Soulmates [nomin]

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Soulmate au

Both you and your soulmate have the same mark on the same place of one another's body.




Jeno couldn't believe his eyes when he saw it, and wanted it to just be an illusion for some reason. Here he is anyway, staring at the black mark on his back shoulder. It seems to be an upside down heart as he could see, and he's been staring at it for the last 10 minutes.

His soulmate.

He wondered for a moment. Will his soulmate be nice? Will his soulmate accept who he is? Will his soulmate like him? Will his soulmate love him back?

Jeno had many questions that he wishes to be answered, but cannot at this moment. All he knew is that he had a soulmate, and he didn't know who it was.

He then remembered he had school, and quickly got dressed. He brushed his teeth as he tried to fix his hair, and spat the last of the mint paste out. Grabbing his bag, he rushes out of his room and almost out of the house. He stops however, slowly looking over his shoulder to see a woman lying on the couch. Fast sleep, she sleeps with a large blanket.

Jeno slowly walks over, and leans down, placing a small kiss on the woman's forehead.

"Get well soon mother, I'm off to school." Jeno whispers softly, and rushes out of his house.

He starts running to school, since he already knew he missed the bus. Arriving to school grounds, he catches his breath. Walking into school was the same everyday, seeing his friends gathered by his locker. He frowned however, seeing Jaemin wasn't there.

There was no lie about it, he had a huge crush on Jaemin. Ever since middle school, he has. It was their senior year, and he felt he knew he had no chance by now. Jaemin only saw him as a friend, nothing more. He's accepted that, and yet he can't seem to feel happy for Jaemin. He just can't bring himself to do it.

He has been hanging out with the new girl lately, and it's been getting on his nerves. The girl was everything any guy or girl would every want, she was curvy in just the right places, big eyes, cute nose, plump lips, and long healthy brown hair. She was nice, and had good humor. Jeno had none of that, he was just the quiet one of the group who never spoke unless spoken too. Him and Jaemin were close though, he knew this. They've been friends since he could remember, and he couldn't imagine a life without Jaemin.

Thought that girl is taking Jaemin from him, and he couldn't help but feel excluded. He hadn't seen Jaemin this whole week, only a few glimpse. It was always him and that girl. Jeno didn't understand, he really didn't. Has he fallen in love? What that girl his soulmate?

Jeno made it to his locker, all his friends in an argument over video games.

"Hey! Jeno's here! I thought you weren't coming!" Haechan exclaims.

Jeno gives a small smile in response. He puts his bag away, and grabs the books he needs for class. They all start talking again, but this time about the new girl and Jaemin. Jeno walks behind them, listening to every word.

"He's been hanging out with her 24/7 it seems like! No attention to us at all." Renjun complains.

"Maybe he's in love—" Jisung tries.

"Maybe their soulmates!" Chenle yells.

Jeno's blood runs cold at the suggestion, and his hands got sweaty. Had Jaemin already found his soulmate?

"Hey that was my idea Chenle!" Jisung defends.

"Yea well I said it faster Jisung!" Chenle says as he sticks out his tongue.

"You fetus' stop fighting!" Haechan cuts them off.

"We're not fetus' Haechan!" They yell in illusion.

"Yea yea, and so what if Jaemin found his soulmate? We should be happy for him."

Jeno was now drowning from the conversation, not wanting to hear anymore. He's lost his best friend, and to that girl who he barely knew. He's never felt so empty.

"Oh there he is! He's coming over!" Renjun yells.

Jeno pops his head up at this, seeing Jaemin. He wasn't alone though, as a jumpy female with a wide smile was right next to them. Jeno had never felt so sick in his life. He quickly turned around and ran away from his group.

"Jeno!" Haechan yells after the other.

"What's gotten into him?" Jisung asks.

"Dunno, well probably see him at lunch though." Haechan says, and they focus their attention on the boy and girl walking towards them.

"Hey, where did Jeno go? I saw him run off." Jaemin asks.

"I don't know, he's been acting weird these days. Maybe he's overwhelmed by his—" Haechan starts.

"His anxiety!" Chenle cuts off the other, giving him an knowing look.

A unknown girl was here.

Haechan realizes the gesture and coughs. "Uh yea, his anxiety." He lies.

"Oh, well, this is Irene! She just transferred here!" Jaemin explains.

"We know." Renjun says flatly.

"Oh well uh, Irene these are my friends! That's Renjun, Haechan, Jisung, and Chenle! Jeno was here too, but you'll meet him soon I'm sure!" Jaemins says.

"Oh! Nice to meet you all!" Irene says, giving a smile.

"Oh! Did you hear! I got my soulmate mark!" Jaemin says excitedly.

"Finally, took you long enough." Haechan scoffs.

