Chapter 3: Start of the Apocalypse

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It was chaos. Utter chaos. People were screaming, they didn't even know how it started. They were rushed with man-eating zombies! People were hiding in their homes, trying to avoid any contact with any animal. Phone lines were pushed over from the crowd of zombies. People were getting their stomach's eaten alive by zombies. There was fire on buildings, smoke funneling out of cars. They needed help, but no one could help them. The screams were too much. The screams were too much. THEY NEEDED OUT. THEY NEEDED OUT. THE ZOMBIE'S WERE COMING FOR EVERYONE. THEY NEEDED HE-

                                                     "BRING. BRING. BRING. BRING."

Kris whacked his alarm with his right hand, which caused it to stop beeping. He yawned as he started getting ready for the day. He jumped right out of bed and headed for the bathroom. He felt a weird feeling for some reason. Like today was a special today. Like today was going to be a good day. This thought made him smile a little bit, because usually when he had this feeling he was never wrong. He slammed the door open, before grabbing his green and yellow striped toothbrush from the container in front of him. He grabbed the toothpaste and squirted out a bit of green and white toothpaste. He began brushing, looking in the mirror to see if there were any zits or pimples on his face. Once he finished brushing, he spat into the sink and washed his mouth and face. He then began walking to his room to put on his school uniform, wiping off any dust that was on his pants and shirt. He looked into his bedside table and opened up a wooden compartment inside of it. Inside was a denture case and his Air Pods, and, of course, he reached for the Air Pods. He put them into his ears, as he took out a phone from his pocket. He tried to look for something he could listen to while walking to school, but nothing seemed like a good option.

                               " cringy... too sad...too dumb. Wait...AHA! Found it!" Kris said to himself. He tapped on a song with a pretty orange cat monster as the cover. He walked down the winding stairs of his house. Once he reached the bottom step, he walked over to the front door and put on his sneakers. Before grabbing the handle of the door, and opening up the door. Outside the house was utter chaos. People were running around, and there were zombies hoarding the streets. People were smashing zombie's open with axes and guns. People were running away, and people were falling. Thing was, Kris already had his Air pods in. And when he wears his Air Pods, there isn't anything that's going to stop him.


                                                        "New Morning!"

                A man falls right off the roof of a house and onto the street

                                              "Feels different than before!"

                                                         "It's dawning!"

                                         "This thing I've been waiting for."

                                                          "I'm flying!"

                                       Kris raised his arms to shoulder level

                                        "My feet won't touch the ground!"

                                                         "I am ready."

          A man tries to shoot a zombie, but it manages to point it at the man

                                            "For turning my life around!"

               The gunshot out. The man screams and gets eaten alive

                                                        "I'm waking!"

                                                    Kris begins to skip

                                      "To spend too long playing dead!"

                                                      "I'm shaking!"

                                    "These bruises ain't outta my head."

                                                  "But I ain't lettin'."

                              A woman smashes through a car windshield.

                                           "Anybody bring me down!" 

                                                      "I am ready."

                                         "For turning my life around"

                                    "Heeeeeeeeey! It's a brand new day!"

                                             "And I'm miles away!"

                                                "I am miles away!"

                                   Kris raises both his hands into the air


                                                "I am miles away!"

                                                "I am miles away!"

                                Kris crosses his arms and looks into the sky

                                          "And it's a beautiful day!"

   Kris continued to walk down the sidewalk, disregarding the zombies

                                                       behind him.

               But meanwhile, somewhere forward from Kris, was Ralsei. 

  Who had just gotten off the bus, and was walking towards the school

                         Somehow, he was singing the same song.

                                                   "It's brighter"

                                 "And even the streets are clear!"

                                                  "I feel lighter." 

                                   "There's nothing left to fear!"

                                                 "And I'm closer."

                                  "For a new world. I have found!"

                                                   "I am ready!"

                                     "For turning my life around!"

                         Kris and Ralsei both burst out into full song.

        Kris was now approaching Ralsei. In fact, he could see him ahead

                            "Heeeeeeeeey! It's a brand new day!"

                                       "And I'm miles away!"

                                          "I am miles away!"

        Ralsei jumps up into the air eagerly. Kris raises his arms up


                                       "I am miles away!"

Kris manages to run forward, meeting Ralsei. Who smiled at him

                                       "I am miles away!"

           "Everybody is dying here and telling me how to live!"

          "But i'm not listening. I got so much more to give!"

         Kris and Ralsei begin running away from the school path. 

          And into something that looked like a cemetary

                                "I'm ready. Ready ready."

                                "I'm ready. Ready ready."

                                "I'm ready. Ready ready."

                                "I'm ready. Ready ready."

          Ralsei and Kris take different paths down the graves

                                "I'm ready. Ready ready."

