Chapter 24: Let's Light It Up!

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"You read furry smash or pass?" Kris asked in disbelief. Ralsei nodded with a huge smile and slight blush.

"I like reading them! All of them look cute! Don't knock until you read it!"

"Wait, but like the safe kind. Right?"

"Honest answer or lie?" Ralsei asked.

"Honest answer," Lancer piped in, eager to know.

"So, I did read Shadowgirl666's smash or pass book on Cattpad."

Everyone gasped and looked at him like he had murdered someone. He actually did murder someone...them, with that one sentence.

"What? So just because I look innocent means I can only read stories about butterflies, rainbows, and cupcakes, then?"

"YES!" Everyone shouted, still looking at him in surprise.

"Oh my god, you guys!" Ralsei groaned, facepalming himself. "You know what, it doesn't matter. It's the end of the world, and zombies are coming to eat our brains, the world is gone so it really doesn't matter!"

"Yes, it does matter!" Kris snapped. "I can't believe you did that!"

Noelle blushed brightly, she looked around at the scenery around them. It was dark now, stars twinkling in the night sky, a full moon right about their heads. The tree's swayed in the midnight wind, a nice calm feeling relaxing over them.

"Ralsei! You were supposed to be the cute little bean that everyone wanted to hug!"

"Well, it's not my fault that I got into it! Furry s** is everywhere, it's almost inescapable!" Ralsei exclaimed. Everyone gasped again, he just said a semi-swear word. What had the world come to? "At least I'm not in the Undertale fandom! Be grateful for that at least!"

"You know about the Undertale sin?"

"No," Ralsei said, clearly lying.

"OH MY GOD, RALSEI!" Kris nearly ripped his eyes out because he was so furious. He put his hand on Ralsei's shoulder. "If society ever goes back to normal, join Flamino. You can't even reference anything with the letter's po or se in it without getting banned. So it's perfect for little fluffy boys like you!"

"I'll look into it. Once we find a signal, at least."

Kris smiled and looked around at the night sky, it really was nice. Calming, quiet, no one but them walking down the streets. Perfect time for romance or a nice long stargaze session with your lover. Of course, this story wasn't meant to mushy gushy. Not by Kris's standards.

But Ralsei and Noelle shared a common goal, to get their lovers to notice them. They didn't admit it, and they didn't want to accept it, but they were in love. Ralsei's case was different though, it's been over 1,643 days and counting and Kris STILL hasn't noticed him. Ever since they encountered in the underground, he had a massive crush on him. He just never got Kris to see him the same way. He would trade anything just to let them be more, more than friends, they could be so much more than they were. They could live together, be together forever, have the best time of their lives!

Ralsei had done so much to himself just in Highschool to make it seem like he was coupled with Kris. Why couldn't he see him the same way? That's why he beat himself over and over again because he never could get enough of him.

Kris and Susie looked at the two that were stargazing, looking at each other in confusion as to what they were even doing.

"Oh my god," Lancer asked.

They all snapped back to reality to see what Lancer was going on about. They had reached the start of the city, where the fighting had taken place. Tanks were everywhere on the roads, and surrounding them...were zombie soldiers.

  "Everyone hide!" Susie hissed. They all ran together behind a large building, hiding fast enough so the soldiers couldn't see them.

  "Of course the army lost, that's what happens in every zombie movie EVER!" Lancer muttered to himself. He looked back at Susie and Noelle. "What do we do now?"

  "There's no way we're getting past them, with the risk that I have and the number of zombie soldiers out there. We can't go through them. You guys don't even have an actual good weapon!"

  "Wait, guys look over there!" Kris said. He was pointing to a large building that was near the left of the right of the road. There was a smaller building attached to another building; the smaller one had three garages side-by-side and was painted white; the bigger one was painted orange and had a huge sign that read "Dave's Firework Warehouse".

 "You guys thinking what I'm thinking?"

 "We need to be subtle about it. No loud noise and we need to go quick," Susie instructed, she grabbed onto her axe and crouched. "Let's go."


 It didn't take long for all of them to get across the road without being seen. Kris and Susie inspected around the building for an entrance while the others stood to watch to make sure they didn't get sneak attacked.

"You see anything?" Susie asked.

"Nothing so far, no window or doo-- Oh, found it!"

Kris and Susie had gone around the side and came across a back entrance. The door was blocked with what looked like a candy cane weapon. Kris looked at Susie, and Susie looked at Kris.

"Well, looks like we're going to have one hell of a party in here," Kris mumbled. He grabbed hold of the barricade, pulling it off the handle and holding it firmly in his hands. Kris noted the sharp end that was covered in blood and the top part that looked perfect for bashing in a zombie's head.

"Finally a suitable weapon for you."

"Took me some time, what about the others?"

"They'll find something in here, come on let's go!"

Kris grabbed hold of the handle and pushed the door forward. It was a dark and gloomy warehouse, no lights were on at all. They couldn't really see anything apart from the few beams of light that came from some windows around the sides and the cracks along the walls. They could almost hear the cluster of rats and cockroaches hiding amongst the dark.