"Yea yea, look!" Jaemin says, turning his back and pulling down the side of his shirt revealing a upside down heart.

"That's weird, an upside down heart?" Renjun asks.

"Yea, I think it's unique. I wonder who my soulmate is." Jaemin sighs.

"You'll find them soon enough Jae." Haechan says.

It was lunch time, and Jeno wanted nothing more than to walk away from school. He couldn't get the thought of Jaemin and that girl out of his mind, he didn't even know why he ran away. Maybe it was for the best, if he just ignored the other. Then again, what would that solve? His love for Jaemin would never fade, even if he wanted it to.

Jaemin wasn't sitting with them once again, and Jeno was kind of disappointed.

"Jeno, not gonna eat?" Renjun snaps him out of his thoughts, and he looks over to find the whole group staring at him.

"Not hungry." Jeno lies.

"Jeno, you okay? I mean, is your..." Haechan trails off.

"My moms doing fine." Jeno whispers.

"If you need anything Jeno, just asks us." Haechan continues.

"Thanks." Jeno says.

"I think Jaemins coming over, with Irene." Jisung says, and they all look over to where Jaemin and the girl was walking towards them.

"Excuse me." Jeno says quickly, and swiftly gets out of his seat.

Leaving the cafeteria in a hurry, Haechan scoffs.

"I actually feel kinda bad for him." He whispers.

"I always have." Chenle whispers.

"Hey guys! Where did Jeno go?" Jaemin asks, cutting off their conversation.

"He has to use the restroom." Renjun says.

"Oh, well do you mind if Irene joins us?" Jaemin asks.

"Fine with us." Haechan answers for the group.

"Great!" Jaemin says, and him and Irene sit down.

"So, Irene. Have you found your soulmate?" Renjun blurts out without hesitation.

"Actually, no. I do have my marking though." Irene says.

"Is it the same as Jaemins?" Haechan asks out loud.

Chenle smacks his own forehead in their fault.

Irene lets out a laugh. "No, it's not. It couldn't be anyway." She says.

"Why not?" Renjun asks.

"Because I'm into girls, not guys." Irene says casually.

They all make a 'o' with their mouths in understanding.

"Wait a second, did you guys think Irene was actually my soulmate?" Jaemin asks, lifting an eyebrow.

"Well, you were hanging out with her a lot." Haechan says.

"At lunch, courtyard time, and even classes." Renjun adds. "You just seemed to like each other a lot."

"Oh, well it's not anything like that." Jaemin reassures.

"Maybe you should tell that to someone that's not us." Jisung butts in, looking at the other.

"You mean...." Jaemin trails off.

"Yes, now go." Chenle says.

Jaemin gets up from his spot, making his way to the bathroom. He yells out a name for a moment, and yet no reply. Checking the stalls, the bathroom is empty.

He goes the next place where the boy would be, the rooftop. Stepping outside, he sees the boy leaning on the railing looking at the sky. The blonde hair being swayed with the light wind, he knew it was who he was looking for.

"I knew you'd be here Jen." Jaemin says, walking up to the other.

Jeno turns to face Jaemin in shock, and makes eye contact with other.

"I'm sorry Jeno, you must've felt left out. Didn't you?" Jaemin whispers.

Jeno looks at the other, and then a small smile creeps up to his face.

"Not at all." Jeno lies, coming closer to the boy.

"Well, is think you'd like to know, turns out she's not my soulmate." Jaemin says.

Jeno's lips turn into a thin line, and he scans Jaemins face.

"How do you know?" Jeno asks.

"I got my soulmate marking." Jaemin says, and turns around as he pulls down his shirt on one side.

Revealing the marking, Jeno's eyes goes wide.

It was identical to his.

"T-that's..." Jeno stutters.

"It's great isn't it!" Jaemin exclaims in excitement.

"Yea, that's great." Jeno whispers, trying to smile.

"You okay Jen?" Jaemin asks slowly.

"I'm okay." Jeno says. "We should get back to the group."

Jeno scurries past Jaemin, and Jaemin lifts an eyebrow in confusion.

Jeno rushes to meet back with his friends, in a panic almost. Jaemin was his soulmate, but how could that be? Him and Jaemin weren't meant to be together, Jaemin only saw him as a friend. It was no use.

He'd keep quiet until the day Jaemin finds out, and then he'll probably be punished for his quiet decision. He is not ready though, not ready to give away him and Jaemins friendship. Jaemin was everything to him, but in Jaemins eyes, he was just another friend that would pass on.

So he decided to keep it to himself.

For now he'd keep quiet.




A horrible comeback to "KPOP ONESHOTS" but uh...

request are open again.

And uh

Stream Boom Boom

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