lust. He cupped the side of her face as he kissed her softly.

"Give me a moment to recover. That girl took out a lot of me." (Y/n) said, seeing as she nodded in response.

Jungeun pulled him down onto the bed with her, and laid beside him. "Do you regret doing this with us? I mean as in all of us. Would you have preferred it if it was just you and Haseul?" (Y/n) shook his head. "I don't, my only regret is having to leave everyone. I really hope I don't break any hearts. I love you all, but I can't exactly be with everyone."

"You'll treat them well. Haseul, Vivi, and even Hyunjin. I trust you (Y/n)-oppa." She placed a kiss against his cheek.

"Don't tell me you have feelings for me too." He said in a joking manner.

"No, I just like doing this with you. I do love you though. I love how caring you are, I love how you try to act tough but really you're the softest person in bed. You make sure we're always fine, even if you don't get to finish. You're perfect as our manager." Jungeun confessed.

(Y/n) suddenly rose out of the bed as she questioned what he was doing. Her voice broke when she felt his lips press up against her lower body. He didn't even lead up to it, his tongue already pressed inside of her lips. She arched her back as he held her legs down, not letting her squirm underneath him. Jungeun's hands gripped his head tightly and pulled on his hair semi roughly. (Y/n) continued to probe her insides with his tongue and lapped up the leaking juices.

"(Y/n) slow—" He stopped, pulling away from the heated girl in front of him. "Down." She finished her sentence.

(Y/n) laid on his back beside her, laughing as she took in a deep breath. "Come here." He motioned, as she got up and straddled his chest. Jungeun hovered her body over his face before slowly lowering down onto him.

She kept her eyes on his, watching (Y/n) give her thighs soft kisses before moving up to her burning heat. His finger ran up and poked the entrance, moving it in and out of her. (Y/n) pulled his finger away, seeing how they were slicked up from her coatings, he gave his finger a quick lick. He knew exactly what that did to her, matching her gaze with a smirk. He gave her lips a quick swipe with his finger and raised it to her mouth. She accepted and cleaned his finger that had her own flavor traced around it. Her teeth roughly bit down on the soft side of his finger, almost enough to draw blood but she stopped and let go. Without another word he pulled her down against his face, running his tongue along and around her core.

She was trembling above him, trying to stay upright while he proceeded to eat her out. (Y/n) didn't let up one bit, tasting every bit of her. Moments passed by as he held them in this position. She wiggled and tried to move around but he held her down against him tightly. (Y/n)'s efforts were met with a rush of juices that spilled against his lips.

"You wanna prove me wrong? Who rides me better? You or Jinsoul?" (Y/n) teased, throwing her back into the game. Jungeun's eyes noted his erection that had recharged because of her.

"Don't even bother, you know I'm better. You admit it every time you finish with me." Jungeun said, moving down lower and giving the tip a soft kiss. She ran her tongue along the shaft giving him an ounce of pleasure.

She couldn't wait any longer, grabbing (Y/n) and pushing him inside of her. Their long awaited synced moan came out as she clashed her lips against his. Her hands were interlocked with his and pinned it against the bed. She lifted her hips and slammed it back down, again and again. The sounds of their bodies slapping against each other filled the sound of the room along with their muffled moans.

Her voice finally let a cry out once she let go of his lips, along with his help with an upward thrust. It matched with her rhythm and pushed his shaft even deeper inside of her. (Y/n)'s hands ran up her body and cupped her breasts, repaying her favor of helping with Jinsoul. She brought herself closer to him, letting him have a taste and took one side into his mouth. His lips sucked softly on her stiff nipple while his teeth softly nibbled on the tip.

She let out a muffled scream, feeling such amounts of pleasure at once. Jungeun repaid the favor by squeezing her insides, making him also let out a groan of pleasure. Her lips went for his vulnerable neck, placing a love bite and leaving her marks for the others to see.

It didn't take very long for them both to reach their limits. (Y/n) sat up, matching her level of eye contact. "Are you close too?" She nodded, feeling him begin to twitch inside of her.

