Bad Boy [Jaeyong]

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JUNG Jaehyun has always been a member of the popular group in school, known as the bad boy for all his dirty acts. Jaehyun never payed attention to anyone but himself, and didn't care about others. He was suppose to be strong in others eyes, no weaknesses. He was sure he'd never have any, but by the time senior year came around, turns out he did.

Lee Taeyong.

Taeyong was a boy who always would wear skirts to school, makeup, or anything that would see him as a feminine boy. Jaehyun had always thought it was weird, but ever since junior year he can't seem to get Taeyong off his mind. During those years, he decided to shut down his feelings by picking on the other. Taeyong of course, being the sassy one, never handled it lightly. He'd throw a big fit as if a child, and Jaehyun couldn't help but love it every time.

Maybe it was because Taeyong was the only one who wasn't scared of him, or maybe because he'd look so cute in those skirts. He never knew, maybe it was boy himself.

Either way, Jaehyun felt something towards the other, and wanted these feelings gone.

That is what he thinks he wants.

Taeyong was at his locker, applying the last of his lip gloss. Putting it away, he grabs one book out of his locker. Closing it, a familiar boy stands behind it that catches his eyes.

He furrows his eyebrows, and looks over to face the other who had a smug smirk on his lips.

"What do you want now Jung?" Taeyong asks sassily.

"Aw don't be like that, I don't want anything. Can't friends hang out?" Jaehyun asks slyly.

"We're not friends, not even close." Taeyong says, and tries to walk away but is stopped as another arm comes in front of him.

He was now caged to his locker by the one and only bad boy of the school, who got on his last nerves.

"Then what are we princess?" Jaehyun asks, looking down and up Taeyong.

Taeyong was wearing his black skirt today, with net leggings on. His shirt tucked in to the skirt, and he had some vans on. It was his ideal outfit.

Taeyong cursed under his breath, he'd have to do what he has to do. This time, he knew exactly what to do to get Jaehyun off him.

Taeyong put on a small smirk, and leaned in as he wraps his arms around the others neck. Leaning in he could hear the others breath mellow, and he got right up close to his ear.

"It depends Jung, if you keep looking at me like that we might as well become 'friends' with benefits." Taeyong whispers seductively. "Trust me, you know you want your hands rubbing up and down my body. Every single inch in your grasp, ready to be touched as I moan out your name. I know you can imagine it, because your doing it right now." Taeyong continues, slowly caressing Jaehyuns hair.

"Don't." Jaehyun says under his breath, and Taeyongs smirk becomes bigger.

He pulls away to see the dark look on Jaehyuns face, and his eyes narrow.

"But that would never happen, you know why?" Taeyong asks softly, cupping Jaehyuns face in his hands. "Because I'm not a one timer babe." Taeyong whispers, and lets go of Jaehyun as he pushes Jaehyuns arm out of his way.

Walking away, Jaehyun watches him. He inhales deeply, and curses under his breath as he notices his 'problem' Taeyong made. He makes his way to the bathroom quickly, shoving everyone out of his way in anger. How dare he talk to him that way, how dare he make him imagine such a sinful thing.

'Lee Taeyong, this isn't over.'

Taeyong was exhausted by the time school ended, he hated it anyway. Putting his things away, he sees someone standing by his locker. Frowning upon this, he walks to his locker. He proceeds to open his locker, putting his things away as he ignored the man staring at him from behind. Closing it, he turns around with a huff.

"I thought we settled this." Taeyong says flatly.

"We did, but I'm not here for that. I wanted to ask you something." Jaehyun says, pulling out a cigarette.

Taeyong ignores the cigarette, and rolls his eyes. "What would that be?"

"Let me take you out." Jaehyun says, lighting his cigarette.

"Out? As if on a date?" Taeyong asks slowly, looking at Jaehyun questionably.

"Yea, or a 'friendly' hang out." Jaehyun says as toxic fumes comes out of his mouth.

Taeyong waves them away from his face, and stares at Jaehyun for a second.

"Ok." Taeyong says shyly.

"Cool, lets go. I'm literally starving." Jaehyun says, and starts walking away.

Taeyong quickly follows after, a light blush on his face. He'd never been asked to go out somewhere, especially with someone so handsome. Yes, he may think Jaehyun is handsome, and a jerk, but Taeyong knows deep down Jaehyun has a sweet spot.

Following the other out, he sees a motorcycle parked on the side. Jaehyun walks towards it, and he widens his eyes in surprise.

"I never knew you owned a motorcycle." Taeyong admits.

"Yea, it's pretty new. Here." Jaehyun says, tossing a helmet to the other.

Taeyong puts it on, watching Jaehyun get on and start up the engine. He then gets on the back of the bike, hesitatingly putting his hands on either side of Jaehyun.

Jaehyun has to admit, it was actually nice having someone on the back of his bike. He never really took anyone out, so it was first for him too. He wanted to act cool, but instead he feels he's making a fool out of himself. If he was being dead serious, he'd say he has feelings for Taeyong. Taeyong just made him feel some type of way, and his features were breath taking.

Jaehyun rides out of school grounds, and they get on the road. Taeyong leans in more, feeling somewhat unsafe as he was holding onto so little. Wrapping his arms around the others waist, he leans himself on Jaehyuns back. He couldn't see it now, but Jaehyuns ears had turned red from the gesture.

They pull in to a outside movie, and Jaehyun parks his bike. Taeyong takes off the helmet, fixing his hair.

"I'm gonna go get food, stay with the bike." Jaehyun says, and walks away without letting Taeyong answer.

Taeyong huffs at this, but looks up to see what movie is playing. It seems to be an old one because it's in black and white. He then looks around, seeing many couples hanging out in their cars or at the few seats. It felt nice coming here, it was getting a little dark as well.

A few moments pass and Jaehyun shows up again with a few snacks.

"I just got a little bit of everything." Jaehyun says, and sets the food down carefully.

Taeyong instantly takes the nachos, and eats them. Jaehyun on the other hand had a hotdog, eating it quickly. Taeyong finishes his quickly as well, and they throw there stuff away. Nothing but drinks left, they sit on the seats below them. Watching the movie, Jaehyun glances over to the other secretly. Jaehyun sees Taeyongs big eyes watching the movie as he drinks his icee, and it remind him of a child.

He carefully stretches, leaning his arm over the others shoulders. The other didn't seem to mind, so he rested it there. Taeyong on the other hand held back a small smile, knowing that the other was just shy.

After awhile, it became dark as night. Taeyong felt a little tired.

"Jaehyun, isn't it getting late?" Taeyong asks, looking over at the other.

Jaehyun looked back at him, and then noticed it was actually night time. His parents are gonna kill him.

"Yea, I'll drop you off. Just tell me where you live." Jaehyun says, and they throw their drinks away as they get on the bike.

After Taeyong showing directions for a bit, they make it to a small cozy home. The lights were off, and Jaehyun watches as Taeyong gets off and takes off his helmet. Taeyong hands it over, and ruffles his hair.

"Thanks Jung, I enjoyed tonight." Taeyong admits with a small smile.

Taeyong starts walking away, until Jaehyun just couldn't keep his voice down anymore.

"So what are we!" He yells after him.

Taeyong pauses for a moment, and then turns around.

"Friends." He says back, a smile on his face. "Bye Jaehyun." He yells, and enters his house.

Jaehyun watches, heart beating quickly. He gives a small smile, and shakes his head.

"Friends huh?" Jaehyun whispers to himself. He then roars his motorcycle as he drives away from the boys house.

'Not for long.'

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