EPEX Halloween- Werewolves oneshot

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In the haunting forest toward the middle of the woods, there is a mansion that host the werewolves pack living there. Inside the mansion, a group of the pack was running around playing the game. One of them, a young man known as HyungMin Suh was chasing another young man, JaeHo Lee, through the door when another male came out of the room that he came from. A male that is showing some leadership skill aura which shows that he is the alpha of the pack and his name is DaWit Kwak.

"What is going on here?! Why is everyone running around when you all should know it is getting close to time to go out for our run and hunt," DaWit asked.

"Sorry Alpha," HyungMin apologized, "We were trying to lose some energy before going out, especially JaeHo but at the same time he took a frame from my room that I have my family before I was forced to leave them."

"JaeHo, return HyungMin's frame to him. You know better than take it from his room. This is the fifth time you took it," DaWit told JaeHo.

"Yes Alpha," JaeHo said as he return the frame to HyungMin and apologized, "Sorry, HyungMin."

"Next time just ask me if you want to play instead of taking my stuff, ok JaeHo?" HyungMin told JaeHo.

"Ok," JaeHo nodded.

The Beta known as DongHyun Keum walked in to see others. So he walked to DaWit to let him know that the rest of the pack are ready to go.

"DaWit, the pack is ready beside you, JaeHo, and HyungMin," DongHyun said.

"Thank you DongHyun. We better head out now," DaWit said.

"Yes, Alpha," DongHyun said.

The boys left the room to join others outside of the mansion. Meanwhile, a group of girls walked in the woods after getting lost and couldn't find the trail.

"How in the world did we get lost here?!" JeongSuk Lee exclaimed.

"You told us to go right and somehow we lost the trail, JeongSuk," Bai Sun pointed it out.

"Well I'm sorry but I didn't know that we would lose the trail," JeongSuk said.

"Ladies, calm down," Yunae Yu told her friends, "Did any of you check your service on your phones?"

"I did and there is no service," Alix Li replied.

"Dammit! Guess we are really lost in the wood, JeongSuk said.

The girls agreed with her. They continue walking until they stop when hearing the howling sound.

"W-what was that?!" Alix asked.

"I-I don't know and I don't want to stick around to find out," Bai said.

The girls nodded in fear and quickly ran from where they were standing. As soon the girls left the area that they were in, the wolves ran into the same area and sniff when the wolves picked up some scents. The alpha wolf knew that there is humans nearby and told his members to follow the scent but don't attack nor make any howling sound otherwise the human will run from them. The members of the pack nodded and followed the scent.

"Why are humans here? Many of them know better than coming to the forest," DaWit thought.

As the wolves follow the scent, the girls were getting tired of running so they found a tree to climb up to get to higher ground so girls don't get attacked by the animal. One by one, the girls got to the higher ground by sitting on the branch and keeping an eye out for any animal.

"I-I hope it would pass us," Yunae murmured.

"S-Same," the girls agreed.

Alix looked down to see the wolves come out of the bushes and sniff around for the scent that lead to the tree.

"G-Guys, it's the wolves. They are looking for us," Alix told her friends.

"What?!" the girls exclaimed.

Yunae, JeongSuk, and Bai looked down to see the wolves surrounding the tree. Yunae squeaks softly after realizing how far from height she is. JeongSuk glanced at Yunae as she knew that Yunae doesn't like being that high.

"So how are we gonna do?" Bai asked.

"I-I guess stay here until the wolves are gone?" Yunae replied.

"We can't stay here all night," Alix pointed.

"I know but we don't have any choice," JeongSuk said.

Before any of the girls could talk more or make plans on how to keep out of the wolves' target, Yunae felt herself slipping off the tree branch.

"Guys, I'm slipping," Yunae told her friends.

The girls quickly turn to see their friend slipping and tried to catch her but none of them grabs Yunae's hand. Yunae fell from the tree and hit the ground as the wolves see her and surround her. Yunae groaned in pain when she felt her wrist broken.

"Shoot..." Yunae mumbled.

One of the wolves sniffed and slowly walks toward Yunae to smell the scent again. It realized that the scent is his mate and growls softly telling his pack that she is off-limits. The wolves back up to let their leader handle Yunae. The alpha wolf transforms back to the human form. The girls were shocked that the wolf became human.

"You went from wolf to human. How does that possible?" Yunae asked.

"It's the curse that my pack and I have had since we became friends," DaWit told his mate not revealing the full truth.

The girls gasped softly when they heard that DaWit and his friends were cursed. The wolves changed into the boys.

