(6) Sad News😭

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In the Forest of Hastinapur

The Sun shone through the Trees. The whole Forest is filled with the chirping of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

Yudhishtir was meditating sitting under a tree. Today Bheem was also meditating with Yudhishtir. Arjun was doing archery, Nakul and Sahadev were cheering and clapping while Arjun hits the target.

Meanwhile inside, Kunti and Madri were preparing for morning pooja. Kunti was making food and is keeping it one by one on a plate to offer to God.

Kunti - "Madri! Can you please go outside and pluck some flowers for the pooja."

Madri - "Sure Jiji!" saying so she left.

After some time she reached. She started plucking the flowers. Pandu was meditating nearby. Hearing the sound of Madri's anklets he was distracted and opened his eyes and saw Madri who was looking heavenly beautiful. So he came near and back hugged her.

Madri became scared and pleaded - " Arya! You cannot come near me! Please think about your Curse! Aryaaa!!!


Arjun again hit the target Nakul clapped but Sahadev was silent. 

Nakul noticed this and said - " Arrey Sahadev! Why are you standing still ! Look how Bhratha Arjun easily hit the target. 

Sahadev - "Bhratha Arjun, Nakul. I think something bad is going to happen with Mata Madri and Pithashree."

Arjun and Nakul became tensed.  That time Yudhishtir and Bheem came.

Bheem - " Ha why are my brothers looking so tensed!"

Nakul explained everything.

Yudhishtir - "We need to inform Mata, Now! "

Arjun - " Yes Bhrathashree!. Let's go". saying so they started running towards the cottage.

Kunti came out of the cottage.

Kunti - "What happened putrom??"

Arjun and Yudhishtir explained the things that Sahadev said.

Kunti ( in a tensed voice ) - "Is it Sahadev??"

Sahadev nodded his head.

 Kunti - "Hey Narayan! What will happen to them?" ( and she started running calling Arya! Madri! )

After some time she heard a woman crying. Which is none other than Madri. 

Kunti - " Madri?"

Madri - "Jiji!"...she said pointing to the dead body of Pandu.

Kunti sat there with a thud. Tears started flowing from her eyes.

Pandavas reached there and saw Pandu lying on the ground and both their mothers weeping.

Nakul - "Mata what happened to Pithashree??"

Kunti - "He...He left us Nakul, He left us! she said weeping hardly.

Pandavas sat near their father and started crying. Arjun cannot control his tears and they flowed freely from his eyes.

In Dwaraka

Devaki and Rohini were playing with Little Subhadra suddenly she started crying loudly. Rohini ran and took Gudiya in her arms and kissed her forehead and started patting her back. Devaki took some toys and showed it to Subhadra but she didn't stop. They became worried and frazzled.

Rohini - "What happened to her Devaki? Why is she crying like this?"

Devaki - "I don't know Jiji. Dasi!, please tell Maharaj to come here! 

Maid - "Ji Maharani!"

The maid reached the Rajya Sabha, Krishna and Balaram were also present there.

Maid - "Maharaj ki jay ho! Maharani said she need her presence because Rajkumari Subhadra is crying without a stop"

Krishna understood everything but didn't utter a word.

Vasudev - "Today's discussion is over, You all can leave"

Saying so he left the court. Balaram and Krishna also went behind him.

They reached the room Vasudev took Rochana from Rohini's hand.

Vasudev - "Don't cry putri it hurts me" and caressed her hair.

Vasudev - "Putr Balaram, Krishna go and call Raj Vaidya and come "

Balaram and Krishna - "Ji Pithashree"

Balaram - "Kanha why is our Gudiya Crying like this??"

Kanha - "If he is crying, she will definitely feel the pain!!"

Balaram stopped and said - "Whom are you talking about Kanha! Who is that person? Tell clearly!"

Kanha - "You will know when the time comes Dau "

The Raj Vaidya came and checked the baby and said - "I cannot find any illness or injuries in her. Anyway, try to distract Rajkumari and make her smile".

After saying that the Raj Vaidya left

That time an eagle came with a Letter.

So this is the Chapter!

I know it is a Sad chapter but also Please Vote and Comment!

Hare Krishna🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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