"Where—" Her lips cut him off with a kiss, knowing the answer already. (Y/n) wasn't going to argue as he held her rear with both hands, slamming her down onto him. It broke her out of the kiss as she held her head over his shoulder. "Inside me, I want you to fill my insides." Jungeun pleaded into his ears.

With one final push (Y/n) shot his load into her while her juices poured out, forming their own love mixture. Both of their bodies shuddered from the after effects, feeling the other still radiating inside of them. (Y/n) laid back onto the bed as she crashed down on top of him. Her hand interlocked with his, making (Y/n) come back to his senses. "Stay here with me, for a little longer." Jungeun said, feeling him pull them towards the center of the bed and pulling the sheets over them.

3 hours later
(Y/n) returned to his room after satisfying both LipSoul and earning himself a rest. Despite their pleas for him to stay a little longer, he needed to clean himself off. He returned to his own room before stripping his clothing off and prepared for a shower. A sudden commotion earned his attention as he turned his head towards his bed finally noticing the girl who was sitting there. She covered her face down with the blanket, burning red at the sight in front of her. (Y/n) smirked a little, realizing she was too guilty to just randomly be in his room.

"Don't tell me, you're actually..." (Y/n) teased.

He went closer, slowly pulling the blanket off of her. True to his suspicions, she was naked underneath those covers. (Y/n)'s hands held her arms in place, seeing her squirm a little underneath him. Suddenly he didn't think it was such a good idea, letting go and comforting her instead.

"Open your eyes Hyejoo. I don't like it when you do that, it makes me think you're scared. If you don't want this then say it. I'm not going to force myself on you." He meant it, never ever being able to forget the first time she asked him to sleep with her. She ended up backing out midway, scaring him to death when she broke out into a cry. Ever since then they've done it only once after and that was all. Even then, she was still nervous and held her eyes shut the whole time.

Instead of initiating anything else, he pulled the blanket over her and covered up her body. Just as he was about to get up she pulled him down. Her body instantly locked around him and slammed him onto the back of the bed. Hyejoo's eyes glistened, staring into his eyes as he was still nervous.

"Help me... I feel like I'm suffocating. I don't know if I want you. But I'm more scared of being alone... I don't want to lose you." Hyejoo cried out, dripping tears onto his face.

"Do you love me?" He asked, not even hesitating to ask such a thing. If it was true then there was nothing else to do but say yes. Then it came, a slow nod followed by a shake of her head, then again and again she repeated the process. She was undecided on her own feelings, whether if she truly had feelings or if it was just a feeling.

"Listen to your heart, and let me know. If you want me, then don't hold back. I'm not in charge, you have to choose." (Y/n)'s voice soothes her confusion and cleared out the distortion in her heart. And finally her lips met his lips, her answer was as clear as her feelings. He flipped them around, pressing her against the bed. "Keep your eyes on me, I want you to see me." (Y/n) said, giving her lips another kiss.

Hyejoo laid awake in his arms, feeling his heartbeat come to a slow and consistent thump. His arms wrapped around her firmly, keeping her insecurities away and made sure she made the right choice. It was slow between them both, as she slowly allowed him to pleasure her and to even lead to them making love. (Y/n) stopped at every moment to check her well-being, knowing she was scared. It was their third time only, and still she didn't know if she could give everything he wanted. Compared to the older girls who were experienced with him, she knew little to nothing other than knowing that he never showed a displeasure at anything she did.

Her hands kept tracing his shoulder which had a love bite from her. She had bit down harder than anticipated, and it even drew a bit of blood. Not that it stopped him, just like how the scratches she left on his back didn't stop him.

"Will you love me too...? Just as much as the others?" Hyejoo asked him, hearing his soft breathing go off. He was asleep, and probably didn't even hear it she thought.

She held him tighter, and suddenly felt his lips press against her head. His eyes were half open, still glowing with that light he held. "I will love you as much as you want. I will give my all to you, and... it may not be enough but I will love you no matter what." She let out a soft cry before letting out a thank you.