"I'm DaWit and these are my friends, HyungMin, MinWoo, HyunWoo, YeJun, YeWang, JaeHo, and my Beta, DongHyun," DaWit introduced himself and his pack.

"We're not going hurt you, girls," DongHyun said.

"How are we going to believe you?" Bai asked.

"Because we never harm anyone except those who hunted us or hurt us," MinWoo replied.

Alix was thinking about the names and where she heard them. Alix recalled some news about one certain band that she came to cross a while back. Alix looks at the boys and realized who they are.

"No way! You're EPEX," Alix exclaimed.

The boys sighed when they realized that Alix had figured out who they are. Bai, Yunae, and JeongSuk looked at EPEX in shock.

"Wish, Keum, MU, A-Min, Baekseung, Ayden, Yewang, and Jeff," the girls said using the boys' stage names.

"Alpha, we can't hide this from those girls. They already knew about us too much and we can't let anyone know about our curse," YeWang said.

"I agree. Let's take the girls back to our place," DaWit said.

"Wait a minute! We're not going tell anyone about you guys, right girls?" Yunae asked.

"Right!" Bai, Alix, and JeongSuk agreed.

"This is for our safety. Until then, we can't trust you four unless we know that you won't tell anyone about us," DongHyun said.

"I see. So something had happened to you all that lead you to not trust anyone about your curse?" Alix asked.

"Correct," HyunWoo said.

The girls looked at each other and nodded so the girls that were in the tree climbed down. Yunae got up from the floor as she watched her friends getting down. The boys were watching as three of them were actually staring at each girl since they can feel the pull toward the girl.

"So what is your name? Since we already told you about us," MinWoo asked.

"I'm Bai Sun," Bai said.

"Yunae Yu," Yunae said softly.

"Name Alix Li," Alix said.

"JeongSuk Lee," JeongSuk said.

"By any chance are you related to Geonu Lee from Just B?" JaeHo asked.

"Yeah, he's my brother," JeongSuk replied.

"It does explain the eyes that you and your brother have," HyungMin said.

The girls and EPEX members decided to head to a mansion to get out of the woods. While walking to the mansion, everyone was getting to know each other in case the girls end up staying with EPEX. When they arrived at the mansion, the girls were awed seeing how big the mansion is. EPEX members were smiling seeing the girls look awed.

"Welcome to our home, ladies," YeWang said.

The girls looked around to see how big the place is. DaWit walked to Yunae and put his hand out to her.

"Would you like to take a walk with me? There is something I need to tell you," DaWit asked Yunae.

"Sure," Yunae replied.

DaWit and Yunae walked away from everyone after DaWit told his friends not to mess with the girls and keep them safe. As they were walking to the top floor that has the balcony. DaWit opens the door to let Yunae walkthrough. Yunae saw the view of the woods.

"This view is so beautiful," Yunae murmured.

"They are. This is one of my favorite spots," DaWit told Yunae.

Yunae looked at DaWit as she remember something weird about how DaWit told his friends not to harm her.

"There is something bugging me. How did you keep your friends from harming me?" Yunae asked.

"It's... well..." DaWit sighed softly, "Remember when I say about my friends and I's curse?"

"Yeah," Yunae replied.

"There is more than just being a werewolf. We have the traits of wolf-like being in the pack, for example, I am the alpha of my pack also I can sense who is my mate," DaWit explained.

"Mate? Kinda like first in love?" Yunae asked.

"Yes," DaWit nodded.

"So how do you know if you have a mate?" Yunae asked.

"Yes. in fact I actually found my mate and she is right in front of me," DaWit said as he looks at Yunae.

"M-Me?" Yunae asked in surprise.

"Mhm. How do you think I told my pack not to harm you and your friends?" DaWit said.

"That does explain there," Yunae said.

DaWit nodded and took Yunae's hand. They both looked out at the view to watch nature. DaWit knew that he need to ask Yunae if she would become his girlfriend later mate.

"Yunae, would you like to become my girlfriend and after getting to know each other more and become my mate?" DaWit asked.

Yunae looked surprised after all she did have a crush on him after listening to the band. Yunae looked at DaWit and put her hand on his cheek.

"I would love to become your girlfriend later your mate, DaWit," Yunae replied.

DaWit smiled and kiss Yunae's hand. Yunae blushed softly but smiled then she worried about how her friends are going to react to this one knowing that Yunae did have a crush on DaWit. Meanwhile back with EPEX members and the girls, the girls were nervous about Yunae as the boys can see that the girls were nervous.

"Don't worry, DaWit won't harm your friend," YeWang said.

