Red Velvet

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Had other plans for RV but this one seemed better considering I'd cover every member. This sounded great in my mind, hopefully it'll look good when it's finished.

I think Red Velvet would really be my ult group if it wasn't for Dreamcatcher. These two groups have my favorite songs and writing this tore me between the two.

The Love You've Given Me
Another day passed, another mark etched into paper. A man sat in a room, fulfilling his daily duties. He held his finger over a vial, dripping blood from his fingertip. He had made a small incision to leak out blood, normally he wouldn't need to take such steps, however he had some plans with this batch. As if on cue the door slammed open making him turn around. The candles he had lit up suddenly went out from the force of the wind caused by the door.

He wasn't given much time to react as the shadow zoomed forward before throwing him onto the bed. Moments later he felt the sharp feeling of its fangs dig into the flesh on his neck. He winced a bit, still never getting used to this feeling of being sucked of his blood. More importantly his mind was rolling like a dice. Who was this by the way? It's needy, rough, and touchy. Five names scrambled through his head as he tried to guess who it was.


The pressure on his neck finally loosened as he got a look of the person's face, Wendy. He didn't receive a moment to even take a breather as it was quite difficult when someone's lips were pressed against yours. Irony, as in taste. He could still taste the remains of his own blood on her lips, making the kiss a little less enjoyable as to how it would usually be more sweet.

"You scared me. I thought it was Seulgi for a second. Since when were you this rough?" He joked, getting a playful bite on the neck.

"Nope, it's my turn today. You're all mine tonight. I hope you can last after dealing with you know who the other night." She said, gently running her hands against his chest. He groaned in pain signaling to her that something was wrong. Immediately she pulled up his shirt, seeing the wrapped up bandages.

"Did she do it again...?" She asked, receiving a nod. She planted a soft kiss, comforting him a little.

"I'm sorry. I don't know why she's been so rough with you. You're so fair to all of us... yet she hurts you so much." She tried to reassure him, saying maybe it was just a phase. His eyes said otherwise, showing true fear and hesitation.

"She cracked three ribs this time. I'm scared Wendy..." His voiced leaked with pain.

"I'll have a talk with the others. Has Seulgi also been giving you trouble? Why did you think I was her?" She asked.

"You're usually more gentle. I'm sorry you haven't been getting as much blood." He explained, melting her heart with his sincerity.

"I can last longer than the others, don't worry. I just love it when I can have you to myself though. We're so lucky to have you, you're too good to us." He got up and grabbed something from his mini fridge.

"What's that?" She asked curiously, and he simply handed it to her.

"It's a plan B I've been making just in case it's ever not enough for one fo you. You can have this one, I know you've been holding back too, even earlier I could feel it." He said, as his reward came in the form of her lips smashing against his again.

"I love you... so much (Y/n)." She said, almost on the verge of tears. Her grip began tightening on his shoulders as she felt her inner desire coming out. She had to bite her teeth to stop it from happening.

"I want to do it... I wanna mark you so badly. I want you to just be mine..." She held back for the sake of her friends.

"I love you too, but you know we can't do that. She'd kill me in an instant if you did mark me. I'm just food to her remember?" (Y/n)'s words made her heart ache in pain.

Every idea she had come up with he shot down. Running away together, staking a claim on him, nothing could work when their elder stood above them all. Their love had its limits, and she wanted to do whatever she could to preserve it.

"I want to enjoy my time with you, with whatever time I even have. I don't want to regret anything when I die, or perhaps get killed by you know who." She softly hit his shoulders again and again, trying not to cause any actual pain.

"I won't let you die, and I definitely won't let her kill you. You've made all of us so happy, even if you did resist at first, you're the reason why we've been doing so well." Both of them recalling the moments of when he was "invited" here and sort of... kidnapped and locked up here.

"There's one more thing I forgot to talk to you about. It's about Joy..." His heart sank when the words came out, despite what that name meant.

"It's been nearly a year and you two still haven't had a proper conversation. I know you're upset at her but think about it, if she never tricked you into coming here then we wouldn't be like this. You wouldn't have me, you wouldn't have Yeri, and as hard of a time they give you, Seulgi and Irene. I'm sorry we had to lie to you to trap you here but we needed you. I needed you."