"God damn, I can't see a single fu***** thing." Kris's voice echoed in the dark, the eerie tone of this unknown place really getting to Kris in particular. He grabbed his phone out and flipped up to use the flashlight. A white stream of light came from the back of the phone and onto the ground in front of them. Kris looked both ways, panning the camera with him as he moved slowly, inch-by-inch, forward.

Now that they could see better, they could make out towers of shelves, that looked 30 feet high, with crates filling them entirely; they could have probably fallen right off and killed one of them if they weren't careful. 

"Let's go get the others then we can go explore this place," Susie whispered, just in case any zombies were inside. Kris nodded as they both back up to the door and ran to get their friends.

"Guys come on! We found a way i--"

"RUN! GO GO GO!" Ralsei screamed, leading the others towards the two. It took a moment to register what had happened, but it finally did. A humongous hoard of zombie soldiers were running after them, and now they were coming at them.

"HOLY SH**!" Susie screamed as she and Kris ran back to the door.

"HOW'D THIS EVEN HAPPEN?" Kris screamed at Ralsei. Ralsei shrugged, looking back at Noelle.

"Don't look at me!"

"You're the one who brought the first!"

"Ok, so basically I'm like 'Hey, I need to sneeze' and then I sneeze. A zombie somehow heard my tiny, mousey, sneeze and ran after us and made a huge commotion. Before we knew it a whole hoard was after us!"

Kris facepalmed holding his candy can weapon in hand. Ralsei was the first to notice it, apart from Susie.

"Where'd you get the weapon?"

"Lodged into the door we went through."

"LUCKY!" Ralsei whined, looking back to see the zombies now lifelessly running at them. Their arms outstretched ready to bite into them; their legs going as quick as quicksilver; their heads swaying back and forth, as blood oozed and settled around their mouth and wounds.


They all ran through the door, Susie being the last one closing the thing and locking it. The zombies slammed right into it, screeching and trying to break their way through the steel door. 

"We gotta go quick, those zombies are going to break down the door event--"

There was a loud groan that echoed around the warehouse. 


Kris took out his phone and turned on his flashlight, shining it out in front of them. Ahead of them was a fairly big hoard of worker zombies, all dressed in hard hats and neon yellow vests or camoglouge army suits.

"Everyone find a weapon! I'm sure there's on somewhere here!"

Susie and Kris stayed in place while the others ran around to find something to kill the zombies with; turning the flashlights on their phones to guide themselves. Susie and Kris looked at each other with a smirk.



They both nodded at each other, then ran straight forward at the soldiers, as they yelled their battle cry's with delight.

Meanwhile, Martha and Lancer held onto each other as they ran around the warehouse to find some sort of weapon. They didn't go far before they found what looked to be a wrench lying on the ground.

"I'll get it!"

Martha ran forward, just about the grab it, when a zombie suddenly grabbed her arm. Martha screamed, dropping her phone, and then grabbing hold of the wrench and smashing it against the side of its head. She continued to bash it's brains out, bloody spraying all over her and her clothes. 

"Let's go!" Martha said as they both continued. 

Across from them was Noelle, who was searching along the walls for a table that might have a hammer of some sort. She came across what looked like a panel, intrigued, she opened it up. Inside was a switch and a note that read "Lights" next to it. Noelle smiled, quickly flipping the switch up. And just like that, the lights above them came back on.

Sadly, it wasn't the best thing, though. Because now everyone saw what they were dealing with, particularly Kris and Susie. In front of them wasn't just a few zombies, not a ton, but hundreds of possible thousands of zombies just in their isle alone. 

"That's a whole lot of damn zombies," Kris joked. 

"This is going to take a while unless we find a different route!"

"We need to stall for the others until they find some sort of weapon!"

Now that they could see, they turned their flashlights off and set their phones in their pockets. Lancer looked around the floor, along with the sides, and pretty much everywhere else for something that he could use. Then he found it, the thing that would change this games of zombies verses unexperienced highschoolers. 

He had found a forklift.

On the entire opposite side that everyone else was on, Ralsei was trying to find some weapon in the back of the building. He narrowly avoided a collision with a huge hoard of worker and soldier zombies and had reached a table. On the table were a couple of things, a hammer, a measuring tape, and a set of matches. Ralsei grabbed the hammer and then set the matches in his pocket. Only when it is time, he thought.

"LANCER? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Martha screamed.

"Go! I need to figure out how to use this forklift!" Lancer screamed back. Martha shook her head in disapproval and ran back with her new found weapon to Kris and Susie. Noelle was the last one to find a weapon, she couldn't find one anywhere. All she found was a bloody piece of sturdy wood.

"God damn, I can't just kill a zombie with a piece of wood..." Noelle muttered. She found another table, but all that had were some nails and another tape measure. 

"Wait...I GOT IT!" Noelle exclaimed, the idea hitting her full force. She grabbed hold of the nails, placing them into the wood, smashing them down with the tape measure. Eventually, after a lot of nail hitting, she had a nailed piece of wood. Not the best weapon, but it'd do.