"How would you know that? He could have turned Yunae into a werewolf like you guys," Alix asked.

"We have one rule, never turn anyone into a werewolf unless they earn it. It's only when they are getting on our nerves or annoying us," DongHyun replied.

"So in other words, someone will cross you," Bai asked.

"Mhm," YeJun said as he was staring at Bai and quickly looked away.

Bai noticed that YeJun have been looking at her and wondered if she is his mate. Before any more conversation could continue, they heard a loud crash coming from upstairs causing everyone to run to the sound of the crash. When they got there, they sees DaWit holding Yunae whose head was cut by the glass.

"What happened?" MinWoo asked.

"We were talking and were getting ready to come back in when Yunae fell and hits her head on the glass coffee table," DaWit answered.

YeWang walked to Yunae and check her head to see it was bleeding a little so he pulled the first aid kit out and grabs the bandage to fix Yunae's head. Bai, Alix, and JeongSuk looked worried.

"Will she be ok?" JeongSuk asked.

"Yes as long she doesn't do any activities," YeWang replied.

"Alright," DaWit said before standing up to pick Yunae up, "I'm going take her to the room so she can rest."

DaWit left to go to his room with Yunae. DongHyun looked at the girls.

"You are more welcome to choose any room," DongHyun told the girls.

The girls nodded and went to find the room where they can stay together as they don't trust EPEX members turning them into werewolves. When the girls found the room with extra beds, they walked in and locked the door before sitting on each bed.

"Should we trust EPEX since they told us the truth about them?" JeongSuk asked.

"Well YeWang helped Yunae with injuries and others helped us to have some shelter," Bai said.

"They could've killed us if DaWit didn't stop them after Yunae fell," Alix pointed out.

"Yeah. Do you think that DaWit has some kind of mate sense on Yunae?" JeongSuk asked while thinking about what happened at the tree.

"It could be but we all know that Yunae likes DaWit as her bia but crush or mate. Only they can tell us," Alix replied.

JeongSuk and Bai nodded so the girls decided to get some rest. The next day, YeJun walked to the room where the girls are staying and knocked on the door. The girls looked up to hear it and wonder which EPEX member is knocking.

"Who is it?" JeongSuk asked.

"YeJun," YeJun replied.

Bai blushed softly and gets up to walk to the door to unlock it and open it to see YeJun standing there. YeJun gasped softly when the smell of the scent hits his nose.

"U-Um are you girls ready for some breakfast?" YeJun asked.

"W-We're ready," Bai stuttered.

The girls walked out of the room to follow YeJun to the dining hall. When arriving there, the girls took the seat next to each other opposite the boys. YeJun was staring at Bai as he couldn't look away. Bai eats her breakfast and glanced up to see that YeJun was staring at her.

"Why are you looking at me? Aren't you still hungry?" Bai asked.

"S-sorry," YeJun stuttered as he went to eat his breakfast.

JeongSuk and Alix glanced at each other knowing that YeJun likes Bai since Bai already likes YeJun. JeongSuk and Alix finished their breakfast and gets up as JaeHo came in.

"Do you girls want to have the tour?" JaeHo asked.

"Yes please," JeongSuk replied.

Alix looked at JeongSuk in confusion.

"JeongSuk?" Alix asked.

"I have a feeling that there is more about EPEX members than what they have told us. I mean face it, Yunae was with her crush same thing with Bai," JeongSuk whispered.

"It does make sense. You think we would have our crushes?" Alix whispered.

"We'll see," JeongSuk whispered.

As JeongSuk and Alix follow JaeHo, Bai and YeJun eating their breakfast. YeJun scoots over to Bai to smell more of her scent. Bai didn't notice until she is finished eating her breakfast. Then Bai looks up to see YeJun get so close to her causing her to blush softly.

"U-Um, what are you doing?" Bai asked softly.

"Smelling your scent," YeJun replied while smelling Bai's scent.

"My scent?" Bai asked in confusion.

"Yes. The scent of the mate," YeJun said.

"How does it work?" Bai asked.

"Finding the mate?" YeJun asked.

Bai nodded as she looked at YeJun.

"To find the mate, we only need the scent of the mate and the instincts of knowing who but we don't know if they are there or not. So for example, last night when your friend fell off the tree, Alpha picked up the scent of his mate and knew that your friend is the right one for him. I bet he was asking her to be his girlfriend and later his mate/wife," YeJun explained.

"Is that what you are going through the same thing?" Bai asked.

"Yes. I believe you might be my mate," YeJun said.

Bai blushed as she looked away. YeJun was a little nervous about being rejected by Bai. Bai turns to kiss on YeJun's cheek.