He simply nodded, accepting some of the things she talked about. "Give her a chance, please? I know she hates seeing us like this, even you and Yeri. I know she's been getting bolder. She told me what you two did the other week. I can't believe you actually took her innocence." She smirked a little.

"You act like I had a choice. The five of you are vampires, you could flick me with your fingers and I'd die."

"Promise me you'll be nicer to her?" She asked.

"Promise Seungwanie." She flicked his forehead gently as to what he mentioned.

The Pain You've Given Me
(Y/n)'s night with Wendy ended peacefully, with no extra nibbles. Although he couldn't afford a session with her due to his injuries so she ended up just smothering him to sleep. The next morning he got out of his room after noticing Wendy's missing warmth. He barely had anytime to himself whilst cooking before he was grabbed from behind, being forced down onto his knees. Immediately he felt fangs dig into his neck from behind, along with the nails that dug into his skin.

"Hey! Easy, you're hurting him Seulgi!" That was the last thing he heard as his eyes became blurry and his head lost all control.

2 Hours later
His eyes finally began to blink open, hearing a sigh go off. He could make out one of them being Wendy and the other was none other than Seulgi. Wendy sat at his side, her hands clenching onto his. Meanwhile Seulgi sat on his other side, looking down. She was a rough one, whenever it was her turn she would bite, scratch, and even hit him. Not all on purpose of course it was just her own way of showing her love for him. She was a little possessive and seeing how she had to share him with the other four, sometimes she just can't hold back.

"We need to talk about what you did earlier. You know he isn't stable in the morning, not when he hasn't even eaten anything nor has he had enough time to recover enough blood for you yet." The older girl apologized, also taking one his hands.

Wendy proceeded to lifting up (Y/n)'s shirt revealing the actions of the elder. Immediately Seulgi's face dropped, not knowing the condition he was in before taking his blood. Wendy decided to give them space, leaving the room. Apologies after apologies she cried out as he accepted and pushed it away.

"I'll prepare more for you next time, just give me some time to recover okay? One more thing, could you stop with the scratches? I lose extra blood because of that."

"I try okay? It's just whenever I taste your blood I lose control and it makes me want you even more." Her face burned red right after.

"I can give only as much as I can before nearly dying. You take the second most compared to the others. Just relax a little sometimes, I'm not going anywhere. It's not like you wouldn't find me anyways." He reminded her of when he attempted his first escape. She nearly killed him, draining him almost dry there and then.

"I'll always find you. I won't ever let you leave." He leaned forward a little, their faces getting closer.

"I won't leave you, ever." She read his signal and pressed her lips against his. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she felt all the bites and cuts they had given him. It began to eat away at her guilt now that she had actually cause a close call for him.

"Say it." She mumbled.

"I love you Seulgi." Her lips formed a smile in return as she cupped his face in her hands.

"Love you too (Y/n)." She whispered.

He gave her some instructions as she went over to his fridge before taking out a pack of his blood. She was the second to learn of this, storing it back into the fridge. Seulgi rushed back to him crashing into his arms again.

"I don't need it. I just need you right now." Again, just like with Wendy he refused due to his injuries and lack of energy. However she had plans of her own, her hands snaking down without any signs of stopping.

The Memories You've Given Me
After an eventful day with Seulgi, she ended up finding ways of pleasuring both of them. (Y/n) himself couldn't complain when he enjoyed every second of it. Not only that but it really helped take a whole lot of stress away. Seulgi and Wendy proceeded to send the warning to the other girls of (Y/n)'s health. He was going to be on a break from them. They figured giving him a few extra days to recover would be good. The entirety of Friday was up to him and for him to do whatever he wanted as long as he was resting. (Y/n) definitely took advantage of this and spent time to relax and tried to do anything that could increased his blood flow.

He did plan on doing one more thing before the night ended. It was already late but he wasn't going to let this happen to any of the girls. He stepped out of his room, the house already dimmed and darkened. (Y/n) made his way towards one of the rooms, knocking on it. A few seconds later it opened.

"(Y/n)..." She muttered.

