Tough love [Changlix]

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"That was too close!" A boy yells, slamming the car car after he jumps in with a large bag.

"Just shut up and put the bag in the back!" Another one in the driver seat defensively orders, turning on the car as they take off roughly down the empty highway.

The one ordered to do so throws the duffel bag in the second seat, and then huffs as they have both been running.

The one in the passenger side had pastel snow hair, soft to the touch and laid perfectly on top of his head. His features were more on the foreign side, however his eyes were sharp like cats. His lips had a perfect Cupid's now and his nose was just as perfect. His ears were filled with many piercings, and dangling earrings hung from them. However, despite these things he was still looked at like an angel.

The one driving, all over the road, however did not have such calm features. His eyes were very sharp, intimidating deeply wherever he looked. He had a small tattoo under his right eye, however those did not match up to the large ones all over his body. His body was built perfectly, to the strong legs that carried him everywhere, to the buff of his biceps. He also had piercings, however not all of them just covered his ears; his eyebrow carried a piece of metal as well. His hair was her black and laid messily on his head, an undercut hiding underneath.

"You- no- we could've gotten shot!" The boy, Felix, yelled at the other with a harsh tone.

"Well we didn't. Forget about it. It's over." The driver, Changbin, replies flatly.

"You remember that time when you did get shot!" Felix inquires, his anger rising by the seconds remembering that night.

Him and Changbin were running from police, like they just did, and one of their bullets found its way into the others torso. That night, Felix thought he wouldn't make it through the night. He'd never felt so frightened in his whole life, watching his lover lay on a bed breathing painfully slow. Fortunately, Minho, a very close friend, was studying such things as medical and aid. Felix was just happy to see his lover awake the next morning.

"That was almost a year ago Felix, drop it. It won't happen again." Changbin reminds, pulling into the empty parking lot leading to an alleyway.

Felix stares down at his feet with furrowed eyebrows, gritting his teeth as he feels unheard.

Changbin opens the door, taking a foot out when he realizes Felix wasn't moving.

"Get out." Changbin demands, staring at the other.

"No." Felix whispers, and Changbin gruts his teeth at the reply.

He gets out the car, slamming the door as he walks to the other side. Approaching the passenger side, Felix is quick to lock the doors. Changbin hears 
the lock, however he tries to open the door anyway. Upon it not opening, he darts his tongue to his cheek in annoyance.

"Open the door." Changbin yells, gripping the door handle tightly.

"No!" Felix yells back, sinking into his seat like a child.

"Felix, open the door. Now!" Changbin's knuckles were now white, and his patience was running thin for the boy sitting in the car.

"I'm not getting out!" Felix states, staying in the same position.

Changbin finally gets irritated enough to let go of the door handle, and hit the window.

"Fine! Walk yourself home!" Changbin yells, taking his leave as he walks into the alleyway.

Felix watches the other walk away in frustration, and he huffs in silence. After a minute, he looks back in the back to see the duffel bag. He grabs it roughly, moving it in the middle of the car to unzip it. Sitting in the duffel bag was stacks of cash, not many, but enough to make some pay. He zips it back up again, shoving under the back of his seat.

Felix then digs out his phone, unlocking it as he clicks around on some social media's. The first that pops up on his feed is a new watch out for criminals in the city, knowing it was him, he couldn't help but let out a little laugh.

'Idiots.' He thought to himself, scrolling down.

He and Changbin have stolen many times, broken into stores and even held people at gun point. However, the police do nothing about those problems; just like they do any problem. They sit around all day, and do nothing in a big city. That's what Felix loved the most, was that he knew he could get away anything if he just planned it well. He stayed on his phone for awhile, ignoring what time it was. Turning off his electronic however, he realized just how dark it was getting.

