the meet

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-my pov, authors pov whatever-

Sahadev was walking towards his kaksh, dasis were rushing everywhere decorating the palace for tomorrows celebration reason if u ask why they just said the reason will be revealed tomorrow.

He was so lost in thoughts he did not even notice where he was going until he bumped into someone he noticed it was that girl named Saughandhi.

It was their second or third meet if u ask me.

He noticed she was about to fall and quickly held her hand so she would not fall.

She was hanging mid air lips parted in shock her face inches from kissing the floor she slowly turned her head to see sahadev holding her wrist if not for him she would have fallen into the ground.

They just stared at each other for a while.

Until her neck cramped a bit from looking back a lot.

"Can u like u know pull me back up" Saughandhi requested him.

"Sure" He said back and tightened his grip on her waist and tugged at it she jerked back and slammed into his chest.

It was really awkward her back was facing towards his front.

So she took a moment to regain her balance and moved away from him and started walking back in the direction she came from.

But at the last moment she turned back and looked him in the eye and said "Thanks".

And soon she was gone just like that.

He smiled like an idiot looking at the way she left.

He looked down and noticed a dollared pendant had fallen into the ground he remembered sseing it around her neck when she had arrived and he remembered it from somewhere else but could not remember it from where.

It was like a feather in gold but decorated fully with diamonds and it looked like it was holding a flute in the end the flute also had two small gold chain hanging it also had small diamonds in the chains end it was beautiful.

( sorry guys I am not good at describing things like this or imagine what ever u want).


Later in the day

The pndavas were discussing things in their common room when a soldier entered.

"Pranipat Panduputro, Rajkumaari Saughandhi wants to meet u all" The soldier informed them.

They looked at each other communicating through eyes finally Yudhishthir said "Let her in".

The soldier went away and they continued discussing after sometime when they heard no one come in so they looked up only too see Saughandhi already standing there admiring the room.

They were pleasantly surprised they could hear anyone but they could not even hear her come how could they have not heard her.

" Nice room" She commented.

"Thanks" They replied back together.

She looked at them finally and asked "Can I sit?".

They were shooked out of their shock and Nakul pulled up a chair for her.

" Thanks" She told them while sitting down.

"What were u all talking about" She questioned them.

"Umm nothing" They replied together.

"Mhh... Okay" She replied back.

They all were silent waiting for each other to speak.

Finally Yudhishthir decided to break the silence and asked her "You wanted to talk to us".

" Ohhh.... Mhh... Yes now I remember why I came here" She replied back a little sheepishly for forgetting it do soon.

"Yeah I came here to introduce myself to u all my brothers talk about u all a lot u know my ears are drilled" She told them.

They all smiled a little embrassed.

"Well, can I call u all brothers u know some more extra brothers can't hurt me" She asked them smiling cheeckily.

They all smiled and said "Sure" but Sahadev remained silent no one noticed this expect Saughandhi.

She smiled to herself.

"So Jyesht, What we're u all talking about" She asked again.

"Oh the security of the kingdom" Bheem replied.

"Ohhh, here let me see" Saughandhi said exitedly and she leaped out of her chair and went towards the table where a miniature modal stood she studied the model the Pandavas studied her.

"Here u must make some changes here," Saughandhi said to them.

So on they continued on for hours continuing their discussion on fir hours the pandav patnis had come in the middle sometime and theey too talked to her and in the short time it looked like they enjoyed their time with her.

Soon it was time for Saughandhi to leave as the moon was gaining over the sun which was setting in the sky.

As she was about to exit a voice stopped her "Nayana, why do u seem a little familiar to us like we have met before but we can't remember" Nakul questioned her.

"Oh we had met at my kingdom Waskyla I am the queen there I have a lot of responsibilities their but I was also in a foul mood when we had met that time so I apologize for it" She replied gently and exited room.

Suddenly memories rushed in their mind like it was blocked by something and now it was taken off.

They learnt some things when she is angry it is not good at all so it is better to remain on her good side.

And when she is calm she is like the sun blazing but calm and easy going the pandavas expected her as their sister but the youngest pandav just seemed too be lost in his day dreaming and he obviously was falling for her fast and hard.


Sorry guys a rushed update.

I am busy don't forget to vote, comment and share okay remember.

It is not much but I really did not have the time I am so sorry guys from now on I will only have time to update twice a week if I am free only then will i be able to give extra update.

Again so sorry

See ya guys soon.


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