Chapter 40: Epilogue

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                                      "RING RING RING RING"

 The ringing of the bell broke through the silence of the halls. Everyone burst out of the classroom doors and ran to their lockers. They were all cramming the halls to try to get to the cafeteria, like the little excited children that they were. It was the end of the day, the start of Christmas, and all the children were ecstatic. They couldn't wait to go on holiday and meet their family members or go spend time with friends.

 But out of everyone who was there, there only one person who cherished the holiday for all it was worth. Kris, the once lonely person now-turned cheerful and charismatic, was once again appreciating the world for what it was. The zombie apocalypse really brought out the best in him, and while he still had some trouble controlling emotions, he was happy. 

 Kris swung his backpack behind his shoulders and tip-toed his way down the steps and onto the snowy concrete. From there, he just plugged in his Air Pods and skipped down the street without a care in the world.


 "People supporting these rallies are saying that zombies were once people and that there is no need for violence against them," the news anchor explained. She shuffled her papers nervously and stared at the camera. "Police are saying that claim is hysterical, and that they are no longer pe--"

 "Ever wonder what a phase three runner looks like? Well, WikiLeaks has got your back!" one NNC news reporter joked. "A recent leak showed a runner zombie, supposedly in its third stage. Be warned, the image we're about to show you is very disturbing. Viewer discretion is adv--"

"It looks like it's sniffing around for it!" a gameshow host narrated. A zombie crawled along a room dug out with holes, supposedly trying to find a piece of meat. "It's going to the right-- NO WAIT, the left!"

Kris turned off the tv and leaned back into his couch. Today was his choir concert, and he was the lead singer. They were supposed to sing holly jolly Christmas songs, but there was one that he really wanted to perform. For the choir, band, and orchestra students would be performing altogether just for it!

"Should probably get ready," he thought for a moment. He looked at his phone; the time displayed was 6:30, about time that he started changing.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road!"


"It is a pleasure for me to introduce one of our best singers to the stage, Kris Dreemurr!" a student announced. Everyone clapped and applauded as Kris stumbled his way to the microphone. All of the choir students were dressed in a long, red, nightgowns, while the orchestra and band members were dressed in fine tuxedos and black pants.

"I appreciate you all coming here to our concert!" Kris thanked. He closed his eyes, hoping he wouldn't cry on stage when he made his speech. "You might be wondering: 'why are the band and orchestra kids are getting on stage?'. The answer is that they're here to perform one huge song together with us! 

The next song you're about to hear is called 'What a time to be alive', a song I greatly cherished and loved to hum to myself. It's a song written by one of the best monster musicians in history, Reighn Deer. He created this song while the zombie apocalypse raged on, and when he felt there was no hope in this world...he made this song. The song is dedicated to the lost souls, those now in heaven, and to those still survived. 

 Our entire group wanted to perform this song in his memory. To commemorate all the tough souls that are still here! This is our last song, 'What a time to be alive'. Enjoy."

Kris waited at the front of the stage while two other choir students made their way to their own microphone's. 

He looked at the people in the back, controlling sound. And with a simple nod, he looked down at everyone in the crowd and prepared his singing voice.


         The Orchestra started the song off, with a soft melody.

Then came the band, which brought out the richer sound of the music.

Kris tapped his foot to the rhythm, getting ready for the accelerando

When it was time, he prepared himself to sing with the rest of the group.

                               "What. A time. To be. Alive."

                               "What a time to be aliiiiive!"

                               "What. a time. To be. Alive."

                               "What a time be aliiiiiive!"

                     "Such a merry merry time to be alive!"

            All the choir students rose their hands up to the air.

                "Bells ringing in excelsis all the angels sing!"

        They flickered their fingers about like snow was falling.

        "There's a blessing Christmas, nothing else can bring!"

All the lights flashed on Kris, and he opened his mouth to sing his solo.

                                "Forget your troubles..."

                                   "Let go your woe..."

                                "Live for today, cause':"

                    "You might be dead come tomorrow!"

  All the lights came back on, which signaled everyone to sing.

                            "What. A time. To be. Alive."

                            "What a time to be aliiiiive!"

                            "What. a time. To be. Alive."

                             "What a time be aliiiiiive!"

                  "Such a merry merry time to be alive!"

             The light's shone on the sapranos and basses.

        "Praise God for the virgin birth, let's give good cheer!"


         "He puts heaven here on earth, but once a year."

                                         "Oh my god!"

The lights shone on the orchestra, while the Choir sang in harmony.

                               "The town is glowing!"

                                  "Hearts are alight!"

                              "It won't stop snowing!"

                      "Jesus Christ, it's such a delight!"

   The lights shone on the Kris, and the other two students.

     The sopranos echoed the others with different lyrics.

                              "Forget your troubles!"

                               ("The love in the air!")

      The lights now shone on the bases as they sang.

                                 "Let go your woe!"

                          ("From the holiday and--")

             The lights shone on the rest of the Choir.

                           "Live for today, cause':"

                             "You might be dead--"

                                ("It's little treats.")

                                         "And I!"

                           All the lights turned off.

                       "What a time to be aliiiiive!"

The lights shone on the three groups, as the pitch decended.

              "Such a merry merry time to be alive!"

               To finish off the song was a soft symbol.


 The audience cheered and applauded for the song; it was one of the best they heard from them! The orchestra took the bow first, then came the band, next was the choir, and finally the conductor. But the performance was not done, and the conductor made sure to let everyone know to stay quiet.

 "Can we also give a big round of applause to our soloist's! Please take a bow!" The conductor cheered. Everyone looked at the three in front of them, cheering for them. Kris was finally at ease, finally his story could be told.

  He could feel their presence, even going as far as to almost see them. He could see Noelle clinging onto Susie, both reacting differently. Noelle clapping til' her hands turned "red", and Susie giving a big thumbs up. Lancer and Martha in the front row, throwing make-believe roses at him.

 His family in the back, recording video's and taking pictures of him. Ralsei hugging him wholeheartedly, like he always did. They were all just imaginary, but he liked to think they were real. So with a heavy heart, he took his bow and smiled. They were gone from his view, but they'd always be with him in his heart.

 Ooh. Ooh.

 All the kids behind him started to tap their feet and clap in unison.

 Ooh. Ooh.

 Some of the orchestra and band players began playing a familiar tune that started to get the audience's attention.

 Ooh. Ooh.

 Everyone sang along with all the children, stomping their feet and clapping their hands.

 Ooh. Ooh.

 Then it all went black, and all the lights turned to Kris. He remembered the day like it was yesterday, another boring day. Little did he know how correct that song would be in playing out his friends' deaths!

 He grabbed the microphone off the stand; even if this was the end for all them, he was at least still alive. He was certain that Jevil was rotting in hell for all his sins, and that his friends were frolocking up in the clouds.

 All his ghost friends stood behind him, puting their hands on his shoulders. With a final goodbye, they all sang out their final words...

 There's no such thing as a Hollywood ending.

                                                          The End

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