Gone was their weekend as the workdays began again. (Y/n) resumed his role as manager and worked on getting their schedules in place. He dropped off the pods that were meant to be split up as it was just him and Haseul who were dealing with her return. They caught a break as the two stepped into his office and cooled down. She backed him up against the table and hooked her arms around his neck, enjoying this moment while it lasted. The others had him occupied over the past few days so much that he hasn't even had the chance to tell Haseul about Hyejoo.

"We have one more..." He softly confessed, her eyes widening until she slowly nodded at him. Haseul cupped both of his cheeks and smacked out any guilt she saw in him. "I swear, I hate seeing you feel bad. I know it's hard to accept and believe, but I'm okay with it (Y/n). So don't worry so much about us, because I will never stop loving you." His lips trembled, whispering words of love to her as she hushed it away with a hug.

"So? Who is it?" Haseul asked, lifting her head up to look at him.

"It's Hyejoo. She snuck into my room a few days ago and told me. I guess your message worked. That's four, am I actually in a coma? Am I just dreaming of all this?"

"I figured when she slept with you again after the first time it meant something. It wasn't her best experience for her first, and it's not your fault, but I was surprised she asked to do it again with you. I'm glad she chose you." Haseul said.

"And no, you're not dreaming, because I'm here. I will always be here to make sure you're okay." She kissed him softly, grabbing his hand and pressed it against her cheek. "It's not a dream, this is real." Haseul smiled as they returned to work.

That day began to pass by with ease now that (Y/n) had that weight taken off of his chest. He rotated between visiting the groups and dropping off food and drinks. First was 1/3, as he came into the room Heejin stopped whatever she was doing and came running over. (Y/n) put down the snacks to catch the rabbit that jumped into his arms.

"Do a spin, please?" She asked as he moved them around in a circle. Heejin knew exactly what this did to Hyunjin and she loved teasing her for it. "One more." She said as he did as commanded, then she dropped to the ground and helped him pass out the food.

"You know you can't do that anymore if you don't join us right?" Hyunjin said, clinging to (Y/n)'s sides leaning up for a kiss.

"I know, and I'm not joining... even as fun as it seems. I think if I wanted (Y/n), I'd want him to myself. So I will say no." Heejin said. "But I'm not going to stop hugging oppa though, because that I can never let go." She said as Hyunjin chased her around.

Vivi came over and received her kiss, turning to Haseul. "Can I have him now? We've waited long enough." She begged their leader.

"Nope, you two are still on a break. I don't want you to actually get pregnant this time. And take those after pills more carefully." Haseul said, softly smacking her empty water bottle on top of Vivi's head.

"I love you two." They smiled at his sudden confession repeating the phrase at the same time. Haseul and Vivi took their kisses before seeing him walk over to the other two who were still going back and forth. Heejin ran behind him for cover and (Y/n) swooped Hyunjin up into his arms.

She squirmed around a bit until her whole world froze.  "I love you." He said as all her thoughts of chasing Heejin disappeared and she melted in his arms. Heejin interrupted them by jumping up and placing a kiss onto (Y/n)'s cheek and running off. Luckily Hyunjin was too distracted by (Y/n)'s sudden confession to even care.

Next up was YYXY, as like the group before he was met with at least one member running to greet him. Gowon hugged him before taking her own food while he walked over to the other three. Yves and Chuu thanked him while he unboxed the final pack and was about to give it to Hyejoo when she moved into his arms. He immediately set aside the food and caught her forceful embrace.

The other three watched as she unfolded in his arms, this being the first time she's ever openly expressed any feelings for him in front of them. "Hyejoo-ah? Olivia?" (Y/n) said, finally breaking her out of her trance.

"Is she..." (Y/n) nodded, hugging the girl from behind. "I belong to this one too now. She won my heart like the rest." Chuu clapped at the new addition of (Y/n)'s relationship, while Yves muttered something about maybe joining as well. Gowon took a photo of the two for Hyejoo to cherish in the near future.

Her silence still made him worry as to what she wanted. "Are you mad I told them?" (Y/n) asked which she shook her head to.

"I wanted to do it, but I'm still happy." Hyejoo finally spoke, allowing him to relax.

