Part 2

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So here is a cast introduction.

Their children are not here yet I say yet so wait no hurry they may have children popping out in the story line so wait I say stress wait.

Duryodhan wife Bhanumathi

Vikarn and other all 100 something pandavas.

Karna and his first wife Vrushali.

Karna and his second wife Supriya.






Yudhishthir and his wife devika their son Prathivindhya.

Bheem and his wife Valandhara.

Arjun and his first wife Draupadi his second wife Subhadra.

Nakul and his wife karaenumathi.

Sahadev well he is still a bachelor so singleee.









Last but not the least Saughandhi or Yuvani or Nayani keep these three names in mind cause I might use them constantly.



o this is the start of part two and in this starts the story of Saughandhi and Sahadev.

Aww the ship is ready to sail are u all with me?

🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢 ship! Ship! Ship!.

So today is a double .

So here is a joke.

In surgery for a heart attack, a middle-aged woman has a vision of God by her bedside. "Will I die?" she asks.

God says, "No. You have 30 more years to live."

With 30 years to look forward to, she decides to make the best of it. So since she's in the hospital, she gets breast implants, liposuction, a tummy tuck, hair transplants, and collagen injections in her lips. She looks great! The day she's discharged, she exits the hospital with a swagger, crosses the street, and is immediately hit by an ambulance and killed. Up in heaven, she sees God. "You said I had 30 more years to live," she complains.

"That's true," says God.

"So what happened?" she asks.

God shrugs. "I didn't recognize you."

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