"I do like you ever since you and your friends' debut," Bai confessed.

"You do?" YeJun surprised.

"Yeah," Bai nodded.

YeJun smiled and took Bai's hand into his hand. YeJun lay his head on Bai's shoulder while smelling the scent of Bai.

"You smell so good, Bai," YeJun commented.

"T-thank you," Bai blushed.

Meanwhile, with JeongSuk and Alix, the girls were following JaeHo who is happily chatting with them. JeongSuk and Alix feel that they do enjoy in JaeHo's company. When HyungMin walked out of his room, he ran into JeongSuk and knocked both of them down to the floor. Alix and JaeHo blinks seeing what happened.

"Are you two ok?" JaeHo asked.

"Yeah," JeongSuk and HyungMin replied at the same time as they stared at each other.

Neither JeongSuk nor HyungMin stopped staring, JaeHo decided to break them up.

"OI! Stop staring at each other or I will call Geonu about his sister got a lover," JaeHo said.

JeongSuk broke away to glare at JaeHo.

"Don't you dare call my brother! I don't need him teasing me about this," JeongSuk growled.

JaeHo gulped as he steps back feeling not wanting to get on JeongSuk's wrong side also it felt like she has a higher rank than him.

"Sorry!" JaeHo said.

Alix drags JaeHo away from JeongSuk and HyungMin. HyungMin gets up and put his hand out to JeongSuk. JeongSuk took his hand as HyungMin pulls her up. JeongSuk got up.

"Sorry for running into you and I'm sorry about JaeHo. He always likes to tease us," HyungMin apologized.

"I can tell. He is lucky that I'm not going to yell at him for telling this to my brother," JeongSuk said.

"Mhm," HyungMin nodded and smiled softly, "I want to ask you something."

"What is it?" JeongSuk asked.

"Do you have anyone you like or dating anyone?" HyungMin asked.

"No, unfortunately, my brother scared many boys away from me and won't let any boy come close to me unless he knew someone that he can trust," JeongSuk replied.

"I see..." HyungMin said as he felt sad not wanting to be away from JeongSuk since her scent is driving him crazy.

"If there is a way, it would be dating in secret until my brother accepts my choice," JeongSuk said.

"JeongSuk, um... can we get to know each other?" HyungMin asked.

JeongSuk looked at HyungMin and nodded as she figure it have to do with finding a mate.

"Sure as long as you don't tell my brother about this," JeongSuk said.

"Agree," HyungMim agreed.

HyungMin took JeongSuk to his room to get to know more about JeongSuk. As they got to know each other, Alix managed to ditch JaeHo and walk around by herself. DongHyun came out of the studio room when he saw Alix.

"Alix, where are your friends?" DongHyun asked.

"Bai is with YeJun and JeongSuk is with HyungMin. I ditched JaeHo a little bit ago wanting to go exploring on my own," Alix replied.

"You ditched JaeHo?" DongHyun asked in surprise.

"Yes," Alix nodded.

"You are lucky to ditch him as no one is able to do that for the first time," DongHyun said.

"I see," Alix said.

"Mhm," DongHyun said.

So they continued talking until DongHyun brought up asking Alix to see if she want to stay until she is ready to go back out in the public. Alix looked surprised at the question.

"I do but someone will find out that we haven't returned home sooner or later," Alix said.

"I know. I am sure DaWit might give you girls the opportunity to return home to keep your public face to other people before you all end up missing," DongHyun said.

"I agree especially JeongSuk's brother would call the cops if he didn't hear anything from his sister," Alix agreed.

DongHyun looked at Alix.

"Did anyone tell you about the mate that each of us has to find?" DongHyun asked Alix.

"Yes," Alix replied.

DongHyun took Alix's hand and kiss it.

"Because... I think I found my mate and she is right in front of me," DongHyun murmured.

Alix blushed and stared at DongHyun when heard it. DongHyun smiled softly.

"I am telling the truth," DongHyun said softly.

"I know and there is something I want to tell you. I like you, Keum," Alix said using DongHyun's stage name.

DongHyun smiled as he howls in happily causing every EPEX member to hear him. Later, the girls and EPEX members were sitting in the living room deciding to head out to show their faces in public so people can stop worrying about them. Both girls and EPEX members were one big happy family as it doesn't matter whose mate you belong to as long you don't reject them. EPEX members are no longer lone werewolves as four members have found their mates while the other four were looking for their mates.

Bai Sun and Alix Li belong to maknaestars while JeongSuk Lee and Yunae Yu belong to me

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