Hwanwoong's birthday cake

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Taehee woke up in the morning and check her phone to see what time it was but the notification is blocking her time. She was about to clear it when she saw Hwanwoong’s name.

“What the? Hwanwoong’s birthday…” Taehee mumbled half asleep before woke up fully when realized whose birthday it is, “Oh crap!”

Taehee got up and put old clothes on as she was planning to bake some cake for Hwanwoong. She checks her phone again to see what time is it to find out if Hwanwoong is awake or he is out with ONEUS for practicing. Taehee usually keeps track of ONEUS’s schedule in case, she would look for them during the day when she is not at the RWB building. She found that Hwanwoong is with ONEUS for practicing and won’t be back later.

“Good,” Taehee mumbled.

Taehee walked out of the room and heading to the kitchen. She was holding her phone and pull one of many ONEUS’s songs, “Come Back Home”, to play it. Taehee hums softly as she entered the kitchen and went to gather the supplies to make the cake. She set them on the table and went to get the bowl and mixer out before going to turn the oven on after checking inside the oven to make sure nothing is left behind. Then she went to start mixing the ingredients by putting everything that the recipe asks for. She hums as another song, “Airplane”, came on.

‘I really hope he would like the cake that I made, or I would be very sad,’ Taehee thought.

Once the bowl of the mixing cake is done, she put it into the pan and put the pan into the oven to let it bake for about 30 minutes. Taehee checked on her phone to see any news but nothing popped up but sees the message from Seoho.

‘Taehee, we will come in about an hour from now but ONEWE will distract Hwanwoong for us to get ready for the surprised party,’ Seoho texted.

‘Ok. I am baking the cake right now. It’s should be done in about 30 minutes,’ Taehee texted back.

‘Ok-Wait! You were making a cake?! We were going to get it,’ Seoho texted.

Taehee smirked and shook her head as the boys forgot that Taehee already did plan that a few days back when she was talking with ONEUS without Hwanwoong being there about the party and the cake was one of the topics that were brought up.

‘Did you forget that I was planning to make a cake for Woongie?’ Taehee asked.

‘I guess we did forgot it,’ Seoho texted.

Taehee laughed as she knew that the boys would imagine her laughing at them for being forgetful. Taehee checked on the timer to see how much time was left before checking on the cake. She could tell it is not done yet after the timer went off so she adds another 10 minutes to it. She kept her eyes on the cake to make sure it doesn’t get burnt. Once the cake is done, Taehee took the cake out of the oven and put it on the stove to let it cool.

“Let’s see… The cake is done baking but needs to be cool down. Hopefully, it would be cool down by the time the boys are back which means I need to keep eye on the boys before they eat the cake,” Taehee mumbled.

While waiting for the cake to be cool down, Taehee went to the bedroom to get the gift out of the hidden place that she has to hide from Hwanwoong. Taehee got the gift out and went back to the kitchen as she heard the boys were talking but didn’t hear Hwanwoong with them which means he is with ONEWE right now.

“Hey, did you smell something good?” Youngjo asked.

“It’s the cake, guys, and no you are not getting it until Hwanwoong has his first,” Taehee said, walking into the living room.

Dongju sees Taehee and smiled softly. Taehee sees others except Dongju see her.

“So that’s what the smell was,” Youngjo said.

“Yep,” Taehee said.

ONEUS jumped as they weren’t expecting Taehee appears behind them like that.

“Ok, boys. Let’s get the party ready before Hwanwoong gets suspicious about us,” Taehee said.

ONEUS nodded and went to get the decoration to set up. About 3 hours later, everyone is hiding as Hwanwoong came in. Hwanwoong couldn’t see anything in the dark.

“What’s going on? Why are the lights not on?” Hwanwoong murmured as he went to turn it on.

Once he turns it on, everyone appears from their hiding place.


“Gah!” Hwanwoong surprised.

“Happy birthday, love,” Taehee said as she walked to Hwanwoong and kissed on his lips.

“Thank you, princess. Thanks, guys,” Hwanwoong said.

Keonhee brought the cake out and carried it over to Hwanwoong. Hwanwoong looked surprised about the cake as it is different from usual. Taehee smiled as everyone sings “Happy birthday” to Hwanwoong before Hwanwoong blows the candles out. Then Hwanwoong cut the cake into the slices before putting one on the plate. Keonhee took the cake back to the kitchen as Hwanwoong walked over to Taehee as took a bite of the cake.

“You make this?” Hwanwoong asked.

“Yeah. I did,” Taehee replied.

“This is really good, princess,” Hwanwoong said.

“Thanks, love,” Taehee said.

“Welcome,” Hwanwoong said before putting a piece of cake into Taehee’s mouth.

Taehee blinked as she didn’t expect him to do that to her. But she doesn’t care as long Hwanwoong is happy on his birthday, so she chews the bite. Hwanwoong chuckled softly. ONEUS saw the scene between the two of them and cheers. Hwanwoong and Taehee blushed when their friends were cheering for them.

“G-guys stop it! He just wants to give me a bite of the cake. That’s all,” Taehee said.

ONEUS smirked and teased Hwanwoong and Taehee cause them to blushed more than before. So Hwanwoong and Taehee ran to their room and locked it behind them.

“Why do they always have to tease us?!” Taehee complained.

“Yeah. We should tease them with their girlfriends to pay back for teasing us,” Hwanwoong agreed.

“Hwanwoong, that’s a great idea!” Taehee said before kiss on Hwanwoong’s lips.

“Thanks, princess, but first I want to cuddle with you in my arms like now,” Hwanwoong said as he pulled Taehee closed to him.

“Alright,” Taehee smiled.

Hwanwoong and Taehee went to the little love couch that they put in their room and sits down. Hwanwoong pulls Tahee closer to him and cuddles her. Taehee put her head on his chest.

“Best birthday ever,” Hwanwoong said.

Taehee smiled not saying a word but just cuddling with him.

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