He bit his lip as he glanced at the people filling into the alleyway, which was right next to a bar. He hated staying out late at night, and new better than to do so. It was dangerous when it hit night fall, for everyone living in the areas he was. He decided to just go for it, and got out of the car as quietly as he could. Closing the door, he decides to leave the duffel bag in the car. Walking with a duffel bag at night in these parts will only get you in trouble.

He was currently wearing a tshirt with boyfriend jeans, a casual look as he knew better than to wear bright or eye seeing clothing. He sighs, running his hand through hair as he takes the first step.

He starts walking towards the alleyway, looking straight ahead as his face rest in RBF. He only got halfway through whenever the cat calls from drunkards started ringing in his ears.

"Hey pretty boy! Why on' you come over her' for a little fun!" A man with a beer bottle in his hand yelled first.

Felix ignored him at first, and kept walking towards his and Changbins apartment. He didn't even really know if Changbin was still there, he could've walked down to the tattoo parlor again. Thinking of this he tsk' with a frown.

"Hey hey slow down! There ain't no rush!" The man was persistent, and Felix hated it as he just walked faster.

However, the drunk man seem to fasten his wobbly movements. Catching up to Felix, the man grabbed him by his arm with a harsh grip. The man was somewhat taller than Felix, and he looked to be in his 30's.

"Let go of me." Felix states with a death stares, letting his hands ball into a fist.

The people in the alleyway began to clear out, knowing what was gonna happen next and wanting nothing to with it. Felix knew them all as cowards.

"No need to be so up tight. Just one little night huh?" Felix grimaces as the stench of alcohol fill his smell.

"Get your fucking hands off of me!" Felix yells, struggling now to get the grip off his arm.

The mans expression changes from a happy to angry one, and Felix knew was gonna happen next. He thinks fast as he tries to push the other, however, he only trips and then falls back. The mans bottle of beer lands on the ground as it shatters into pieces, and at the same time loses grip of the other. Felix lands on the brick wall of the bar building, and curses as he feels it roughen his back up.

With a grunt, Felix looks up to see the man looking right back at him. The man looks hazy, but was still conscious. Felix gets off the wall, charging himself for the hung over man.

"Bastard." Felix insults, throwing the first punch at the mans face.

This sends the man staggering to his side, and Felix shakes his hand as he felt his knuckles collide with the mans cheekbone. However, the man doesn't fall down, instead he spits on the ground blood and stands straight up. Felix couldn't help but grit his teeth at this, and back up a little. He'd been in many fights, however he felt safer because Changbin was by his side. Changbin wasn't by his side this time.

He brings his hands up, ready for anything the man decides to throw. What he didn't expect was the man to charge himself at him, and Felix' back hit the ground with a sharp thud. He felt a minimum of two sharp pains his upper body. He cried out in pain, however became angry because the man was still on top of him. He was too late to cover when the man pressured his hands on his face, and Felix struggles for a quick second to breath. He quickly opens his mouth at the right timing and bites down harshly on the mans hand.

The man yells in pain as he retreats his hands, and Felix takes this opportunity to land a quick hook on the man. Felix then gives all his strength to push the larger man off of him, and quickly stands to his feet. right when he gets heavy footed, he feels the sharp pains again. He curses out loud, looking down at the ground only to widen his eyes. He had fallen on the broken glass from the beer bottle.

He was close to panicking, however composed himself whenever the swaying man tries to get up. Felix walks over in anger, and lands a hard punch to the mans face sending him to collapse on his side. The assaulter was out after that.

Felix pants into the night, looking around as he felt paranoid. Once seeing it was clear, he made his way home while letting out painful noises here and there. He let his hand rest on his shoulder, where most of the pain was coming from, and only wished he lived closer at that moment. He could feel his face would have some small bruises from the harsh hands, but couldn't even imagine how his back looked.

Staggering up the stairs, Felix leans on the door before opening it as he throws himself in. He slams the door close, leaning on the nearest wall as he curses in different languages.

