Chapter 29: Seperated

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   Kris and Susie lead the group towards the front of the school, making sure the be ready for any attack. 

   "Think happy thoughts, think happy happy thoughts, Ralsei!" Ralsei whispered to himself. He looked at Kris and then at Lancer.

  "What the heck is that?"

  "It's a mannequin leg!" Lancer answered with enthusiasm. It was a beige colored leg that still had an Adidas show glued onto the foot. "I figured why kill a zombie with a bat or racket when you can just bash the hell out of one with a plastic body part!" 

  "Wouldn't be the most messed up thing I've seen today."

  The group stopped in front of the stairs and took in the glory of the scenery. Christmas lights hung above the doors, red and green tinsel hung like streamers every few inches. What caught the group's eye wasn't the lights or streamers or the night sky, no, it was instead two flaming Christmas tree's on each side of the stairs.

 "Who thought putting a Christmas tree on fire was a good idea?" Noelle asked.

 "Same person who's staring at us through the window." Lancer pointed to a boarded-up window, but through the cracks, they could see someone staring at them. And they knew him, and he knew them.

 "The hell?" Susie looked closer at the eyes, but then they quickly disappeared. "How is Jevil not dead yet?"

 "Hopefully this whole scenario didn't drive him mad," Kris prayed, as he ran up the steps. "Come on!"

 The rest of the group follow him, but Lancer and Ralsei were still mesmerized by the flaming tree. 

 "Hey, guys! Now's not the time to get distracted!" Martha shouted. They both came back to reality and looked up at Martha who was waiting for them. They both ran up the stairs with Martha, and finally, they all came to the large green doors.

 "Principle Jevil? We know you're in there!" Kris shouted, knocking multiple times on the door. "We saw you staring at us like a pedophile!"

 The doors opened, and standing there was Jevil, who was now in his normal school if nothing happened.

 "More survivors? I didn't think there were any more...I swore that everyone outside had turned already!" Jevil bent down and looked at them with concern. "You aren't bitten are you?"

 "No, we're fine!" Susie answered, stepping forward in front of them. Something felt off about this place, but Jevil seemed to be nice and caring so she didn't mind.

 "Oh, thank heavens!"

 "Sir, did my dad come here? Are there any survivors?" Kris asked, lifting his head above Susie's shoulder.

 "Oh yes, they're safe and sound! We had to lock ourselves in a room just in case any got in, but your dad and many others are safe and sound!" Jevil answered. He looked sympathetic for once...maybe the apocalypse brought out the good side in him after all? 

 "Oh thank god! My dad's safe!" Kris covered his eyes and cried tears of joy. Jevil waved his arm and began walking down the hallway.

 "Come, this way!" Jevil lead the group down the dark hallways and past multiple bloody rooms.

 "We did it, guys! We finally did it! We're safe!" Ralsei exclaimed. Everyone sighed in relief as they hugged one another and laughed with pride and continued on. Jevil turned a quick right and stopped at the door to the cafeteria.

 "You're loved ones are in there!"

 Jevil opened the doors, letting everyone walk inside. For some reason, the cafeteria was completely dark, and it was pretty much impossible to see anything. They could hear stuff though, they could hear the loud groans of zombies.

 "Uh...hello?" Susie called. There was no reply, only groans from zombies. They all took out their phones and turned on their flashlights. They flashed them forward and tried to get a better look at what was there...and then they saw them. 


 They didn't even know what hit them, but something did. Without warning, Noelle suddenly onto the floor, lifeless.


 Next went Ralsei, who fell onto the ground face first, who seemed to have a large red bruise on the back of his head. They all panicked and moved their flashlights around to see who was doing it, but they couldn't because the thing was too quick. Before they knew it, Lancer fell onto the ground accompanied by another red bruise.


 Susie fell on the floor next, the force of someone punching her hard in the back of her head being the last thing she felt.  

 "MARTHA, RUN QUICK BEFORE HE GETS YOU!" Kris screamed, as he aimlessly punched into the air, hoping that he might get Jevil. Sadly he didn't and instead was the last one to fall to the ground. 

 Martha screamed, bashing her tennis racket into where she thought Jevil's head was. She heard him grimace in pain, and that's when she ran back out the cafeteria doors and into the hallways.

 "Sh**, sh**, sh**, sh**!" She whispered as her footsteps echoed in the halls. She ran as fast as she could towards the main doors, opening them up to make it seem like she ran back out into the open world. Then, she ran past the doors and took a left. She continued down this path until she got to a two-way intersection the could either take her forward or left again. 

 She took the left path and continued down, passing by many science and history classrooms, until she reached a dead end with only green locks along the walls. Martha turned a quick left and hid against the lockers. She waited and waited and prayed to god that Jevil wouldn't come here, so she wouldn't have to beat him again.

  "Please, please please please don't come here," Martha thought. She closed her eyes and kneeled down, crying. However, after a few minutes, Martha finally knew.

  She was safe.

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