spending times

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Saugandhi was running through the hallways and finally came to a stop in front of a big double doors income racing heart into a deep breath is stabilized her frantic breathing.

When she was finally calm she knocked on the door and pushed open the door and entered the room.

Everyone in the room looked up.

It was filled with Dwarka family hastinapur family and indraprast family.

"You are late again" devaki said without looking up from the work she was doing knitting a Cape sitting on the sofa with vasudev father of Krishna and Balarama.

"I'm sorry I'm late maa" said Saugandhi sweetly and walked fastly to the place duryodhana and Karna was saving for her to sit in between them.

Everyone had gathered there in the common room to spend time with each other as a family as it had been a long time.

"So what are we all doing" asked Saugandhi.

"The same we are continuing the tradition telling childhood stories each other" said Revathi who was sitting next Balarama who put his hand around shoulders and pulled her close.

Everyone smiled to themselves looking at their sweet love.

Saugandhi looked at Sahadev who was chatting with his twin Nakula as if feeling her looking at him Sahadev turned to at look at her whipped her head away and started talking to Duryodhan.

Karna noticed it and smiled mentally thought of teasing her mercilessly later on.

"Ok now let's start now that everyone is here" Rohini said.

"You should start this time" asked gandhari.

"This time it is Saugandhi and Krishna's turn" Kunti tells them.

The nod their heads and get up from their seats and move to a corner and started whispering to each other and then they throw their heads back and laugh at something and again nod their heads and shaked their hands finally.

Everyone just stared at them not knowing what to do in then the both moved towards the raised Dias and it reached till their knees and they climbed up and took this seats on the two chairs which were the only chairs their.

And they again started to whisper something to each other and it looked like they were arguing and then Saugandhi stood up from her seat and cleared her throat like she was about to say something important and started to make an announcement.

"We're about to share the most important memory of ours and it's the most funniest"

I had come to visit after a long time and everyone was happy I had come there to surprise everyone and it clearly worked.

And Day and brother Krishna came to see me in my room we all started speaking it had been a long time since we saw each other.

It was great spending time together we were happy Dau had to go somewhere.

We agreed and let him go and then Bratha Krishna had a plan to prank someone so we thought up of a plan and who to prank on.

We came up with an idea finally and started to prepare everything for it and when it was all ready we set the plan in motion.

So then I went to Dau he was free by then finishing up his court paper work.

So we talked and then we went out for an dual and then we started to practice.

After sometime Bratha Krishna came to the practice arena and said "I have an task for for both of you and if anyone of you fail the loser must listen to the winner".

Dau wasn't the one to give up on challenges so he agreed quickly without an objection and he didn't finding anything suspicious.

So we asked him if he was sure and he couldn't back out after agreeing to it and it just made him agree more to it.

After we had him confirm it we continued to the second part of the plan.

Then the task was to cook the most delicious food and then present it to our family.

Dau had started to get-

"Wait" Dau interupted me he looked a little sick.

"What is wrong dau" Bratha Krishna asked innocently.

"Mhhh please don't continue" Dau asked.

"Why? " I asked teaming up with Bratha Krishna.

"Well you know" Day started and stopped mid way glancing around.

"Well what arya" Revathi questioned him.

"Mhh it's just that" He started and again stopped.

"Arya what is wrong let them continue the story" Revathi requested him.

"No we are not continueing the story" Dau said again.

"But arya" Revathi started but was cut off in mid sentence.

"No that's all no more of that story" Dau said now his face was slowly gaining colour again.

"Puthra" Devaki started.

"No maa you don't know about these two like I do " Dau stated.

"Why did you do something" Vasudev asked.

"No but" Day started to say but was cut off.

"Putr please sit you told urself no you did nothing wrong then what are you worried about" Rohini stated looking at him concerndly.

"But maatha" Dau was again cut off.

"Dau will you sit or not if not I will make you" Subhadra asked her tone sharp.

"Mhh okay I will sit down" Dau said sitting down as he did not want to face his youngest sister's wrath she may be the sweetest but you should never get on her bad side he thought shuddering.

Then he again stood up and looked the dau smiling mischieviously and told them in a warning tone "but you two better not that part understand".

" Day we don't know what you are taking about" They both said together.

"You both-" Dau started but Revathi who was sitting next to him took hold of his hand and pulled him down to sit in his seat.

He finally sat down quietly sulking like a baby in his sear abviously upset about what happened.


So guys.

Sorry not sorry for the cliff-hanger.

How was the chapter.

Hope u guys are well.

Please vote it, comment it and share it.

I hate silent readers so don't be one.

I live you guys hope you love me too.

Bu-bye guys,
By Nisarga2007

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