(8) The Brave Little Girl 🏹

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It was early morning in Dwaraka. The Sun was just waking up from a deep sleep. Slowly one by one people started waking up. 

Rohini after doing pooja was walking in every room with  Aarathi thali. She entered the library but suddenly she heard a sound. She thought, who would wake up this much early and go to the library?. But decided to check who was there so she went behind a bookshelf.

There was a pile of books laying on the floor neatly organized and a beautiful girl of five was reading a huge book.

Rohini - "Oh ho so here you are! I checked you in your room but you were not there! And what are you doing here early in the morning??

( This beautiful bookworm is none other than our Little Subhadra )

Subhadra -  "Pranipat Maiya," she said with an enchanting smile.

Rohini kept the thali on a nearby table and went near Subhadra and kissed her forehead.

Rohini - "Ladli did you brush your teeth?"

Subhadra - "Yes Maiya eee "she showed her teeth

Rohini - "Did you take a bath?"

Subhadra - "Yes Maiya"

Rohini - "Did you make your bed?"

Subhadra - "Yes Maiya I woke up at 3 in the morning and did all the things"( twirling around )

Rohini - "I know my Ladli is a good girl" ( Pulling her cheeks )

Subhadra - "Maiya do you know I finished reading all the books in this bookshelf!

Rohini - "Oh Bhagwan! You finished reading this entire bookshelf!"

And took Subhadra in her arms hugged her.

Subhadra kissed Rohini Maiya's forehead and said - "I LOVE YOU MAIYA "

Rohini - "I LOVE YOU TOO DEAR " and rubbed her nose with Subhadra's nose.

"I Love Both of You!" saying so Vasudev entered

Vasudev took Gudiya in his arms and said - "What were you doing here?"

Subhadra - "I was reading a book Pithashree"

Vasudev - "You was reading! Oh you are my sweet smart girl"

Subhadra repeated Vasudev's words - " Sweet Smart Girl "

Vasudev smiled and said - "Accha Now you go and wake Mandvi and Gada"

Subhadra - "Okay Pithashree"

After Subhadra left Rohini said - "I think she is extraordinary"

Vasudev - "She is! while others are sleeping She is reading! From her birth itself auspicious things started happening. She is defiantly extraordinary and our sons too"

They smiled looking at each other


Subhadra decided to go to Gada's room first. She saw him sleeping so he decided to prank him. She took some water and poured it over Gada's face.

Gada was startled and woke up saying "It's raining! It's raining! It's raining inside the palace!"

Subhadra was laughing like a mad.

Gada - "Oh so you are the one who poured water over my face hm?" ( Acting Strict )

Subhadra made a sad face.

Gada - "You want to do what I say. That is the payback"

Subhadra became very upset and lowered her head. Gada started tickling her.

Subhadra - "Ha Ha ha ha...bha..bhaiya...ha..ha ha ha..sto...stop...it!

Gada smiled and said - "My behan your smile is the most beautiful thing. I really like how you grin from ear to ear. Don't be sad. Always smile, that is your payback."

Subhadra giggled and hugged Gada and said "Good Morning Bhrathashree" saying that she ran from there.

She then ran to Mandvi's room. Mandvi was peacefully sleeping hugging a doll. Subhadra got a plan and went near Mandvi and started tickling her with a feather.

Mandvi - "Ha ha ha Subhu...I know Ha ha that...Ha ha ha it's you ha ha " and sat on the bed. Subhadra stopped tickling.

(This is Small Mandvi 👆🏻Cousin sister of Krishna Balaram and Subhadra. Very talkative and bubbly girl, Loves Subhadra more than her life)

Mandvi - "I know that it was you Subhu and Why did you wake me up this much early"

Subhadra went near the curtain and opened it. The golden sunlight poured through the window. Mandvi covered her face with a pillow. 

Subhadra - "It's already very late Maandu. Get ready fast otherwise, if Maiya sees you like this she will definitely scold you. And don't forget today we want to go to the temple"

Mandvi - "Okay Subhu Please wait for me here I will get ready now itself" saying so she jumped from the bed to get ready.

After some time she came out beautifully dressed.

Subhadra - "You are looking very beautiful Maandu!"

Mandvi - "Thank you Subhu! But not more than you!"

Subhadra - "Okay now let's go"

Both Mandvi and Subhadra went to the temple with Vasudev. They were praying that time suddenly some people rushed there crying.