He suddenly hears a creek from inside, then footsteps. His hearts starts racing as he stares down the dark hallway, expecting a burglar to jump out. However, the lights came on first and there stood his lover by the light switch.

"Changbin?" Felix whispers, he couldn't bring himself to speak loudly.

"What the hell happened?" Changbin eagerly inquires, walking over quickly as he grabs Felix around to see him.

"I got into a fight- ow! Changbin- ow fuck!" Felix curses out loud, feeling the boys hands on his body.

The boy then feels a hand grab him and start dragging him to the bathroom. Felix keeps cursing as his back was killing him in that very moment, being stiff with his movements as Changbin leads him down the hallway into the bathroom.

"Slow down Changbin- it hurts! Ow!" Felix kept complaining, and as he did he felt the grip become more gentle each time.

Ending up in the bathroom, Changbin sat the boy on the toilet with his back facing him.

"Be careful- it hurts." Felix almost begs at this point, feeling the other boy getting out supplies to bandage up the wounds.

Changbins silence was also not helping Felix at this moment as he felt anxious. He wondered if Changbin was still mad at him for earlier.

"I'm taking your shirt off." The other abruptly states, lifting Felix' shirt slowly.

Felix lifted his arms stiffly, squeezing his eyes painfully as he feels the shirt come off his cuts.

"Ow ow ow." Felix mumbles, and relaxes a little as the shirt comes all the way off.

He then suddenly feels his hair rise as metal comes close to his skin. He bites his lip, feeling it grab onto the glass apparently stuck in his back. He feels the glass move slightly in his skin and he winces with gasp.

"Don't move." Changbin demands in a lower voice than usual, and Felix wanted to bite his tongue in anxiety.

Suddenly, he felt the sharp pain in his back and yelped as he shifted on instinct. However, that only made it worse for the both of them. Felix then felt a hand wrap around his mouth, and Changbins body coming close to his. He felt the metal again, this time more rushed. He winced again feeling the pain of the glass moving in the open cut, but the other was quick to pull it out.

A muffled cry came from Felix' mouth as he felt it, and his eyes remained shut tightly. He also couldn't help but grip harshly onto Changbins wrist.

"One more." Changbins voice was low, and the slightest bit unsteady.

Felix could only pray that the other one was not as bad, and braced himself for the worse. He felt the metal and the sharp pain, but onto for a quick second. He let himself relax as the hand removed itself from his mouth, and felt cotton go onto his wound to suck up the blood. Felix then wiped his eyes as they teared up by themselves due to the pain.

Felix then felt Changbins hand rest on his shoulder, and felt a cold felt lotion being applied gently near his open wound. Felix guesses he didn't need any stitches, as he didn't consider the glass being deep. The lotion brushed very near to the cut that stopped bleeding, and Felix arched his back sharply at the sudden pain.

"This would be easier if you laid down." Changbin thought out loud, and took a gentle hold of Felix' bicep as he helped him up.

Felix followed Changbin to the bedroom, where he gave into laying down belly flat on the bed stiffly. He knew this was gonna hurt like hell, and wanted to shove his head into a pillow.

"This is gonna sting for just a few seconds." Changbin states, and Felix closes his eyes as he prepares himself for it.

He feels the sudden feeling of watery substance on his wound, and not a moment later he feels the sharp sting of it.

"Ow fuck fuck!" Felix curses as he tries to sit up, however is quickly placed back down with a hand on his neck. "Changbin!" He yells in frustration as his hands grasp the bedsheets.

After a few seconds of unnecessary evil, the pain calms down and he relaxes. He then feels bandages being put on his wounds, and legs out a sigh of relief feeling the pain ease. The hand comes off his neck, and he just lets himself lay for a second. He felt suddenly exhausted.

"I'm sorry." He hears on his other side, and doesn't know how to react.

At first, denial came in as he thought he must've heard different. However, Changbin was speaking clearly.

"This is all my fault." Changbin admits, and Felix lets guilt settle in his gut.

