Bonus Segment: Ralsei...?

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Kris slouched his back and walked down the sidewalk. Air pods firmly in his ear while listening to "Silver Linings", a very monotone song/rap. Something felt different about today like something new was going to happen! But that was just the feeling he got every day after the apocalypse, so it probably was nothing.

"Livin' in a dream, with you and me. Listenin' to music, and livin' so free." Kris sang out with the beat. "The rains fallin' down on us, but we ain't cryin'. We'll be out here, making our own silver linings- Ow!"

Kris accidentally bumped into another person, but they just kept going without saying sorry or even looking over their shoulder. Unknowingly, they dropped a cigarette packet.

"Hey, sir? I think you forgot thi--" Kris stopped when he noticed the black fur. For some reason, the monster looked very familiar.

"You can keep it," he grunted. The sounded just like him. It couldn't be possible, he saw him die! But he wasn't just going to ignore it, he needed to be sure that it was him or not.

"Ralsei? Is that you?" Kris asked. The monster didn't respond for a few seconds, before finally turning around. Somehow, standing in front of him was a goth version of Ralsei. A puff of black fur covered his right eye, whilst the other glowed a bright green; his shirt and pants exactly matched those of Susie's.

Ralsei walked up to Kris and put him in a neck lock,  making it so he couldn't get out.

"How the f**k do you know my name?"

"Cause I had a friend was just like you! Apart from being a depressed, anger-issued, emo."

Ralsei forced his arm around Kris's neck tighter, glaring down upon him and growling.

"Excuse me? What the f**k did you say to me?"

"Ralsei, you better let go of me right now. I'm not even joking, I will hit you and you WILL scream." Kris threatened.

"I could snap your neck right now...and don't think I won't. You can't do anything, you're a weak moron who's completely useless!" Ralsei snapped. He tightened the necklock to the point where Kris could barely breathe. "Look at your tiny a** little arms! You can't do anything right! Can't even lift up a single--"

Kris kicked him hard in the crotch, and when he was free he then proceeded to punch him in the face. Ralsei didn't look too affected physically, but he certainly looked angry and emotionally hurt. He got up and turned to Kris; slowly, he reached his arm out.


He curled his other hand into a fist and took a step forward to Kris. They both stared at each other with menacing glares. One of them would crack, it was just a moment of when.





"Alright, your point." He reached his hand out for Kris to shake, which Kris gladly accepted. Both finally looked away and stepped back from each other, taking in the surrounding scenery.

"Where'd you even come from? How do you even jump from one universe to another?"

"I really have no idea, I just woke up here a week ago. I've been sleeping in this broken down apartment."

The other Ralsei lit up another cigarette, placing it between his lips then blowing out smoke into the air. 

"Say, you wanna go hang out sometime?" he asked. Kris didn't have any plans for the week, mainly just to hang out inside and watch TV.

"Sure, how about tomorrow at my house? It's just down the street here, 29012."

"Mk, but you better have drinks." Ralsei stuffed his cigarette pack in his pocket and glanced down at Kris. "You got any bottles of beer in your house?"

"I mean, I do but I'm not a big drinker..."

"Great, I'll take anything as long as it has alcohol in it!" Both of them started walking away, giving eachother a nod and then they were off, parting ways until tomorrow. Kris had to say, there was something special about him that he just couldn't put his finger on.

 But he knew that they'd be the best of friends.

A/N: Sorry if the chapter isn't up to standards with the rest, I had to hurry since Piano class was coming up. I know, I know, there ain't no excuse for a bad chapter. Just wanted one out today tho xd

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