He asked to step inside and she let him in, stepping aside and leading him over to her bed. It was his first time inside her room despite the 10 months of being here. Like Wendy talked to him about the other day, he and Joy had bad history together. Not only did she trick him and trap him here, they were once something special. She was his first real girlfriend and she broke his trust. He had to give up whatever plans he held for his future because now he was a food source for 5 vampires. And it was all her fault and idea in the first place.

She sat beside him while he shifted something around in his light sweater. Before she knew it, he had pulled out a packet filled with blood. There was even a straw attached to it as if it was something like a juice box. (Y/n) handed it to her, watching her drink it up right in front of him.

"Thanks..." She said, hesitating a little bit while her arms crept around his body.

(Y/n) nodded giving her the go ahead as Joy completely embraced him, feeling his warmth for the first time in months. Before whenever she would feed from him it would be quick and silent as in no words being spoken. It was just a simple head tilt from him to allow her easier access to his blood.

"Go on a date with me this Sunday." Her head suddenly jerked back, covering her mouth.

"W-What?" She said, her voice muffled a bit.

"I want to spend some time with you. Yes or no?" He said.

"Y-Yes!" She raised her voice without even realizing, all she knew was that she wanted to accept. He nodded and stood up but her hands shot forward immediately.

"You can't just drop that on me and leave. I'm not done with you yet." Joy said, tightening her hold. She pulled him down before pushing him back into the bed. She moved in closer, their faces inches apart. The last time they were able to do this was on their first few dates.

"Can I...?" She asked, unsure if he would even agree.

She could see him biting down on his teeth, also contemplating if he wanted this as well. Joy slowly backed away just as he leaned in, leaving them with his answer. She smiled a little, even a small laugh came out. He had already forgotten the sound of her laugh. Their separation didn't last long as Joy pushed forward and finally letting their lips meet.

"Let's try again (Y/n). I don't want us to act like strangers anymore. I missed you so much... and I know I've already apologized multiple times. It never got through to you but I meant it. I'm really sorry for lying to you and bringing you here. I really want us to be together again." Joy pleaded with her soul.

She felt his acceptance through the form of a warm embrace. "You do know that I'm also with the others right? I no longer have a choice to just be with you. I love Wendy, Seulgi, and even Yeri." She nodded, saying she accepted it.

"Just as long as you still love me too." Joy added.

"What about Irene? I didn't hear her name amongst that list." He simply shook his head no.

"I fear her more than I would admit to having a fondness of her. She's shown me that I'm nothing more than livestock. I don't think I'd ever be able to love her, not unless she could take back the months of beating me up."

Joy suddenly heard someone walk away from the door which she knew he definitely wouldn't have heard. Being a vampire had its perks. Judging from the signs, it had to be her. She could smell her too, that scent was hers no doubt.

"Thanks for this (Y/n). I know Wendy went out of her way to make you talk with me again. There's no other reason why you would've come here willingly. You're totally whipped for her."

"Jealous?" He joked, something he didn't ever think of doing with Joy ever again.

"Eh, I'll have you wrapped around my fingers again. Just wait, you'll fall for me all over again." Joy teased in return.

He bid her Goodnight as he stepped out of her room. Having been around vampires for so long he knew when to feel their presence. (Y/n) turned to the side before going after whoever was there. He followed and it lead to Irene's room, the door slamming shut in his face. He swallowed his hate and knocked on the door. Immediately receiving an answer from her herself.

"Go away..." Her voice was soft for the first time while speaking to him. He had heard her softer tones before but whenever it came to their sessions, she was harsh and rude.

"Will you let me in?" This time he received no answer. It tempted him to knock once more but he figured it wasn't going to work. He dropped his hands to his side before walking away.

"Why didn't you do it again...?" A voice said, biting down on her teeth to suppress their feelings.

The Happiness You've Given Me
(Y/n) had gotten up early this morning, having quite the eventful night with Joy yesterday. He didn't expect them to move that fast but she said otherwise. Once again, he couldn't complain when he himself enjoyed it. He was currently brewing some coffee hoping to find his first tester of his new idea. In a flash a hint of blonde hair came by as if she heard his calling.