"I let Haseul know, and she said yes. So stop worrying about her, she's happy you're on board with us." That ignited a movement in her as she spun around and jumped up and stole a kiss.

Their loving moment came to an end as he had more food to deliver. Odd eye circle was last, the only group who he currently didn't have a girl who he was in a relationship with. Here's hoping it stays that way he thought. 2 was enough, 3 was pushing it, and 4 was a state of euphoria/insanity. He knocked and entered seeing them already on a break, as Yerim noticed him first.

She swooped up her pack finding freshly baked milk bread inside, paying for it with a kiss on the cheek. The other two came over, inciting something else instead. Jinsoul gave him a soft kiss on the left cheek while Jungeun went for a more aggressive love bite on his right earlobe. "Looks like we have time for one more session for us three. If Unnie doesn't stop it then let's keep going." He unwillingly agreed, making sure they had their food before devouring him instead.

Jinsoul munched on her rice cakes, Choerry with her bread, and Jungeun with her light platter of sushi which she shared with the other two.

(Y/n) was about ready to leave when the door creaked open. Just exactly who he was going to go find. Yeojin came over as he handed her the final pack in the bags. "Here froggy." She pouted at the nickname but happily took the food. (Y/n) finally took a moment to rest after going out and getting food, then delivering it all to each corresponding girl.

Yerim came over to his side and got his attention. "I'm calling dibs for tomorrow. One last time, please for me?" He smiled and nodded. "You didn't have to beg, I promised everyone one last time."

"What about you Yeojin? Or do you plan on joining his group of girlfriends?" Jinsoul asked.

"I just like cuddling with (Y/n)-oppa, I think it's better this way. Even if he can make me feel really good, I don't think I'm up for it. Sorry oppa." He gave her a comforting pat on the head, assuring there were no hard feelings. Rather he felt relieved, sure Yeojin is a wonderful young lady, but she was hardly legal. She was the only one he never touched on an extreme scale. Only once and that was when she was old enough, even then he never actually sealed the deal between them both.

Later that evening after enjoying a dinner cooked by Vivi and (Y/n), the others returned to their rooms for some time alone. Surprisingly no one had come to claim him for tonight. He expected at least one girl to do so but he went into his room to loosen up and prepare for the night to end. As he neared his room be heard laughing from the inside.

He cracked it open, seeing four people already inside. Two sat on his bed and the other two against it. (Y/n) stepped inside as they waved over to him, noticing his sudden appearance.

"So... why are you four in here?" He asked worriedly. The thought of a session between all of them crossed his mind, but he pushed it away.

"We're just talking about us." Haseul said, watching as Hyejoo reached her arms out for (Y/n) and him complying, sitting beside her. Hyunjin joined and took his other side. Vivi also hopped in, laying against his lap.

"You're a lucky one (Y/n)." Haseul teased, knowing he knew that already. She cupped his face and gave him a kiss.

"I think it's fine if you keep fooling around with the others, aside from us. Just don't get any of them pregnant ok?" Haseul said.

"What?! I thought he was done with them? Heejin is not going to stop hogging him then." Hyunjin protested, earning a small kiss from (Y/n).

"Take a look at yourself." He teased. "That's different, because you're mine." Hyunjin shot back, leaning against his shoulder.

"You mean ours. He belongs to us too." Vivi said from below them. While they bickered on the matter, (Y/n) was off to the side with Hyejoo. Her lips curled into a smile as she heard words of love from him.

"You're totally smitten by her, I can't believe it." Haseul laughed watching the younger girl work her magic.

"You had me first, never forget that. I love you Haseul, thanks for all of this." She nodded, whispering in return. "I love you too (Y/n). Same for you girls, I love you three." Haseul added.

Rounds of love confessions went through them, accepting this group of relationships. It was definitely hard to explain to others, but it was exactly what they wanted.

Took far longer but about the amount of time I expected of myself. I've been busy with other things and also just trying to divide up this story into equal amounts for each member. It started with me biting off more than I could chew but I kept chewing anyways. I really liked this one rather as to how I feel with the stories that takes me ages to write.

Next: Handong (She's too dangerous for me)

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