Chapter 16: Changes will be made!

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Principle Jevil was sitting at his desk, smiling at something on his phone. On it displayed a video of a man getting eaten alive by zombies. Each time the video stopped, he would play it again. Again and again and again.
Around his office we're multiple different items and objects. The walls were grey, with some portraits of staff along the walls. None of them had his face on them,except one. All the teachers around him weren't smiling, but he was. Freakishly, might one add.
On his desk were even more items. Candy wrappers were littered across the desk and floor, some with tiny scraps of food still inside. There was a picture of a circus tent, with him with a full face of makeup next to a group of clowns. He looked to be really happy.
Also on his desk were some papers. Most of them being papers from friends, that said stuff like "I missed you!" and "I missed the good old times when we all hung out!" and "How are you holding up since the incident?"
There was a small tiny picture of Jevil, smiling with all his gold teeth, holding hands with a pretty blonde woman. Both were wearing casual clothes, the woman wore an orange polo and dark blue jeans. The picture inside was shattered, it seemed like it had been taped back together.
There was also one paper that was far near the end of the desk, next to a stack of folders. Which read:
      "We're sorry to announce that the famous 'Monster Circus' is closing due to financial problems and because of an incident that arose when a staff member was violently as—"
The rest seemed to be torn up.
Along the ends of his desk were diploma's framed in a simplistic wood frame. They looked almost brand new, as if he had just gotten them. Compared to everything else on his desk, at least.
Jevil set his phone back onto his desk, as he looked out through a window near the back of his room. Outside of it was a pine tree, thing was that it was on fire.
"I really don't see why I became a principle and instead an artist! Who doesn't want to see a burning Christmas tree?" Jevil laughed menacingly, and looked intensely at the supposed "art". Oh, he wished to see the whole world doused in oil and set to a flame.
"It'll happen one day. One day I'll get to see the world burn, and burn, and burn!"
      Knock knock
"Come in!"
A slim older girl entered, she had black hair and brown eyes, and was wearing the normal school uniform. She looked worried and began to sweat just being back in the presence of him.
"Principle Jevil, I don't mean to disturb you. But what exactly are you planning to do with all of us? And this school? We're all worried! We have limited supplies and we need a plan!"
"I do have a plan! We are following it right now!"
"Which is?"
"Keep the doors locked, until help arrives! I've told you, the army will come to save us!"
The girl frowned at the statement, stomping her foot onto the ground in disapproval.
"Sir, help hasn't come for two days. They said they were coming but never did!"
"They will come! There's no way that an army could be taken out by slow moving, brainless, idiots," Jevil sat back in his seat, twirling around to the window. "In the meantime, we keep the doors closed! I'll do whatever I want to do—"
"Well, what are you going to do?"
"Sit, sip tea, and ration out our food. I'll make the orders and you'll follow them!"
      "A true leader would let his subjects make their own choices,"
     "A true leader is one that makes tough calls for the better," Jevil corrected, twirling back to the girl. "Anyway, how is our injured rebel doing?"
     "I'm not your maid, I don't know how he's doing," the girl scoffed. Jevil looked up at her, his face all grim.
    "You dare disrespect me? The one who's giving you food to eat, water to drink, and shelter?"
     "I'd be better off outside then here!"
    Jevil pointed to the door, his face scrunching up in disbelief.
     "Get out of my office,"
     The girl did as instructed, not even hesitating to get out. Couldn't they see he was trying to protect them? He only shot Asgore to prove his dominance. Now people only wanted to leave, which was not part of the plan. He was supposed to be a ruler, be a strict and cunning ruler.
    "That's half less food for Carley," Jevil muttered, writing the note on a clipboard on his desk.
    It didn't matter though, they'd never leave. They haven't even seen those things outside, they never seen them! What rubbish on how they say they'll be better off outside! HE'S seen them, HE knows what's on the other side of the door. Sure they may be slow, but their numbers are huge. They think they know from the games, all the things they watch. Real life is nothing like the virtual world they see, they might know what to do but they can't execute it. He knows, though.
   He was driving to the school when he saw them, teeth decaying and skin peeling off. He'd seen them biting into people's limbs, the screams. He saw it. They hadn't. It was glorious, but still frightening. Just the awe that could be struck upon someone looking at their numbers.
   Once he got to the school, he opened the doors and ran inside. Surprisingly, he wasn't the only one who thought of coming here. Students and teachers from the school ran down the pathways here, he had let in as many that had come, which meant 30 kids, 8 teachers, and 4 adults. He didn't let anymore come in, because of those monsters. He didn't want to get bitten. So he shut the doors.
   He remembered when the zombie hoard came to the school at the same moment Asgore came in. He shut the doors before they even got a chance of looking at them. The zombies outside banged on the doors, the kids were screaming and afraid. It was surreal almost, if that was the word to describe it.
   He remembered how Asgore came to "save the day" by barricading the windows and doors, and how everyone thanked him, but not Jevil. No one thanked him for letting them here to begin with, no one payed attention to him.
   He remembered the shot, just seeing Asgore scream in pain was glorious. It was a blessing that he even helped him to the nurse's office and healed him. He never seen someone scream so loud, but he loved it. He loved every scream and every moment Asgore came closer to death. Locking him in there was the only right way for Asgore to pay back Jevil. By staying trapped in that dark, lonely, room.