"'s my fault." Felix whispers, feelings regret as he was the one who brought this into himself.

"No no don't do that. This is all my fault. You were right from the beginning and I should've listened. I didn't. It's my fault." Changbin argues, taking a seat in his chair beside the bed.

Felix was still on his belly, however his head was facing the other way. He was simply staring at the empty wall on the opposite side. He wanted to turn it, but he didn't have the confidence to.

"I forgive you then." Felix says, closing his eyes as he felt them get heavy.

"Your too quick to forgive." Changbin states, staring at the other.

"Maybe." Felix whispers carelessly, eyes shut closed as he lets sleep engulf him.

Changbin lets out a sigh, watching his lover go to sleep quickly. He stares at the back of the others head, silently watching him sleep peacefully. He gets up after awhile, making sure the other was deep asleep before putting a pillow under his head and a blanket over his bare body. Before he did, he glances at the bruises on the boys back and the bandages.

He suddenly pulls out his phone, tapping on the screen to the call icon. He presses on someone's name and holds the phone to his ear, walking over to his chair on the other side of the room.

"Hello?" A deep voice inquires from the other line.

"It's Changbin." The male says lowly, taking a seat in the desk chair.

"Oh well, this can't be good if your calling late. What's up?" The voice on the other side jokes.

"I need help finding a drunkard." Changbin says flatly, staring deeply at the sleeping boy in bed.

"Well that's new. What did he do?"

"I'll tell you when you get here, be fast." Changbin states.

"You got it bossy." Was the last thing the other said before hanging up.

Changbin scoffs as they nickname, stuffing his phone down his pocket again before standing up from his position. He walks over to the small boy lying in bed, breathing softly and looking untouchable. Changbin leans over him as he runs his hands through the fluff of hair, letting a kiss land on the boys forehead gently. He then takes his leave out of the room, not forgetting to close the door on his way out.

He exits the apartment, locking the door before he put on his mask and heads to the bar. He also decided to grab a little something on his way out, stuffing it in his pant waist line.

Walking towards the entrance, he cuts the line of people waiting to get in as he whispers to the security guard something. The security guard lets him in immediately, and Changbin finds his way through the bodies of people to the back. There was a door there leading to his meeting spots; upon opening that door sat a foreign looking boy in all his beauty drinking wine royally. 

"Finally, I thought I was gonna have to get drunk." The boy says sarcastically, setting down his drink.

"Been awhile, Chan." Changbin replies, taking his own glass in his hand.

"Yeah, well, I couldn't miss out on this one. So, what's the story?" Chan questions curiously.

"Some drunkard jumped Felix in the alleyway, came from this bar I'm guessing -bitch left marks too." Changbin adds with furrowed eyebrows, taking a sip of the red wine thinking about the said boy.

"Damn, now I gotta kill him." Chan remarks, standing to his feet.

"Yeah well, it's whoever finds him first. I have no idea what this guy looks like." Changbin informs, finishing his glass and setting it down on the table.

"Well, all we have to do is look for a drunkard who tries to assault people passing through the alleyway. Easy enough." Chan thinks out loud, and Changbin scoffs.

"Alright, lets go."

Upon entering the alleyway, there were many couples making out, doing dirty things, people passed out on the sides and a ton of beer cans on the ground. Its what you expect when you enter an alleyway next to a bar. Chan and Changbin went the plan, which was to act like they didn't know each other and just simply walk down the alleyway anonymously. They were trying to lure out the drunkard.

If Changbin didn't know any better, he would have guessed the other passed out. He guessed correct when he sees a guy laying on the ground limply, and Changbin could tell that he was punched in the face by the bruise forming on his cheekbone. He remembers seeing small bruises on Felix' buckles, and grits his teeth.

He looks over, seeing Chan look at him as well.

"Found him." Changbin mouths, and Chan is quick to make his way over.

"He looks dead." Chan says blankly.

