Chapter 39: Rescue

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   Kris stopped to take a break to wipe out all his tears. His soul hurt with heartache and loneliness. It felt like everyone was relying on HIM to escape, HIM to live through this.

   "God...f**king damn it!" Kris cried. He kicked the school wall as hard as he could, which didn't do much but hurt his foot. He could hear their calls from above; they were there watching him.

  Every part of his body hurt, yet he forced himself on. He wasn't just going to die without a fight. He'd make sure those zombies would pay for what they did to his friends.

  While most of them were far behind him, attacking Susie, some had just arrived at the scene. And with his newfound anger, he was ready to kill.

  "F**K! YOU!" Kris screamed through his gritted teeth. He was pissed, and he was over with this cat-and-mouse chase. It was only a few more until he was safe, anyway.

  The first was karate kicked in the head, then turned legless from a hit to the knee. The following one was simply stabbed through the chest. And this procedure continued until Kris was far enough away from the school. 

  Far enough to be safe from the zombies, and far enough away to get a full view of the school. He was in the parking lot, in front of the school, running for his life.

  He was leaving all his friends, all his memories, and all the joy that had happened during his journey. He was alone, and no one was coming for him. He was a lone survivor in this apocalyptic waste-dump.

 He ran past the cars and into the street; Kris had no clue where to go or what to do, but he knew he'd figure it out. He'd figure out how to survive in this world, for all of their sakes, even if he was all alone.

 At least, that's what he thought. Until he heard a familiar noise above his head. It sounded like a bee or a fly, but much more choppy?

 Almost as if something was cutting at the wind? Just like a helicopter. Kris looked above expecting to see nothing more than a couple of birds or something else, but he was wrong.

 High above the sky were a group of helicopters, in a V-formation, soaring valiantly to the rescue. 

 "Holy sh**!" Kris mumbled. He remembered the flare gun he took from the sport's store, and how he still hadn't used it. So without thinking twice, he grabbed it from his pocket and aimed it to the sky.

 The flare flew up into the sky, creating a beautiful neon trail behind it. Hopefully, it was enough to get their attention!

 "Come on!" Kris pleaded. While almost every other helicopter flew by, one stopped dead in the air. Kris cheered while it slowly descended to the ground towards him. 

 "OVER HERE! IM OVER HERE!" he screamed as loud as he could. The noise slightly bothered his ears, but his joy overrode the pain in his ears. He was finally safe!

 After it landed, two men in SWAT uniforms lept off and ran to him. Both wore hard helmets and black sunglasses. They helped him to the helicopter, treating his wounds.

 "Sit in the back, we'll be heading back to the base soon," one of them instructed. Kris did as he was told and sat in one of the seats, while the other two jumped back into the front seats.

 What would happen to the school, or even what would happen next, was beyond Kris. All he knew was that he was safe from this madness, for the moment.

 And with that, Kris fell fast asleep while the helicopter drifted towards the battle.

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