Instead of piercing his neck like most of the others do, she came up and stopped in front of him. Energetic as always ready to jump into his arms at any time given. "Can I? It's my turn today." Another thing she did that the others didn't, she asked before biting him.

He handed her a mug first, "Try this first then I'll let you have some." She nodded, taking the cup.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to be giving her coffee so early in the morning? Isn't she energetic enough?" Wendy asked from the living room.

He watched as Yeri take her first sip immediately being amazed at the taste of it. Her sounds of enjoyment brought the others over as their interests peaked. (Y/n) poured the other three a cup as they had their share of euphoria from just coffee mixed with his blood.

"How's that, do you think it'll be enough to keep you girls from tearing me to pieces?"

"It's like a smaller dose of what we'd normally get from you, and it's mixed with coffee which works for me." Seulgi answered.

"I like it." Wendy added.

"I prefer the real thing, you taste much better when it's fresh." Joy spoke her piece.

Without getting a fourth answer he felt a weight jump into his back. Yeri had climbed on with her arms and legs locked in place already. Her eyes still looked for approval as he signaled her, letting her sink her teeth into his neck. (Y/n) took a seat immediately to prevent any accidents. The other three just watched as Yeri feasted on (Y/n), wishing it was their day already.

"Where's Irene?" (Y/n) asked.

Neither of the girls knew where she was aside from assuming that she's in her room. He caught Wendy's smile content with his promise to working things out with the other girls.

"I'll bring her a cup after, just enjoy it while it lasts. If this works then maybe I can start saving more of my blood on some days." The weight on his neck loosened as Yeri came around, sitting right in his lap.

"Look what you've done to her, she's like your personal pet. Yeri listens to you the best out of all of us." Seulgi commented.

"At least she doesn't hit me when she's embarrassed." He shot back nearly dying from her glare in return.

"You haven't said it yet..." Yeri's voice brought his attention to her.

"I haven't received my kiss yet." (Y/n) responded with. Not wasting any time, Yeri spun around and placed her lips against his. Just a simple peck and it was enough to warm their hearts.

"Love you Yeri-ya." His eyes lingered to the other three, noticing their growing jealousy.

"And you, and you, and you. I love you three as well." He said immediately hoping they wouldn't kill him.

Once everyone was satisfied (Y/n) heated up one last batch before pouring a vial of his blood into the cup. His next steps were to head over to Irene's room. He gave a few knocks only to receive silence in return, as he took in a deep breath before opening the door himself. It was dim like most of the other's rooms. (Y/n) could see her lying in bed, curled up in a ball formation.

Slowly he walked over, each step worried him of her silence. Setting the cup on her nightstand, he shook her body a little. In an instant his vision blurred before one of his eyes closed and only pain was the feeling he received. He wanted to scream and let out his pain but he still didn't even understand what had happened. (Y/n) looked up at her with his remaining eye, still holding onto the other one that was currently bleeding.

"Why are you in here?" She asked, not even showing a concern in the slightest.

"I... just wanted to give you a drink. Guess I shouldn't have bothered." He stood up, wobbling away trying to grow accustom to his new vision.

She hit herself against the head over and over again, wanting to die because of what just happened. She threw herself on the bed as the smell lingered in her room. His blood was spilt on the floor and even the blood in the cup was starting to tempt her. She ended up drinking what he brought her as tears poured out from her eyes.

The Hate You've Given Me
(Y/n) hid in his room for the remainder of yesterday. Not only was he confused and upset, he was also patching up his eye. The sight was gone, due to her swipe against his face. The other marks would heal easily but his eye was gone for good. He wouldn't even know how to explain to the other girls, especially once they see that eye patch on his face. To make things worse, today was Irene's turn. How much more was she going to hurt him. Was it his last day on earth? What was even the point of patching himself up if he was going to keep getting hurt.

He waited and waited but she didn't show, allowing him to take a moment of relief. And just like that it was taken away when his door opened, making him take back all that relief. (Y/n) didn't bother to turn around, he didn't much care anymore. She was a lost cause to him. The footsteps came closer as he sighed and simply tilted his head to the side.