"He will be if he isn't already." Changbin threatens, and grabs the man by his arm.

He then continues to drag him to the back door where they came out of, Chan following behind to make sure nobody thinks their suspicious. After realizing nobody have a single shit about their kidnapping, he closed the door and turned his focus to the other male tying the man to a seat.

"Wake him up." Changbin orders, and Chan gladly grabs a bucket of cold water off the table.

Abruptly splashing the male with ice cold water made him jolt awake, his eyes droopy and blinking rapidly.

"W-what the hell? Where am I?" The man questions slurring his words.

"At a casino with strippers and naked girls." Chan jokes, and the mans face slowly smiles.

"Shit- really? Let me out of er'." The man demands, and Chan lightly laughs.

"This is definitely the drunkard." He states, letting himself sit on the old couch in the back of the room.

"Hey hey who the hell are you guys?" The man raises his voice, and Changbin scoffs in the ignorance.

"Just shut your mouth and answer the question I'm about to ask you old man." Changbin growls, taking the item he grabbed before leaving the house of his pocket. "Or I'll kill you." He threatens, clicking the gun in his hand pointed at the mans head.

"W-what the fu-fuck man. Let me go I didn't do anything." The man yells, shaking a little.

"Did you touch a boy walking down this alleyway a while ago?" Changbin questions, face becoming tense in anger.

"What? What are you talking about?" The man looks confused for a second.

"White hair, skinny, fucking beautiful and a black shirt. Ring a bell?" Changbin spits, gripping the gun tightly.

"That- that...oh. Oh him- yeah. He was pretty- real pretty." The man seems to forget his track of mind, thinking about the described boy. "If only he didn't have such a bitchy attitude he could have been a good one in bed-"

A gunshot rings throughout the room, causing silence to pierce the air for a split second. Blood splattered almost instantly all over the cold concrete floor, and Chan whistled smoothly.

"Well, he didn't last long." Chan whispers, clicking his tongue.

Changbins grip on the gun was steady and harsh, gritting his teeth in sheer anger. Chan notices the mood, and stares at the other before he lowers the gun.

"The body and blood will be gone by midnight, they're almost here. Go home and get some rest." Chan request, sliding down on the couch to lie down.

Changbin doesn't say anything, stuffing the gun back into his pants and then taking out a little stack of cash. He throws it at Chan, and the other male grabs it instantly.

"Is it already Christmas?" Chan asks sarcastically, counting the cash.

"Thought it was your birthday." Changbin joke flatly, taking his leave as he exits the building.

"That was a horrible comeback." Chan mumbles as he watches the door close.

Changbin opens the door to his apartment once again, the place silent as he takes off his clothes. After throwing his coat and shoes somewhere, he grabs a pack of cigarettes off the counter and opens it to take out one. He makes his way towards the bedroom, entering the dark room that contained the sleeping boy.

He grabs the lighter off the bedside table, lighting the cigarette placed between his lips. The first inhale seem to always be the best as the familiar addictive taste touched his tongue. He placed the lighter back down before grabbing the cigarette between his two fingers, taking it out to exhale a puff of smoke.

Changbin stares down at Felix, the boy sleeping just a peacefully before he left. He opens his blinds, watching drunk and sober people walk out of the bar with smiles: sometimes crying. He stands there and smokes peacefully until his cigarette becomes small.

He decides it was time to head to bed, as it already almost morning hours. Walking to the bathroom, he decides to just take a shower in the morning. He takes one last inhale of the cigarette, and puts it out in a small glass bowl with ashes from other past ones. Putting on more comfortable clothes he brushes his teeth and makes his way over to the bed.

He lifts the blanket, hoping not to wake the other boy. Climbing onto the bed, he moves close to Felix and wraps his hands around his small frame. Pulling him close, Changbin gives a silent sigh of relief having the boy in his arms.

He closes his eyes, letting his body relax on the soft mattress and slowly entering dreamland.

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