                                "I'm ready. Ready ready."

                                "I'm ready. Ready ready."

                                "I'm ready. Ready ready."    

             Ralsei and Kris sing in between each other's words   



                                                "a time"


                                                 "to be"





                                                "a time"

                                               "go your"

                                                 "to be"


                                               "a. Live."


                                         "They've got"

                                             "a time"

                                            "to take"

                                             "to be"



                                         "You might"

                                           "What a"

                                          "be dead"



                                            "to be"



                                     "What a time"

                                       "Time for"

                                          "to be"




                                    "Our time"

                                 "a time to be a"


Kris jumps high up into the air, jumping onto of a grave at one point.

           Ralsei proceeds to strum an air guitar.

Both of them continue running up the path they were on.

They both meet each other at the back of the graveyard.

                                  It's a clearing 

It outlooks the city. As the paths loop and intertwine.

        They both begin dancing with each other.

            Shaking hips and snapping fingers

         "Heeeeeeeeey! It's a brand new day!"

                    "And I'm miles away!"

                       "I am miles away!"


                     "I am miles away!"

      They both grab arms and beginning spinning around.

                                "I am."

                      "Miiiiiiiles. Aaaaa"


      They both jump away from each other. 

     As well as point finger guns at each other

                 "And it's a beautiful day!"


Kris takes out his Air pods. He looks amazed as he stares at Ralsei.

                 "You know that song too?" Kris exclaims, still in shock.

                 "Yeah! It's one of my favorite songs to listen to! It always makes me happy!" Ralsei admitted.

                 "Do you know the rest of Catherine's songs?" 

                "I know her 'What a time to be alive' song. As well as her 'Broken Mirrors' song!" Ralsei replied bashfully. He held his hands as he set his arms behind his back, blushing. 

               "Oh my god. What a time to be alive is such a class-- wait. You like Broken Mirrors?"

               "I mean...kinda yeah. Why?"

               "I would have expected you to like something that wasn't as depressing as Broken Mirrors is all,"

               "Stress eats away at me sometimes. I like listening to sad songs sometimes to know that someone knows what i'm going through,"

               "Huh. The more you know, I guess," 


                "Huh?" both of them said simultaneously. They looked behind them and saw something really weird. A giant snowman, who wasn't there before, was laying on the ground face down.

               "What is that?" Kris screamed. Both of them run over to him, Ralsei put his hand on the snowman's back. Both could hear was a person or monster.

               "Hello...sir? Person? I'm a mage. I can heal you. Can you hear me? Please respond if you can hear me!" Ralsei asked. Something resonated from within the insides of the costume. It was almost like a growling.

               "Oh no! I'm not staying near that thing! That's a horror movie waiting to happen!" Kris warned. Ralsei shook his head and even slightly rolled his eyes. He looked down and got closer to the man.

               "Sir? Are you alright?" Ralsei asked once more. The man's back twitched. All of a sudden the head of the snowman jolted upwards, revealing a disgusting site. The front of the snowman costume was gone, and instead was the man's head. It was rotten, skin peeling off from his face and the teeth were decayed. Blood was layered over his mouth and his eyes were pale white.

               "OH MY LORD!" Ralsei shrieked. He jumped backwards, and fel flat on his butt. He began crab walking backwards. The snowman person began crawling towards him, snarling and trying to reach Ralsei. Kris ran to the person, kicking him in the head. The thing didn't stop...infact it began getting it up. It pushed itself with it's arms, so that it could now stand on both feet.

              "GET SOMETHING TO STOP IT!"

              "What about you?!"

              "I'LL DISTRACT IT!" 

              "NOW GO GET SOMETHING!" Ralsei ordered. Kris ran from Ralsei and the creature, and towards the graves. He tried looking for a light grave that he could pick up. He searched through rows of dead bodies and graves, until he finally came across a small grave that read 'Gerson Boom'. Kris grabbed the grave and pulled upwards, it was deep in the ground. But he finally managed to unearth it. He sprinted back to the clearing, and when he arrived he saw Ralsei and the creature were on the ground. The only thing stopping the creature eating him was his hands holding it a few inches from his body.

             "HELP ME KRIS!" Ralsei begged. Ralsei kicked the man in the stomach, and got back up. The creature did the same, however...and began walking towards Ralsei. Kris widened his eyes, and ran right at the monster.

            "HEY SNOWMAN!" Kris shouted. The zombie turned towards Kris, and with a huge swing, the creature was now on the ground, dead. Kris smashed the grave one last time onto the body, which shattered the grave. There was blood all over Ralsei, dark red blood. Ralsei was paralyzed, he couldn't move or do anything. His mouth gaped as his eyes had the look of complete torture. After a few minutes...he finally managed to find the words for what just happened. 




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