The person came around front as he saw Wendy kneeling down to his level. His heart sank at her reaction to his new look. Even his weak smile afflicted her as she covered her mouth in shock and disgust. Disgust at the treatment he received from the oldest.

"I tried Seungwanie, I really did. Everything I do, she has a problem with. I can't even offer her a cup of coffee without losing an eye for it. Everything I did, she always pushed me away." He said.

"I can't stand for this anymore. She has to stop. I'm not losing you, ever." Wendy said before storming out of his room. A few seconds later he could hear shouting from another room. (Y/n) followed behind quickly, noticing this attracted the attention of the other three as well.

Instead of rushing to stop the ongoing fight between sisters, they came over to him. Just like with Wendy, his new look shocked them to near death. (Y/n) stepped aside moving into the room where Wendy and Irene were going off on each other.

"You're a heartless bitch. He just wanted to be nice to you, and you take his eye?!" It was enough to make him flinch, he'd never seen Wendy this angry before. She's stood up for him before but this was going to lead to a real fight.

"Maybe you've forgotten since you keep hurting him, he's mortal. He can't heal those wounds like we can, he'll have only one eye for the rest of his life. Think about that, being able to see out of only one eye because some little girl was being insecure."

"Stop being so protective over your sex toy, he's going to die eventually. What's the difference if he dies now? He doesn't even love you, why waste your false love for him?"

Wendy's claws lengthened as she was losing control almost lunging at the leader. Her attempt failed as she felt a pair of arms wrap her from behind.

"It's okay Wendy, it'll all be okay. You don't have to go this far for me." She broke out of his hold and spun around, sinking her teeth into his neck. The sound of the girl's concern alerted him that this was something else.

"Wendy, you can't!" Seulgi shouted.

"He's ours too, you can't do this." Joy mentioned.

"(Y/n)..." Was all Yeri had managed to make out.

His eyes widened by the increasing force of her bite, his eyes then lingered to Irene chucking something at them. He spun their embrace around as he felt a sharp pain, almost as sharp as Wendy's teeth, hit his head. This was enough to stop their hold as (Y/n) had lost control of his own body. Wendy extracted her fangs to watch as he fell over.

A cup had shattered against his head, the same cup he had brought to Irene containing coffee and blood. Irene stood there shocked at her action, unsure if she managed to prevent the markings from Wendy. She came over closer despite the growls and warnings Wendy gave off. A glance at his shoulder was enough to bring a form of relief to her. She had stopped Wendy just in time, she wasn't able to finish marking him, for now at least.

Wendy's drive was terrifying, she would give up everything and link her life with (Y/n) without even hesitation. Even if she was able to stop Wendy this time, that doesn't mean she wouldn't try again. She watched as the mark began to fade a little as they turned their attention back to her.

"I'm leaving with (Y/n). You three are welcome to come with. I will not stay in the same home with you anymore. I can't live with someone who hurts the one I love."

"I just don't get it, what is it that you love about him so much?" Irene asked.

"He's done nothing but cooperate with our demands! He provides as much blood and service he can yet you're the only one why seems to hate him. Seulgi is rough but at least she loves him. You just want him gone, every single time he interacts with you he's either injured or on the brink of death." The others agreed, standing up with Wendy's words.

"I know you heard him that night. How he said he feared you more than he loved you. I figured you would get the memo and start being nicer to him. I'm on Wendy's side this time, I go where (Y/n) goes." Joy added.

"I'm leaving with Wendy." Yeri spoke, alerting the elder. The youngling had mixed emotions for their leader as of now. She loved both but (Y/n) was more important to her now.

"Same. I can't stand seeing (Y/n) walk off with these three. He's still mine too." Seulgi joined.

"All of you..." Irene muttered.

"You're not stopping us. I don't care about what you have to say. We're leaving with him." Wendy said, lifting (Y/n) away.

"Stay... I won't touch him ever again. I swear." Irene croaked out.

Nothing else was said as the 5 left her alone to cope with her actions. She wanted to tear it all apart, the times she's hurt him and the things she's said to him.