   Kids never understand, they never understood how to survive in dire times. They never understood respect. They will understand, though, he'd make them understand. But he knew that the people weren't afraid anymore. He couldn't just sit in his office anymore, it was time to be the ruler he'd dreamt of being. If he was going to be the ruler of everyone here, he needed to be tougher. Stricter. More than he ever was before.
   Jevil stood up, walking down the dark hallways, the fluorescent bulbs no longer lighting up. He turned a left, reaching the cafeteria door, shoving it wide open.
   "STUDENTS! TEACHERS!" Jevil shouted. They all turned to him, fear no longer in their eyes, just determination to get out of this hell.
   "We are going to need to make serious adjustments to our protocol! Surprisingly, a lot of you want to leave!" Jevil barked, a smile forming on his face.
   The students looked at each other, wondering who told him that they wanted to go, his next sentence would be that answer.
   "Carley told me all about how you'd be better outside then in!" Jevil announced, jumping onto one of the tables. "Well that is rubbish! You don't know what's outside! You think you do, because of your silly tv shows and movies!"
   "Guess what? Those things aren't like what you've seen on tv! You might think you've got this! But just you wait, once you step out there those monsters will tear your organs apart and chew on them like it's the best dinner they've had!" Jevil claimed, pretending as if he was a zombie and bit into someone. Everyone took a step back from the doors in fright. It was working!
   "You children are a wasted generation! Completely unaware of the world around you, always tapping and tweeting and texting with no regard!" Jevil continued, stomping his foot onto the desk. "From now on there will be changes! No more hiding and talking about me behind my back! No more easy going on you!"
   The kids didn't say it, but they were scared. They didn't want to get bit, and he was slightly right...what if they were clueless beings with no way of surviving?
    "I'm not afraid to shoot my gun at someone else! I will do it again with a heartbeat! Child or not!" Jevil threatened, shoving his gun into the air. Everyone gave a quick gasp at the sight of his gun, flashbacks to Asgore.
    "Anyone who dares even touch the doors shall be punished severely! To anyone else who talks about me in a negative light will be set in an isolation room for 24 hours! No food or water! If you even dare try opening the doors for those monsters to get in, you'll be sent for longer!"
    When they thought he couldn't anymore like a dictator, this had to happen. They all froze, turning pale at the thought of being all alone.
    "That's right! So you better not dare try doing anything bad, or else you get it! Understand?"
    Everyone nodded, feeling even more scared then before. Could that even be possible? Who knew!
    "I will be delivering out food rations now! Do not complain with what you get!" Jevil jumped back down from the table and ran to a large wooden door, opening in it and closing it behind him. Suddenly, a small metal gate, that was inside the wall, opened up next to the door, revealing an array of snacks, sweets and food on the other side. Jevil stood there, leaning forward looking at a list that was taped on a shiny metal serving station, where food would be placed for others to get.
     "Ms. Kaller!" Jevil shouted. A young senior, with long black hair and dark brown eyes stepped forward to the serving station, hands in front of her clasping onto one another. "Ah, Yes! Here is your food!"
     Jevil tossed a granola bar at her, she fumbled with it, trying not to drop it.
     "Wait, why do I only get a granola bar? I got a sandwich yesterday?"
     "Well you're a skinny human, and I'm pretty sure I saw you trying to lock pick into my office,"
     The girl's mouth dropped wide open, he was declining food to her for a mistake that was done 2 years ago?
   "Next! Mr. Coldball!"
   This time, a large freshman, blue cat, monster stepped forward. His fur looked almost prickly, and orange stripes lined him down to his long cat tail.
   Jevil put down a paper plate, with only one small chicken wing on it. Nothing else, and oddly enough, it looked
   "Sir, this looks kinda moldy," the monster noted.
   "I know,"
   "Why am I getting a moldy chicken wing?"
   "Because I saw you kissing another dude after I told you not too. I also heard you talking about me behind my back!"
   The boy stared at the principle, he never thought anyone could stoop THAT low, to give him a moldy chicken wing just because of a small incident and mistake.
    "Be grateful I'm even giving you something. I only gave this to you because you had all A+'s this semester," Jevil snapped, pushing his plate towards him. "Next! Mrs. Heldberg!"
    A slightly old woman came forward, her blonde hair tied into a small bun. She was wearing glasses and beneath them were crystal blue eyes, her skin sagged around her eyes and the wrinkles on her forehead were so noticeable that even someone on the other side of the world could see them.
    Jevil placed a full plate of mashed potatoes and gravy in front of her. Her whole face beamed, while all the children stood in shock on the amount of food she got.
   "You got this because you were strict on the kids. If beating was still allowed, you'd do it. We need people like that in this world,"
   "Thank you, Sir!" she thanked, her voice almost trembling from excitement. The girl, who had gotten the granola bar, started immediately crying. This was unfair! Why did she get a granola bar and an old woman who she hated got a full plate of food? What kind of monster could even be this cruel?
   The kids wanted to leave even more, but the words he said had stuck with them. They really didn't know how to survive. The words he said were now floating in the their brains. Were they really just a wasted generation? Talking to strangers online without thinking about the future?
"Alright, next!"

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