Peoples - "Maharaj Maharaj please help us!"

Vasudev - "What happened? Why are you crying?"

Person 1 - "Maharaj all our cattle are lost!"

Person 2 - "Maharaj these cattle are our only income without these we would starve without food"

Person 3 - "Without food, our family will starve. Please help us, Maharaj"

Subhadra was hearing all this very carefully.

Vasudev - "Don't worry! I will send some soldiers to find your cattle"

Subhadra - "No need for that Pithashree! I myself will go to the forests and find it!"

Mandvi - "I  am also going with my Subhu!" and then she holds the hand of Subhadra"

Vasudev - "But But how can I send my daughters to the dangerous forest!"

Subhadra - "Nothing will happen to us Pithashree. We will be very careful"

Vasudev - "Okay Dears but be careful"

Subhadra and Mandvi touched the feet of Vasudev and ran to the forest.

After they both left Vasudev asked two soldiers to follow Subhadra and Mandvi for their safety.

Devaki after hearing that both Mandvi and Subhadra left for the woods went to the spot where Vasudev was and exclaimed "Arya how can you do that!! The forest is very dangerous and they both are only five years old!"

Vasudev - "Don't worry Devaki, Let them study how to take care of each other and handle things, Further I have sent two soldiers to keep an eye on them"

That time Devaki smiled

In the Forest

Mandvi - "Subhu how will we find the cattle?"

Subhadra - "Don't worry Mandvi! I have a way".

Subhadra placed her ear on a huge rock on the ground.

Subhadra - "Maandu I can hear the movements of the cattle! This way!". she said pointing towards the east. 

The two girls are running in the deep forest suddenly Subhadra's leg tripped and was about to fall but Mandvi caught her.

Subhadra - "Thank you, Mandvi". and hugged her.

Then they started walking.

Subhadra - "Look Mandvi! the cattle are there!" she said pointing towards the cattle which are eating the green lush grasses.

Mandvi - "We found it!!" and they high fived 

Mandvi fastly went there and tried to pull the cattle by the rope but she fell to the ground. Subhadra ran to her removed the dirt which was there in her hand and made her stand.

Subhadra - "Are you Okay??"

Mandvi - "Yes I am Fit as a Fiddle" and jumped smiling 

Subhadra went near the cattle and softly said - "Please come with us, your owners are very sad without you all, please don't hurt them".

The cows nodded and started walking. Subhadra and Mandvi smiled at each other.

Mandvi - "You are a genius, Subhu!!" Subhadra grinned. And they ambled behind the cattle.

Suddenly an angry tiger jumped in front of Mandvi. She was hell scared and was trembling from head to toe.

Subhadra went in front of Mandvi to defend her. The soldiers ran there and were about to shoot an arrow but Subhadra stopped them. She started walking bravely towards the roaring tiger.

Soldiers - "Rajkumari please don't go, Rajkumarii"

Mandvi - " Subhu Subhadraa please don't go, The tiger will harm you!! Please listen to me!" she pleaded.

Subhadra - "Don't worry nothing will happen to me" and she again started walking fearlessly.

She went really close to the angry tiger and gently stroked its head. The tiger which was like a storm in a teacup changed into cool as a cucumber.

Subhadra - "Look here, please don't be this much angry. Angerness is always very harmful it always leads to trouble. And please don't hurt other animals or people, Okay!"

The tiger realized that she is not an ordinary child and bowed at the feet of Subhadra and calmly went from there.

The soldiers and Mandvi were hell shocked! They thought 'something special is there in her, then how can a 5-year-old child calm an annoyed tiger'.

Mandvi ran and hugged Subhadra tightly and said - "You have saved my life Subhadra! You are my savior"

They then reached near the temple. The peoples were in Cloud nine when they saw their cattle. 

When they reached there Mandvi proclaimed - "Tatshree today Subhadra saved my life from an angry tiger and found all the cattle!"

Peoples were very proud of their little Rajkumari and hailed - "Rajkumari Subhadra ki Jai!! Rajkumari Subhadra ki Jai!! Rajkumari Mandvi ki Jai!

Vasudev looked at her daughter proudly he was as proud as a peacock 🦚to have a daughter like this. He smiled looking at his daughter.

So my cute readers this is the Chapter!!

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Hope you Liked the new Update!

See you all in the next Chapter!


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