(Y/n) was still out cold, suffering from a wound on the head and a near fusion with Wendy. The girls would occasionally check on his condition but neither would stay too long due to the pain of seeing him in such a state. The only one who wouldn't leave his side no matter what was Wendy. She would maneuver from laying in bed with him to sitting next to his side, doing nothing but watching him. It was when she was with him that she felt normal, not just a blood thirsty vampire. Without him offering his blood every time they were together, she would've just been happy being by his side.

A knock came from the door, cracking open and taking Wendy's attention off of (Y/n) for once. Her eyes narrowed immediately as she sent out a aura of anger. Irene made her way over despite that, however so cautiously. She stopped when it was close enough and when Wendy sent out a deadly warning.

"What do you want?" Those words were filled with nothing but venom.

"To talk." She sat in a seat across from Wendy, far away enough from (Y/n) to keep Wendy at bay.

"There's nothing to talk about. We're leaving, you can't change that." Irene shook her head in response, her face full of distraught.

"Please stay... I can't lose all of you. We've been together for nearly a century." Irene begged.

"I told you, I can't stand by anymore and watch you hurt him. I won't mark him for the sake of the other girls, but I'm not letting him near you."

"Do you actually love him that much?" Wendy's face was unfazed giving Irene her answer.

"I'm willing to share my life with his, even if that means taking away his humanity. As long as he's with me forever."

"We've been together for a century and with (Y/n) for only a year. Yet somehow I feel like it's the other way around. Sometimes I don't even know you anymore Irene." Wendy said bluntly.

"I don't understand what it is that you hate about him. Tell me what's so wrong with (Y/n) that you must hurt him?" Irene was shot at again and again by Wendy's words. She knew if the others were in here they'd have even more to fire at her.

"You're so attached to him, all of you. What is going to happen when he dies? Think of what your life will look like when he leaves." It hurt to say those words, even hurting herself.

"You'll be devastated, I can't imagine seeing the four of you after he dies. I did what I did because I didn't want to get attached. I wanted you four to get the message I was sending, but it didn't work. You all love him too much to see it. There were times when I wanted to let go as well. I wanted to join the five of you but I knew, if not a single one of us was prepared for what's to come, it would be the end for all of us." She gripped her knees tightly, looking downwards.

"I will just turn him into one of us, he'll be immortal just like us. What would be the harm then?" Wendy explained.

"Do you think he would want that, to live forever and feast on blood? To watch his family grow old and die without him?" She stopped at the end. Her point was made, was he willing to give his life of being a mortal and live for an eternity alongside the girls. Wendy definitely believed so judging by her unfazed looks.

"He left everything behind because we took him. (Y/n) willingly stays, he accepted us, and we're his family now. He's had chances to escape again yet he doesn't, do you really think he is lying when he says the words 'I love you' to me, to Seulgi, to Joy, and to Yeri?" (Y/n) wasn't exactly a prisoner anymore. He was allowed to leave the house with at least one of the girls. He even visited his family once in a blue moon, but even then he doesn't speak much to them. His focus was on the girls.

"He's tried to love you as well. You said you wanted to let go, so do it. When the time comes turn him into one of us. Push your worries of him being undecided away. He will stay with us no matter what." Irene couldn't agree nor disagree.

"I can't... not after everything I've done to him. I can't be with him." Her chains were loosening, Wendy saw it and took advantage of it instantly.

"Then we're leaving, even if we do stay you're presence would be a hinder to him."

"I told you, all of you can just stay. Just keep him away from me." Wendy refused immediately.

"Either you accept him or we leave." Simple as that.

"Even if I do accept him, he won't feel the same. We can't just forget everything I've done to him."

"You have one day, 24 hours to make him forgive you. If he does then we'll stay, if not then we leave. These are my terms if you want peace." Wendy proclaimed.

"Wendy—" She shot up cutting off Irene.

"Your time starts when he wakes up. I suggest staying with him since you don't want to waste any time."

Wendy walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her. It left Irene to decide to if she was going to actually listen to the younger girl. For being younger than her, Wendy definitely knew how to push her buttons and manipulate her. How was she going to get out of this situation. Talking with Wendy definitely cleared up some things around their huge mess.