They all conjoined again, each holding their weapon of choice. The amount of zombies there was just so many. There were too many to count by a long shot.

"How are we going to take out all of these zombies?"

"Guess we just gotta do it by hand," Susie answered. She held her axe with her one arm, slashing it roughly around the neck of it.

"EVERYONE! GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Lancer screamed. He was nowhere to be found, but they could obviously hear him.

"What does he mean by 'get out of the way'?" Noelle asked. Everyone shrugged, but did as instructed and backed away from the zombies until they were no longer near the huge towering shelves.

Lancer started up the forklift with the key that was already there; this forklift was now officially his. Sure, it used to belong to the dead guy who he had just killed with a crate of fireworks, but that didn't matter. He turned the forklift around so that it pointed forward at the sheld to the left of the aisle. 

"WOOOOOHOOO!" he screamed. He rammed the forklift forward, sending a huge jolt of energy into the shelf, which then sent it tumbling forward to the next. Soon enough, the shelves were just dominoes falling forward and forward until finally, it came to the one the zombies were under.

"What the hell does he think he's--" Martha started. The shelf came forward, the dead unaware of the shelf that lingered above them that came close to hitting them. Then, with a thud, the shelf landed right on top of them, crushing the zombies in an instant. All of them gasped and screamed, apart from Lancer who drove the forklift forward and parked it right in front of the group.

"Pretty cool, right?"


The door behind them had came undone, and was sent flying open. All of them gasped at what they were about to witness charge at them, and they were already off in a sprint to find the exit. They all followed one another this time, not splitting up like complete dumb horror movie characters. Ralsei looked back again, seeing the zombie soldiers running right after them.

He took out his box of matches and looked at all the shelves and firecrackers that were spread across the floor. Ralsei opened the pack and took out a match as he ran. Everyone had come to the last shelf and ran right up against it; it was the only one that wasn't knocked down. Once they reached the end, they turned a sharp left and looked for an exit. They found one that was along the wall that was perfectly camouflaged with the wall, almost as if it was hidden.

"COME ON!" Lancer shrieked. He opened the door for everyone, and of course, everyone ran through. Apart from Ralsei, who watched as the zombies were trying to get across the fallen shelves to them. 


Ralsei ran forward, lighting his match with a sickly serious face on. The zombies were halfway across to the other side; they really did look like something from World War Z, piling themselves on top of one another to get to them. Ralsei stopped at the fallen shelf and threw his match up into the air.


Ralsei ran back in a sprint to get back before the match ignited the fireworks and the whole place would blow. Lancer kept the door open, screaming at him to hurry. At this point, the match had landed right onto the ground and had caught a firecracker. The end began to sparkle as it went up and up.

"COME ON!" Lancer screamed. "MOVE YOUR LEGS, HURRY UP!"

Ralsei had reached the door, pulling Lancer with him out of the warehouse and shutting the door closed. The zombies were almost there, the first zombie just barely about to reach the other side. The sparkle went up and up, only 3 more seconds to go. 2. The first zombie reached it's arms out and just barely scraped its fingers across the cold ground. 1. The zombie pulled itself out of the shelf and only needed to move its legs befo-


The whole place lit up, setting the zombies aflame, the crates aflame, the shelves aflame, and the whole warehouse aflame. They all turned back and saw the whole place erupt into flame and explosion. That was bound to attract zombies, there was no way any zombie wouldn't see it. One measly flaming zombie head flew up and out of the top of the warehouse, becoming a projectile that was heading right for the group.

"DUCK!" Martha screamed, pulling down Lancer. They all fell to the ground, as the zombie head flew just above their heads and landed right on the ground behind them. They all watched as the head burned and burned until actual bone could be slightly seen.

"God damn, Ralsei. You just killed more zombies than any of us combined," Kris joked, looking at him. Ralsei looked up at him with a beaming smile.

"What can I say? I'm a secret killing machine!"

Kris lightly punched Ralsei's arm, and for once Ralsei didn't grimace. He felt legitimately strong and brave now. 

"Well, we might as well hurry up and get to the school now, shouldn't we?" Kris asked. They all nodded, getting up and dusting themselves off.

"But how are we going to get there fast enough? It'll take hours at this rate to get to the school!"

They all widened their eyes and looked back around to see if their speculation was true. It was, the other building wasn't aflame. Only the warehouse.

"Logic really doesn't exist in this world, huh?"

They all ran toward the garage, they had to act fast to make sure they, or the possible trucks inside, would catch flame. But something in them all felt like they were going to be alright.

Now that they would have a truck.

A/N: I know I usually don't make A/N's. But can we just appreciate the fact I wrote 3,000+ words? LIKE HONESTLY THAT IS A LOT! I don't think I've ever written a chapter as long as this :0

I know this was long, so I might have missed some mistakes. Feel free to tell me ( BUT NOT SPAM ME- ) them. Anyway, bye!

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