Hawaii u x NCT

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Exo inside joke am I right EXO-L's wink wink

Anyways this is crack but enjoy


"Let's go! Everyone in the living room! I have an announcement to make!" (stOp buLLying) Doypung yelled out as he knocked on everyone's door. He sighed in frustration as he realized no one was going to wake up.

"Fine! I'm coming in! Starting with you Nomin!" Doyoung yelled as he walked into a room where 2 boys were cuddling while sleeping. Doyoung then went up and opened their curtains, revealing light which made the bigger one of the two groan and shove his face under the blanket.

"Jaemin don't you dare hide! This is important! Get up!" He yelled, but quickly went over to the other sleeping boy and ruffled his hair.

"Jeno- uwu- it's time to get up. Wake your boyfriend up for me." Doyoung said nicely as his attitude suddenly changed.

He then walked out and into another room, holding another two boys, who were sleeping peacefully.

"Luwoo! Let's go! Junguwu lets go~" Doyoung yelled out, but when he saw the larger of the two wouldn't open his eyes he went over and flicked his head.

"Ow- What the hell Doyoung-" Lucas exclaimed as he held his forehead.

"No cuss words around junguwu!" Doyoung yelled out as he walked out of the room.

He then walked into another room, which held another two boys.

He slowly walked over and creaked over the curtains, one shuffled and gave a groan while the other started stretching.

"Chensung~ Let's go children~" Doyoung said and walked out of the room.

He then went into another room, which held another 2 boys, and opened the curtains.

"Let's go Yuwin! Time is money and money means more food! Let's go!" He yelled.

Yuta just groaned as he snuggled the smaller closer to him.

"Stop suffocating Winwin and get up!" Doyoung yelled as he went out of the room.

He then went into another room, which held another 2 boys. He let out a loud dramatic sigh before he opened the door, and walked in as he saw one boy upside down and another half off the bed.

"Markhyuck! Let's go! I'm sick and tired of waking almost adults up! I'm gonna go crazy! Get up!" Doyoung yelled as he opened the curtains and flicked both their foreheads before heading out.

Finally, he came to the last room. He put his handle on the door and shook it, but then realized it was locked. He rolled his eyes as he banged on the door.

"Jaeyong! I'm not in the mood for pick locking doors today! I'm the living room in less than 5 minutes! Let's go!" Doyoung yelled and gave the door a last bang before he walked to the living room.


"Jaehyun..we need to get up..." Taeyong whispers in a hoarse morning voice. He slowly tries to move but a tight and strong grip stays on his middle. He then gives a low groan as he feels kisses on his stomach.

"Jaehyun not now..." Taeyong whines out as he tries and pushes Jae off. Unfortunately, he's the smaller and less strong of the two, Jaehyun had an advantage here; he pulled him closer and gave a growl of annoyance.

"So pushy." Taeyong whispers as he feels his eyes close again, feeling sleep taking him over. Until a knock on the door wakes them up again.

"In the living room in less than 5 minutes or else! I'll picklock this door!" They hear doyoung on the other side. Jaehyun gives a irritated noise and gives a frustrated sigh as he pulls away from Taeyong.

Taeyong then gives a breathy laugh as he stretches, putting his top naked body on display.

Jaehyun whined even more at this and he tries and cuddles Taeyong again, but Taeyong is quick to push Jaehyuns face away. He knows if Jaehyun gets him in his grip again, theirs no way out, he'll be in bed all day.

"Get up lazy." Taeyong says as he sits up, quick to cover his lower body with the blanket, as he was not dressed.

Jaehyun then smirks.

"Last night was amazing." He whispers in a husky voice, and Taeyong immediately knows what he's trying to do.

"Don't start Jaehyun." Taeyong warns as he sends Jaehyun a death glare, but Jaehyun being Jaehyun. He doesn't listen.

"When you were moaning under me, body shaking as you try and catch your breath from me pounding into you-"

"Jung Jaehyun! I'm never waking up beside you again!" Taeyong yells out in embarrassment, and quickly wraps the blanket around him as he runs to the bathroom; not forgetting to grab his clothes.

Jaehyun only keeps stretching as he has a evil smirk on his face.

"He loves it." He says to himself.


Finally all of them are seated in the living room, tired and grumpy while waiting on Doyoung to speak.

Doyoung stands in the middle of the room, and finally opens his mouth to speak.

"Ok! So- as you know New Years Eve is coming! So..I have teamed up with some people and of course taken your money for granted and finally got us a vacation planned!Can anyone guess where?" Doyoung smiled.

"Our money? Since when-" Jaemin started but was cut off.

"Oh! Japan!" Yuta yelled out.


"Canada!" Mark yelled out.

"Not even close." Doyoung made a weird sound.

"Just tell us!" Lucas groaned.

"Ok ok! We're all going to..Hawaii!" Doyoung said, and everyone's face fell at that.

"Hawaii? Doesn't that hold the pink sand beaches!" Taeyong yelled out.

"Yep! And we're also leaving tomorrow so- get packed and I have to go to the studio. Bye!" Doyoung said and left the living room without another word.

"Well what are we waiting for! Pack up you rats!" Chenle screeched out as he scrambled up to his and Jisungs room, dragging the poor boy behind him.

Everyone followed after and started packing and planned what their going to do their.

"I say we visit the beach first thing!" Taeyong yelled out.

"I'm in!" Some yelled back one at a time.

"American food too!" Someone else yelled back.


Finally, they were off the plane. They were greeted with lei's as they got off the plane, and they were all in awe at how hot it was.

"Why did the old man have to come along?" Ten said as he looked over at someone in particular.

"I'm not old!" Taeil flicked his forehead.

"Guys! Let's get to the reserved places and then we'll fight." Doyoung said in an annoyed voice.


It was almost night when they were all done unpacking and settled in. They were staying in little houses that were reserved just for them, and they all roomed with whoever they wanted.

Of course, it went like this:

Jeno and Jaemin
Jaehyun and Taeyong
Jungwoo and Lucas
Chenle and Jisung
Mark and Haechan
Winwin and Yuta
Johnny and Ten
And the rest of the old people had to go in one

The sun was barely setting, and the sky was now pink and orange pastel colors. Taeyong immediately changed into his bathing suit and ran down into the beach, along came Jeno and Winwin. They all splashed into the water and started laughing for no apparent reason. They were just happy.

Then came in a screaming dolphin, along with a Canadian boy, snoopy, and someone who spoke like 3 languages.

The 'tops' decided to stay behind and sit in chairs, watching their 'bottoms' play like children.

Somehow, throughout the water fight, someone pulled out water guns and they started shooting each other. The others just had to get in when this happened, and so they all started spraying each other with water.

At one point, they all died down, as their stomachs hurt from so much laughing, and their hands were all wrinkly from the oil being washed off.

They were all now lying in the sand, all dried off as the wind was helping.

They all watched the stars as they held their lovers, and all were at peace, until someone yelled out.

"Happy New Years!"

They all gave laughs and exchanged 'Happy New Years' to each other.

Then the fireworks started, and so they smiled, laughed, and ate all night long.

Happy and fulfilled.


Happy New Years Readers ♥️
I love you all and I just wanna thank you all for this amazing journey I've gone through writing books. When I started writing, I did not at all expect for me to become this far and expand my writing talent. I love and appreciate all of you, I keep going because of you and y'all make me smile everyday :')

Have a wonderful 2019

And um.....

Hello dad number 21

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