A few hours later
(Y/n)'s eye creaked open in the pitch black room. He could barely see anything not to mention he felt a strong weight surround his body. He figured it was just one of the girls but he couldn't exactly identify her at the moment. (Y/n) managed to sit up a little, turning on a nearby lamp and setting it to dim. Turning back to face the girl he nearly fell off the bed.

"H-Hey... I'll get into another room. Go back to sleep." Her grip tightens and pulled him back down into the bed. She sensed his fear, the things she's made him feel for a year now.

"I-Irene?" How could she make him say yes? What was Wendy expecting her to pull here?

"Shut it, just stay like this with me for a while." He didn't say a word nor would he dare to refuse. So they just laid there, eventually her arms began to roam to where they shouldn't be. It started with her hands and then it was the feeling of her lips pressing against his skin. Under normal circumstances he wouldn't say anything to interfere but this time he did.

"I'm not in the best condition to be doing such things Irene. My head still hurts a lot, and I really don't want to do this with you, not anymore." Her fangs traced along his neck having completely ignored his protests.

Expecting a bite he relaxed himself and gave it up. However nothing came through, no bites, not even a nibble from Irene. (Y/n) turned to face her just as she leaned in, bringing their lips into contact. Whether it was a mistake or not, Irene went along with it. He did nothing but melt into the kiss, never having felt this type of feeling from Irene before. It was tender and sweet instead of rough and aggressive, she wasn't clawing him or biting him.

"I'm sorry..." Her voice cried out.

"For everything I did to you. I was afraid that if I also accepted you, we'd be lost when you died. Every time I saw you smiling at the others, every hug, every kiss, even when they're loud in bed, it broke me inside. When you tried to talk with me that night, I pushed you away because I knew I would have let it all go then and there."

(Y/n) didn't have anything to say, watching as she kept pouring her heart out. The real feelings she's been hiding for him all along. It was hard to accept it, rather even believe it, but it seemed quite genuine.

"Now that everything has gone from bad to worse, I can't run from it anymore. I have one day to make everything okay, otherwise Wendy's going to take you and leave. And if you do want to leave... then let me try to convince you otherwise." She said, awaiting an answer anything that could spark a bit of hope inside of her.

"Everything you did... it hurt a lot. I don't think I ever did anything wrong to you, yet you kept on hating me. It got to the point where it was painful to even look at you. If you wanted me to love you too then you should've just told me. Did you think I happily accepted the others because I wanted to? They pried at my heart every single day, they made me smile and laugh. They showed me that I was more than just food." Her heart sank to the bottom of her chest as she couldn't barely get a breath out.

"I would've said yes, I would've forgiven you and erased the bad memories you've given me." She whispered words of apologies against his ear while clutching onto him tightly.

"I'll stay..." A firework went off inside of her heart as she smashed her lips against his, breaking it every second to thank him before reconnecting them again. "As long as you change. I don't want to lose another eye." She apologized for that as well, promising to return it one day.

Irene's hands finally began to roam again, making their way down towards his waist. (Y/n) reminded her of his condition but it didn't even faze her. Their voices eventually ran throughout the house for everyone else to hear.

The Life You've Given Me
It didn't take long for everyone to get settled down and let their lives go back to normal. The only new addition was trying to stop Irene from hogging (Y/n) to herself. Even when it wasn't her day, she would already be with (Y/n). It lead to quite a few close calls where he was almost torn in half between two girls. So that was definitely a conversation worthy event for them all. Every other day after that felt the same yet it was a whole new life he was living.

Whichever girl he was with, he made them happy and they returned the favor. Wendy's undying love, Seulgi's rough aggressive love, Joy's memory igniting love, Yeri's playful innocent love, and Irene's secret true love. Their lives went on for years it would still be a while until they would need to turn him. For now, it was a chance to enjoy the things he could do as a human.

There we go, I tried to be as unbiased as possible but I needed some sort of drama in this chapter. I've been making Irene kind of a rough character in my stories, I'll hopefully get back to another chapter with her soon. She's just so fitting for certain situations and it helps me progress the story and ending it with her arc.

You weren't expecting two drops huh? I ended up enjoying this one more than the other one. Never thought I could write for more than two girls and somehow I feel like I did better with 5 than 2.

Next: Jeon Soyeon

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